LSST Applications  21.0.0+04719a4bac,21.0.0-1-ga51b5d4+f5e6047307,21.0.0-11-g2b59f77+a9c1acf22d,21.0.0-11-ga42c5b2+86977b0b17,21.0.0-12-gf4ce030+76814010d2,21.0.0-13-g1721dae+760e7a6536,21.0.0-13-g3a573fe+768d78a30a,21.0.0-15-g5a7caf0+f21cbc5713,21.0.0-16-g0fb55c1+b60e2d390c,21.0.0-19-g4cded4ca+71a93a33c0,21.0.0-2-g103fe59+bb20972958,21.0.0-2-g45278ab+04719a4bac,21.0.0-2-g5242d73+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-2-g7f82c8f+8babb168e8,21.0.0-2-g8f08a60+06509c8b61,21.0.0-2-g8faa9b5+616205b9df,21.0.0-2-ga326454+8babb168e8,21.0.0-2-gde069b7+5e4aea9c2f,21.0.0-2-gecfae73+1d3a86e577,21.0.0-2-gfc62afb+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-25-g1d57be3cd+e73869a214,21.0.0-3-g357aad2+ed88757d29,21.0.0-3-g4a4ce7f+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-3-g4be5c26+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-3-g65f322c+e0b24896a3,21.0.0-3-g7d9da8d+616205b9df,21.0.0-3-ge02ed75+a9c1acf22d,21.0.0-4-g591bb35+a9c1acf22d,21.0.0-4-g65b4814+b60e2d390c,21.0.0-4-gccdca77+0de219a2bc,21.0.0-4-ge8a399c+6c55c39e83,21.0.0-5-gd00fb1e+05fce91b99,21.0.0-6-gc675373+3ad5d60fb1,21.0.0-64-g1122c245+4fb2b8f86e,21.0.0-7-g04766d7+cd19d05db2,21.0.0-7-gdf92d54+04719a4bac,21.0.0-8-g5674e7b+d1bd76f71f,master-gac4afde19b+a9c1acf22d,w.2021.13
LSST Data Management Base Package
Classes | Namespaces | Macros | Functions | Variables File Reference
#include "fitsio.h"
#include "fitsio2.h"
#include "lsst/pex/exceptions.h"
#include "lsst/afw/math/Random.h"
#include "lsst/afw/fitsCompression.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  lsst::afw::fits::Bzero< T, Enable >
 Scaling zero-point, set according to pixel type. More...
struct  lsst::afw::fits::Bzero< std::uint64_t >
struct  lsst::afw::fits::Bzero< T, typename std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_integer &&!std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed >::type >


 A base class for image defects.




