LSST Applications  21.0.0-147-g0e635eb1+1acddb5be5,22.0.0+052faf71bd,22.0.0+1ea9a8b2b2,22.0.0+6312710a6c,22.0.0+729191ecac,22.0.0+7589c3a021,22.0.0+9f079a9461,22.0.1-1-g7d6de66+b8044ec9de,22.0.1-1-g87000a6+536b1ee016,22.0.1-1-g8e32f31+6312710a6c,22.0.1-10-gd060f87+016f7cdc03,22.0.1-12-g9c3108e+df145f6f68,22.0.1-16-g314fa6d+c825727ab8,22.0.1-19-g93a5c75+d23f2fb6d8,22.0.1-19-gb93eaa13+aab3ef7709,22.0.1-2-g8ef0a89+b8044ec9de,22.0.1-2-g92698f7+9f079a9461,22.0.1-2-ga9b0f51+052faf71bd,22.0.1-2-gac51dbf+052faf71bd,22.0.1-2-gb66926d+6312710a6c,22.0.1-2-gcb770ba+09e3807989,22.0.1-20-g32debb5+b8044ec9de,22.0.1-23-gc2439a9a+fb0756638e,22.0.1-3-g496fd5d+09117f784f,22.0.1-3-g59f966b+1e6ba2c031,22.0.1-3-g849a1b8+f8b568069f,22.0.1-3-gaaec9c0+c5c846a8b1,22.0.1-32-g5ddfab5d3+60ce4897b0,22.0.1-4-g037fbe1+64e601228d,22.0.1-4-g8623105+b8044ec9de,22.0.1-5-g096abc9+d18c45d440,22.0.1-5-g15c806e+57f5c03693,22.0.1-7-gba73697+57f5c03693,master-g6e05de7fdc+c1283a92b8,master-g72cdda8301+729191ecac,w.2021.39
LSST Data Management Base Package
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
lsst::geom Namespace Reference


 Low-level polynomials (including special polynomials) in C++.


class  AffineTransform
 An affine coordinate transformation consisting of a linear transformation and an offset. More...
class  AngleUnit
 A class used to convert scalar POD types such as double to Angle. More...
class  Angle
 A class representing an angle. More...
class  Box2I
 An integer coordinate rectangle. More...
class  Box2D
 A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry. More...
class  Point
 A coordinate class intended to represent absolute positions. More...
class  Extent
 A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions. More...
class  CoordinateBase
 A CRTP base class for coordinate objects. More...
class  CoordinateBase< Derived, T, 2 >
 Specialization of CoordinateBase for 2 dimensions. More...
class  CoordinateBase< Derived, T, 3 >
 Specialization of CoordinateBase for 3 dimensions. More...
class  CoordinateExpr
 A boolean coordinate. More...
class  ExtentBase
class  Extent< T, 2 >
 A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions (2-d specialization). More...
class  Extent< T, 3 >
 A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions (3-d specialization). More...
class  IntervalI
 A 1-d integer coordinate range. More...
class  IntervalD
 A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry. More...
class  SingularTransformException
class  LinearTransform
 A 2D linear coordinate transformation. More...
class  PointBase
class  Point< T, 2 >
 A coordinate class intended to represent absolute positions (2-d specialization). More...
class  Point< T, 3 >
 A coordinate class intended to represent absolute positions (3-d specialization). More...
class  SpherePoint
 Point in an unspecified spherical coordinate system. More...


typedef Box2D BoxD
typedef Box2I BoxI
typedef CoordinateExpr< 2 > CoordinateExpr2
typedef CoordinateExpr< 3 > CoordinateExpr3
typedef Extent< int, 2 > ExtentI
typedef Extent< int, 2 > Extent2I
typedef Extent< int, 3 > Extent3I
typedef Extent< double, 2 > ExtentD
typedef Extent< double, 2 > Extent2D
typedef Extent< double, 3 > Extent3D
typedef Point< int, 2 > PointI
typedef Point< int, 2 > Point2I
typedef Point< int, 3 > Point3I
typedef Point< double, 2 > PointD
typedef Point< double, 2 > Point2D
typedef Point< double, 3 > Point3D
using PyAngle = py::class_< Angle >
using PyAngleUnit = py::class_< AngleUnit >
using PySpherePoint = py::class_< SpherePoint, std::shared_ptr< SpherePoint > >


std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, lsst::geom::AffineTransform const &transform)
AffineTransform makeAffineTransformFromTriple (Point2D const &p1, Point2D const &p2, Point2D const &p3, Point2D const &q1, Point2D const &q2, Point2D const &q3)
constexpr double degToRad (double x) noexcept
constexpr double radToDeg (double x) noexcept
constexpr double radToArcsec (double x) noexcept
constexpr double radToMas (double x) noexcept
constexpr double arcsecToRad (double x) noexcept
constexpr double masToRad (double x) noexcept
constexpr Angle operator+ (Angle a, Angle d) noexcept
 Sum of two angles. More...
constexpr Angle operator- (Angle a, Angle d) noexcept
 Difference of two angles. More...
constexpr Angle operator* (Angle a, Angle d) noexcept
 Product of two angles. More...
constexpr Angle operator* (Angle a, double d) noexcept
 Product of an angle and a scalar. More...
constexpr Angle operator* (double d, Angle a) noexcept
constexpr Angle operator* (Angle a, int d) noexcept
constexpr Angle operator* (int d, Angle a) noexcept
constexpr Angle operator- (Angle angle)
 An angle in the opposite sense. More...
constexpr Angle operator/ (Angle a, int d) noexcept
 Ratio of an angle and a scalar. More...
constexpr Angle operator/ (Angle a, double d) noexcept
 Ratio of an angle and a scalar. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr double operator/ (T const lhs, Angle rhs) noexcept=delete
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &s, Angle a)
 Print an Angle to a stream. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr bool isAngle (T) noexcept
 Allow a user to check if they have an angle. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr Angle operator* (T lhs, AngleUnit rhs) noexcept
 Use AngleUnit to convert a POD (e.g. int, double) to an Angle; e.g. 180*degrees. More...
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, Box2I const &box)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, Box2D const &box)
template<typename Derived , typename T , int N>
bool allclose (CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &a, CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &b, T rtol=static_cast< T >(1E-5), T atol=static_cast< T >(1E-8)) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible< T >::value &&std::is_nothrow_copy_assignable< T >::value)
 Floating-point comparison with tolerance. More...
template<typename Derived , typename T , int N>
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &coordinate)
template<int N>
bool all (CoordinateExpr< N > const &expr) noexcept
 Return true if all elements are true. More...
template<int N>
bool any (CoordinateExpr< N > const &expr) noexcept
 Return true if any elements are true. More...
template<typename T , int N>
std::size_t hash_value (Extent< T, N > const &extent) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< int, N > truncate (Extent< double, N > const &input) noexcept
 Return the component-wise truncation (round towards zero). More...
template<int N>
Extent< int, N > floor (Extent< double, N > const &input) noexcept
 Return the component-wise floor (round towards more negative). More...
template<int N>
Extent< int, N > ceil (Extent< double, N > const &input) noexcept
 Return the component-wise ceil (round towards more positive). More...
template<typename T , int N>
Extent< T, N > operator* (T scalar, ExtentBase< T, N > const &rhs) noexcept(ExtentBase< T, N >::IS_ELEMENT_NOTHROW_COPYABLE)
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > operator* (ExtentBase< int, N > const &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
void operator*= (ExtentBase< int, N > &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > operator/ (ExtentBase< int, N > const &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
void operator/= (ExtentBase< int, N > &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > operator* (double lhs, ExtentBase< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > operator+ (Extent< double, N > const &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > & operator+= (Extent< double, N > &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > operator- (Extent< double, N > const &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > & operator-= (Extent< double, N > &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > operator+ (Extent< int, N > const &lhs, Extent< double, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > operator- (Extent< int, N > const &lhs, Extent< double, N > const &rhs) noexcept
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, IntervalI const &interval)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, IntervalD const &interval)
void swap (IntervalI &a, IntervalI &b) noexcept
void swap (IntervalD &a, IntervalD &b) noexcept
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, lsst::geom::LinearTransform const &t)
template<typename T , int N>
std::size_t hash_value (Point< T, N > const &point) noexcept
template<int N>
Point< double, N > operator+ (Point< double, N > const &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Point< double, N > operator+ (Extent< int, N > const &rhs, Point< double, N > const &lhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Point< double, N > & operator+= (Point< double, N > &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Point< double, N > operator+ (Point< int, N > const &lhs, Extent< double, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Point< double, N > operator- (Point< double, N > const &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Point< double, N > & operator-= (Point< double, N > &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Point< double, N > operator- (Point< int, N > const &lhs, Extent< double, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > operator- (Point< double, N > const &lhs, Point< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > operator- (Point< int, N > const &lhs, Point< double, N > const &rhs) noexcept
SpherePoint averageSpherePoint (std::vector< SpherePoint > const &coords)
 Return the average of a list of coordinates. More...
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, SpherePoint const &point)
 Print the value of a point to a stream. More...
Eigen::Vector3d asEigen (sphgeom::Vector3d const &vector) noexcept
void wrapAffineTransform (utils::python::WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapAngle (utils::python::WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapBox (utils::python::WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapCoordinates (utils::python::WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapAngle (WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapCoordinates (WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapSpherePoint (WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapInterval (WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapBox (WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapLinearTransform (WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapAffineTransform (WrapperCollection &wrappers)
 PYBIND11_MODULE (_geom, mod)
void wrapInterval (utils::python::WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapLinearTransform (utils::python::WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapSpherePoint (utils::python::WrapperCollection &wrappers)
template bool allclose< Point2D, double, 2 > (CoordinateBase< Point2D, double, 2 > const &, CoordinateBase< Point2D, double, 2 > const &, double, double)
template bool allclose< Point3D, double, 3 > (CoordinateBase< Point3D, double, 3 > const &, CoordinateBase< Point3D, double, 3 > const &, double, double)
template bool allclose< Extent2D, double, 2 > (CoordinateBase< Extent2D, double, 2 > const &, CoordinateBase< Extent2D, double, 2 > const &, double, double)
template bool allclose< Extent3D, double, 3 > (CoordinateBase< Extent3D, double, 3 > const &, CoordinateBase< Extent3D, double, 3 > const &, double, double)


constexpr double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
 The ratio of a circle's circumference to diameter. More...
constexpr double TWOPI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>() * 2.0
constexpr double HALFPI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>() * 0.5
constexpr double ONE_OVER_PI = 1.0 / boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
double const SQRTPI = sqrt(boost::math::constants::pi<double>())
double const INVSQRTPI = 1.0 / sqrt(boost::math::constants::pi<double>())
constexpr double ROOT2 = boost::math::constants::root_two<double>()
constexpr AngleUnit radians = AngleUnit(1.0)
 constant with units of radians More...
constexpr AngleUnit degrees = AngleUnit(PI / 180.0)
 constant with units of degrees More...
constexpr AngleUnit hours = AngleUnit(PI * 15.0 / 180.0)
 constant with units of hours More...
constexpr AngleUnit arcminutes = AngleUnit(PI / 60 / 180.0)
 constant with units of arcminutes More...
constexpr AngleUnit arcseconds = AngleUnit(PI / 180.0 / 3600.0)
 constant with units of arcseconds More...
constexpr AngleUnit milliarcseconds
 constant with units of milliarcseconds More...
template<typename T , typename U >
 Test that a type is nothrow-copy-convertible from U to T. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ BoxD

Definition at line 779 of file Box.h.

◆ BoxI

Definition at line 780 of file Box.h.

◆ CoordinateExpr2

Definition at line 95 of file CoordinateExpr.h.

◆ CoordinateExpr3

Definition at line 96 of file CoordinateExpr.h.

◆ Extent2D

typedef Extent<double, 2> lsst::geom::Extent2D

Definition at line 400 of file Extent.h.

◆ Extent2I

typedef Extent<int, 2> lsst::geom::Extent2I

Definition at line 397 of file Extent.h.

◆ Extent3D

typedef Extent<double, 3> lsst::geom::Extent3D

Definition at line 401 of file Extent.h.

◆ Extent3I

typedef Extent<int, 3> lsst::geom::Extent3I

Definition at line 398 of file Extent.h.

◆ ExtentD

typedef Extent<double, 2> lsst::geom::ExtentD

Definition at line 399 of file Extent.h.

◆ ExtentI

typedef Extent<int, 2> lsst::geom::ExtentI

Definition at line 396 of file Extent.h.

◆ Point2D

typedef Point<double, 2> lsst::geom::Point2D

Definition at line 324 of file Point.h.

◆ Point2I

typedef Point<int, 2> lsst::geom::Point2I

Definition at line 321 of file Point.h.

◆ Point3D

typedef Point<double, 3> lsst::geom::Point3D

Definition at line 325 of file Point.h.

◆ Point3I

typedef Point<int, 3> lsst::geom::Point3I

Definition at line 322 of file Point.h.

◆ PointD

typedef Point<double, 2> lsst::geom::PointD

Definition at line 323 of file Point.h.

◆ PointI

typedef Point<int, 2> lsst::geom::PointI

Definition at line 320 of file Point.h.

◆ PyAngle

using lsst::geom::PyAngle = typedef py::class_<Angle>

Definition at line 33 of file

◆ PyAngleUnit

using lsst::geom::PyAngleUnit = typedef py::class_<AngleUnit>

Definition at line 34 of file

◆ PySpherePoint

Definition at line 60 of file

Function Documentation

◆ all()

template<int N>
bool lsst::geom::all ( CoordinateExpr< N > const &  expr)

Return true if all elements are true.

Definition at line 81 of file CoordinateExpr.h.

81  {
82  for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n)
83  if (!expr[n]) return false;
84  return true;
85 }

◆ allclose()

template<typename Derived , typename T , int N>
bool lsst::geom::allclose ( CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &  a,
CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &  b,
rtol = static_cast<T>(1E-5),
atol = static_cast<T>(1E-8) 

Floating-point comparison with tolerance.

Interface, naming, and default tolerances matches Numpy.

Definition at line 30 of file

32  {
33  Eigen::Array<T, N, 1> diff = (a.asEigen().array() - b.asEigen().array()).abs();
34  Eigen::Array<T, N, 1> rhs = (0.5 * (a.asEigen().array() + b.asEigen().array())).abs();
35  rhs *= rtol;
36  rhs += atol;
37  return (diff <= rhs).all();
38 }
table::Key< int > b
table::Key< int > a
T atol(T... args)
Angle abs(Angle const &a)
Definition: Angle.h:106

◆ allclose< Extent2D, double, 2 >()

template bool lsst::geom::allclose< Extent2D, double, 2 > ( CoordinateBase< Extent2D, double, 2 > const &  ,
CoordinateBase< Extent2D, double, 2 > const &  ,
double  ,

◆ allclose< Extent3D, double, 3 >()

template bool lsst::geom::allclose< Extent3D, double, 3 > ( CoordinateBase< Extent3D, double, 3 > const &  ,
CoordinateBase< Extent3D, double, 3 > const &  ,
double  ,

◆ allclose< Point2D, double, 2 >()

template bool lsst::geom::allclose< Point2D, double, 2 > ( CoordinateBase< Point2D, double, 2 > const &  ,
CoordinateBase< Point2D, double, 2 > const &  ,
double  ,

◆ allclose< Point3D, double, 3 >()

template bool lsst::geom::allclose< Point3D, double, 3 > ( CoordinateBase< Point3D, double, 3 > const &  ,
CoordinateBase< Point3D, double, 3 > const &  ,
double  ,

◆ any()

template<int N>
bool lsst::geom::any ( CoordinateExpr< N > const &  expr)

Return true if any elements are true.

Definition at line 89 of file CoordinateExpr.h.

89  {
90  for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n)
91  if (expr[n]) return true;
92  return false;
93 }

◆ arcsecToRad()

constexpr double lsst::geom::arcsecToRad ( double  x)

Definition at line 55 of file Angle.h.

55 { return (x / 3600.) * PI / 180.; }
double x
constexpr double PI
The ratio of a circle's circumference to diameter.
Definition: Angle.h:39

◆ asEigen()

Eigen::Vector3d lsst::geom::asEigen ( sphgeom::Vector3d const &  vector)

Definition at line 36 of file sphgeomUtils.h.

36  {
37  return Eigen::Vector3d(vector.x(), vector.y(), vector.z());
38 }

◆ averageSpherePoint()

SpherePoint lsst::geom::averageSpherePoint ( std::vector< SpherePoint > const &  coords)

Return the average of a list of coordinates.

[in]coordslist of coords to average
lsst::pex::exceptions::LengthErrorif coords is empty

Definition at line 235 of file

235  {
236  if (coords.size() == 0) {
237  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::LengthError, "No coordinates provided to average");
238  }
239  sphgeom::Vector3d sum(0, 0, 0);
240  sphgeom::Vector3d corr(0, 0, 0); // Kahan summation correction
241  for (auto const& sp : coords) {
242  auto const point = sp.getVector();
243  // Kahan summation
244  auto const add = point - corr;
245  auto const temp = sum + add;
246  corr = (temp - sum) - add;
247  sum = temp;
248  }
249  sum /= static_cast<double>(coords.size());
250  return SpherePoint(sum);
251 }
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48
lsst::geom::SpherePoint SpherePoint
Definition: misc.h:34
T size(T... args)

◆ ceil()

template<int N>
Extent< int, N > lsst::geom::ceil ( Extent< double, N > const &  input)

Return the component-wise ceil (round towards more positive).

In Python, this is available as both a free function and a method on ExtentD.

Definition at line 118 of file

118  {
119  Extent<int, N> result;
120  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
121  result[i] = std::ceil(input[i]);
122  }
123  return result;
124 }
py::object result
T ceil(T... args)

◆ degToRad()

constexpr double lsst::geom::degToRad ( double  x)

Definition at line 51 of file Angle.h.

51 { return x * PI / 180.; }

◆ floor()

template<int N>
Extent< int, N > lsst::geom::floor ( Extent< double, N > const &  input)

Return the component-wise floor (round towards more negative).

In Python, this is available as both a free function and a method on ExtentD.

Definition at line 109 of file

109  {
110  Extent<int, N> result;
111  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
112  result[i] = std::floor(input[i]);
113  }
114  return result;
115 }
T floor(T... args)

◆ hash_value() [1/2]

template<typename T , int N>
std::size_t lsst::geom::hash_value ( Extent< T, N > const &  extent)

Definition at line 127 of file

127  {
128  std::size_t result = 0; // Completely arbitrary seed
129  for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n) result = utils::hashCombine(result, extent[n]);
130  return result;
131 }
std::size_t hashCombine(std::size_t seed) noexcept
Combine hashes.
Definition: hashCombine.h:35

◆ hash_value() [2/2]

template<typename T , int N>
std::size_t lsst::geom::hash_value ( Point< T, N > const &  point)

Definition at line 118 of file

118  {
119  std::size_t result = 0; // Completely arbitrary seed
120  for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n) result = utils::hashCombine(result, point[n]);
121  return result;
122 }

◆ isAngle()

template<typename T >
constexpr bool lsst::geom::isAngle ( )

Allow a user to check if they have an angle.

Definition at line 380 of file Angle.h.

380  {
382 };

◆ makeAffineTransformFromTriple()

AffineTransform lsst::geom::makeAffineTransformFromTriple ( Point2D const &  p1,
Point2D const &  p2,
Point2D const &  p3,
Point2D const &  q1,
Point2D const &  q2,
Point2D const &  q3 

Definition at line 88 of file

89  {
90  Eigen::Matrix3d mp;
91  mp << p1.getX(), p2.getX(), p3.getX(), p1.getY(), p2.getY(), p3.getY(), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
93  Eigen::Matrix3d mq;
94  mq << q1.getX(), q2.getX(), q3.getX(), q1.getY(), q2.getY(), q3.getY(), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
96  Eigen::Matrix3d m = mq * mp.inverse();
97  return AffineTransform(m);
98 }
int m

◆ masToRad()

constexpr double lsst::geom::masToRad ( double  x)

Definition at line 56 of file Angle.h.

56 { return (x / (1000. * 3600.)) * PI / 180.; }

◆ operator*() [1/9]

constexpr Angle operator* ( Angle  a,
Angle  d 

Product of two angles.

The result will be treated like an planar angle, not a solid angle.

Definition at line 322 of file Angle.h.

341 { return Angle(-static_cast<double>(angle)); }
table::Key< double > angle
lsst::geom::Angle Angle
Definition: misc.h:33

◆ operator*() [2/9]

constexpr Angle operator* ( Angle  a,
double  d 

Product of an angle and a scalar.

Definition at line 329 of file Angle.h.

341 { return Angle(-static_cast<double>(angle)); }

◆ operator*() [3/9]

constexpr Angle lsst::geom::operator* ( Angle  a,
int  d 

Definition at line 330 of file Angle.h.

341 { return Angle(-static_cast<double>(angle)); }

◆ operator*() [4/9]

constexpr Angle lsst::geom::operator* ( double  d,
Angle  a 

Definition at line 329 of file Angle.h.

341 { return Angle(-static_cast<double>(angle)); }

◆ operator*() [5/9]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N> lsst::geom::operator* ( double  lhs,
ExtentBase< int, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 460 of file Extent.h.

460  {
461  return lhs * Extent<double, N>(static_cast<Extent<int, N> const &>(rhs));
462 }

◆ operator*() [6/9]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N> lsst::geom::operator* ( ExtentBase< int, N > const &  lhs,
double  rhs 

Definition at line 438 of file Extent.h.

438  {
439  return Extent<double, N>(static_cast<Extent<int, N> const &>(lhs)) * rhs;
440 }

◆ operator*() [7/9]

constexpr Angle lsst::geom::operator* ( int  d,
Angle  a 

Definition at line 330 of file Angle.h.

341 { return Angle(-static_cast<double>(angle)); }

◆ operator*() [8/9]

template<typename T >
constexpr Angle operator* ( lhs,
AngleUnit  rhs 

Use AngleUnit to convert a POD (e.g. int, double) to an Angle; e.g. 180*degrees.

lhsthe value to convert
rhsthe conversion coefficient
Exception Safety
Shall not throw exceptions.

Definition at line 395 of file Angle.h.

395  {
396  static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value,
397  "Only numeric types may be multiplied by an AngleUnit to create an Angle!");
398  return Angle(lhs * rhs._val);
399 }

◆ operator*() [9/9]

template<typename T , int N>
Extent<T, N> lsst::geom::operator* ( scalar,
ExtentBase< T, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 432 of file Extent.h.

433  {
434  return rhs * scalar;
435 }

◆ operator*=()

template<int N>
void lsst::geom::operator*= ( ExtentBase< int, N > &  lhs,
double  rhs 

Definition at line 443 of file Extent.h.

443  {
444  // use "N < 0" so assertion is dependent on template instantiation, instead of triggering all the time
445  static_assert(N < 0, "In-place multiplication of Extent<int,N> by double would truncate.");
446 }

◆ operator+() [1/6]

constexpr Angle operator+ ( Angle  a,
Angle  d 

Sum of two angles.

Definition at line 308 of file Angle.h.

341 { return Angle(-static_cast<double>(angle)); }

◆ operator+() [2/6]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N> lsst::geom::operator+ ( Extent< double, N > const &  lhs,
Extent< int, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 465 of file Extent.h.

465  {
466  return lhs + Extent<double, N>(rhs);
467 }

◆ operator+() [3/6]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N> lsst::geom::operator+ ( Extent< int, N > const &  lhs,
Extent< double, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 485 of file Extent.h.

485  {
486  return Extent<double, N>(lhs) + rhs;
487 }

◆ operator+() [4/6]

template<int N>
Point<double, N> lsst::geom::operator+ ( Extent< int, N > const &  rhs,
Point< double, N > const &  lhs 

Definition at line 333 of file Point.h.

333  {
334  return Point<double, N>(lhs) + rhs;
335 }

◆ operator+() [5/6]

template<int N>
Point<double, N> lsst::geom::operator+ ( Point< double, N > const &  lhs,
Extent< int, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 328 of file Point.h.

328  {
329  return lhs + Extent<double, N>(rhs);
330 }

◆ operator+() [6/6]

template<int N>
Point<double, N> lsst::geom::operator+ ( Point< int, N > const &  lhs,
Extent< double, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 343 of file Point.h.

343  {
344  return Point<double, N>(lhs) + rhs;
345 }

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N>& lsst::geom::operator+= ( Extent< double, N > &  lhs,
Extent< int, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 470 of file Extent.h.

470  {
471  return lhs += Extent<double, N>(rhs);
472 }

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

template<int N>
Point<double, N>& lsst::geom::operator+= ( Point< double, N > &  lhs,
Extent< int, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 338 of file Point.h.

338  {
339  return lhs += Extent<double, N>(rhs);
340 }

◆ operator-() [1/8]

constexpr Angle operator- ( Angle  a,
Angle  d 

Difference of two angles.

Definition at line 314 of file Angle.h.

341 { return Angle(-static_cast<double>(angle)); }

◆ operator-() [2/8]

constexpr Angle operator- ( Angle  angle)

An angle in the opposite sense.

Definition at line 341 of file Angle.h.

341 { return Angle(-static_cast<double>(angle)); }

◆ operator-() [3/8]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N> lsst::geom::operator- ( Extent< double, N > const &  lhs,
Extent< int, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 475 of file Extent.h.

475  {
476  return lhs - Extent<double, N>(rhs);
477 }

◆ operator-() [4/8]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N> lsst::geom::operator- ( Extent< int, N > const &  lhs,
Extent< double, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 490 of file Extent.h.

490  {
491  return Extent<double, N>(lhs) - rhs;
492 }

◆ operator-() [5/8]

template<int N>
Point<double, N> lsst::geom::operator- ( Point< double, N > const &  lhs,
Extent< int, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 348 of file Point.h.

348  {
349  return lhs - Extent<double, N>(rhs);
350 }

◆ operator-() [6/8]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N> lsst::geom::operator- ( Point< double, N > const &  lhs,
Point< int, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 363 of file Point.h.

363  {
364  return lhs - Point<double, N>(rhs);
365 }

◆ operator-() [7/8]

template<int N>
Point<double, N> lsst::geom::operator- ( Point< int, N > const &  lhs,
Extent< double, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 358 of file Point.h.

358  {
359  return Point<double, N>(lhs) - rhs;
360 }

◆ operator-() [8/8]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N> lsst::geom::operator- ( Point< int, N > const &  lhs,
Point< double, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 368 of file Point.h.

368  {
369  return Point<double, N>(lhs) - rhs;
370 }

◆ operator-=() [1/2]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N>& lsst::geom::operator-= ( Extent< double, N > &  lhs,
Extent< int, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 480 of file Extent.h.

480  {
481  return lhs -= Extent<double, N>(rhs);
482 }

◆ operator-=() [2/2]

template<int N>
Point<double, N>& lsst::geom::operator-= ( Point< double, N > &  lhs,
Extent< int, N > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 353 of file Point.h.

353  {
354  return lhs -= Extent<double, N>(rhs);
355 }

◆ operator/() [1/4]

constexpr Angle operator/ ( Angle  a,
double  d 

Ratio of an angle and a scalar.

Definition at line 356 of file Angle.h.

356 { return Angle(static_cast<double>(a) / d); }

◆ operator/() [2/4]

constexpr Angle operator/ ( Angle  a,
int  d 

Ratio of an angle and a scalar.

Definition at line 349 of file Angle.h.

349 { return Angle(static_cast<double>(a) / d); }

◆ operator/() [3/4]

template<int N>
Extent<double, N> lsst::geom::operator/ ( ExtentBase< int, N > const &  lhs,
double  rhs 

Definition at line 449 of file Extent.h.

449  {
450  return Extent<double, N>(static_cast<Extent<int, N> const &>(lhs)) / rhs;
451 }

◆ operator/() [4/4]

template<typename T >
constexpr double lsst::geom::operator/ ( T const  lhs,
Angle  rhs 

◆ operator/=()

template<int N>
void lsst::geom::operator/= ( ExtentBase< int, N > &  lhs,
double  rhs 

Definition at line 454 of file Extent.h.

454  {
455  // use "N < 0" so assertion is dependent on template instantiation, instead of triggering all the time
456  static_assert(N < 0, "In-place division of Extent<int,N> by double would truncate.");
457 }

◆ operator<<() [1/9]

std::ostream & lsst::geom::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
Box2D const &  box 

Definition at line 510 of file

510  {
511  if (box.isEmpty()) return os << "Box2D()";
512  return os << "Box2D(Point2D" << box.getMin() << ", Extent2D" << box.getDimensions() << ")";
513 }
std::ostream * os

◆ operator<<() [2/9]

std::ostream & lsst::geom::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
Box2I const &  box 

Definition at line 505 of file

505  {
506  if (box.isEmpty()) return os << "Box2I()";
507  return os << "Box2I(Point2I" << box.getMin() << ", Extent2I" << box.getDimensions() << ")";
508 }

◆ operator<<() [3/9]

template<typename Derived , typename T , int N>
std::ostream& lsst::geom::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &  coordinate 

Definition at line 258 of file CoordinateBase.h.

258  {
259  os << "(" << coordinate[0];
260  for (int n = 1; n < N; ++n) os << ", " << coordinate[n];
261  return os << ")";
262 }

◆ operator<<() [4/9]

std::ostream & lsst::geom::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
IntervalD const &  interval 

Definition at line 375 of file

375  {
376  if (interval.isEmpty()) return os << "IntervalD()";
377  return os << "IntervalD" << interval.toString();
378 }

◆ operator<<() [5/9]

std::ostream & lsst::geom::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
IntervalI const &  interval 

Definition at line 370 of file

370  {
371  if (interval.isEmpty()) return os << "IntervalI()";
372  return os << "IntervalI" << interval.toString();
373 }

◆ operator<<() [6/9]

std::ostream & lsst::geom::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
lsst::geom::AffineTransform const &  transform 

Definition at line 72 of file

72  {
73  std::ios::fmtflags flags = os.flags();
74  AffineTransform::Matrix const &matrix = transform.getMatrix();
75  int prec = os.precision(7);
76  os.setf(std::ios::fixed);
77  os << "AffineTransform([(" << std::setw(10) << matrix(0, 0) << "," << std::setw(10) << matrix(0, 1) << ","
78  << std::setw(10) << matrix(0, 2) << "),\n";
79  os << " (" << std::setw(10) << matrix(1, 0) << "," << std::setw(10) << matrix(1, 1) << ","
80  << std::setw(10) << matrix(1, 2) << "),\n";
81  os << " (" << std::setw(10) << matrix(2, 0) << "," << std::setw(10) << matrix(2, 1) << ","
82  << std::setw(10) << matrix(2, 2) << ")])";
83  os.precision(prec);
84  os.flags(flags);
85  return os;
86 }
table::Key< int > transform
T flags(T... args)
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > Matrix
Definition: common.h:45
T precision(T... args)
T setf(T... args)
T setw(T... args)

◆ operator<<() [7/9]

std::ostream & lsst::geom::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
lsst::geom::LinearTransform const &  t 

Definition at line 65 of file

65  {
66  std::ios::fmtflags flags = os.flags();
67  int prec = os.precision(7);
68  os.setf(std::ios::fixed);
69  os << "LinearTransform([(" << std::setw(10) << t[LinearTransform::XX] << "," << std::setw(10)
70  << t[LinearTransform::XY] << "),\n";
71  os << " (" << std::setw(10) << t[LinearTransform::YX] << "," << std::setw(10)
72  << t[LinearTransform::YY] << ")])";
73  os.precision(prec);
74  os.flags(flags);
75  return os;
76 }

◆ operator<<() [8/9]

ostream & lsst::geom::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
SpherePoint const &  point 

Print the value of a point to a stream.

The exact details of the string representation are unspecified and subject to change, but the following may be regarded as typical: "(10.543250, +32.830583)".

osthe stream to which to print point
pointthe point to print to the stream
a reference to os
pex::exceptions::std::ostream::failureThrown if an I/O state flag was set that was registered with os.exceptions(). See the documentation of std::ostream for more details.
Exception Safety
Provides basic exception guarantee.

Definition at line 253 of file

253  {
254  // Can't provide atomic guarantee anyway for I/O, so ok to set ostream states here.
255  auto oldFlags = os.setf(ostream::fixed);
256  // 10 digits of precision for a value in degrees is about 1 milliarcsecond
257  auto oldPrecision = os.precision(10);
259  os << "(" << point.getLongitude().asDegrees() << ", ";
260  os.setf(ostream::showpos);
261  os << point.getLatitude().asDegrees() << ")";
263  os.flags(oldFlags);
264  os.precision(oldPrecision);
265  return os;
266 }

◆ operator<<() [9/9]

std::ostream & lsst::geom::operator<< ( std::ostream s,
Angle  a 

Print an Angle to a stream.

The exact details of the string representation are unspecified and subject to change, but the following may be regarded as typical: "0.567 rad".

sThe output stream.
aThe angle.
Exception Safety
Provides basic exception guarantee.

Definition at line 29 of file

29 { return s << static_cast<double>(a) << " rad"; }


lsst::geom::PYBIND11_MODULE ( _geom  ,

Definition at line 43 of file

43  {
44  WrapperCollection w(mod, "lsst.geom");
45  wrapAngle(w);
48  wrapInterval(w);
49  wrapBox(w);
52  w.finish();
53 }
void wrapCoordinates(WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapAffineTransform(WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapInterval(WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapBox(WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapSpherePoint(WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapAngle(WrapperCollection &wrappers)
void wrapLinearTransform(WrapperCollection &wrappers)
double w

◆ radToArcsec()

constexpr double lsst::geom::radToArcsec ( double  x)

Definition at line 53 of file Angle.h.

53 { return x * 3600. * 180. / PI; }

◆ radToDeg()

constexpr double lsst::geom::radToDeg ( double  x)

Definition at line 52 of file Angle.h.

52 { return x * 180. / PI; }

◆ radToMas()

constexpr double lsst::geom::radToMas ( double  x)

Definition at line 54 of file Angle.h.

54 { return x * 1000. * 3600. * 180. / PI; }

◆ swap() [1/2]

void lsst::geom::swap ( IntervalD a,
IntervalD b 

Definition at line 736 of file Interval.h.

736 { a.swap(b); }

◆ swap() [2/2]

void lsst::geom::swap ( IntervalI a,
IntervalI b 

Definition at line 734 of file Interval.h.

734 { a.swap(b); }

◆ truncate()

template<int N>
Extent< int, N > lsst::geom::truncate ( Extent< double, N > const &  input)

Return the component-wise truncation (round towards zero).

In Python, this is available as both a free function and a method on ExtentD.

Definition at line 100 of file

100  {
101  Extent<int, N> result;
102  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
103  result[i] = static_cast<int>(input[i]);
104  }
105  return result;
106 }

◆ wrapAffineTransform() [1/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapAffineTransform ( utils::python::WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

Definition at line 37 of file

37  {
38  wrappers.wrapType(
39  py::class_<AffineTransform, std::shared_ptr<AffineTransform>>(wrappers.module, "AffineTransform"),
40  [](auto & mod, auto & cls) mutable {
42  // Parameters enum is really only used as integer constants.
43  cls.attr("XX") = py::cast(int(AffineTransform::Parameters::XX));
44  cls.attr("YX") = py::cast(int(AffineTransform::Parameters::YX));
45  cls.attr("XY") = py::cast(int(AffineTransform::Parameters::XY));
46  cls.attr("YY") = py::cast(int(AffineTransform::Parameters::YY));
47  cls.attr("X") = py::cast(int(AffineTransform::Parameters::X));
48  cls.attr("Y") = py::cast(int(AffineTransform::Parameters::Y));
50  /* Constructors */
51  cls.def(py::init<>());
52  cls.def(py::init<Eigen::Matrix3d const &>(), "matrix"_a);
53  cls.def(py::init<Eigen::Matrix2d const &>(), "linear"_a);
54  cls.def(py::init<Eigen::Vector2d const &>(), "translation"_a);
55  cls.def(py::init<Eigen::Matrix2d const &, Eigen::Vector2d const &>(),
56  "linear"_a, "translation"_a);
57  cls.def(py::init<LinearTransform const &>(), "linear"_a);
58  cls.def(py::init<Extent2D const &>(), "translation"_a);
59  cls.def(py::init<LinearTransform const &, Extent2D const &>(), "linear"_a, "translation"_a);
61  /* Operators and special methods */
62  cls.def("__mul__", &AffineTransform::operator*, py::is_operator());
63  cls.def("__call__",
64  py::overload_cast<Point2D const &>(&AffineTransform::operator(), py::const_));
65  cls.def("__call__",
66  py::overload_cast<Extent2D const &>(&AffineTransform::operator(), py::const_));
67  cls.def("__call__",
68  // We use pybind11's wrappers for the Python C API to
69  // delegate to other wrapped methods because:
70  // - defining this in pure Python is tricky because it's
71  // an overload, not a standalone method;
72  // - we'd rather not add a new pure-Python file just for
73  // this;
74  // - using py::vectorize internal to the method would
75  // involve defining a new internal callable every time
76  // this method is called.
77  // The other viable alternative would be to define
78  // applyX and applyY as Python callables with py::vectorize
79  // outside the lambda as C++ local variables, and then
80  // capture them by value in the lambda. This just seems
81  // slightly cleaner, as it's closer to how one would
82  // implement this in pure Python, if it wasn't an overload.
83  [](py::object self, py::object x, py::object y) {
84  return py::make_tuple(self.attr("applyX")(x, y),
85  self.attr("applyY")(x, y));
86  },
87  "x"_a, "y"_a);
88  cls.def("__setitem__", [](AffineTransform &self, int i, double value) {
89  if (i < 0 || i > 5) {
90  PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "Invalid index for AffineTransform: %d", i);
91  throw py::error_already_set();
92  }
93  self[i] = value;
94  });
95  cls.def("__getitem__", [](AffineTransform const &self, int row, int col) {
96  if (row < 0 || row > 2 || col < 0 || col > 2) {
97  PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "Invalid index for AffineTransform: %d, %d", row, col);
98  throw py::error_already_set();
99  }
100  return (self.getMatrix())(row, col);
101  });
102  cls.def("__getitem__", [](AffineTransform const &self, int i) {
103  if (i < 0 || i > 5) {
104  PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "Invalid index for AffineTransform: %d", i);
105  throw py::error_already_set();
106  }
107  return self[i];
108  });
109  cls.def("__str__", [](AffineTransform const &self) {
110  return py::str(py::cast(self.getMatrix())); }
111  );
112  cls.def("__repr__", [](AffineTransform const &self) {
113  return py::str("AffineTransform(\n{}\n)").format(py::cast(self.getMatrix()));
114  });
115  cls.def("__reduce__", [cls](AffineTransform const &self) {
116  return py::make_tuple(cls, py::make_tuple(py::cast(self.getMatrix())));
117  });
119  /* Members */
120  cls.def("inverted", &AffineTransform::inverted);
121  cls.def("isIdentity", &AffineTransform::isIdentity);
122  cls.def("getTranslation", (Extent2D & (AffineTransform::*)()) & AffineTransform::getTranslation);
123  cls.def("getLinear", (LinearTransform & (AffineTransform::*)()) & AffineTransform::getLinear);
124  cls.def("getMatrix", &AffineTransform::getMatrix);
125  cls.def("getParameterVector", &AffineTransform::getParameterVector);
126  cls.def("setParameterVector", &AffineTransform::setParameterVector);
127  cls.def("applyX", py::vectorize(&AffineTransform::applyX), "x"_a, "y"_a);
128  cls.def("applyY", py::vectorize(&AffineTransform::applyY), "x"_a, "y"_a);
129  cls.def_static("makeScaling", py::overload_cast<double>(&AffineTransform::makeScaling));
130  cls.def_static("makeScaling", py::overload_cast<double, double>(&AffineTransform::makeScaling));
131  cls.def_static("makeRotation", &AffineTransform::makeRotation, "angle"_a);
132  cls.def_static("makeTranslation", &AffineTransform::makeTranslation, "translation"_a);
134  /* Non-members */
135  mod.def("makeAffineTransformFromTriple", makeAffineTransformFromTriple);
136  }
137  );
138 }
AffineTransform makeAffineTransformFromTriple(Point2D const &p1, Point2D const &p2, Point2D const &p3, Point2D const &q1, Point2D const &q2, Point2D const &q3)
Extent< double, 2 > Extent2D
Definition: Extent.h:400
int row
int col

◆ wrapAffineTransform() [2/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapAffineTransform ( WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

◆ wrapAngle() [1/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapAngle ( utils::python::WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

Definition at line 54 of file

54  {
55  wrappers.wrapType(
56  PyAngleUnit(wrappers.module, "AngleUnit"),
57  [](auto & mod, auto & cls) mutable {
58  cls.def("__eq__", [](AngleUnit const& self, AngleUnit const& other) { return self == other; },
59  py::is_operator());
60  cls.def("__ne__", [](AngleUnit const& self, AngleUnit const& other) { return !(self == other); },
61  py::is_operator());
62  cls.def("_mul", [](AngleUnit const& self, double other) { return other * self; },
63  py::is_operator());
64  cls.def("_rmul", [](AngleUnit const& self, double other) { return other * self; },
65  py::is_operator());
66  mod.attr("radians") = py::cast(radians);
67  mod.attr("degrees") = py::cast(degrees);
68  mod.attr("hours") = py::cast(hours);
69  mod.attr("arcminutes") = py::cast(arcminutes);
70  mod.attr("arcseconds") = py::cast(arcseconds);
71  mod.attr("milliarcseconds") = py::cast(milliarcseconds);
72  }
73  );
75  wrappers.wrapType(
76  PyAngle(wrappers.module, "Angle"),
77  [](auto & mod, auto & cls) mutable {
78  cls.def(py::init<double, AngleUnit>(), py::arg("val"), py::arg("units") = radians);
79  cls.def(py::init<>());
80  declareAngleComparisonOperators<Angle>(cls);
81  declareAngleComparisonOperators<double>(cls);
82  declareAngleComparisonOperators<int>(cls);
83  cls.def("__mul__", [](Angle const& self, double other) { return self * other; },
84  py::is_operator());
85  cls.def("__mul__", [](Angle const& self, int other) { return self * other; },
86  py::is_operator());
87  cls.def("__rmul__", [](Angle const& self, double other) { return self * other; },
88  py::is_operator());
89  cls.def("__rmul__", [](Angle const& self, int other) { return self * other; },
90  py::is_operator());
91  cls.def("__imul__", [](Angle& self, double other) { return self *= other; });
92  cls.def("__imul__", [](Angle& self, int other) { return self *= other; });
93  cls.def("__add__", [](Angle const& self, Angle const& other) { return self + other; },
94  py::is_operator());
95  cls.def("__sub__", [](Angle const& self, Angle const& other) { return self - other; },
96  py::is_operator());
97  cls.def("__neg__", [](Angle const& self) { return -self; }, py::is_operator());
98  cls.def("__iadd__", [](Angle& self, Angle const& other) { return self += other; });
99  cls.def("__isub__", [](Angle& self, Angle const& other) { return self -= other; });
100  cls.def("__truediv__", [](Angle const& self, double other) { return self / other; },
101  py::is_operator());
102  // Without an explicit wrapper, Python lets Angle / Angle -> Angle
103  cls.def("__truediv__", [](Angle const& self, Angle const& other) {
104  throw py::type_error("unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Angle' and 'Angle'");
105  });
106  cls.def("__float__", &Angle::operator double);
107  cls.def("__abs__", [](Angle const& self) { return std::abs(self.asRadians()) * radians; });
109  cls.def("__reduce__", [cls](Angle const& self) {
110  return py::make_tuple(cls, py::make_tuple(py::cast(self.asRadians())));
111  });
112  utils::python::addOutputOp(cls, "__str__");
113  utils::python::addOutputOp(cls, "__repr__");
114  cls.def("asAngularUnits", &Angle::asAngularUnits);
115  cls.def("asRadians", &Angle::asRadians);
116  cls.def("asDegrees", &Angle::asDegrees);
117  cls.def("asHours", &Angle::asHours);
118  cls.def("asArcminutes", &Angle::asArcminutes);
119  cls.def("asArcseconds", &Angle::asArcseconds);
120  cls.def("asMilliarcseconds", &Angle::asMilliarcseconds);
121  cls.def("wrap", &Angle::wrap);
122  cls.def("wrapCtr", &Angle::wrapCtr);
123  cls.def("wrapNear", &Angle::wrapNear);
124  cls.def("separation", &Angle::separation);
125  mod.def("isAngle", isAngle<Angle>);
126  mod.def("isAngle", isAngle<double>);
127  }
128  );
130  wrappers.wrap(
131  [](auto & mod) mutable {
132  mod.attr("PI") = py::float_(PI);
133  mod.attr("TWOPI") = py::float_(TWOPI);
134  mod.attr("HALFPI") = py::float_(HALFPI);
135  mod.attr("ONE_OVER_PI") = py::float_(ONE_OVER_PI);
136  mod.attr("SQRTPI") = py::float_(SQRTPI);
137  mod.attr("INVSQRTPI") = py::float_(INVSQRTPI);
138  mod.attr("ROOT2") = py::float_(ROOT2);
139  mod.def("degToRad", degToRad);
140  mod.def("radToDeg", radToDeg);
141  mod.def("radToArcsec", radToArcsec);
142  mod.def("radToMas", radToMas);
143  mod.def("arcsecToRad", arcsecToRad);
144  mod.def("masToRad", masToRad);
145  }
146  );
147 }
void addOutputOp(PyClass &cls, std::string const &method)
Add __str__ or __repr__ method implemented by operator<<.
Definition: python.h:87
double const SQRTPI
Definition: Angle.h:44
constexpr double arcsecToRad(double x) noexcept
Definition: Angle.h:55
double const INVSQRTPI
Definition: Angle.h:45
constexpr double radToMas(double x) noexcept
Definition: Angle.h:54
constexpr AngleUnit arcseconds
constant with units of arcseconds
Definition: Angle.h:112
constexpr double HALFPI
Definition: Angle.h:41
constexpr AngleUnit degrees
constant with units of degrees
Definition: Angle.h:109
constexpr double radToDeg(double x) noexcept
Definition: Angle.h:52
constexpr double masToRad(double x) noexcept
Definition: Angle.h:56
constexpr double radToArcsec(double x) noexcept
Definition: Angle.h:53
constexpr double TWOPI
Definition: Angle.h:40
constexpr AngleUnit hours
constant with units of hours
Definition: Angle.h:110
constexpr AngleUnit milliarcseconds
constant with units of milliarcseconds
Definition: Angle.h:115
py::class_< Angle > PyAngle
constexpr double degToRad(double x) noexcept
Definition: Angle.h:51
constexpr double ONE_OVER_PI
Definition: Angle.h:42
constexpr double ROOT2
Definition: Angle.h:46
constexpr AngleUnit radians
constant with units of radians
Definition: Angle.h:108
py::class_< AngleUnit > PyAngleUnit
constexpr AngleUnit arcminutes
constant with units of arcminutes
Definition: Angle.h:111
def wrap(ctrl)

◆ wrapAngle() [2/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapAngle ( WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

◆ wrapBox() [1/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapBox ( utils::python::WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

Definition at line 35 of file

35  {
36  wrappers.wrapType(
37  py::class_<Box2I, std::shared_ptr<Box2I>>(wrappers.module, "Box2I"),
38  [](auto & mod, auto & cls) mutable {
40  cls.attr("Point") = mod.attr("Point2I");
41  cls.attr("Extent") = mod.attr("Extent2I");
43  py::enum_<Box2I::EdgeHandlingEnum>(cls, "EdgeHandlingEnum")
44  .value("EXPAND", Box2I::EdgeHandlingEnum::EXPAND)
45  .value("SHRINK", Box2I::EdgeHandlingEnum::SHRINK)
46  .export_values();
48  cls.def(py::init<>());
49  cls.def(py::init<Point2I const &, Point2I const &, bool>(), "minimum"_a, "maximum"_a,
50  "invert"_a = true);
51  cls.def(py::init<Point2I const &, Extent2I const &, bool>(), "corner"_a, "dimensions"_a,
52  "invert"_a = true);
53  cls.def(py::init<IntervalI const &, IntervalI const &>(), "x"_a, "y"_a);
54  cls.def(py::init<Box2D const &, Box2I::EdgeHandlingEnum>(), "other"_a,
55  "edgeHandling"_a = Box2I::EXPAND);
56  cls.def(py::init<Box2I const &>(), "other"_a);
58  cls.def("__eq__", [](Box2I const &self, Box2I const &other) { return self == other; },
59  py::is_operator());
60  cls.def("__ne__", [](Box2I const &self, Box2I const &other) { return self != other; },
61  py::is_operator());
63  cls.def_static("makeCenteredBox", &Box2I::makeCenteredBox, "center"_a, "size"_a);
64  cls.def("swap", &Box2I::swap);
65  cls.def("getMin", &Box2I::getMin);
66  cls.def("getMinX", &Box2I::getMinX);
67  cls.def("getMinY", &Box2I::getMinY);
68  cls.def("getMax", &Box2I::getMax);
69  cls.def("getMaxX", &Box2I::getMaxX);
70  cls.def("getMaxY", &Box2I::getMaxY);
71  cls.def_property_readonly("minX", &Box2I::getMinX);
72  cls.def_property_readonly("minY", &Box2I::getMinY);
73  cls.def_property_readonly("maxX", &Box2I::getMaxX);
74  cls.def_property_readonly("maxY", &Box2I::getMaxY);
75  cls.def("getBegin", &Box2I::getBegin);
76  cls.def("getBeginX", &Box2I::getBeginX);
77  cls.def("getBeginY", &Box2I::getBeginY);
78  cls.def("getEnd", &Box2I::getEnd);
79  cls.def("getEndX", &Box2I::getEndX);
80  cls.def("getEndY", &Box2I::getEndY);
81  cls.def_property_readonly("beginX", &Box2I::getBeginX);
82  cls.def_property_readonly("beginY", &Box2I::getBeginY);
83  cls.def_property_readonly("endX", &Box2I::getEndX);
84  cls.def_property_readonly("endY", &Box2I::getEndY);
85  cls.def("getDimensions", &Box2I::getDimensions);
86  cls.def("getWidth", &Box2I::getWidth);
87  cls.def("getHeight", &Box2I::getHeight);
88  cls.def("getArea", &Box2I::getArea);
89  cls.def_property_readonly("width", &Box2I::getWidth);
90  cls.def_property_readonly("height", &Box2I::getHeight);
91  cls.def_property_readonly("area", &Box2I::getArea);
92  cls.def("getCenter", &Box2I::getCenter);
93  cls.def("getCenterX", &Box2I::getCenterX);
94  cls.def("getCenterY", &Box2I::getCenterY);
95  cls.def_property_readonly("centerX", &Box2I::getCenterX);
96  cls.def_property_readonly("centerY", &Box2I::getCenterY);
97  cls.def("getX", &Box2I::getX);
98  cls.def("getY", &Box2I::getY);
99  cls.def_property_readonly("x", &Box2I::getX);
100  cls.def_property_readonly("y", &Box2I::getY);
101  cls.def("isEmpty", &Box2I::isEmpty);
102  cls.def("contains", py::overload_cast<Point2I const &>(&Box2I::contains, py::const_));
103  cls.def("contains", py::overload_cast<Box2I const &>(&Box2I::contains, py::const_));
104  cls.def("contains",
105  py::vectorize(static_cast<bool (Box2I::*)(int x, int y) const>(&Box2I::contains)),
106  "x"_a, "y"_a);
107  cls.def("__contains__", py::overload_cast<Point2I const &>(&Box2I::contains, py::const_));
108  cls.def("__contains__", py::overload_cast<Box2I const &>(&Box2I::contains, py::const_));
109  cls.def("overlaps", &Box2I::overlaps);
110  cls.def("intersects", &Box2I::intersects);
111  cls.def("isDisjointFrom", &Box2I::isDisjointFrom);
112  cls.def("grow", py::overload_cast<int>(&Box2I::grow));
113  cls.def("grow", py::overload_cast<Extent2I const &>(&Box2I::grow));
114  cls.def("shift", &Box2I::shift);
115  cls.def("flipLR", &Box2I::flipLR);
116  cls.def("flipTB", &Box2I::flipTB);
117  cls.def("include", py::overload_cast<Point2I const &>(&Box2I::include));
118  cls.def("include", py::overload_cast<Box2I const &>(&Box2I::include));
119  cls.def("clip", &Box2I::clip);
120  cls.def("dilatedBy", py::overload_cast<int>(&Box2I::dilatedBy, py::const_));
121  cls.def("dilatedBy", py::overload_cast<Extent2I const &>(&Box2I::dilatedBy, py::const_));
122  cls.def("erodedBy", py::overload_cast<int>(&Box2I::erodedBy, py::const_));
123  cls.def("erodedBy", py::overload_cast<Extent2I const &>(&Box2I::erodedBy, py::const_));
124  cls.def("shiftedBy", &Box2I::shiftedBy);
125  cls.def("reflectedAboutX", &Box2I::reflectedAboutX);
126  cls.def("reflectedAboutY", &Box2I::reflectedAboutY);
127  cls.def("expandedTo", py::overload_cast<Point2I const &>(&Box2I::expandedTo, py::const_));
128  cls.def("expandedTo", py::overload_cast<Box2I const &>(&Box2I::expandedTo, py::const_));
129  cls.def("clippedTo", &Box2I::clippedTo);
130  cls.def("getCorners", &Box2I::getCorners);
131  cls.def("toString", &Box2I::toString);
132  cls.def("__repr__", [](Box2I const &self) {
133  return py::str("Box2I(minimum={}, dimensions={})")
134  .format(py::repr(py::cast(self.getMin())), py::repr(py::cast(self.getDimensions())));
135  });
136  cls.def("__str__", [](Box2I const &self) {
137  return py::str("(minimum={}, maximum={})")
138  .format(py::str(py::cast(self.getMin())), py::str(py::cast(self.getMax())));
139  });
140  cls.def("__reduce__", [cls](Box2I const &self) {
141  return py::make_tuple(cls, make_tuple(py::cast(self.getMin()), py::cast(self.getMax())));
142  });
143  auto getSlices = [](Box2I const &self) {
144  return py::make_tuple(py::slice(self.getBeginY(), self.getEndY(), 1),
145  py::slice(self.getBeginX(), self.getEndX(), 1));
146  };
147  cls.def("getSlices", getSlices);
148  cls.def_property_readonly("slices", getSlices);
150  mod.attr("BoxI") = cls;
151  }
152  );
154  wrappers.wrapType(
155  py::class_<Box2D, std::shared_ptr<Box2D>>(wrappers.module, "Box2D"),
156  [](auto & mod, auto & cls) mutable {
158  cls.attr("Point") = mod.attr("Point2D");
159  cls.attr("Extent") = mod.attr("Extent2D");
161  cls.attr("EPSILON") = py::float_(Box2D::EPSILON);
162  cls.attr("INVALID") = py::float_(Box2D::INVALID);
164  cls.def(py::init<>());
165  cls.def(py::init<Point2D const &, Point2D const &, bool>(), "minimum"_a, "maximum"_a,
166  "invert"_a = true);
167  cls.def(py::init<Point2D const &, Extent2D const &, bool>(), "corner"_a, "dimensions"_a,
168  "invert"_a = true);
169  cls.def(py::init<IntervalD const &, IntervalD const &>(), "x"_a, "y"_a);
170  cls.def(py::init<Box2I const &>());
171  cls.def(py::init<Box2D const &>());
173  cls.def("__eq__", [](Box2D const &self, Box2D const &other) { return self == other; },
174  py::is_operator());
175  cls.def("__ne__", [](Box2D const &self, Box2D const &other) { return self != other; },
176  py::is_operator());
178  cls.def_static("makeCenteredBox", &Box2D::makeCenteredBox, "center"_a, "size"_a);
179  cls.def("swap", &Box2D::swap);
180  cls.def("getMin", &Box2D::getMin);
181  cls.def("getMinX", &Box2D::getMinX);
182  cls.def("getMinY", &Box2D::getMinY);
183  cls.def("getMax", &Box2D::getMax);
184  cls.def("getMaxX", &Box2D::getMaxX);
185  cls.def("getMaxY", &Box2D::getMaxY);
186  cls.def_property_readonly("minX", &Box2D::getMinX);
187  cls.def_property_readonly("minY", &Box2D::getMinY);
188  cls.def_property_readonly("maxX", &Box2D::getMaxX);
189  cls.def_property_readonly("maxY", &Box2D::getMaxY);
190  cls.def("getDimensions", &Box2D::getDimensions);
191  cls.def("getWidth", &Box2D::getWidth);
192  cls.def("getHeight", &Box2D::getHeight);
193  cls.def("getArea", &Box2D::getArea);
194  cls.def_property_readonly("width", &Box2D::getWidth);
195  cls.def_property_readonly("height", &Box2D::getHeight);
196  cls.def_property_readonly("area", &Box2D::getArea);
197  cls.def("getX", &Box2D::getX);
198  cls.def("getY", &Box2D::getY);
199  cls.def_property_readonly("x", &Box2D::getX);
200  cls.def_property_readonly("y", &Box2D::getY);
201  cls.def("getCenter", &Box2D::getCenter);
202  cls.def("getCenterX", &Box2D::getCenterX);
203  cls.def("getCenterY", &Box2D::getCenterY);
204  cls.def_property_readonly("centerX", &Box2D::getCenterX);
205  cls.def_property_readonly("centerY", &Box2D::getCenterY);
206  cls.def("isEmpty", &Box2D::isEmpty);
207  cls.def("contains", py::overload_cast<Point2D const &>(&Box2D::contains, py::const_));
208  cls.def("contains", py::overload_cast<Box2D const &>(&Box2D::contains, py::const_));
209  cls.def("contains",
210  py::vectorize(static_cast<bool (Box2D::*)(double x, double y) const>(&Box2D::contains)),
211  "x"_a, "y"_a);
212  cls.def("__contains__", py::overload_cast<Point2D const &>(&Box2D::contains, py::const_));
213  cls.def("__contains__", py::overload_cast<Box2D const &>(&Box2D::contains, py::const_));
214  cls.def("intersects", &Box2D::intersects);
215  cls.def("isDisjointFrom", &Box2D::isDisjointFrom);
216  cls.def("overlaps", &Box2D::overlaps);
217  cls.def("grow", py::overload_cast<double>(&Box2D::grow));
218  cls.def("grow", py::overload_cast<Extent2D const &>(&Box2D::grow));
219  cls.def("shift", &Box2D::shift);
220  cls.def("flipLR", &Box2D::flipLR);
221  cls.def("flipTB", &Box2D::flipTB);
222  cls.def("include", py::overload_cast<Point2D const &>(&Box2D::include));
223  cls.def("include", py::overload_cast<Box2D const &>(&Box2D::include));
224  cls.def("clip", &Box2D::clip);
225  cls.def("dilatedBy", py::overload_cast<double>(&Box2D::dilatedBy, py::const_));
226  cls.def("dilatedBy", py::overload_cast<Extent2D const &>(&Box2D::dilatedBy, py::const_));
227  cls.def("erodedBy", py::overload_cast<double>(&Box2D::erodedBy, py::const_));
228  cls.def("erodedBy", py::overload_cast<Extent2D const &>(&Box2D::erodedBy, py::const_));
229  cls.def("shiftedBy", &Box2D::shiftedBy);
230  cls.def("reflectedAboutX", &Box2D::reflectedAboutX);
231  cls.def("reflectedAboutY", &Box2D::reflectedAboutY);
232  cls.def("expandedTo", py::overload_cast<Point2D const &>(&Box2D::expandedTo, py::const_));
233  cls.def("expandedTo", py::overload_cast<Box2D const &>(&Box2D::expandedTo, py::const_));
234  cls.def("clippedTo", &Box2D::clippedTo);
235  cls.def("getCorners", &Box2D::getCorners);
236  cls.def("toString", &Box2D::toString);
237  cls.def("__repr__", [](Box2D const &self) {
238  return py::str("Box2D(minimum={}, dimensions={})")
239  .format(py::repr(py::cast(self.getMin())), py::repr(py::cast(self.getDimensions())));
240  });
241  cls.def("__str__", [](Box2D const &self) {
242  return py::str("(minimum={}, maximum={})")
243  .format(py::str(py::cast(self.getMin())), py::str(py::cast(self.getMax())));
244  });
245  cls.def("__reduce__", [cls](Box2D const &self) {
246  return py::make_tuple(cls, make_tuple(py::cast(self.getMin()), py::cast(self.getMax())));
247  });
249  mod.attr("BoxD") = cls;
250  }
251  );
252 }
int y
T make_tuple(T... args)
void swap(CameraSys &a, CameraSys &b)
Definition: CameraSys.h:157
constexpr double EPSILON
Definition: constants.h:54

◆ wrapBox() [2/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapBox ( WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

◆ wrapCoordinates() [1/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapCoordinates ( utils::python::WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

Definition at line 491 of file

491  {
492  // Only the interface-level classes are defined here, and these functions
493  // call others to define their base classes, since those are never shared.
495  declareCoordinateExpr<2>(wrappers, "2");
496  declareCoordinateExpr<3>(wrappers, "3");
498  auto clsExtent2I = declareExtent2<int>(wrappers, "I");
499  auto clsExtent2D = declareExtent2<double>(wrappers, "D");
501  auto clsExtent3I = declareExtent3<int>(wrappers, "I");
502  auto clsExtent3D = declareExtent3<double>(wrappers, "D");
504  auto clsPoint2I = declarePoint2<int>(wrappers, "I");
505  auto clsPoint2D = declarePoint2<double>(wrappers, "D");
507  auto clsPoint3I = declarePoint3<int>(wrappers, "I");
508  auto clsPoint3D = declarePoint3<double>(wrappers, "D");
510  declareExtentOperators(wrappers, clsExtent2I, clsExtent2D);
511  declareExtentOperators(wrappers, clsExtent3I, clsExtent3D);
512  declarePointOperators(wrappers, clsPoint2I, clsPoint2D);
513  declarePointOperators(wrappers, clsPoint3I, clsPoint3D);
515 }

◆ wrapCoordinates() [2/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapCoordinates ( WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

◆ wrapInterval() [1/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapInterval ( utils::python::WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

Definition at line 105 of file

105  {
106  wrappers.wrapType(py::class_<IntervalI, std::shared_ptr<IntervalI>>(wrappers.module, "IntervalI"),
107  [](auto &mod, auto &cls) {
108  py::enum_<IntervalI::EdgeHandlingEnum>(cls, "EdgeHandlingEnum")
109  .value("EXPAND", IntervalI::EdgeHandlingEnum::EXPAND)
110  .value("SHRINK", IntervalI::EdgeHandlingEnum::SHRINK);
111  cls.def(py::init<IntervalD const &, IntervalI::EdgeHandlingEnum>(), "other"_a,
112  "edgeHandling"_a = IntervalI::EdgeHandlingEnum::EXPAND);
113  cls.def("getBegin", &IntervalI::getBegin);
114  cls.def_property_readonly("begin", &IntervalI::getBegin);
115  cls.def("getEnd", &IntervalI::getEnd);
116  cls.def_property_readonly("end", &IntervalI::getEnd);
117  declareCommonIntervalInterface(cls);
118  });
120  wrappers.wrapType(py::class_<IntervalD, std::shared_ptr<IntervalD>>(wrappers.module, "IntervalD"),
121  [](auto &mod, auto &cls) {
122  cls.def(py::init<IntervalI const &>());
123  cls.def("getCenter", &IntervalD::getCenter);
124  cls.def_property_readonly("center", &IntervalD::getCenter);
125  cls.def("isFinite", &IntervalD::isFinite);
126  declareCommonIntervalInterface(cls);
127  });
128 }

◆ wrapInterval() [2/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapInterval ( WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

◆ wrapLinearTransform() [1/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapLinearTransform ( utils::python::WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

Definition at line 41 of file

41  {
42  wrappers.wrapType(
43  py::class_<LinearTransform, std::shared_ptr<LinearTransform>>(wrappers.module, "LinearTransform"),
44  [](auto & mod, auto & cls) {
46  // Parameters enum is really only used as integer constants.
47  cls.attr("XX") = py::cast(int(LinearTransform::Parameters::XX));
48  cls.attr("YX") = py::cast(int(LinearTransform::Parameters::YX));
49  cls.attr("XY") = py::cast(int(LinearTransform::Parameters::XY));
50  cls.attr("YY") = py::cast(int(LinearTransform::Parameters::YY));
52  /* Constructors */
53  cls.def(py::init<>());
54  cls.def(py::init<LinearTransform::Matrix const &>(), "matrix"_a);
56  /* Operators */
57  cls.def("__call__",
58  py::overload_cast<Point2D const &>(&LinearTransform::operator(), py::const_));
59  cls.def("__call__",
60  py::overload_cast<Extent2D const &>(&LinearTransform::operator(), py::const_));
61  cls.def("__call__",
62  // We use pybind11's wrappers for the Python C API to
63  // delegate to other wrapped methods because:
64  // - defining this in pure Python is tricky because it's
65  // an overload, not a standalone method;
66  // - we'd rather not add a new pure-Python file just for
67  // this;
68  // - using py::vectorize internal to the method would
69  // involve defining a new internal callable every time
70  // this method is called.
71  // The other viable alternative would be to define
72  // applyX and applyY as Python callables with py::vectorize
73  // outside the lambda as C++ local variables, and then
74  // capture them by value in the lambda. This just seems
75  // slightly cleaner, as it's closer to how one would
76  // implement this in pure Python, if it wasn't an overload.
77  [](py::object self, py::object x, py::object y) {
78  return py::make_tuple(self.attr("applyX")(x, y),
79  self.attr("applyY")(x, y));
80  },
81  "x"_a, "y"_a);
82  cls.def("__getitem__",
83  [](LinearTransform const &self, int i) { return self[utils::python::cppIndex(4, i)]; });
84  cls.def("__getitem__", [](LinearTransform const &self, std::pair<int, int> i) {
85  auto row = utils::python::cppIndex(2, i.first);
86  auto col = utils::python::cppIndex(2, i.second);
87  return self.getMatrix()(row, col);
88  });
89  cls.def("__mul__", &LinearTransform::operator*, py::is_operator());
90  cls.def("__add__", &LinearTransform::operator+, py::is_operator());
91  cls.def("__sub__", &LinearTransform::operator-, py::is_operator());
92  cls.def("__iadd__", &LinearTransform::operator+=);
93  cls.def("__isub__", &LinearTransform::operator-=);
95  /* Members */
96  cls.def_static("makeScaling",
97  py::overload_cast<double>(&LinearTransform::makeScaling),
98  "scale"_a);
99  cls.def_static("makeScaling",
100  py::overload_cast<double, double>(&LinearTransform::makeScaling));
101  cls.def_static("makeRotation",
102  py::overload_cast<Angle>(LinearTransform::makeRotation),
103  "angle"_a);
104  cls.def("getParameterVector", &LinearTransform::getParameterVector);
105  cls.def("getMatrix",
106  py::overload_cast<>(& LinearTransform::getMatrix, py::const_));
107  cls.def("inverted", &LinearTransform::inverted);
108  cls.def("computeDeterminant", &LinearTransform::computeDeterminant);
109  cls.def("isIdentity", &LinearTransform::isIdentity);
110  cls.def("applyX", py::vectorize(&LinearTransform::applyX), "x"_a, "y"_a);
111  cls.def("applyY", py::vectorize(&LinearTransform::applyY), "x"_a, "y"_a);
113  cls.def("set",
114  [](LinearTransform &self, double xx, double yx, double xy, double yy) {
115  self[LinearTransform::XX] = xx;
116  self[LinearTransform::XY] = xy;
117  self[LinearTransform::YX] = yx;
118  self[LinearTransform::YY] = yy;
119  },
120  "xx"_a, "yx"_a, "xy"_a, "yy"_a);
122  cls.def("__str__", [](LinearTransform const &self) {
123  return py::str(py::cast(self.getMatrix()));
124  });
125  cls.def("__repr__", [](LinearTransform const &self) {
126  return py::str("LinearTransform(\n{}\n)").format(py::cast(self.getMatrix()));
127  });
128  cls.def("__reduce__", [cls](LinearTransform const &self) {
129  return py::make_tuple(cls, py::make_tuple(py::cast(self.getMatrix())));
130  });
131  }
132  );
133 }
std::size_t cppIndex(std::ptrdiff_t size, std::ptrdiff_t i)
Compute a C++ index from a Python index (negative values count from the end) and range-check.
Definition: python.h:124

◆ wrapLinearTransform() [2/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapLinearTransform ( WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

◆ wrapSpherePoint() [1/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapSpherePoint ( utils::python::WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

Definition at line 62 of file

62  {
63  wrappers.addSignatureDependency("lsst.sphgeom");
64  wrappers.wrapType(
65  PySpherePoint(wrappers.module, "SpherePoint"),
66  [](auto & mod, auto & cls) mutable {
67  /* Constructors */
68  cls.def(py::init<>());
69  cls.def(py::init<Angle const &, Angle const &>(), "longitude"_a, "latitude"_a);
70  cls.def(py::init<double, double, AngleUnit>(), "longitude"_a, "latitude"_a, "units"_a);
71  cls.def(py::init<sphgeom::Vector3d const &>(), "vector"_a);
72  cls.def(py::init<sphgeom::UnitVector3d const &>(), "unitVector"_a);
73  cls.def(py::init<sphgeom::LonLat const &>(), "lonLat"_a);
74  cls.def(py::init<SpherePoint const &>(), "other"_a);
75  py::implicitly_convertible<SpherePoint, sphgeom::LonLat>();
76  py::implicitly_convertible<sphgeom::LonLat, SpherePoint>();
78  /* Operators */
79  cls.def("__getitem__",
80  [](SpherePoint const &self, std::ptrdiff_t i) {
81  return self[utils::python::cppIndex(2, i)];
82  });
83  cls.def("__eq__", &SpherePoint::operator==, py::is_operator());
84  cls.def("__ne__", &SpherePoint::operator!=, py::is_operator());
86  /* Members */
87  cls.def("getLongitude", &SpherePoint::getLongitude);
88  cls.def("getLatitude", &SpherePoint::getLatitude);
89  cls.def("getRa", &SpherePoint::getRa);
90  cls.def("getDec", &SpherePoint::getDec);
91  cls.def("getVector", &SpherePoint::getVector);
92  cls.def("getPosition", &SpherePoint::getPosition, "units"_a);
93  cls.def("atPole", &SpherePoint::atPole);
94  cls.def("isFinite", &SpherePoint::isFinite);
95  cls.def("bearingTo", &SpherePoint::bearingTo, "other"_a);
96  cls.def("separation", &SpherePoint::separation, "other"_a);
97  cls.def("rotated", &SpherePoint::rotated, "axis"_a, "amount"_a);
98  cls.def("offset", &SpherePoint::offset, "bearing"_a, "amount"_a);
99  cls.def("getTangentPlaneOffset", &SpherePoint::getTangentPlaneOffset, "other"_a);
100  utils::python::addOutputOp(cls, "__str__");
101  cls.def("__len__", [](SpherePoint const &) { return 2; });
102  cls.def("__reduce__", [cls](SpherePoint const &self) {
103  return py::make_tuple(cls, py::make_tuple(py::cast(self.getLongitude()),
104  py::cast(self.getLatitude())));
105  });
108  /* Module level */
109  mod.def("averageSpherePoint", averageSpherePoint);
111  // Used only by pure-Python extension toUnitXYZ in
112  mod.def("_toUnitX", py::vectorize(&toUnitX), "longitude"_a, "latitude"_a);
113  mod.def("_toUnitY", py::vectorize(&toUnitY), "longitude"_a, "latitude"_a);
114  mod.def("_toUnitZ", py::vectorize(&toUnitZ), "longitude"_a, "latitude"_a);
115  }
116  );
117 }
SpherePoint averageSpherePoint(std::vector< SpherePoint > const &coords)
Return the average of a list of coordinates.
py::class_< SpherePoint, std::shared_ptr< SpherePoint > > PySpherePoint

◆ wrapSpherePoint() [2/2]

void lsst::geom::wrapSpherePoint ( WrapperCollection &  wrappers)

Variable Documentation

◆ arcminutes

constexpr AngleUnit lsst::geom::arcminutes = AngleUnit(PI / 60 / 180.0)

constant with units of arcminutes

Definition at line 111 of file Angle.h.

◆ arcseconds

constexpr AngleUnit lsst::geom::arcseconds = AngleUnit(PI / 180.0 / 3600.0)

constant with units of arcseconds

Definition at line 112 of file Angle.h.

◆ degrees

constexpr AngleUnit lsst::geom::degrees = AngleUnit(PI / 180.0)

constant with units of degrees

Definition at line 109 of file Angle.h.


constexpr double lsst::geom::HALFPI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>() * 0.5

Definition at line 41 of file Angle.h.

◆ hours

constexpr AngleUnit lsst::geom::hours = AngleUnit(PI * 15.0 / 180.0)

constant with units of hours

Definition at line 110 of file Angle.h.


double const lsst::geom::INVSQRTPI = 1.0 / sqrt(boost::math::constants::pi<double>())

Definition at line 45 of file Angle.h.


template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool lsst::geom::IS_NOTHROW_CONVERTIBLE
Initial value:

Test that a type is nothrow-copy-convertible from U to T.

Definition at line 45 of file CoordinateBase.h.

◆ milliarcseconds

constexpr AngleUnit lsst::geom::milliarcseconds
Initial value:
AngleUnit(PI / (180.0 * 3.6e6))

constant with units of milliarcseconds

Definition at line 115 of file Angle.h.


constexpr double lsst::geom::ONE_OVER_PI = 1.0 / boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

Definition at line 42 of file Angle.h.

◆ PI

constexpr double lsst::geom::PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

The ratio of a circle's circumference to diameter.

Definition at line 39 of file Angle.h.

◆ radians

constexpr AngleUnit lsst::geom::radians = AngleUnit(1.0)

constant with units of radians

Definition at line 108 of file Angle.h.


constexpr double lsst::geom::ROOT2 = boost::math::constants::root_two<double>()

Definition at line 46 of file Angle.h.


double const lsst::geom::SQRTPI = sqrt(boost::math::constants::pi<double>())

Definition at line 44 of file Angle.h.


constexpr double lsst::geom::TWOPI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>() * 2.0

Definition at line 40 of file Angle.h.