LSST Applications  21.0.0-172-gfb10e10a+18fedfabac,22.0.0+297cba6710,22.0.0+80564b0ff1,22.0.0+8d77f4f51a,22.0.0+a28f4c53b1,22.0.0+dcf3732eb2,22.0.1-1-g7d6de66+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-1-g8e32f31+297cba6710,22.0.1-1-geca5380+7fa3b7d9b6,22.0.1-12-g44dc1dc+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-15-g6a90155+515f58c32b,22.0.1-16-g9282f48+790f5f2caa,22.0.1-2-g92698f7+dcf3732eb2,22.0.1-2-ga9b0f51+7fa3b7d9b6,22.0.1-2-gd1925c9+bf4f0e694f,22.0.1-24-g1ad7a390+a9625a72a8,22.0.1-25-g5bf6245+3ad8ecd50b,22.0.1-25-gb120d7b+8b5510f75f,22.0.1-27-g97737f7+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-32-gf62ce7b1+aa4237961e,22.0.1-4-g0b3f228+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-4-g243d05b+871c1b8305,22.0.1-4-g3a563be+32dcf1063f,22.0.1-4-g44f2e3d+9e4ab0f4fa,22.0.1-42-gca6935d93+ba5e5ca3eb,22.0.1-5-g15c806e+85460ae5f3,22.0.1-5-g58711c4+611d128589,22.0.1-5-g75bb458+99c117b92f,22.0.1-6-g1c63a23+7fa3b7d9b6,22.0.1-6-g50866e6+84ff5a128b,22.0.1-6-g8d3140d+720564cf76,22.0.1-6-gd805d02+cc5644f571,22.0.1-8-ge5750ce+85460ae5f3,master-g6e05de7fdc+babf819c66,master-g99da0e417a+8d77f4f51a,w.2021.48
LSST Data Management Base Package
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # This file is part of ip_diffim.
2 #
3 # Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4 # This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5 # (
6 # See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7 # for details of code ownership.
8 #
9 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
13 #
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
22 __all__ = ["DetectionConfig", "PsfMatchConfig", "PsfMatchConfigAL", "PsfMatchConfigDF", "PsfMatchTask"]
24 import time
26 import numpy as np
28 import lsst.afw.image as afwImage
29 import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
30 import lsst.afw.math as afwMath
31 import lsst.afw.display as afwDisplay
32 import lsst.log as log
33 import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
34 from lsst.meas.algorithms import SubtractBackgroundConfig
35 from lsst.utils.timer import timeMethod
36 from . import utils as diutils
37 from . import diffimLib
40 class DetectionConfig(pexConfig.Config):
41  """Configuration for detecting sources on images for building a
42  PSF-matching kernel
44  Configuration for turning detected lsst.afw.detection.FootPrints into an
45  acceptable (unmasked, high signal-to-noise, not too large or not too small)
46  list of `lsst.ip.diffim.KernelSources` that are used to build the
47  Psf-matching kernel"""
49  detThreshold = pexConfig.Field(
50  dtype=float,
51  doc="Value of footprint detection threshold",
52  default=10.0,
53  check=lambda x: x >= 3.0
54  )
55  detThresholdType = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
56  dtype=str,
57  doc="Type of detection threshold",
58  default="pixel_stdev",
59  allowed={
60  "value": "Use counts as the detection threshold type",
61  "stdev": "Use standard deviation of image plane",
62  "variance": "Use variance of image plane",
63  "pixel_stdev": "Use stdev derived from variance plane"
64  }
65  )
66  detOnTemplate = pexConfig.Field(
67  dtype=bool,
68  doc="""If true run detection on the template (image to convolve);
69  if false run detection on the science image""",
70  default=True
71  )
72  badMaskPlanes = pexConfig.ListField(
73  dtype=str,
74  doc="""Mask planes that lead to an invalid detection.
76  default=("NO_DATA", "EDGE", "SAT")
77  )
78  fpNpixMin = pexConfig.Field(
79  dtype=int,
80  doc="Minimum number of pixels in an acceptable Footprint",
81  default=5,
82  check=lambda x: x >= 5
83  )
84  fpNpixMax = pexConfig.Field(
85  dtype=int,
86  doc="""Maximum number of pixels in an acceptable Footprint;
87  too big and the subsequent convolutions become unwieldy""",
88  default=500,
89  check=lambda x: x <= 500
90  )
91  fpGrowKernelScaling = pexConfig.Field(
92  dtype=float,
93  doc="""If config.scaleByFwhm, grow the footprint based on
94  the final kernelSize. Each footprint will be
95  2*fpGrowKernelScaling*kernelSize x
96  2*fpGrowKernelScaling*kernelSize. With the value
97  of 1.0, the remaining pixels in each KernelCandiate
98  after convolution by the basis functions will be
99  equal to the kernel size itself.""",
100  default=1.0,
101  check=lambda x: x >= 1.0
102  )
103  fpGrowPix = pexConfig.Field(
104  dtype=int,
105  doc="""Growing radius (in pixels) for each raw detection
106  footprint. The smaller the faster; however the
107  kernel sum does not converge if the stamp is too
108  small; and the kernel is not constrained at all if
109  the stamp is the size of the kernel. The grown stamp
110  is 2 * fpGrowPix pixels larger in each dimension.
111  This is overridden by fpGrowKernelScaling if scaleByFwhm""",
112  default=30,
113  check=lambda x: x >= 10
114  )
115  scaleByFwhm = pexConfig.Field(
116  dtype=bool,
117  doc="Scale fpGrowPix by input Fwhm?",
118  default=True,
119  )
122 class PsfMatchConfig(pexConfig.Config):
123  """Base configuration for Psf-matching
125  The base configuration of the Psf-matching kernel, and of the warping, detection,
126  and background modeling subTasks."""
128  warpingConfig = pexConfig.ConfigField("Config for warping exposures to a common alignment",
130  detectionConfig = pexConfig.ConfigField("Controlling the detection of sources for kernel building",
131  DetectionConfig)
132  afwBackgroundConfig = pexConfig.ConfigField("Controlling the Afw background fitting",
133  SubtractBackgroundConfig)
135  useAfwBackground = pexConfig.Field(
136  dtype=bool,
137  doc="Use afw background subtraction instead of ip_diffim",
138  default=False,
139  )
140  fitForBackground = pexConfig.Field(
141  dtype=bool,
142  doc="Include terms (including kernel cross terms) for background in ip_diffim",
143  default=False,
144  )
145  kernelBasisSet = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
146  dtype=str,
147  doc="Type of basis set for PSF matching kernel.",
148  default="alard-lupton",
149  allowed={
150  "alard-lupton": """Alard-Lupton sum-of-gaussians basis set,
151  * The first term has no spatial variation
152  * The kernel sum is conserved
153  * You may want to turn off 'usePcaForSpatialKernel'""",
154  "delta-function": """Delta-function kernel basis set,
155  * You may enable the option useRegularization
156  * You should seriously consider usePcaForSpatialKernel, which will also
157  enable kernel sum conservation for the delta function kernels"""
158  }
159  )
160  kernelSize = pexConfig.Field(
161  dtype=int,
162  doc="""Number of rows/columns in the convolution kernel; should be odd-valued.
163  Modified by kernelSizeFwhmScaling if scaleByFwhm = true""",
164  default=21,
165  )
166  scaleByFwhm = pexConfig.Field(
167  dtype=bool,
168  doc="Scale kernelSize, alardGaussians by input Fwhm",
169  default=True,
170  )
171  kernelSizeFwhmScaling = pexConfig.Field(
172  dtype=float,
173  doc="Multiplier of the largest AL Gaussian basis sigma to get the kernel bbox (pixel) size.",
174  default=6.0,
175  check=lambda x: x >= 1.0
176  )
177  kernelSizeMin = pexConfig.Field(
178  dtype=int,
179  doc="Minimum kernel bbox (pixel) size.",
180  default=21,
181  )
182  kernelSizeMax = pexConfig.Field(
183  dtype=int,
184  doc="Maximum kernel bbox (pixel) size.",
185  default=35,
186  )
187  spatialModelType = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
188  dtype=str,
189  doc="Type of spatial functions for kernel and background",
190  default="chebyshev1",
191  allowed={
192  "chebyshev1": "Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind",
193  "polynomial": "Standard x,y polynomial",
194  }
195  )
196  spatialKernelOrder = pexConfig.Field(
197  dtype=int,
198  doc="Spatial order of convolution kernel variation",
199  default=2,
200  check=lambda x: x >= 0
201  )
202  spatialBgOrder = pexConfig.Field(
203  dtype=int,
204  doc="Spatial order of differential background variation",
205  default=1,
206  check=lambda x: x >= 0
207  )
208  sizeCellX = pexConfig.Field(
209  dtype=int,
210  doc="Size (rows) in pixels of each SpatialCell for spatial modeling",
211  default=128,
212  check=lambda x: x >= 32
213  )
214  sizeCellY = pexConfig.Field(
215  dtype=int,
216  doc="Size (columns) in pixels of each SpatialCell for spatial modeling",
217  default=128,
218  check=lambda x: x >= 32
219  )
220  nStarPerCell = pexConfig.Field(
221  dtype=int,
222  doc="Number of KernelCandidates in each SpatialCell to use in the spatial fitting",
223  default=3,
224  check=lambda x: x >= 1
225  )
226  maxSpatialIterations = pexConfig.Field(
227  dtype=int,
228  doc="Maximum number of iterations for rejecting bad KernelCandidates in spatial fitting",
229  default=3,
230  check=lambda x: x >= 1 and x <= 5
231  )
232  usePcaForSpatialKernel = pexConfig.Field(
233  dtype=bool,
234  doc="""Use Pca to reduce the dimensionality of the kernel basis sets.
235  This is particularly useful for delta-function kernels.
236  Functionally, after all Cells have their raw kernels determined, we run
237  a Pca on these Kernels, re-fit the Cells using the eigenKernels and then
238  fit those for spatial variation using the same technique as for Alard-Lupton kernels.
239  If this option is used, the first term will have no spatial variation and the
240  kernel sum will be conserved.""",
241  default=False,
242  )
243  subtractMeanForPca = pexConfig.Field(
244  dtype=bool,
245  doc="Subtract off the mean feature before doing the Pca",
246  default=True,
247  )
248  numPrincipalComponents = pexConfig.Field(
249  dtype=int,
250  doc="""Number of principal components to use for Pca basis, including the
251  mean kernel if requested.""",
252  default=5,
253  check=lambda x: x >= 3
254  )
255  singleKernelClipping = pexConfig.Field(
256  dtype=bool,
257  doc="Do sigma clipping on each raw kernel candidate",
258  default=True,
259  )
260  kernelSumClipping = pexConfig.Field(
261  dtype=bool,
262  doc="Do sigma clipping on the ensemble of kernel sums",
263  default=True,
264  )
265  spatialKernelClipping = pexConfig.Field(
266  dtype=bool,
267  doc="Do sigma clipping after building the spatial model",
268  default=True,
269  )
270  checkConditionNumber = pexConfig.Field(
271  dtype=bool,
272  doc="""Test for maximum condition number when inverting a kernel matrix.
