LSST Applications 28.0.0,g1653933729+a8ce1bb630,g1a997c3884+a8ce1bb630,g28da252d5a+5bd70b7e6d,g2bbee38e9b+638fca75ac,g2bc492864f+638fca75ac,g3156d2b45e+07302053f8,g347aa1857d+638fca75ac,g35bb328faa+a8ce1bb630,g3a166c0a6a+638fca75ac,g3e281a1b8c+7bbb0b2507,g4005a62e65+17cd334064,g414038480c+5b5cd4fff3,g41af890bb2+4ffae9de63,g4e1a3235cc+0f1912dca3,g6249c6f860+3c3976f90c,g80478fca09+46aba80bd6,g82479be7b0+77990446f6,g858d7b2824+78ba4d1ce1,g89c8672015+f667a5183b,g9125e01d80+a8ce1bb630,ga5288a1d22+2a6264e9ca,gae0086650b+a8ce1bb630,gb58c049af0+d64f4d3760,gc22bb204ba+78ba4d1ce1,gc28159a63d+638fca75ac,gcf0d15dbbd+32ddb6096f,gd6b7c0dfd1+3e339405e9,gda3e153d99+78ba4d1ce1,gda6a2b7d83+32ddb6096f,gdaeeff99f8+1711a396fd,gdd5a9049c5+b18c39e5e3,ge2409df99d+a5e4577cdc,ge33fd446bb+78ba4d1ce1,ge79ae78c31+638fca75ac,gf0baf85859+64e8883e75,gf5289d68f6+e1b046a8d7,gfa443fc69c+91d9ed1ecf,gfda6b12a05+8419469a56
LSST Data Management Base Package
Functions | |
extraMsg (msg) | |
assertAnglesAlmostEqual (testCase, ang0, ang1, maxDiff=0.001 *arcseconds, ignoreWrap=True, msg="Angles differ") | |
assertPairsAlmostEqual (testCase, pair0, pair1, maxDiff=1e-7, msg="Pairs differ") | |
assertPairListsAlmostEqual (testCase, list0, list1, maxDiff=1e-7, msg=None) | |
assertSpherePointsAlmostEqual (testCase, sp0, sp1, maxSep=0.001 *arcseconds, msg="") | |
assertSpherePointListsAlmostEqual (testCase, splist0, splist1, maxSep=0.001 *arcseconds, msg=None) | |
assertBoxesAlmostEqual (testCase, box0, box1, maxDiff=1e-7, msg="Boxes differ") | |
Utilities that should be imported into the lsst.geom namespace when lsst.geom is used In the case of the assert functions, importing them makes them available in lsst.utils.tests.TestCase
lsst.geom.testUtils.assertAnglesAlmostEqual | ( | testCase, | |
ang0, | |||
ang1, | |||
maxDiff = 0.001*arcseconds, | |||
ignoreWrap = True, | |||
msg = "Angles differ" ) |
Assert that two `~lsst.geom.Angle`\ s are almost equal, ignoring wrap differences by default. If both arguments are NaN the assert will pass. If one of the arguments is NaN but the other is not the assert will fail. Parameters ---------- testCase : `unittest.TestCase` test case the test is part of; an object supporting one method: fail(self, msgStr) ang0 : `lsst.geom.Angle` angle 0 ang1 : `lsst.geom.Angle` angle 1 maxDiff : `lsst.geom.Angle` maximum difference between the two angles ignoreWrap : `bool` ignore wrap when comparing the angles? - if True then wrap is ignored, e.g. 0 and 360 degrees are considered equal - if False then wrap matters, e.g. 0 and 360 degrees are considered different msg : `str` exception message prefix; details of the error are appended after ": " Raises ------ AssertionError Raised if the difference is greater than ``maxDiff``
Definition at line 46 of file
lsst.geom.testUtils.assertBoxesAlmostEqual | ( | testCase, | |
box0, | |||
box1, | |||
maxDiff = 1e-7, | |||
msg = "Boxes differ" ) |
Assert that two boxes (`~lsst.geom.Box2D` or `~lsst.geom.Box2I`) are almost equal Parameters ---------- testCase : `unittest.TestCase` test case the test is part of; an object supporting one method: fail(self, msgStr) box0 : `lsst.geom.Box2D` or `lsst.geom.Box2I` box 0 box1 : `lsst.geom.Box2D` or `lsst.geom.Box2I` box 1 maxDiff : `float` maximum radial separation between the min points and max points msg : `str` exception message prefix; details of the error are appended after ": " Raises ------ AssertionError Raised if the radial difference of the min points or max points is greater than maxDiff Notes ----- .. warning:: Does not compare types, just compares values.
Definition at line 250 of file
lsst.geom.testUtils.assertPairListsAlmostEqual | ( | testCase, | |
list0, | |||
list1, | |||
maxDiff = 1e-7, | |||
msg = None ) |
Assert that two lists of Cartesian points are almost equal Each point can be any indexable pair of two floats, including Point2D or Extent2D, a list or a tuple. Parameters ---------- testCase : `unittest.TestCase` test case the test is part of; an object supporting one method: fail(self, msgStr) list0 : `list` of pairs of `float` list of pairs 0 list1 : `list` of pairs of `float` list of pairs 1 maxDiff : `float` maximum radial separation between the two points msg : `str` additional information for the error message; appended after ": " Raises ------ AssertionError Raised if the radial difference is greater than ``maxDiff`` Notes ----- .. warning:: Does not compare types, just values.
Definition at line 141 of file
lsst.geom.testUtils.assertPairsAlmostEqual | ( | testCase, | |
pair0, | |||
pair1, | |||
maxDiff = 1e-7, | |||
msg = "Pairs differ" ) |
Assert that two Cartesian points are almost equal. Each point can be any indexable pair of two floats, including Point2D or Extent2D, a list or a tuple. Parameters ---------- testCase : `unittest.TestCase` test case the test is part of; an object supporting one method: fail(self, msgStr) pair0 : pair of `float` pair 0 pair1 : pair of `floats` pair 1 maxDiff : `float` maximum radial separation between the two points msg : `str` exception message prefix; details of the error are appended after ": " Raises ------ AssertionError Raised if the radial difference is greater than ``maxDiff`` Notes ----- .. warning:: Does not compare types, just compares values.
Definition at line 98 of file
lsst.geom.testUtils.assertSpherePointListsAlmostEqual | ( | testCase, | |
splist0, | |||
splist1, | |||
maxSep = 0.001*arcseconds, | |||
msg = None ) |
Assert that two lists of `~lsst.geom.SpherePoint`\ s are almost equal Parameters ---------- testCase : `unittest.TestCase` test case the test is part of; an object supporting one method: fail(self, msgStr) splist0 : `list` of `lsst.geom.SpherePoint` list of SpherePoints 0 splist1 : `list` of `lsst.geom.SpherePoint` list of SpherePoints 1 maxSep : `lsst.geom.Angle` maximum separation msg : `str` exception message prefix; details of the error are appended after ": " Raises ------ AssertionError The SpherePoint lists are not equal.
Definition at line 216 of file
lsst.geom.testUtils.assertSpherePointsAlmostEqual | ( | testCase, | |
sp0, | |||
sp1, | |||
maxSep = 0.001*arcseconds, | |||
msg = "" ) |
Assert that two `~lsst.geom.SpherePoint`\ s are almost equal Parameters ---------- testCase : `unittest.TestCase` test case the test is part of; an object supporting one method: fail(self, msgStr) sp0 : `lsst.geom.SpherePoint` SpherePoint 0 sp1 : `lsst.geom.SpherePoint` SpherePoint 1 maxSep : `lsst.geom.Angle` maximum separation msg : `str` extra information to be printed with any error message Raises ------ AssertionError The SpherePoints are not equal.
Definition at line 188 of file
lsst.geom.testUtils.extraMsg | ( | msg | ) |
Format extra error message, if any
Definition at line 37 of file