LSST Applications  21.0.0+04719a4bac,21.0.0-1-ga51b5d4+f5e6047307,21.0.0-11-g2b59f77+a9c1acf22d,21.0.0-11-ga42c5b2+86977b0b17,21.0.0-12-gf4ce030+76814010d2,21.0.0-13-g1721dae+760e7a6536,21.0.0-13-g3a573fe+768d78a30a,21.0.0-15-g5a7caf0+f21cbc5713,21.0.0-16-g0fb55c1+b60e2d390c,21.0.0-19-g4cded4ca+71a93a33c0,21.0.0-2-g103fe59+bb20972958,21.0.0-2-g45278ab+04719a4bac,21.0.0-2-g5242d73+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-2-g7f82c8f+8babb168e8,21.0.0-2-g8f08a60+06509c8b61,21.0.0-2-g8faa9b5+616205b9df,21.0.0-2-ga326454+8babb168e8,21.0.0-2-gde069b7+5e4aea9c2f,21.0.0-2-gecfae73+1d3a86e577,21.0.0-2-gfc62afb+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-25-g1d57be3cd+e73869a214,21.0.0-3-g357aad2+ed88757d29,21.0.0-3-g4a4ce7f+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-3-g4be5c26+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-3-g65f322c+e0b24896a3,21.0.0-3-g7d9da8d+616205b9df,21.0.0-3-ge02ed75+a9c1acf22d,21.0.0-4-g591bb35+a9c1acf22d,21.0.0-4-g65b4814+b60e2d390c,21.0.0-4-gccdca77+0de219a2bc,21.0.0-4-ge8a399c+6c55c39e83,21.0.0-5-gd00fb1e+05fce91b99,21.0.0-6-gc675373+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-64-g1122c245+4fb2b8f86e,21.0.0-7-g04766d7+cd19d05db2,21.0.0-7-gdf92d54+04719a4bac,21.0.0-8-g5674e7b+d1bd76f71f,master-gac4afde19b+a9c1acf22d,w.2021.13
LSST Data Management Base Package
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lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT > Class Template Reference

Measure the distortions in an image plane and express them a SIP polynomials. More...

#include <CreateWcsWithSip.h>

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr< CreateWcsWithSipPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< CreateWcsWithSip const > ConstPtr

Public Member Functions

 CreateWcsWithSip (std::vector< MatchT > const &matches, afw::geom::SkyWcs const &linearWcs, int const order, geom::Box2I const &bbox=geom::Box2I(), int const ngrid=0)
 Construct a CreateWcsWithSip. More...
std::shared_ptr< afw::geom::SkyWcsgetNewWcs ()
double getScatterInPixels () const
 Compute the median separation, in pixels, between items in this object's match list. More...
geom::Angle getScatterOnSky () const
 Compute the median on-sky separation between items in this object's match list. More...
double getLinearScatterInPixels () const
 Compute the median radial separation between items in this object's match list. More...
geom::Angle getLinearScatterOnSky () const
 Compute the median on-sky separation between items in this object's match list,. More...
int getOrder () const
 Return the number of terms in the SIP matrix. More...
int getNPoints () const
 Return the number of points in the catalogue. More...
int getNGrid () const
 Return the number of grid points (on each axis) used in inverse SIP transform. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd const getSipA ()
Eigen::MatrixXd const getSipB ()
Eigen::MatrixXd const getSipAp ()
Eigen::MatrixXd const getSipBp ()

Detailed Description

template<class MatchT>
class lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >

Measure the distortions in an image plane and express them a SIP polynomials.

Given a list of matching sources between a catalogue and an image, and a linear Wcs that describes the mapping from pixel space in the image and ra/dec space in the catalogue, calculate discrepancies between the two and compute SIP distortion polynomials to describe the discrepancy

SIP polynomials are defined in Shupe at al. (2005) ASPC 347 491.

Note that the SIP standard insists (although it is only mentioned obliquly between Eqns 3 and 4) that the lowest three terms in the distortion polynomials be zero (A00, A10, A01, B00, etc.). To achieve this, we need to adjust the values of CD and CRPIX from the input wcs. This may not be the behaviour you expect.

A Wcs may be created in a variety of ways (e.g. lsst::meas::astrom::net::GlobalAstrometrySolution ), and the list of matched sources (matches) can be generated with the matchRaDec function.

#Example usage
matches = matchRaDec(catSet, srcSet, 1.0*afwGeom.arcseconds, true)
wcs = getWcsFromSomewhere()
maxOrder= 10
sipObject = CreateWcsWithSip(matches, wcs, maxScatter, maxOrder)
wcs = sipObject.getNewWcs()
table::Key< table::Array< std::uint8_t > > wcs
std::shared_ptr< afw::geom::SkyWcs > getNewWcs()
CreateWcsWithSip(std::vector< MatchT > const &matches, afw::geom::SkyWcs const &linearWcs, int const order, geom::Box2I const &bbox=geom::Box2I(), int const ngrid=0)
Construct a CreateWcsWithSip.
std::vector< Match< typename Cat1::Record, typename Cat2::Record > > matchRaDec(Cat1 const &cat1, Cat2 const &cat2, lsst::geom::Angle radius, MatchControl const &mc=MatchControl())
Compute all tuples (s1,s2,d) where s1 belings to cat1, s2 belongs to cat2 and d, the distance between...

Note that the matches must be one-to-one; this is ensured by passing closest=true to matchRaDec.

Definition at line 76 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPtr

template<class MatchT >
typedef std::shared_ptr<CreateWcsWithSip const> lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::ConstPtr

Definition at line 79 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

◆ Ptr

Definition at line 78 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CreateWcsWithSip()

template<class MatchT >
lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::CreateWcsWithSip ( std::vector< MatchT > const &  matches,
afw::geom::SkyWcs const &  linearWcs,
int const  order,
geom::Box2I const &  bbox = geom::Box2I(),
int const  ngrid = 0 

Construct a CreateWcsWithSip.


[in]matcheslist of matches
[in]linearWcsinitial WCS, typically pure TAN but need not be
[in]orderSIP order for fit WCS
[in]bboxbounding box over which to compute the reverse SIP transform. If empty then a bounding box is computed based on the matches, extended a bit to allow for the fact that the sources will not necessarily reach to each edge of the image. Specifially the box is grown by dimensions/sqrt(number of matches).
[in]ngridnumber of points along x or y for the grid of points on which the reverse SIP transform is computed