273  Anything above maxConditionNumber is not used and the candidate is set as BAD.
274  Also used to truncate inverse matrix in estimateBiasedRisk. However,
275  if you are doing any deconvolution you will want to turn this off, or use
276  a large maxConditionNumber""",
277  default=False,
278  )
279  badMaskPlanes = pexConfig.ListField(
280  dtype=str,
281  doc="""Mask planes to ignore when calculating diffim statistics
283  default=("NO_DATA", "EDGE", "SAT")
284  )
285  candidateResidualMeanMax = pexConfig.Field(
286  dtype=float,
287  doc="""Rejects KernelCandidates yielding bad difference image quality.
288  Used by BuildSingleKernelVisitor, AssessSpatialKernelVisitor.
289  Represents average over pixels of (image/sqrt(variance)).""",
290  default=0.25,
291  check=lambda x: x >= 0.0
292  )
293  candidateResidualStdMax = pexConfig.Field(
294  dtype=float,
295  doc="""Rejects KernelCandidates yielding bad difference image quality.
296  Used by BuildSingleKernelVisitor, AssessSpatialKernelVisitor.
297  Represents stddev over pixels of (image/sqrt(variance)).""",
298  default=1.50,
299  check=lambda x: x >= 0.0
300  )
301  useCoreStats = pexConfig.Field(
302  dtype=bool,
303  doc="""Use the core of the footprint for the quality statistics, instead of the entire footprint.
304  WARNING: if there is deconvolution we probably will need to turn this off""",
305  default=False,
306  )
307  candidateCoreRadius = pexConfig.Field(
308  dtype=int,
309  doc="""Radius for calculation of stats in 'core' of KernelCandidate diffim.
310  Total number of pixels used will be (2*radius)**2.
311  This is used both for 'core' diffim quality as well as ranking of
312  KernelCandidates by their total flux in this core""",
313  default=3,
314  check=lambda x: x >= 1
315  )
316  maxKsumSigma = pexConfig.Field(
317  dtype=float,
318  doc="""Maximum allowed sigma for outliers from kernel sum distribution.
319  Used to reject variable objects from the kernel model""",
320  default=3.0,
321  check=lambda x: x >= 0.0
322  )
323  maxConditionNumber = pexConfig.Field(
324  dtype=float,
325  doc="Maximum condition number for a well conditioned matrix",
326  default=5.0e7,
327  check=lambda x: x >= 0.0
328  )
329  conditionNumberType = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
330  dtype=str,
331  doc="Use singular values (SVD) or eigen values (EIGENVALUE) to determine condition number",
332  default="EIGENVALUE",
333  allowed={
334  "SVD": "Use singular values",
335  "EIGENVALUE": "Use eigen values (faster)",
336  }
337  )
338  maxSpatialConditionNumber = pexConfig.Field(
339  dtype=float,
340  doc="Maximum condition number for a well conditioned spatial matrix",
341  default=1.0e10,
342  check=lambda x: x >= 0.0
343  )
344  iterateSingleKernel = pexConfig.Field(
345  dtype=bool,
346  doc="""Remake KernelCandidate using better variance estimate after first pass?
347  Primarily useful when convolving a single-depth image, otherwise not necessary.""",
348  default=False,
349  )
350  constantVarianceWeighting = pexConfig.Field(
351  dtype=bool,
352  doc="""Use constant variance weighting in single kernel fitting?
353  In some cases this is better for bright star residuals.""",
354  default=True,
355  )
356  calculateKernelUncertainty = pexConfig.Field(
357  dtype=bool,
358  doc="""Calculate kernel and background uncertainties for each kernel candidate?
359  This comes from the inverse of the covariance matrix.
360  Warning: regularization can cause problems for this step.""",
361  default=False,
362  )
363  useBicForKernelBasis = pexConfig.Field(
364  dtype=bool,
365  doc="""Use Bayesian Information Criterion to select the number of bases going into the kernel""",
366  default=False,
367  )
371  """The parameters specific to the "Alard-Lupton" (sum-of-Gaussian) Psf-matching basis"""
373  def setDefaults(self):
374  PsfMatchConfig.setDefaults(self)
375  self.kernelBasisSetkernelBasisSetkernelBasisSet = "alard-lupton"
376  self.maxConditionNumbermaxConditionNumbermaxConditionNumber = 5.0e7
378  alardNGauss = pexConfig.Field(
379  dtype=int,
380  doc="Number of base Gaussians in alard-lupton kernel basis function generation.",
381  default=3,
382  check=lambda x: x >= 1
383  )
384  alardDegGauss = pexConfig.ListField(
385  dtype=int,
386  doc="Polynomial order of spatial modification of base Gaussians. "
387  "List length must be `alardNGauss`.",
388  default=(4, 2, 2),
389  )
390  alardSigGauss = pexConfig.ListField(
391  dtype=float,
392  doc="Default sigma values in pixels of base Gaussians. "
393  "List length must be `alardNGauss`.",
394  default=(0.7, 1.5, 3.0),
395  )
396  alardGaussBeta = pexConfig.Field(
397  dtype=float,
398  doc="Used if `scaleByFwhm==True`, scaling multiplier of base "
399  "Gaussian sigmas for automated sigma determination",
400  default=2.0,
401  check=lambda x: x >= 0.0,
402  )
403  alardMinSig = pexConfig.Field(
404  dtype=float,
405  doc="Used if `scaleByFwhm==True`, minimum sigma (pixels) for base Gaussians",
406  default=0.7,
407  check=lambda x: x >= 0.25
408  )
409  alardDegGaussDeconv = pexConfig.Field(
410  dtype=int,
411  doc="Used if `scaleByFwhm==True`, degree of spatial modification of ALL base Gaussians "