ImageCompressionOptions::CompressionAlgorithm lsst::afw::fits::compressionAlgorithmFromString (std::string const &name)
 Interpret compression algorithm expressed in string. More...
std::string lsst::afw::fits::compressionAlgorithmToString (ImageCompressionOptions::CompressionAlgorithm algorithm)
 Provide string version of compression algorithm. More...
ImageCompressionOptions::CompressionAlgorithm lsst::afw::fits::compressionAlgorithmFromCfitsio (int cfitsio)
 Convert compression algorithm from cfitsio to ImageCompressionOptions::CompressionAlgorithm. More...
int lsst::afw::fits::compressionAlgorithmToCfitsio (ImageCompressionOptions::CompressionAlgorithm algorithm)
 Convert ImageCompressionOptions::CompressionAlgorithm to cfitsio. More...
ImageScalingOptions::ScalingAlgorithm lsst::afw::fits::scalingAlgorithmFromString (std::string const &name)
 Interpret scaling algorithm expressed in string. More...
std::string lsst::afw::fits::scalingAlgorithmToString (ImageScalingOptions::ScalingAlgorithm algorithm)
 Provide string version of compression algorithm. More...
template ImageScale lsst::afw::fits::ImageScalingOptions::determine< std::uint8_t, 2 > (ndarray::Array< std::uint8_t const, 2, 2 > const &image, ndarray::Array< bool, 2, 2 > const &mask) const
template std::shared_ptr< detail::PixelArrayBase > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::toFits< std::uint8_t > (ndarray::Array< std::uint8_t const, 2, 2 > const &, bool, bool, ndarray::Array< long, 1 > const &, int) const
template ndarray::Array< std::uint8_t, 2, 2 > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::fromFits< std::uint8_t > (ndarray::Array< std::uint8_t, 2, 2 > const &) const
template ImageScale lsst::afw::fits::ImageScalingOptions::determine< std::uint16_t, 2 > (ndarray::Array< std::uint16_t const, 2, 2 > const &image, ndarray::Array< bool, 2, 2 > const &mask) const
template std::shared_ptr< detail::PixelArrayBase > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::toFits< std::uint16_t > (ndarray::Array< std::uint16_t const, 2, 2 > const &, bool, bool, ndarray::Array< long, 1 > const &, int) const
template ndarray::Array< std::uint16_t, 2, 2 > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::fromFits< std::uint16_t > (ndarray::Array< std::uint16_t, 2, 2 > const &) const
template ImageScale lsst::afw::fits::ImageScalingOptions::determine< std::int16_t, 2 > (ndarray::Array< std::int16_t const, 2, 2 > const &image, ndarray::Array< bool, 2, 2 > const &mask) const
template std::shared_ptr< detail::PixelArrayBase > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::toFits< std::int16_t > (ndarray::Array< std::int16_t const, 2, 2 > const &, bool, bool, ndarray::Array< long, 1 > const &, int) const
template ndarray::Array< std::int16_t, 2, 2 > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::fromFits< std::int16_t > (ndarray::Array< std::int16_t, 2, 2 > const &) const
template ImageScale lsst::afw::fits::ImageScalingOptions::determine< std::uint32_t, 2 > (ndarray::Array< std::uint32_t const, 2, 2 > const &image, ndarray::Array< bool, 2, 2 > const &mask) const
template std::shared_ptr< detail::PixelArrayBase > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::toFits< std::uint32_t > (ndarray::Array< std::uint32_t const, 2, 2 > const &, bool, bool, ndarray::Array< long, 1 > const &, int) const
template ndarray::Array< std::uint32_t, 2, 2 > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::fromFits< std::uint32_t > (ndarray::Array< std::uint32_t, 2, 2 > const &) const
template ImageScale lsst::afw::fits::ImageScalingOptions::determine< std::int32_t, 2 > (ndarray::Array< std::int32_t const, 2, 2 > const &image, ndarray::Array< bool, 2, 2 > const &mask) const
template std::shared_ptr< detail::PixelArrayBase > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::toFits< std::int32_t > (ndarray::Array< std::int32_t const, 2, 2 > const &, bool, bool, ndarray::Array< long, 1 > const &, int) const
template ndarray::Array< std::int32_t, 2, 2 > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::fromFits< std::int32_t > (ndarray::Array< std::int32_t, 2, 2 > const &) const
template ImageScale lsst::afw::fits::ImageScalingOptions::determine< std::uint64_t, 2 > (ndarray::Array< std::uint64_t const, 2, 2 > const &image, ndarray::Array< bool, 2, 2 > const &mask) const
template std::shared_ptr< detail::PixelArrayBase > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::toFits< std::uint64_t > (ndarray::Array< std::uint64_t const, 2, 2 > const &, bool, bool, ndarray::Array< long, 1 > const &, int) const
template ndarray::Array< std::uint64_t, 2, 2 > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::fromFits< std::uint64_t > (ndarray::Array< std::uint64_t, 2, 2 > const &) const
template ImageScale lsst::afw::fits::ImageScalingOptions::determine< std::int64_t, 2 > (ndarray::Array< std::int64_t const, 2, 2 > const &image, ndarray::Array< bool, 2, 2 > const &mask) const
template std::shared_ptr< detail::PixelArrayBase > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::toFits< std::int64_t > (ndarray::Array< std::int64_t const, 2, 2 > const &, bool, bool, ndarray::Array< long, 1 > const &, int) const
template ndarray::Array< std::int64_t, 2, 2 > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::fromFits< std::int64_t > (ndarray::Array< std::int64_t, 2, 2 > const &) const
template ImageScale lsst::afw::fits::ImageScalingOptions::determine< boost::float32_t, 2 > (ndarray::Array< boost::float32_t const, 2, 2 > const &image, ndarray::Array< bool, 2, 2 > const &mask) const
template std::shared_ptr< detail::PixelArrayBase > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::toFits< boost::float32_t > (ndarray::Array< boost::float32_t const, 2, 2 > const &, bool, bool, ndarray::Array< long, 1 > const &, int) const
template ndarray::Array< boost::float32_t, 2, 2 > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::fromFits< boost::float32_t > (ndarray::Array< boost::float32_t, 2, 2 > const &) const
template ImageScale lsst::afw::fits::ImageScalingOptions::determine< boost::float64_t, 2 > (ndarray::Array< boost::float64_t const, 2, 2 > const &image, ndarray::Array< bool, 2, 2 > const &mask) const
template std::shared_ptr< detail::PixelArrayBase > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::toFits< boost::float64_t > (ndarray::Array< boost::float64_t const, 2, 2 > const &, bool, bool, ndarray::Array< long, 1 > const &, int) const
template ndarray::Array< boost::float64_t, 2, 2 > lsst::afw::fits::ImageScale::fromFits< boost::float64_t > (ndarray::Array< boost::float64_t, 2, 2 > const &) const


float * fits_rand_value
int const N_RESERVED_VALUES = 10

Macro Definition Documentation


template ImageScale ImageScalingOptions::determine<TYPE, 2>( \
ndarray::Array<TYPE const, 2, 2> const& image, ndarray::Array<bool, 2, 2> const& mask) const; \
template std::shared_ptr<detail::PixelArrayBase> ImageScale::toFits<TYPE>( \
ndarray::Array<TYPE const, 2, 2> const&, bool, bool, ndarray::Array<long, 1> const&, int) const; \
template ndarray::Array<TYPE, 2, 2> ImageScale::fromFits<TYPE>(ndarray::Array<TYPE, 2, 2> const&) const;
afw::table::Key< afw::table::Array< MaskPixelT > > mask
Backwards-compatibility support for depersisting the old Calib (FluxMag0/FluxMag0Err) objects.

Definition at line 493 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ fits_rand_value

float* fits_rand_value


int const N_RESERVED_VALUES = 10

Definition at line 14 of file