LSST Applications g1653933729+b86e4b8053,g28da252d5a+d7b83c098b,g2bbee38e9b+2d3ef731f8,g2bc492864f+2d3ef731f8,g2cdde0e794+ed7a12f8c9,g3156d2b45e+b0ccf75d80,g347aa1857d+2d3ef731f8,g35bb328faa+b86e4b8053,g3a166c0a6a+2d3ef731f8,g3e281a1b8c+ffc3dc1f6e,g414038480c+28b4cb0ab6,g461a3dce89+b86e4b8053,g7f102674c4+ae0b5e0d9c,g7f343241b9+938d165f28,g80478fca09+40b0749891,g82479be7b0+4cf439242d,g858d7b2824+0fef39a62d,g85ba5278f7+0fef39a62d,g8cd86fa7b1+cbf8072da6,g9125e01d80+b86e4b8053,g979bb04a14+f01d5cdaff,g9ddcbc5298+b4cb6f9276,ga44b09e51c+7bd55dfe6d,ga5288a1d22+15fb316a87,gae0086650b+b86e4b8053,gb781091699+5e53c70766,gbbab02d8cb+02f6a97c0c,gc28159a63d+2d3ef731f8,gcaf7e4fdec+0fef39a62d,gcd45df26be+0fef39a62d,gcf0d15dbbd+9beaea0cdd,gda6a2b7d83+9beaea0cdd,gdaeeff99f8+b9455e0a82,gdd21207f33+e96bdadd40,ge79ae78c31+2d3ef731f8,geb408df1e3+2fe46b4317,gf048a9a2f4+7c5d7a3159,gf0baf85859+122dc4ce2f,w.2024.31
LSST Data Management Base Package
Directories | |
python | |
Files | |
Angle.h | |
This file declares a class for representing angles. | |
AngleInterval.h | |
This file defines a class for representing angle intervals. | |
BigInteger.h | |
This file declares a class for arbitrary precision integers. | |
Box.h | |
This file declares a class for representing longitude/latitude angle boxes on the unit sphere. | |
Box3d.h | |
This file declares a class for representing axis-aligned bounding boxes in ℝ³. | |
Chunker.h | |
This file declares a class for partitioning the sky into chunks and sub-chunks. | |
Circle.h | |
This file declares a class for representing circular regions on the unit sphere. | |
codec.h | |
This file contains simple helper functions for encoding and decoding primitive types to/from byte strings. | |
CompoundRegion.h | |
This file declares classes for representing compound regions on the unit sphere. | |
constants.h | |
This file contains common constants. | |
ConvexPolygon.h | |
This file declares a class for representing convex polygons with great circle edges on the unit sphere. | |
curve.h | |
This file contains functions for space-filling curves. | |
Ellipse.h | |
This file declares a class for representing elliptical regions on the unit sphere. | |
HtmPixelization.h | |
This file declares a Pixelization subclass for the HTM indexing scheme. | |
Interval.h | |
This file defines a template representing closed real intervals. | |
Interval1d.h | |
This file defines a class for representing intervals of ℝ. | |
LonLat.h | |
This file contains a class representing spherical coordinates. | |
Matrix3d.h | |
This file contains a class representing 3x3 real matrices. | |
Mq3cPixelization.h | |
This file declares a Pixelization subclass for the modified Q3C indexing scheme. | |
NormalizedAngle.h | |
This file declares a class for representing normalized angles. | |
NormalizedAngleInterval.h | |
This file declares a class representing closed intervals of normalized angles, i.e. | |
orientation.h | |
This file declares functions for orienting points on the sphere. | |
Pixelization.h | |
This file defines an interface for pixelizations of the sphere. | |
python.h | |
Q3cPixelization.h | |
This file declares a Pixelization subclass for the Q3C indexing scheme. | |
RangeSet.h | |
This file provides a type for representing integer sets. | |
Region.h | |
This file defines an interface for spherical regions. | |
Relationship.h | |
This file provides a type alias for describing set relationships. | |
UnitVector3d.h | |
This file declares a class for representing unit vectors in ℝ³. | |
utils.h | |
This file declares miscellaneous utility functions. | |
Vector3d.h | |
This file declares a class for representing vectors in ℝ³. | |