Definition at line 102 of file

105  : _matches(matches),
106  _bbox(bbox),
107  _ngrid(ngrid),
108  _linearWcs(std::make_shared<afw::geom::SkyWcs>(linearWcs)),
109  _sipOrder(order + 1),
110  _reverseSipOrder(order + 2), // Higher order for reverse transform
111  _sipA(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(_sipOrder, _sipOrder)),
112  _sipB(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(_sipOrder, _sipOrder)),
113  _sipAp(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(_reverseSipOrder, _reverseSipOrder)),
114  _sipBp(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(_reverseSipOrder, _reverseSipOrder)),
115  _newWcs() {
116  if (order < 2) {
117  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::OutOfRangeError, "SIP must be at least 2nd order");
118  }
119  if (_sipOrder > 9) {
120  throw LSST_EXCEPT(
121  pex::exceptions::OutOfRangeError,
122  str(boost::format("SIP forward order %d exceeds the convention limit of 9") % _sipOrder));
123  }
124  if (_reverseSipOrder > 9) {
125  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::OutOfRangeError,
126  str(boost::format("SIP reverse order %d exceeds the convention limit of 9") %
127  _reverseSipOrder));
128  }
130  if (_matches.size() < std::size_t(_sipOrder)) {
131  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::LengthError, "Number of matches less than requested sip order");
132  }
134  if (_ngrid <= 0) {
135  _ngrid = 5 * _sipOrder; // should be plenty
136  }
138  /*
139  * We need a bounding box to define the region over which:
140  * The forward transformation should be valid
141  * We calculate the reverse transformartion
142  * If no BBox is provided, guess one from the input points (extrapolated a bit to allow for fact
143  * that a finite number of points won't reach to the edge of the image)
144  */
145  if (_bbox.isEmpty() && !_matches.empty()) {
146  for (typename std::vector<MatchT>::const_iterator ptr = _matches.begin(); ptr != _matches.end();
147  ++ptr) {
148  afw::table::SourceRecord const& src = *ptr->second;
149  _bbox.include(geom::PointI(src.getX(), src.getY()));
150  }
151  float const borderFrac = 1 / ::sqrt(_matches.size()); // fractional border to add to exact BBox
152  geom::Extent2I border(borderFrac * _bbox.getWidth(), borderFrac * _bbox.getHeight());
154  _bbox.grow(border);
155  }
157  // If crpix is too far from the center of the fit bbox, move it to the center to improve the fit
158  auto const initialCrpix = _linearWcs->getPixelOrigin();
159  auto const bboxCenter = geom::Box2D(_bbox).getCenter();
160  if (std::hypot(initialCrpix[0] - bboxCenter[0], initialCrpix[1] - bboxCenter[1]) >
162  LOGL_DEBUG(_log,
163  "_linearWcs crpix = %d, %d farther than %f from bbox center; shifting to center %d, %d",
164  initialCrpix[0], initialCrpix[1], MAX_DISTANCE_CRPIX_TO_BBOXCTR, bboxCenter[0],
165  bboxCenter[1]);
166  _linearWcs = _linearWcs->getTanWcs(bboxCenter);
167  }
169  // Calculate the forward part of the SIP distortion
170  _calculateForwardMatrices();
172  // Build a new wcs incorporating the forward SIP matrix, it's all we know so far
173  auto const crval = _linearWcs->getSkyOrigin();
174  auto const crpix = _linearWcs->getPixelOrigin();
175  Eigen::MatrixXd cdMatrix = _linearWcs->getCdMatrix();
176  _newWcs = afw::geom::makeTanSipWcs(crpix, crval, cdMatrix, _sipA, _sipB);
178  // Use _newWcs to calculate the forward transformation on a grid, and derive the back transformation
179  _calculateReverseMatrices();
181  // Build a new wcs incorporating all SIP matrices
182  _newWcs = afw::geom::makeTanSipWcs(crpix, crval, cdMatrix, _sipA, _sipB, _sipAp, _sipBp);
183 }
AmpInfoBoxKey bbox
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48
#define LOGL_DEBUG(logger, message...)
Log a debug-level message using a varargs/printf style interface.
Definition: Log.h:504
std::shared_ptr< RecordT > src
table::PointKey< double > crpix
table::PointKey< double > crval
uint64_t * ptr
T begin(T... args)
A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry.
Definition: Box.h:413
Point2D const getCenter() const noexcept
Return true if the box contains no points.
Definition: Box.h:549
void include(Point2I const &point)
Expand this to ensure that this->contains(point).
int getHeight() const noexcept
Definition: Box.h:188
bool isEmpty() const noexcept
Return true if the box contains no points.
Definition: Box.h:213
void grow(int buffer)
Increase the size of the box by the given buffer amount in all directions.
Definition: Box.h:249
int getWidth() const noexcept
Definition: Box.h:187
T empty(T... args)
T end(T... args)
T hypot(T... args)
std::shared_ptr< SkyWcs > makeTanSipWcs(lsst::geom::Point2D const &crpix, lsst::geom::SpherePoint const &crval, Eigen::Matrix2d const &cdMatrix, Eigen::MatrixXd const &sipA, Eigen::MatrixXd const &sipB)
Construct a TAN-SIP SkyWcs with forward SIP distortion terms and an iterative inverse.
def format(config, name=None, writeSourceLine=True, prefix="", verbose=False)
T size(T... args)

Member Function Documentation

◆ getLinearScatterInPixels()

template<class MatchT >
double lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getLinearScatterInPixels

Compute the median radial separation between items in this object's match list.