412  "in AL basis during deconvolution",
413  default=3,
414  check=lambda x: x >= 1
415  )
416  alardMinSigDeconv = pexConfig.Field(
417  dtype=float,
418  doc="Used if `scaleByFwhm==True`, minimum sigma (pixels) for base Gaussians during deconvolution; "
419  "make smaller than `alardMinSig` as this is only indirectly used",
420  default=0.4,
421  check=lambda x: x >= 0.25
422  )
423  alardNGaussDeconv = pexConfig.Field(
424  dtype=int,
425  doc="Used if `scaleByFwhm==True`, number of base Gaussians in AL basis during deconvolution",
426  default=3,
427  check=lambda x: x >= 1
428  )
432  """The parameters specific to the delta-function (one basis per-pixel) Psf-matching basis"""
434  def setDefaults(self):
435  PsfMatchConfig.setDefaults(self)
436  self.kernelBasisSetkernelBasisSetkernelBasisSet = "delta-function"
437  self.maxConditionNumbermaxConditionNumbermaxConditionNumber = 5.0e6
438  self.usePcaForSpatialKernelusePcaForSpatialKernelusePcaForSpatialKernel = True
439  self.subtractMeanForPcasubtractMeanForPcasubtractMeanForPca = True
440  self.useBicForKernelBasisuseBicForKernelBasisuseBicForKernelBasis = False
442  useRegularization = pexConfig.Field(
443  dtype=bool,
444  doc="Use regularization to smooth the delta function kernels",
445  default=True,
446  )
447  regularizationType = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
448  dtype=str,
449  doc="Type of regularization.",
450  default="centralDifference",
451  allowed={
452  "centralDifference": "Penalize second derivative using 2-D stencil of central finite difference",
453  "forwardDifference": "Penalize first, second, third derivatives using forward finite differeces"
454  }
455  )
456  centralRegularizationStencil = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
457  dtype=int,
458  doc="Type of stencil to approximate central derivative (for centralDifference only)",
459  default=9,
460  allowed={
461  5: "5-point stencil including only adjacent-in-x,y elements",
462  9: "9-point stencil including diagonal elements"
463  }
464  )
465  forwardRegularizationOrders = pexConfig.ListField(
466  dtype=int,
467  doc="Array showing which order derivatives to penalize (for forwardDifference only)",
468  default=(1, 2),
469  itemCheck=lambda x: (x > 0) and (x < 4)
470  )
471  regularizationBorderPenalty = pexConfig.Field(
472  dtype=float,
473  doc="Value of the penalty for kernel border pixels",
474  default=3.0,
475  check=lambda x: x >= 0.0
476  )
477  lambdaType = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
478  dtype=str,
479  doc="How to choose the value of the regularization strength",
480  default="absolute",
481  allowed={
482  "absolute": "Use lambdaValue as the value of regularization strength",
483  "relative": "Use lambdaValue as fraction of the default regularization strength (N.R. 18.5.8)",
484  "minimizeBiasedRisk": "Minimize biased risk estimate",
485  "minimizeUnbiasedRisk": "Minimize unbiased risk estimate",
486  }
487  )
488  lambdaValue = pexConfig.Field(
489  dtype=float,
490  doc="Value used for absolute determinations of regularization strength",
491  default=0.2,
492  )
493  lambdaScaling = pexConfig.Field(
494  dtype=float,
495  doc="Fraction of the default lambda strength (N.R. 18.5.8) to use. 1e-4 or 1e-5",
496  default=1e-4,
497  )
498  lambdaStepType = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
499  dtype=str,
500  doc="""If a scan through lambda is needed (minimizeBiasedRisk, minimizeUnbiasedRisk),
501  use log or linear steps""",
502  default="log",
503  allowed={
504  "log": "Step in log intervals; e.g. lambdaMin, lambdaMax, lambdaStep = -1.0, 2.0, 0.1",
505  "linear": "Step in linear intervals; e.g. lambdaMin, lambdaMax, lambdaStep = 0.1, 100, 0.1",
506  }
507  )
508  lambdaMin = pexConfig.Field(
509  dtype=float,
510  doc="""If scan through lambda needed (minimizeBiasedRisk, minimizeUnbiasedRisk),
511  start at this value. If lambdaStepType = log:linear, suggest -1:0.1""",
512  default=-1.0,
513  )
514  lambdaMax = pexConfig.Field(
515  dtype=float,
516  doc="""If scan through lambda needed (minimizeBiasedRisk, minimizeUnbiasedRisk),
517  stop at this value. If lambdaStepType = log:linear, suggest 2:100""",
518  default=2.0,
519  )
520  lambdaStep = pexConfig.Field(
521  dtype=float,
522  doc="""If scan through lambda needed (minimizeBiasedRisk, minimizeUnbiasedRisk),
523  step in these increments. If lambdaStepType = log:linear, suggest 0.1:0.1""",
524  default=0.1,
525  )
528 class PsfMatchTask(pipeBase.Task):
529  """Base class for Psf Matching; should not be called directly
531  Notes
532  -----
533  PsfMatchTask is a base class that implements the core functionality for matching the
534  Psfs of two images using a spatially varying Psf-matching `lsst.afw.math.LinearCombinationKernel`.
535  The Task requires the user to provide an instance of an `lsst.afw.math.SpatialCellSet`,
536  filled with `lsst.ip.diffim.KernelCandidate` instances, and a list of `lsst.afw.math.Kernels`
537  of basis shapes that will be used for the decomposition. If requested, the Task
538  also performs background matching and returns the differential background model as an
539  `lsst.afw.math.Kernel.SpatialFunction`.
541  **Invoking the Task**
543  As a base class, this Task is not directly invoked. However, ``run()`` methods that are
544  implemented on derived classes will make use of the core ``_solve()`` functionality,
545  which defines a sequence of `lsst.afw.math.CandidateVisitor` classes that iterate
546  through the KernelCandidates, first building up a per-candidate solution and then
547  building up a spatial model from the ensemble of candidates. Sigma clipping is
548  performed using the mean and standard deviation of all kernel sums (to reject
549  variable objects), on the per-candidate substamp diffim residuals
550  (to indicate a bad choice of kernel basis shapes for that particular object),
551  and on the substamp diffim residuals using the spatial kernel fit (to indicate a bad
552  choice of spatial kernel order, or poor constraints on the spatial model). The
553  ``_diagnostic()`` method logs information on the quality of the spatial fit, and also
554  modifies the Task metadata.
556  .. list-table:: Quantities set in Metadata
557  :header-rows: 1
559  * - Parameter
560  - Description
561  * - ``spatialConditionNum``
562  - Condition number of the spatial kernel fit
563  * - ``spatialKernelSum``
564  - Kernel sum (10^{-0.4 * ``Delta``; zeropoint}) of the spatial Psf-matching kernel
565  * - ``ALBasisNGauss``
566  - If using sum-of-Gaussian basis, the number of gaussians used
567  * - ``ALBasisDegGauss``
568  - If using sum-of-Gaussian basis, the deg of spatial variation of the Gaussians
569  * - ``ALBasisSigGauss``
570  - If using sum-of-Gaussian basis, the widths (sigma) of the Gaussians
571  * - ``ALKernelSize``
572  - If using sum-of-Gaussian basis, the kernel size
573  * - ``NFalsePositivesTotal``
574  - Total number of diaSources
575  * - ``NFalsePositivesRefAssociated``
576  - Number of diaSources that associate with the reference catalog
577  * - ``NFalsePositivesRefAssociated``
578  - Number of diaSources that associate with the source catalog
579  * - ``NFalsePositivesUnassociated``
580  - Number of diaSources that are orphans
581  * - ``metric_MEAN``
582  - Mean value of substamp diffim quality metrics across all KernelCandidates,
583  for both the per-candidate (LOCAL) and SPATIAL residuals
584  * - ``metric_MEDIAN``
585  - Median value of substamp diffim quality metrics across all KernelCandidates,
586  for both the per-candidate (LOCAL) and SPATIAL residuals
587  * - ``metric_STDEV``
588  - Standard deviation of substamp diffim quality metrics across all KernelCandidates,
589  for both the per-candidate (LOCAL) and SPATIAL residuals
591  **Debug variables**
593  The `lsst.pipe.base.cmdLineTask.CmdLineTask` command line task interface supports a
594  flag -d/--debug to import @b from your PYTHONPATH. The relevant contents of
595  for this Task include:
597  .. code-block:: py
599  import sys
600  import lsstDebug
601  def DebugInfo(name):
602  di = lsstDebug.getInfo(name)
603  if name == "lsst.ip.diffim.psfMatch":
604  # enable debug output
605  di.display = True
606  # display mask transparency
607  di.maskTransparency = 80
608  # show all the candidates and residuals
609  di.displayCandidates = True
610  # show kernel basis functions
611  di.displayKernelBasis = False
612  # show kernel realized across the image
613  di.displayKernelMosaic = True
614  # show coefficients of spatial model
615  di.plotKernelSpatialModel = False
616  # show fixed and spatial coefficients and coefficient histograms
617  di.plotKernelCoefficients = True
618  # show the bad candidates (red) along with good (green)
619  di.showBadCandidates = True
620  return di
621  lsstDebug.Info = DebugInfo
622  lsstDebug.frame = 1
624  Note that if you want additional logging info, you may add to your scripts:
626  .. code-block:: py
628  import lsst.log.utils as logUtils
629  logUtils.traceSetAt("lsst.ip.diffim", 4)
630  """
631  ConfigClass = PsfMatchConfig
632  _DefaultName = "psfMatch"
634  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
635  """Create the psf-matching Task
637  Parameters
638  ----------
639  *args
640  Arguments to be passed to ``lsst.pipe.base.task.Task.__init__``
641  **kwargs
642  Keyword arguments to be passed to ``lsst.pipe.base.task.Task.__init__``
644  Notes
645  -----
646  The initialization sets the Psf-matching kernel configuration using the value of
647 If the kernel is requested with regularization to moderate
648  the bias/variance tradeoff, currently only used when a delta function kernel basis
649  is provided, it creates a regularization matrix stored as member variable
650  self.hMat.
