LSST Applications  21.0.0+04719a4bac,21.0.0-1-ga51b5d4+f5e6047307,21.0.0-11-g2b59f77+a9c1acf22d,21.0.0-11-ga42c5b2+86977b0b17,21.0.0-12-gf4ce030+76814010d2,21.0.0-13-g1721dae+760e7a6536,21.0.0-13-g3a573fe+768d78a30a,21.0.0-15-g5a7caf0+f21cbc5713,21.0.0-16-g0fb55c1+b60e2d390c,21.0.0-19-g4cded4ca+71a93a33c0,21.0.0-2-g103fe59+bb20972958,21.0.0-2-g45278ab+04719a4bac,21.0.0-2-g5242d73+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-2-g7f82c8f+8babb168e8,21.0.0-2-g8f08a60+06509c8b61,21.0.0-2-g8faa9b5+616205b9df,21.0.0-2-ga326454+8babb168e8,21.0.0-2-gde069b7+5e4aea9c2f,21.0.0-2-gecfae73+1d3a86e577,21.0.0-2-gfc62afb+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-25-g1d57be3cd+e73869a214,21.0.0-3-g357aad2+ed88757d29,21.0.0-3-g4a4ce7f+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-3-g4be5c26+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-3-g65f322c+e0b24896a3,21.0.0-3-g7d9da8d+616205b9df,21.0.0-3-ge02ed75+a9c1acf22d,21.0.0-4-g591bb35+a9c1acf22d,21.0.0-4-g65b4814+b60e2d390c,21.0.0-4-gccdca77+0de219a2bc,21.0.0-4-ge8a399c+6c55c39e83,21.0.0-5-gd00fb1e+05fce91b99,21.0.0-6-gc675373+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-64-g1122c245+4fb2b8f86e,21.0.0-7-g04766d7+cd19d05db2,21.0.0-7-gdf92d54+04719a4bac,21.0.0-8-g5674e7b+d1bd76f71f,master-gac4afde19b+a9c1acf22d,w.2021.13
LSST Data Management Base Package
Public Member Functions | List of all members
lsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Comm Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for lsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Comm:

Public Member Functions

def __new__ (cls, comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD, recvSleep=0.1, barrierSleep=0.1)
 Construct an MPI.Comm wrapper. More...
def recv (self, obj=None, source=0, tag=0, status=None)
def send (self, obj=None, *args, **kwargs)
def Barrier (self, tag=0)
def broadcast (self, value, root=0)
def scatter (self, dataList, root=0, tag=0)
def Free (self)

Detailed Description

Wrapper to mpi4py's MPI.Intracomm class to avoid busy-waiting.

As suggested by Lisandro Dalcin at:
* and

Definition at line 243 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ __new__()

def lsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Comm.__new__ (   cls,
  comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD,
  recvSleep = 0.1,
  barrierSleep = 0.1 

Construct an MPI.Comm wrapper.

    @param cls             Class
    @param comm            MPI.Intracomm to wrap a duplicate of
    @param recvSleep       Sleep time (seconds) for recv()
    @param barrierSleep    Sleep time (seconds) for Barrier()

Definition at line 251 of file

251  def __new__(cls, comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD, recvSleep=0.1, barrierSleep=0.1):
252  """!Construct an MPI.Comm wrapper
254  @param cls Class
255  @param comm MPI.Intracomm to wrap a duplicate of
256  @param recvSleep Sleep time (seconds) for recv()
257  @param barrierSleep Sleep time (seconds) for Barrier()
258  """
259  self = super(Comm, cls).__new__(cls, comm.Dup())
260  self._barrierComm = None # Duplicate communicator used for Barrier point-to-point checking
261  self._recvSleep = recvSleep
262  self._barrierSleep = barrierSleep
263  return self

◆ Barrier()

def lsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Comm.Barrier (   self,
  tag = 0 
Version of comm.Barrier() that doesn't busy-wait

A duplicate communicator is used so as not to interfere with the user's own communications.

Definition at line 281 of file

281  def Barrier(self, tag=0):
282  """Version of comm.Barrier() that doesn't busy-wait
284  A duplicate communicator is used so as not to interfere with the user's own communications.
285  """
286  self._checkBarrierComm()
287  size = self._barrierComm.Get_size()
288  if size == 1:
289  return
290  rank = self._barrierComm.Get_rank()
291  mask = 1
292  while mask < size:
293  dst = (rank + mask) % size
294  src = (rank - mask + size) % size
295  req = self._barrierComm.isend(None, dst, tag)
296  while not self._barrierComm.Iprobe(src, tag):
297  time.sleep(self._barrierSleep)
298  self._barrierComm.recv(None, src, tag)
299  req.Wait()
300  mask <<= 1

◆ broadcast()

def lsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Comm.broadcast (   self,
  root = 0 

Definition at line 302 of file

302  def broadcast(self, value, root=0):
303  with PickleHolder(value):
304  return super(Comm, self).bcast(value, root=root)

◆ Free()

def lsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Comm.Free (   self)

Definition at line 330 of file

330  def Free(self):
331  if self._barrierComm is not None:
332  self._barrierComm.Free()
333  super(Comm, self).Free()

◆ recv()

def lsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Comm.recv (   self,
  obj = None,
  source = 0,
  tag = 0,
  status = None 
Version of comm.recv() that doesn't busy-wait

Definition at line 265 of file

265  def recv(self, obj=None, source=0, tag=0, status=None):
266  """Version of comm.recv() that doesn't busy-wait"""
267  sts = mpi.Status()
268  while not self.Iprobe(source=source, tag=tag, status=sts):
269  time.sleep(self._recvSleep)
270  return super(Comm, self).recv(buf=obj, source=sts.source, tag=sts.tag, status=status)

◆ scatter()

def lsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Comm.scatter (   self,
  root = 0,
  tag = 0 
Scatter data across the nodes

The default version apparently pickles the entire 'dataList',
which can cause errors if the pickle size grows over 2^31 bytes
due to fundamental problems with pickle in python 2. Instead,
we send the data to each slave node in turn; this reduces the
pickle size.

@param dataList  List of data to distribute; one per node
    (including root)
@param root  Index of root node
@param tag  Message tag (integer)
@return  Data for this node

Definition at line 306 of file

306  def scatter(self, dataList, root=0, tag=0):
307  """Scatter data across the nodes
309  The default version apparently pickles the entire 'dataList',
310  which can cause errors if the pickle size grows over 2^31 bytes
311  due to fundamental problems with pickle in python 2. Instead,
312  we send the data to each slave node in turn; this reduces the
313  pickle size.
315  @param dataList List of data to distribute; one per node
316  (including root)
317  @param root Index of root node
318  @param tag Message tag (integer)
319  @return Data for this node
320  """
321  if self.Get_rank() == root:
322  for rank, data in enumerate(dataList):
323  if rank == root:
324  continue
325  self.send(data, rank, tag=tag)
326  return dataList[root]
327  else:
328  return self.recv(source=root, tag=tag)

◆ send()

def lsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Comm.send (   self,
  obj = None,
**  kwargs 

Definition at line 272 of file

272  def send(self, obj=None, *args, **kwargs):
273  with PickleHolder(obj):
274  return super(Comm, self).send(obj, *args, **kwargs)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: