LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
ndarray Namespace Reference




struct  ExpressionTraits< detail::CountingExpression >
class  Array
 A multidimensional strided array. More...
class  ArrayBase
 CRTP implementation for Array and ArrayRef. More...
class  ArrayBaseN
 An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef. More...
class  ArrayBaseN< Derived, 1 >
 An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 1). More...
class  ArrayBaseN< Derived, 2 >
 An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 2). More...
class  ArrayBaseN< Derived, 3 >
 An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 3). More...
class  ArrayBaseN< Derived, 4 >
 An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 4). More...
class  ArrayBaseN< Derived, 5 >
 An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 5). More...
class  ArrayBaseN< Derived, 6 >
 An intermediate CRTP base class for Array and ArrayRef (specialization for 6). More...
class  ArrayRef
 A proxy class for Array with deep assignment operators. More...
struct  ArrayTraits
 Dimension-specialized traits shared by Array and ArrayRef. More...
struct  ArrayTraits< T, 1, 0 >
struct  ArrayTraits< T, 1, 1 >
struct  ArrayTraits< T, 1,-1 >
struct  ExpressionTraits< Array< T, N, C > >
struct  ExpressionTraits< ArrayRef< T, N, C > >
class  EigenView
 Eigen3 view into an ndarray::Array. More...
struct  SelectEigenView
 A metafunction that computes the EigenView instantiation that most closely matches an Eigen type. More...
class  ExpressionBase
 CRTP base class for all multidimensional expressions. More...
struct  ExpressionTraits
 Traits for expressions. More...
struct  ExpressionTraits< detail::UnaryOpExpression< Operand, UnaryFunction, N > >
struct  ExpressionTraits< detail::UnaryOpExpression< Operand, UnaryFunction, 1 > >
struct  ExpressionTraits< detail::BinaryOpExpression< Operand1, Operand2, BinaryFunction, N > >
struct  ExpressionTraits< detail::BinaryOpExpression< Operand1, Operand2, BinaryFunction, 1 > >
class  FourierTransform
 A wrapper for FFTW plans for fast Fourier transforms. More...
class  FormatOptions
 Options for controlling stream output of ExpressionBase. More...
class  Manager
class  SimpleManager
class  ExternalManager
struct  PyConverter< EigenView< T, N, C, XprKind_, Rows_, Cols_ > >
 Specialization of PyConverter for EigenView. More...
struct  PyConverter< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > >
 Specialization of PyConverter for Eigen::Matrix. More...
struct  PyConverter< Eigen::Array< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > >
 Specialization of PyConverter for Eigen::Array. More...
struct  PyConverter< Array< T, N, C > >
 A traits class providing Python conversion functions for Array. More...
struct  PyConverter
 A class providing Python conversion functions for T. More...
struct  PyUnaryUFunctor
struct  PyBinaryUFunctor
struct  PyConverter< Vector< T, N > >
 A traits class providing Python conversion functions for Vector. More...
class  NumericTraits
 Numeric type traits. More...
class  Promote
 Metafunction to compute numeric promotions. More...
struct  ApproximatelyEqual
 Binary predicate for floating point equality comparison with tolerance. More...
struct  ApproximatelyEqual< std::complex< U1 >, std::complex< U2 > >
 Binary predicate for complex floating point equality comparison with tolerance. More...
class  Vector
 A fixed-size 1D array class. More...
struct  Vector< T, 0 >
 PArtial specialization for zero-size vectors to avoid compiler errors on some platforms. More...
struct  View
 A template meta-sequence that defines an arbitrary view into an unspecified array. More...


typedef boost::intrusive_ptr
< PyObject > 
 A reference-counting smart pointer for PyObject. More...


enum  DataOrderEnum { ROW_MAJOR =1, COLUMN_MAJOR =2 }
 An enumeration for stride computation. More...


detail::CountingExpression arange (int stop)
 Create 1D Expression that contains integer values in the range [0,stop). More...
< detail::CountingExpression,
detail::RangeTransformer< int > > 
arange (int start, int stop, int step=1)
 Create 1D Expression that contains integer values in the range [start,stop) with increment step. More...
template<typename T_ , typename T , int N, int C>
Array< T_, N, C > const_array_cast (Array< T, N, C > const &array)
template<int C_, typename T , int N, int C>
Array< T, N, C_ > static_dimension_cast (Array< T, N, C > const &array)
template<int C_, typename T , int N, int C>
Array< T, N, C_ > dynamic_dimension_cast (Array< T, N, C > const &array)
template<typename Array_ >
< Array_ >::Result 
getReal (Array_ const &array)
 Return an ArrayRef view into the real part of a complex array. More...
template<typename Array_ >
< Array_ >::Result 
getImag (Array_ const &array)
 Return an ArrayRef view into the imaginary part of a complex array. More...
template<int Nf, typename T , int N, int C>
boost::enable_if_c< ((C+Nf-N)>
=1), ArrayRef< T, Nf,(C+Nf-N)>
flatten (Array< T, N, C > const &input)
 Create a view into an array with trailing contiguous dimensions merged. More...
template<int Nf, typename T , int N, int C>
boost::enable_if_c< ((C+Nf-N)>
=1), ArrayRef< T, Nf,(C+Nf-N)>
flatten (ArrayRef< T, N, C > const &input)
 Create a view into an array with trailing contiguous dimensions merged. More...
template<typename T >
SelectEigenView< T >::Type copy (Eigen::EigenBase< T > const &other)
 Copy an arbitrary Eigen expression into a new EigenView. More...
template<typename T , int N, int C>
void shift (Vector< T, N > const &offset, Array< std::complex< T >, N, C > const &array, int const real_last_dim)
 Perform a Fourier-space translation transform. More...
template<typename T , int N, int C>
void differentiate (int n, Array< std::complex< T >, N, C > const &array, int const real_last_dim)
 Numerically differentiate the array in Fourier-space in the given dimension. More...
template<typename Derived >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ExpressionBase< Derived > const &expr)
 Stream output for ExpressionBase using default-constructed FormatOptions. More...
template<int N>
detail::SimpleInitializer< N > allocate (Vector< int, N > const &shape)
 Create an expression that allocates uninitialized memory for an array. More...
detail::SimpleInitializer< 1 > allocate (int n)
 Create an expression that allocates uninitialized memory for a 1-d array. More...
detail::SimpleInitializer< 2 > allocate (int n1, int n2)
 Create an expression that allocates uninitialized memory for a 2-d array. More...
detail::SimpleInitializer< 3 > allocate (int n1, int n2, int n3)
 Create an expression that allocates uninitialized memory for a 3-d array. More...
template<typename Derived >
ArrayRef< typename
boost::remove_const< typename
Derived::Element >::type,
Derived::ND::value > 
copy (ExpressionBase< Derived > const &expr)
 Create a new Array by copying an Expression. More...
template<int N>
Vector< int, N > computeStrides (Vector< int, N > const &shape, DataOrderEnum order=ROW_MAJOR)
 Compute row- or column-major strides for the given shape. More...
template<typename T , int N, typename Owner >
detail::ExternalInitializer< T,
N, Owner > 
external (T *data, Vector< int, N > const &shape, Vector< int, N > const &strides, Owner const &owner)
 Create an expression that initializes an Array with externally allocated memory. More...
template<typename T , int N>
detail::ExternalInitializer< T,
N, detail::NullOwner
external (T *data, Vector< int, N > const &shape, Vector< int, N > const &strides)
 Create an expression that initializes an Array with externally allocated memory. More...
template<typename T , int N, typename Owner >
detail::ExternalInitializer< T,
N, Owner > 
external (T *data, Vector< int, N > const &shape, DataOrderEnum order, Owner const &owner)
 Create an expression that initializes an Array with externally allocated memory. More...
template<typename T , int N>
detail::ExternalInitializer< T,
N, detail::NullOwner
external (T *data, Vector< int, N > const &shape, DataOrderEnum order=ROW_MAJOR)
 Create an expression that initializes an Array with externally allocated memory. More...
template<typename T >
Manager::Ptr makeManager (T const &owner)
Manager::Ptr makeManager (Manager::Ptr const &owner)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator+ (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator+ (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator+ (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator- (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator- (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator- (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator* (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator* (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator* (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator/ (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator/ (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator/ (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator% (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator% (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator% (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator^ (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator^ (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator^ (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator| (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator| (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator| (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator& (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator& (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator& (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator<< (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator<< (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator<< (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator>> (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator>> (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator>> (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > equal (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > equal (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > equal (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > not_equal (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > not_equal (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > not_equal (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > less (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > less (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > less (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > greater (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > greater (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > greater (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > less_equal (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > less_equal (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > less_equal (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > great_equal (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > great_equal (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > great_equal (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > logical_and (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > logical_and (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > logical_and (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > logical_or (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand, Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Operand , typename Scalar >
< unspecified-expression-type > logical_or (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand1 , typename Operand2 >
< unspecified-expression-type > logical_or (ExpressionBase< Operand1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Operand2 > const &operand2)
template<typename Operand >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator- (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand >
< unspecified-expression-type > logical_not (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Operand >
< unspecified-expression-type > operator~ (ExpressionBase< Operand > const &operand)
template<typename Scalar >
boost::enable_if< typename
ExpressionTraits< Scalar >
::IsScalar, bool >::type 
any (Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Derived >
bool any (ExpressionBase< Derived > const &expr)
 Return true if any of the elements of the given expression are true. More...
template<typename Scalar >
boost::enable_if< typename
ExpressionTraits< Scalar >
::IsScalar, bool >::type 
all (Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Derived >
bool all (ExpressionBase< Derived > const &expr)
 Return true if all of the elements of the given expression are true. More...
template<typename Scalar1 , typename Scalar2 >
< boost::mpl::and_< typename
ExpressionTraits< Scalar1 >
::IsScalar, typename
ExpressionTraits< Scalar2 >
::IsScalar >, bool >::type 
allclose (Scalar1 const &scalar1, Scalar2 const &scalar2, double tol=1E-8)
template<typename Scalar , typename Derived >
boost::enable_if< typename
ExpressionTraits< Scalar >
::IsScalar, bool >::type 
allclose (Scalar const &scalar, ExpressionBase< Derived > const &expr, double tol=1E-8)
template<typename Scalar , typename Derived >
boost::enable_if< typename
ExpressionTraits< Scalar >
::IsScalar, bool >::type 
allclose (ExpressionBase< Derived > const &expr, Scalar const &scalar, double tol=1E-8)
template<typename Derived1 , typename Derived2 >
bool allclose (ExpressionBase< Derived1 > const &expr1, ExpressionBase< Derived2 > const &expr2, double tol=1E-8)
template<typename Scalar >
boost::enable_if< typename
ExpressionTraits< Scalar >
::IsScalar, Scalar >::type 
sum (Scalar const &scalar)
template<typename Derived >
Derived::Element sum (ExpressionBase< Derived > const &expr)
 Return the sum of all elements of the given expression. More...
template<typename T , int N, int M>
Vector< T, N+M > concatenate (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< T, M > const &b)
 Concatenate two Vectors into a single long Vector. More...
template<typename T , int N>
Vector< T, N+1 > concatenate (Vector< T, N > const &a, T const &b)
 Return a new Vector with the given scalar appended to the original. More...
template<typename T , int N>
Vector< T, N+1 > concatenate (T const &a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Return a new Vector with the given scalar prepended to the original. More...
template<typename T , int N>
Vector< T, N > makeVector (T v1, T v2,..., T vN)
 Variadic constructor for Vector. More...
template<typename T , int N>
Vector< T, N > operator~ (Vector< T, N > const &vector)
 Unary bitwise NOT for Vector. More...
template<typename T , int N>
Vector< T, N > operator! (Vector< T, N > const &vector)
 Unary negation for Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator+ (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< U, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Vector + Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator+ (Vector< T, N > const &a, U b)
 Operator overload for Vector + Scalar. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator+ (U a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Scalar + Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator- (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< U, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Vector - Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator- (Vector< T, N > const &a, U b)
 Operator overload for Vector - Scalar. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator- (U a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Scalar - Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator* (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< U, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Vector * Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator* (Vector< T, N > const &a, U b)
 Operator overload for Vector * Scalar. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator* (U a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Scalar * Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator/ (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< U, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Vector / Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator/ (Vector< T, N > const &a, U b)
 Operator overload for Vector / Scalar. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator/ (U a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Scalar / Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator% (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< U, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Vector % Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator% (Vector< T, N > const &a, U b)
 Operator overload for Vector % Scalar. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator% (U a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Scalar % Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator& (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< U, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Vector & Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator& (Vector< T, N > const &a, U b)
 Operator overload for Vector & Scalar. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator& (U a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Scalar & Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator^ (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< U, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Vector ^ Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator^ (Vector< T, N > const &a, U b)
 Operator overload for Vector ^ Scalar. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator^ (U a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Scalar ^ Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator| (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< U, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Vector | Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator| (Vector< T, N > const &a, U b)
 Operator overload for Vector | Scalar. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator| (U a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Scalar | Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator<< (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< U, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Vector << Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator<< (Vector< T, N > const &a, U b)
 Operator overload for Vector << Scalar. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator<< (U a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Scalar << Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator>> (Vector< T, N > const &a, Vector< U, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Vector >> Vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator>> (Vector< T, N > const &a, U b)
 Operator overload for Vector >> Scalar. More...
template<typename T , typename U , int N>
Vector< typename Promote< T, U >
::Type, N > 
operator>> (U a, Vector< T, N > const &b)
 Operator overload for Scalar >> Vector. More...
template<typename Scalar , typename UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction::result_type vectorize (UnaryFunction const &functor, Scalar const &scalar)
 Apply a non-mutating unary function object to a scalar. More...
template<typename Derived , typename UnaryFunction >
< Derived, UnaryFunction > 
vectorize (UnaryFunction const &functor, ExpressionBase< Derived > const &operand)
 Apply a non-mutating unary function object to each element of a multidimensional Expression. More...
template<typename Scalar1 , typename Scalar2 , typename BinaryFunction >
BinaryFunction::result_type vectorize (BinaryFunction const &functor, Scalar1 const &scalar1, Scalar2 const &scalar2)
 Apply a non-mutating binary function object to a pair of scalars. More...
template<typename Derived1 , typename Derived2 , typename BinaryFunction >
< Derived1, Derived2,
BinaryFunction > 
vectorize (BinaryFunction const &functor, ExpressionBase< Derived1 > const &operand1, ExpressionBase< Derived2 > const &operand2)
 Apply a non-mutating binary function object pairwise to the elements of two multidimensional Expressions. More...
View< boost::fusion::vector1
< index::Full > > 
view ()
 Start a view definition that includes the entire first dimension. More...
View< boost::fusion::vector1
< index::Range > > 
view (int start, int stop)
 Start a view definition that selects a contiguous range in the first dimension. More...
View< boost::fusion::vector1
< index::Slice > > 
view (int start, int stop, int step)
 Start a view definition that selects a noncontiguous slice of the first dimension. More...
View< boost::fusion::vector1
< index::Scalar > > 
view (int n)
 Start a view definition that selects single element from the first dimension. More...
template<typename Sequence >
View< Sequence > view (Sequence const &sequence)
 Create a view definition from a boost::fusion sequence of index objects. More...

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<PyObject> ndarray::PyPtr

A reference-counting smart pointer for PyObject.

Definition at line 48 of file PyConverter.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

An enumeration for stride computation.


Definition at line 60 of file ndarray_fwd.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename Scalar >
boost::enable_if<typename ExpressionTraits<Scalar>::IsScalar, bool>::type ndarray::all ( Scalar const &  scalar)

Definition at line 1186 of file operators.h.

1186  {
1187  return bool(scalar);
1188 }
template<typename Scalar1 , typename Scalar2 >
boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::and_< typename ExpressionTraits<Scalar1>::IsScalar, typename ExpressionTraits<Scalar2>::IsScalar >, bool>::type ndarray::allclose ( Scalar1 const &  scalar1,
Scalar2 const &  scalar2,
double  tol = 1E-8 

Definition at line 1213 of file operators.h.

1213  {
1214  ApproximatelyEqual<Scalar1,Scalar2> func(tol);
1215  return func(scalar1, scalar2);
1216 }
template<typename Scalar , typename Derived >
boost::enable_if<typename ExpressionTraits<Scalar>::IsScalar,bool>::type ndarray::allclose ( Scalar const &  scalar,
ExpressionBase< Derived > const &  expr,
double  tol = 1E-8 

Definition at line 1220 of file operators.h.

1220  {
1221  ApproximatelyEqual<Scalar,typename Derived::Element> func(tol);
1222  typename Derived::Iterator const i_end = expr.end();
1223  for (typename Derived::Iterator i = expr.begin(); i != i_end; ++i) {
1224  if (!allclose(scalar, *i, tol)) return false;
1225  }
1226  return true;
1227 }
bool allclose(CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &a, CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &b, T rtol=static_cast< T >(1E-5), T atol=static_cast< T >(1E-8))
template<typename Scalar , typename Derived >
boost::enable_if<typename ExpressionTraits<Scalar>::IsScalar,bool>::type ndarray::allclose ( ExpressionBase< Derived > const &  expr,
Scalar const &  scalar,
double  tol = 1E-8 

Definition at line 1231 of file operators.h.

1231  {
1232  return allclose(scalar, expr, tol);
1233 }
bool allclose(CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &a, CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &b, T rtol=static_cast< T >(1E-5), T atol=static_cast< T >(1E-8))
template<typename Derived1 , typename Derived2 >
bool ndarray::allclose ( ExpressionBase< Derived1 > const &  expr1,
ExpressionBase< Derived2 > const &  expr2,
double  tol = 1E-8 

Definition at line 1237 of file operators.h.

1237  {
1238  typename Derived1::Iterator const i_end = expr1.end();
1239  typename Derived1::Iterator i = expr1.begin();
1240  typename Derived2::Iterator j = expr2.begin();
1241  for (; i != i_end; ++i, ++j) {
1242  if (!allclose(*i, *j, tol)) return false;
1243  }
1244  return true;
1245 }
bool allclose(CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &a, CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > const &b, T rtol=static_cast< T >(1E-5), T atol=static_cast< T >(1E-8))
template<typename Scalar >
boost::enable_if<typename ExpressionTraits<Scalar>::IsScalar, bool>::type ndarray::any ( Scalar const &  scalar)

Definition at line 1165 of file operators.h.

1165  {
1166  return bool(scalar);
1167 }
detail::CountingExpression ndarray::arange ( int  stop)

Create 1D Expression that contains integer values in the range [0,stop).

Definition at line 112 of file arange.h.

112  {
113  return detail::CountingExpression(stop);
114 }
detail::UnaryOpExpression< detail::CountingExpression, detail::RangeTransformer<int> > ndarray::arange ( int  start,
int  stop,
int  step = 1 

Create 1D Expression that contains integer values in the range [start,stop) with increment step.

Definition at line 118 of file arange.h.

118  {
119  NDARRAY_ASSERT(step != 0);
120  int size = stop - start;
121  if (step < -1) ++size;
122  if (step > 1) --size;
123  size /= step;
124  return vectorize(
125  detail::RangeTransformer<int>(start,step),
126  detail::CountingExpression(size)
127  );
128 }
Definition: ndarray_fwd.h:51
UnaryFunction::result_type vectorize(UnaryFunction const &functor, Scalar const &scalar)
Apply a non-mutating unary function object to a scalar.
Definition: vectorize.h:85
template<typename T >
SelectEigenView<T>::Type ndarray::copy ( Eigen::EigenBase< T > const &  other)

Copy an arbitrary Eigen expression into a new EigenView.

Definition at line 390 of file eigen.h.

390  {
391  typename SelectEigenView<T>::Type result(
392  typename SelectEigenView<T>::Shallow(allocate(other.rows(), other.cols()))
393  );
394  result = other.derived();
395  return result;
396 }
detail::SimpleInitializer< N > allocate(Vector< int, N > const &shape)
Create an expression that allocates uninitialized memory for an array.
template<typename T >
Manager::Ptr ndarray::makeManager ( T const &  owner)

Definition at line 101 of file Manager.h.

101  {
102  return Manager::Ptr(new ExternalManager<T>(owner));
103 }
Manager::Ptr ndarray::makeManager ( Manager::Ptr const &  owner)

Definition at line 106 of file Manager.h.

106  {
107  return owner;
108 }
template<typename Derived >
std::ostream& ndarray::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ExpressionBase< Derived > const &  expr 

Stream output for ExpressionBase using default-constructed FormatOptions.

Definition at line 83 of file formatting.h.

83  {
84  FormatOptions options;
85  options.apply(os,expr);
86  return os;
87 }
tuple options
template<typename Scalar >
boost::enable_if<typename ExpressionTraits<Scalar>::IsScalar, Scalar>::type ndarray::sum ( Scalar const &  scalar)

Definition at line 1250 of file operators.h.

1250 { return scalar; }