For each match, project the reference object coord to pixels using the initial "linearWcs" WCS, and measure the radial separation to the source centroid.

Definition at line 358 of file

358  {
359  assert(_linearWcs.get());
360  return makeMatchStatisticsInPixels(*_linearWcs, _matches, afw::math::MEDIAN).getValue();
361 }
double getValue(Property const prop=NOTHING) const
Return the value of the desired property (if specified in the constructor)
estimate sample median
Definition: Statistics.h:70
afw::math::Statistics makeMatchStatisticsInPixels(afw::geom::SkyWcs const &wcs, std::vector< MatchT > const &matchList, int const flags, afw::math::StatisticsControl const &sctrl=afw::math::StatisticsControl())
Compute statistics of on-detector radial separation for a match list, in pixels.

◆ getLinearScatterOnSky()

template<class MatchT >
geom::Angle lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getLinearScatterOnSky

Compute the median on-sky separation between items in this object's match list,.

For each match, project the source centroid to RA,Dec using the initial "linearWcs" WCS, and measure the on-sky angular separation to the reference source coord.

Definition at line 370 of file

370  {
371  assert(_linearWcs.get());
372  return makeMatchStatisticsInRadians(*_linearWcs, _matches, afw::math::MEDIAN).getValue() * geom::radians;
373 }
constexpr AngleUnit radians
constant with units of radians
Definition: Angle.h:108
afw::math::Statistics makeMatchStatisticsInRadians(afw::geom::SkyWcs const &wcs, std::vector< MatchT > const &matchList, int const flags, afw::math::StatisticsControl const &sctrl=afw::math::StatisticsControl())
Compute statistics of on-sky radial separation for a match list, in radians.

◆ getNewWcs()

template<class MatchT >
std::shared_ptr<afw::geom::SkyWcs> lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getNewWcs ( )

Definition at line 98 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

98 { return _newWcs; }

◆ getNGrid()

template<class MatchT >
int lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getNGrid ( ) const

Return the number of grid points (on each axis) used in inverse SIP transform.

Definition at line 137 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

137 { return _ngrid; }

◆ getNPoints()

template<class MatchT >
int lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getNPoints ( ) const

Return the number of points in the catalogue.

Definition at line 135 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

135 { return _matches.size(); }

◆ getOrder()

template<class MatchT >
int lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getOrder ( ) const

Return the number of terms in the SIP matrix.

Definition at line 133 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

133 { return _sipA.rows(); }

◆ getScatterInPixels()

template<class MatchT >
double lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getScatterInPixels

Compute the median separation, in pixels, between items in this object's match list.

For each match, project the reference object coord to pixels using the fit TAN-SIP WCS, and measure the radial separation to the source centroid

Definition at line 352 of file

352  {
353  assert(_newWcs.get());
354  return makeMatchStatisticsInPixels(*_newWcs, _matches, afw::math::MEDIAN).getValue();
355 }

◆ getScatterOnSky()

template<class MatchT >
geom::Angle lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getScatterOnSky

Compute the median on-sky separation between items in this object's match list.

For each match, project the source centroid to RA,Dec using the fit TAN-SIP WCS, and measure the on-sky angular separation to the reference source coord.

Definition at line 364 of file

364  {
365  assert(_newWcs.get());
367 }

◆ getSipA()

template<class MatchT >
Eigen::MatrixXd const lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getSipA ( )

Definition at line 140 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

140 { return _sipA; }

◆ getSipAp()

template<class MatchT >
Eigen::MatrixXd const lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getSipAp ( )

Definition at line 144 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

144 { return _sipAp; }

◆ getSipB()

template<class MatchT >
Eigen::MatrixXd const lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getSipB ( )

Definition at line 142 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

142 { return _sipB; }

◆ getSipBp()

template<class MatchT >
Eigen::MatrixXd const lsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT >::getSipBp ( )

Definition at line 146 of file CreateWcsWithSip.h.

146 { return _sipBp; }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: