LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Public Types | Protected Types | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Friends | List of all members
ndarray::ArrayBaseN< Derived, N > Class Template Reference

An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef. More...

#include <ArrayBaseN.h>

Inheritance diagram for ndarray::ArrayBaseN< Derived, N >:
ndarray::ArrayBase< Derived > ndarray::ExpressionBase< Derived > ndarray::Array< double const, 2, 2 > ndarray::Array< double, 1, 1 > ndarray::Array< double, 2, 2 > ndarray::Array< ImagePixelT, 1, 1 > ndarray::Array< int, 1, 1 > ndarray::Array< int, 2, 2 > ndarray::Array< IntT, 1, 1 > ndarray::Array< MaskPixelT, 1, 1 > ndarray::Array< VariancePixelT, 1, 1 >

Public Types

typedef Super::Element Element
- Public Types inherited from ndarray::ArrayBase< Derived >
typedef Traits::Element Element
 Data type of array elements. More...
typedef Traits::Iterator Iterator
 Nested array or element iterator. More...
typedef Traits::Reference Reference
 Nested array or element reference. More...
typedef Traits::Value Value
 Nested array or element value type. More...
typedef Traits::ND ND
 Number of dimensions (boost::mpl::int_). More...
typedef Traits::RMC RMC
 Number of guaranteed row-major contiguous dimensions, counted from the end (boost::mpl::int_). More...
typedef Vector< int, ND::value > Index
 Vector type for N-dimensional indices. More...
typedef ArrayRef< Element,
ND::value,-RMC::value > 
 ArrayRef to a reverse-ordered contiguous array; the result of a call to transpose(). More...
typedef ArrayRef< Element,
ND::value, 0 > 
 ArrayRef to a noncontiguous array; the result of a call to transpose(...). More...
typedef Array< Element,
ND::value, RMC::value > 
 The corresponding Array type. More...
typedef ArrayRef< Element,
ND::value, RMC::value > 
 The corresponding ArrayRef type. More...
- Public Types inherited from ndarray::ExpressionBase< Derived >
typedef ExpressionTraits
< Derived >::Element 
 Data type of expression elements. More...
typedef ExpressionTraits
< Derived >::ND 
 Number of dimensions (boost::mpl::int_). More...
typedef ExpressionTraits
< Derived >::Iterator 
 Nested expression or element iterator. More...
typedef ExpressionTraits
< Derived >::Reference 
 Nested expression or element reference. More...
typedef ExpressionTraits
< Derived >::Value 
 Nested expression or element value type. More...
typedef Vector< int, ND::value > Index
 Vector type for N-dimensional indices. More...
typedef Derived Self
 CRTP derived type. More...
typedef Value value_type
typedef Iterator iterator
typedef Iterator const_iterator
typedef Reference reference
typedef Reference const_reference
typedef Iterator pointer
typedef int difference_type
typedef int size_type

Protected Types

typedef Super::Core Core
typedef Super::CorePtr CorePtr
- Protected Types inherited from ndarray::ArrayBase< Derived >
typedef ExpressionTraits< Derived > Traits
typedef Traits::Core Core
typedef Traits::CorePtr CorePtr

Private Types

typedef ArrayBase< Derived > Super

Private Member Functions

void operator= (ArrayBaseN const &other)
 ArrayBaseN (Element *data, CorePtr const &core)


template<typename T_ , int N_, int C_>
class Array
template<typename T_ , int N_, int C_>
class ArrayRef