651  """
652  pipeBase.Task.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
653  self.kConfigkConfig =
655  if 'useRegularization' in self.kConfigkConfig:
656  self.useRegularizationuseRegularization = self.kConfigkConfig.useRegularization
657  else:
658  self.useRegularizationuseRegularization = False
660  if self.useRegularizationuseRegularization:
661  self.hMathMat = diffimLib.makeRegularizationMatrix(pexConfig.makePropertySet(self.kConfigkConfig))
663  def _diagnostic(self, kernelCellSet, spatialSolution, spatialKernel, spatialBg):
664  """Provide logging diagnostics on quality of spatial kernel fit
666  Parameters
667  ----------
668  kernelCellSet : `lsst.afw.math.SpatialCellSet`
669  Cellset that contains the KernelCandidates used in the fitting
670  spatialSolution : `lsst.ip.diffim.SpatialKernelSolution`
671  KernelSolution of best-fit
672  spatialKernel : `lsst.afw.math.LinearCombinationKernel`
673  Best-fit spatial Kernel model
674  spatialBg : `lsst.afw.math.Function2D`
675  Best-fit spatial background model
676  """
677  # What is the final kernel sum
678  kImage = afwImage.ImageD(spatialKernel.getDimensions())
679  kSum = spatialKernel.computeImage(kImage, False)
680"Final spatial kernel sum %.3f", kSum)
682  # Look at how well conditioned the matrix is
683  conditionNum = spatialSolution.getConditionNumber(
684  getattr(diffimLib.KernelSolution, self.kConfigkConfig.conditionNumberType))
685"Spatial model condition number %.3e", conditionNum)
687  if conditionNum < 0.0:
688  self.log.warning("Condition number is negative (%.3e)", conditionNum)
689  if conditionNum > self.kConfigkConfig.maxSpatialConditionNumber:
690  self.log.warning("Spatial solution exceeds max condition number (%.3e > %.3e)",
691  conditionNum, self.kConfigkConfig.maxSpatialConditionNumber)
693  self.metadata["spatialConditionNum"] = conditionNum
694  self.metadata["spatialKernelSum"] = kSum
696  # Look at how well the solution is constrained
697  nBasisKernels = spatialKernel.getNBasisKernels()
698  nKernelTerms = spatialKernel.getNSpatialParameters()
699  if nKernelTerms == 0: # order 0
700  nKernelTerms = 1
702  # Not fit for
703  nBgTerms = spatialBg.getNParameters()
704  if nBgTerms == 1:
705  if spatialBg.getParameters()[0] == 0.0:
706  nBgTerms = 0
708  nGood = 0
709  nBad = 0
710  nTot = 0
711  for cell in kernelCellSet.getCellList():
712  for cand in cell.begin(False): # False = include bad candidates
713  nTot += 1
714  if cand.getStatus() == afwMath.SpatialCellCandidate.GOOD:
715  nGood += 1
716  if cand.getStatus() == afwMath.SpatialCellCandidate.BAD:
717  nBad += 1
719"Doing stats of kernel candidates used in the spatial fit.")
721  # Counting statistics
722  if nBad > 2*nGood:
723  self.log.warning("Many more candidates rejected than accepted; %d total, %d rejected, %d used",
724  nTot, nBad, nGood)
725  else:
726"%d candidates total, %d rejected, %d used", nTot, nBad, nGood)
728  # Some judgements on the quality of the spatial models
729  if nGood < nKernelTerms:
730  self.log.warning("Spatial kernel model underconstrained; %d candidates, %d terms, %d bases",
731  nGood, nKernelTerms, nBasisKernels)
732  self.log.warning("Consider lowering the spatial order")
733  elif nGood <= 2*nKernelTerms:
734  self.log.warning("Spatial kernel model poorly constrained; %d candidates, %d terms, %d bases",
735  nGood, nKernelTerms, nBasisKernels)
736  self.log.warning("Consider lowering the spatial order")
737  else:
738"Spatial kernel model well constrained; %d candidates, %d terms, %d bases",
739  nGood, nKernelTerms, nBasisKernels)
741  if nGood < nBgTerms:
742  self.log.warning("Spatial background model underconstrained; %d candidates, %d terms",
743  nGood, nBgTerms)
744  self.log.warning("Consider lowering the spatial order")
745  elif nGood <= 2*nBgTerms:
746  self.log.warning("Spatial background model poorly constrained; %d candidates, %d terms",
747  nGood, nBgTerms)
748  self.log.warning("Consider lowering the spatial order")
749  else:
750"Spatial background model appears well constrained; %d candidates, %d terms",
751  nGood, nBgTerms)
753  def _displayDebug(self, kernelCellSet, spatialKernel, spatialBackground):
754  """Provide visualization of the inputs and ouputs to the Psf-matching code
756  Parameters
757  ----------
758  kernelCellSet : `lsst.afw.math.SpatialCellSet`
759  The SpatialCellSet used in determining the matching kernel and background
760  spatialKernel : `lsst.afw.math.LinearCombinationKernel`
761  Spatially varying Psf-matching kernel
762  spatialBackground : `lsst.afw.math.Function2D`
763  Spatially varying background-matching function
764  """
765  import lsstDebug
766  displayCandidates = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).displayCandidates
767  displayKernelBasis = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).displayKernelBasis
768  displayKernelMosaic = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).displayKernelMosaic
769  plotKernelSpatialModel = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).plotKernelSpatialModel
770  plotKernelCoefficients = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).plotKernelCoefficients
771  showBadCandidates = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).showBadCandidates
772  maskTransparency = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).maskTransparency
773  if not maskTransparency:
774  maskTransparency = 0
775  afwDisplay.setDefaultMaskTransparency(maskTransparency)
777  if displayCandidates:
778  diutils.showKernelCandidates(kernelCellSet, kernel=spatialKernel, background=spatialBackground,
779  frame=lsstDebug.frame,
780  showBadCandidates=showBadCandidates)
781  lsstDebug.frame += 1
782  diutils.showKernelCandidates(kernelCellSet, kernel=spatialKernel, background=spatialBackground,
783  frame=lsstDebug.frame,
784  showBadCandidates=showBadCandidates,
785  kernels=True)
786  lsstDebug.frame += 1
787  diutils.showKernelCandidates(kernelCellSet, kernel=spatialKernel, background=spatialBackground,
788  frame=lsstDebug.frame,
789  showBadCandidates=showBadCandidates,
790  resids=True)
791  lsstDebug.frame += 1
793  if displayKernelBasis:
794  diutils.showKernelBasis(spatialKernel, frame=lsstDebug.frame)
795  lsstDebug.frame += 1
797  if displayKernelMosaic:
798  diutils.showKernelMosaic(kernelCellSet.getBBox(), spatialKernel, frame=lsstDebug.frame)
799  lsstDebug.frame += 1
801  if plotKernelSpatialModel:
802  diutils.plotKernelSpatialModel(spatialKernel, kernelCellSet, showBadCandidates=showBadCandidates)
804  if plotKernelCoefficients:
805  diutils.plotKernelCoefficients(spatialKernel, kernelCellSet)
807  def _createPcaBasis(self, kernelCellSet, nStarPerCell, ps):
808  """Create Principal Component basis
810  If a principal component analysis is requested, typically when using a delta function basis,
811  perform the PCA here and return a new basis list containing the new principal components.
813  Parameters
814  ----------
815  kernelCellSet : `lsst.afw.math.SpatialCellSet`
816  a SpatialCellSet containing KernelCandidates, from which components are derived
817  nStarPerCell : `int`
818  the number of stars per cell to visit when doing the PCA
819  ps : `lsst.daf.base.PropertySet`
820  input property set controlling the single kernel visitor
822  Returns
823  -------
824  nRejectedPca : `int`
825  number of KernelCandidates rejected during PCA loop
826  spatialBasisList : `list` of `lsst.afw.math.kernel.FixedKernel`
827  basis list containing the principal shapes as Kernels
829  Raises
830  ------
831  RuntimeError
832  If the Eigenvalues sum to zero.
833  """
834  nComponents = self.kConfigkConfig.numPrincipalComponents
835  imagePca = diffimLib.KernelPcaD()
836  importStarVisitor = diffimLib.KernelPcaVisitorF(imagePca)
837  kernelCellSet.visitCandidates(importStarVisitor, nStarPerCell)
838  if self.kConfigkConfig.subtractMeanForPca:
839  importStarVisitor.subtractMean()
840  imagePca.analyze()
842  eigenValues = imagePca.getEigenValues()
843  pcaBasisList = importStarVisitor.getEigenKernels()
845  eSum = np.sum(eigenValues)
846  if eSum == 0.0:
847  raise RuntimeError("Eigenvalues sum to zero")
848  for j in range(len(eigenValues)):
849  log.log("TRACE5." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
850  "Eigenvalue %d : %f (%f)", j, eigenValues[j], eigenValues[j]/eSum)
852  nToUse = min(nComponents, len(eigenValues))
853  trimBasisList = []
854  for j in range(nToUse):
855  # Check for NaNs?
856  kimage = afwImage.ImageD(pcaBasisList[j].getDimensions())
857  pcaBasisList[j].computeImage(kimage, False)
858  if not (True in np.isnan(kimage.getArray())):
859  trimBasisList.append(pcaBasisList[j])
861  # Put all the power in the first kernel, which will not vary spatially
862  spatialBasisList = diffimLib.renormalizeKernelList(trimBasisList)
864  # New Kernel visitor for this new basis list (no regularization explicitly)
865  singlekvPca = diffimLib.BuildSingleKernelVisitorF(spatialBasisList, ps)
866  singlekvPca.setSkipBuilt(False)
867  kernelCellSet.visitCandidates(singlekvPca, nStarPerCell)
868  singlekvPca.setSkipBuilt(True)
869  nRejectedPca = singlekvPca.getNRejected()
871  return nRejectedPca, spatialBasisList
873  def _buildCellSet(self, *args):
874  """Fill a SpatialCellSet with KernelCandidates for the Psf-matching process;
875  override in derived classes"""
876  return
878  @timeMethod
879  def _solve(self, kernelCellSet, basisList, returnOnExcept=False):
880  """Solve for the PSF matching kernel
882  Parameters
883  ----------
884  kernelCellSet : `lsst.afw.math.SpatialCellSet`
885  a SpatialCellSet to use in determining the matching kernel
886  (typically as provided by _buildCellSet)
887  basisList : `list` of `lsst.afw.math.kernel.FixedKernel`
888  list of Kernels to be used in the decomposition of the spatially varying kernel
889  (typically as provided by makeKernelBasisList)
890  returnOnExcept : `bool`, optional
891  if True then return (None, None) if an error occurs, else raise the exception
893  Returns
894  -------
895  psfMatchingKernel : `lsst.afw.math.LinearCombinationKernel`
896  Spatially varying Psf-matching kernel
897  backgroundModel : `lsst.afw.math.Function2D`
898  Spatially varying background-matching function
900  Raises
901  ------
902  RuntimeError :
903  If unable to determine PSF matching kernel and ``returnOnExcept==False``.
904  """
906  import lsstDebug
907  display = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).display
909  maxSpatialIterations = self.kConfigkConfig.maxSpatialIterations
910  nStarPerCell = self.kConfigkConfig.nStarPerCell
911  usePcaForSpatialKernel = self.kConfigkConfig.usePcaForSpatialKernel
913  # Visitor for the single kernel fit
914  ps = pexConfig.makePropertySet(self.kConfigkConfig)
915  if self.useRegularizationuseRegularization:
916  singlekv = diffimLib.BuildSingleKernelVisitorF(basisList, ps, self.hMathMat)
917  else:
918  singlekv = diffimLib.BuildSingleKernelVisitorF(basisList, ps)
920  # Visitor for the kernel sum rejection
921  ksv = diffimLib.KernelSumVisitorF(ps)
923  # Main loop
924  t0 = time.time()
925  try:
926  totalIterations = 0
927  thisIteration = 0
928  while (thisIteration < maxSpatialIterations):
930  # Make sure there are no uninitialized candidates as active occupants of Cell
931  nRejectedSkf = -1
932  while (nRejectedSkf != 0):
933  log.log("TRACE1." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
934  "Building single kernels...")
935  kernelCellSet.visitCandidates(singlekv, nStarPerCell)
936  nRejectedSkf = singlekv.getNRejected()
937  log.log("TRACE1." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
938  "Iteration %d, rejected %d candidates due to initial kernel fit",
939  thisIteration, nRejectedSkf)
941  # Reject outliers in kernel sum
942  ksv.resetKernelSum()
943  ksv.setMode(diffimLib.KernelSumVisitorF.AGGREGATE)
944  kernelCellSet.visitCandidates(ksv, nStarPerCell)
945  ksv.processKsumDistribution()
946  ksv.setMode(diffimLib.KernelSumVisitorF.REJECT)
947  kernelCellSet.visitCandidates(ksv, nStarPerCell)
949  nRejectedKsum = ksv.getNRejected()
950  log.log("TRACE1." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
951  "Iteration %d, rejected %d candidates due to kernel sum",
952  thisIteration, nRejectedKsum)
954  # Do we jump back to the top without incrementing thisIteration?
955  if nRejectedKsum > 0:
956  totalIterations += 1
957  continue
959  # At this stage we can either apply the spatial fit to
960  # the kernels, or we run a PCA, use these as a *new*
961  # basis set with lower dimensionality, and then apply
962  # the spatial fit to these kernels
964  if (usePcaForSpatialKernel):
965  log.log("TRACE0." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
966  "Building Pca basis")
968  nRejectedPca, spatialBasisList = self._createPcaBasis_createPcaBasis(kernelCellSet, nStarPerCell, ps)
969  log.log("TRACE1." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
970  "Iteration %d, rejected %d candidates due to Pca kernel fit",
971  thisIteration, nRejectedPca)
973  # We don't want to continue on (yet) with the
974  # spatial modeling, because we have bad objects
975  # contributing to the Pca basis. We basically
976  # need to restart from the beginning of this loop,
977  # since the cell-mates of those objects that were
978  # rejected need their original Kernels built by
979  # singleKernelFitter.
981  # Don't count against thisIteration
982  if (nRejectedPca > 0):
983  totalIterations += 1
984  continue
985  else:
986  spatialBasisList = basisList
988  # We have gotten on to the spatial modeling part
989  regionBBox = kernelCellSet.getBBox()
990  spatialkv = diffimLib.BuildSpatialKernelVisitorF(spatialBasisList, regionBBox, ps)
991  kernelCellSet.visitCandidates(spatialkv, nStarPerCell)
992  spatialkv.solveLinearEquation()
993  log.log("TRACE2." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
994  "Spatial kernel built with %d candidates", spatialkv.getNCandidates())
995  spatialKernel, spatialBackground = spatialkv.getSolutionPair()
997  # Check the quality of the spatial fit (look at residuals)
998  assesskv = diffimLib.AssessSpatialKernelVisitorF(spatialKernel, spatialBackground, ps)
999  kernelCellSet.visitCandidates(assesskv, nStarPerCell)
1000  nRejectedSpatial = assesskv.getNRejected()
1001  nGoodSpatial = assesskv.getNGood()
1002  log.log("TRACE1." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
1003  "Iteration %d, rejected %d candidates due to spatial kernel fit",
1004  thisIteration, nRejectedSpatial)
1005  log.log("TRACE1." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
1006  "%d candidates used in fit", nGoodSpatial)
1008  # If only nGoodSpatial == 0, might be other candidates in the cells
1009  if nGoodSpatial == 0 and nRejectedSpatial == 0:
1010  raise RuntimeError("No kernel candidates for spatial fit")
1012  if nRejectedSpatial == 0:
1013  # Nothing rejected, finished with spatial fit
1014  break
1016  # Otherwise, iterate on...
1017  thisIteration += 1
1019  # Final fit if above did not converge
1020  if (nRejectedSpatial > 0) and (thisIteration == maxSpatialIterations):
1021  log.log("TRACE1." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG, "Final spatial fit")
1022  if (usePcaForSpatialKernel):
1023  nRejectedPca, spatialBasisList = self._createPcaBasis_createPcaBasis(kernelCellSet, nStarPerCell, ps)
1024  regionBBox = kernelCellSet.getBBox()
1025  spatialkv = diffimLib.BuildSpatialKernelVisitorF(spatialBasisList, regionBBox, ps)
1026  kernelCellSet.visitCandidates(spatialkv, nStarPerCell)
1027  spatialkv.solveLinearEquation()
1028  log.log("TRACE2." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
1029  "Spatial kernel built with %d candidates", spatialkv.getNCandidates())
1030  spatialKernel, spatialBackground = spatialkv.getSolutionPair()
1032  spatialSolution = spatialkv.getKernelSolution()
1034  except Exception as e:
1035  self.log.error("ERROR: Unable to calculate psf matching kernel")
1037  log.log("TRACE1." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG, "%s", e)
1038  raise e
1040  t1 = time.time()
1041  log.log("TRACE0." + + "._solve", log.DEBUG,
1042  "Total time to compute the spatial kernel : %.2f s", (t1 - t0))
1044  if display:
1045  self._displayDebug_displayDebug(kernelCellSet, spatialKernel, spatialBackground)
1047  self._diagnostic_diagnostic(kernelCellSet, spatialSolution, spatialKernel, spatialBackground)
1049  return spatialSolution, spatialKernel, spatialBackground
1052 PsfMatch = PsfMatchTask
int min
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def _createPcaBasis(self, kernelCellSet, nStarPerCell, ps)
def _displayDebug(self, kernelCellSet, spatialKernel, spatialBackground)
def _diagnostic(self, kernelCellSet, spatialSolution, spatialKernel, spatialBg)
Backwards-compatibility support for depersisting the old Calib (FluxMag0/FluxMag0Err) objects.
Definition: Log.h:717
Fit spatial kernel using approximate fluxes for candidates, and solving a linear system of equations.