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from ndarray::ArrayBase< Derived >
Reference operator[] (int n) const
 Return a single subarray. More...
Elementoperator[] (Index const &i) const
 Return a single element from the array. More...
Iterator begin () const
 Return an Iterator to the beginning of the array. More...
Iterator end () const
 Return an Iterator to one past the end of the array. More...
ElementgetData () const
 Return a raw pointer to the first element of the array. More...
bool isEmpty () const
 Return true if the array has a null data point. More...
Manager::Ptr getManager () const
 Return the opaque object responsible for memory management. More...
template<int P>
int getSize () const
 Return the size of a specific dimension. More...
template<int P>
int getStride () const
 Return the stride in a specific dimension. More...
Index getShape () const
 Return a Vector of the sizes of all dimensions. More...
Index getStrides () const
 Return a Vector of the strides of all dimensions. More...
int getNumElements () const
 Return the total number of elements in the array. More...
FullTranspose transpose () const
 Return a view of the array with the order of the dimensions reversed. More...
Transpose transpose (Index const &order) const
 Return a view of the array with the dimensions permuted. More...
Shallow const shallow () const
 Return a Array view to this. More...
Deep const deep () const
 Return an ArrayRef view to this. More...
template<typename Seq >
ResultOf< View< Seq > >::Type operator[] (View< Seq > const &def) const
 Return a general view into this array (see Tutorial). More...
template<typename XprKind , int Rows, int Cols>
EigenView< Element, ND::value,
RMC::value, XprKind, Rows,
Cols > 
asEigen () const
template<typename XprKind >
EigenView< Element, ND::value,
RMC::value, XprKind > 
asEigen () const
template<int Rows, int Cols>
EigenView< Element, ND::value,
RMC::value, Eigen::MatrixXpr,
Rows, Cols > 
asEigen () const
EigenView< Element, ND::value,
RMC::value, Eigen::MatrixXpr > 
asEigen () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ndarray::ExpressionBase< Derived >
Reference operator[] (int n) const
 Return a single nested expression or element. More...
Reference front () const
 Return the first nested expression or element. More...
Reference back () const
 Return the last nested expression or element. More...
Iterator begin () const
 Return an Iterator to the beginning of the expression. More...
Iterator end () const
 Return an Iterator to one past the end of the expression. More...
template<int P>
int getSize () const
 Return the size of a specific dimension. More...
Index getShape () const
 Return a Vector of the sizes of all dimensions. More...
int getNumElements () const
 Return the total number of elements in the expression. More...
size_type size () const
 Return the size of the first dimension. More...
bool empty () const
 Return true if the first dimension has no elements. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ndarray::ArrayBase< Derived >
void operator= (ArrayBase const &other)
 ArrayBase (Element *data, CorePtr const &core)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ndarray::ExpressionBase< Derived >
SelfgetSelf ()
Self const & getSelf () const
- Protected Attributes inherited from ndarray::ArrayBase< Derived >
CorePtr _core

Detailed Description

template<typename Derived, int N = ArrayBase<Derived>::ND::value>
class ndarray::ArrayBaseN< Derived, N >

An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef.

Definition at line 40 of file ArrayBaseN.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename Derived, int N = ArrayBase<Derived>::ND::value>
typedef Super::Core ndarray::ArrayBaseN< Derived, N >::Core

Definition at line 43 of file ArrayBaseN.h.

template<typename Derived, int N = ArrayBase<Derived>::ND::value>
typedef Super::CorePtr ndarray::ArrayBaseN< Derived, N >::CorePtr

Definition at line 44 of file ArrayBaseN.h.

template<typename Derived, int N = ArrayBase<Derived>::ND::value>
typedef Super::Element ndarray::ArrayBaseN< Derived, N >::Element

Definition at line 46 of file ArrayBaseN.h.

template<typename Derived, int N = ArrayBase<Derived>::ND::value>
typedef ArrayBase<Derived> ndarray::ArrayBaseN< Derived, N >::Super

Definition at line 41 of file ArrayBaseN.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Derived, int N = ArrayBase<Derived>::ND::value>
ndarray::ArrayBaseN< Derived, N >::ArrayBaseN ( Element data,
CorePtr const &  core 

Definition at line 54 of file ArrayBaseN.h.

54 : Super(data, core) {}
ArrayBase< Derived > Super
Definition: ArrayBaseN.h:41

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Derived, int N = ArrayBase<Derived>::ND::value>
void ndarray::ArrayBaseN< Derived, N >::operator= ( ArrayBaseN< Derived, N > const &  other)

Definition at line 50 of file ArrayBaseN.h.

50  {
51  Super::operator=(other);
52  }
void operator=(ArrayBase const &other)
Definition: ArrayBase.h:230

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<typename Derived, int N = ArrayBase<Derived>::ND::value>
template<typename T_ , int N_, int C_>
friend class Array

Definition at line 48 of file ArrayBaseN.h.

template<typename Derived, int N = ArrayBase<Derived>::ND::value>
template<typename T_ , int N_, int C_>
friend class ArrayRef

Definition at line 49 of file ArrayBaseN.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: