LSST Applications g0b6bd0c080+a72a5dd7e6,g1182afd7b4+2a019aa3bb,g17e5ecfddb+2b8207f7de,g1d67935e3f+06cf436103,g38293774b4+ac198e9f13,g396055baef+6a2097e274,g3b44f30a73+6611e0205b,g480783c3b1+98f8679e14,g48ccf36440+89c08d0516,g4b93dc025c+98f8679e14,g5c4744a4d9+a302e8c7f0,g613e996a0d+e1c447f2e0,g6c8d09e9e7+25247a063c,g7271f0639c+98f8679e14,g7a9cd813b8+124095ede6,g9d27549199+a302e8c7f0,ga1cf026fa3+ac198e9f13,ga32aa97882+7403ac30ac,ga786bb30fb+7a139211af,gaa63f70f4e+9994eb9896,gabf319e997+ade567573c,gba47b54d5d+94dc90c3ea,gbec6a3398f+06cf436103,gc6308e37c7+07dd123edb,gc655b1545f+ade567573c,gcc9029db3c+ab229f5caf,gd01420fc67+06cf436103,gd877ba84e5+06cf436103,gdb4cecd868+6f279b5b48,ge2d134c3d5+cc4dbb2e3f,ge448b5faa6+86d1ceac1d,gecc7e12556+98f8679e14,gf3ee170dca+25247a063c,gf4ac96e456+ade567573c,gf9f5ea5b4d+ac198e9f13,gff490e6085+8c2580be5c,w.2022.27
LSST Data Management Base Package
Go to the documentation of this file.
2# LSST Data Management System
3# Copyright 2022 AURA/LSST.
5# This product includes software developed by the
6# LSST Project (
8# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11# (at your option) any later version.
13# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16# GNU General Public License for more details.
18# You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
19# the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
20# see <>.
22"""Tasks for making and manipulating HIPS images."""
24__all__ = ["HighResolutionHipsTask", "HighResolutionHipsConfig", "HighResolutionHipsConnections"]
26from collections import defaultdict
27import numpy as np
28import argparse
29import sys
30import re
32from lsst.sphgeom import RangeSet, HealpixPixelization
33from lsst.utils.timer import timeMethod
34from lsst.daf.butler import Butler, DatasetRef, Quantum, SkyPixDimension
35import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
36import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
37import lsst.afw.geom as afwGeom
38import lsst.afw.math as afwMath
39import lsst.afw.image as afwImage
40import lsst.geom as geom
43class HighResolutionHipsConnections(pipeBase.PipelineTaskConnections,
44 dimensions=("healpix9", "band"),
45 defaultTemplates={"coaddName": "deep"}):
46 coadd_exposure_handles = pipeBase.connectionTypes.Input(
47 doc="Coadded exposures to convert to HIPS format.",
48 name="{coaddName}Coadd_calexp",
49 storageClass="ExposureF",
50 dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "band"),
51 multiple=True,
52 deferLoad=True,
53 )
54 hips_exposures = pipeBase.connectionTypes.Output(
55 doc="HIPS-compatible HPX image.",
56 name="{coaddName}Coadd_hpx",
57 storageClass="ExposureF",
58 dimensions=("healpix11", "band"),
59 multiple=True,
60 )
62 def __init__(self, *, config=None):
63 super().__init__(config=config)
65 quantum_order = None
66 for dim in self.dimensions:
67 if 'healpix' in dim:
68 if quantum_order is not None:
69 raise ValueError("Must not specify more than one quantum healpix dimension.")
70 quantum_order = int(dim.split('healpix')[1])
71 if quantum_order is None:
72 raise ValueError("Must specify a healpix dimension in quantum dimensions.")
74 if quantum_order > config.hips_order:
75 raise ValueError("Quantum healpix dimension order must not be greater than hips_order")
77 order = None
78 for dim in self.hips_exposures.dimensions:
79 if 'healpix' in dim:
80 if order is not None:
81 raise ValueError("Must not specify more than one healpix dimension.")
82 order = int(dim.split('healpix')[1])
83 if order is None:
84 raise ValueError("Must specify a healpix dimension in hips_exposure dimensions.")
86 if order != config.hips_order:
87 raise ValueError("healpix dimension order must match config.hips_order.")
90class HighResolutionHipsConfig(pipeBase.PipelineTaskConfig,
91 pipelineConnections=HighResolutionHipsConnections):
92 """Configuration parameters for HighResolutionHipsTask.
94 Notes
95 -----
96 A HiPS image covers one HEALPix cell, with the HEALPix nside equal to
97 2**hips_order. Each cell is 'shift_order' orders deeper than the HEALPix
98 cell, with 2**shift_order x 2**shift_order sub-pixels on a side, which
99 defines the target resolution of the HiPS image. The IVOA recommends
100 shift_order=9, for 2**9=512 pixels on a side.
102 Table 5 from
104 shows the relationship between hips_order, number of tiles (full
105 sky coverage), cell size, and sub-pixel size/image resolution (with
106 the default shift_order=9):
107 +------------+-----------------+--------------+------------------+
108 | hips_order | Number of Tiles | Cell Size | Image Resolution |
109 +============+=================+==============+==================+
110 | 0 | 12 | 58.63 deg | 6.871 arcmin |
111 | 1 | 48 | 29.32 deg | 3.435 arcmin |
112 | 2 | 192 | 14.66 deg | 1.718 arcmin |
113 | 3 | 768 | 7.329 deg | 51.53 arcsec |
114 | 4 | 3072 | 3.665 deg | 25.77 arcsec |
115 | 5 | 12288 | 1.832 deg | 12.88 arcsec |
116 | 6 | 49152 | 54.97 arcmin | 6.442 arcsec |
117 | 7 | 196608 | 27.48 arcmin | 3.221 arcsec |
118 | 8 | 786432 | 13.74 arcmin | 1.61 arcsec |
119 | 9 | 3145728 | 6.871 arcmin | 805.2mas |
120 | 10 | 12582912 | 3.435 arcmin | 402.6mas |
121 | 11 | 50331648 | 1.718 arcmin | 201.3mas |
122 | 12 | 201326592 | 51.53 arcsec | 100.6mas |
123 | 13 | 805306368 | 25.77 arcsec | 50.32mas |
124 +------------+-----------------+--------------+------------------+
125 """
126 hips_order = pexConfig.Field(
127 doc="HIPS image order.",
128 dtype=int,
129 default=11,
130 )
131 shift_order = pexConfig.Field(
132 doc="HIPS shift order (such that each tile is 2**shift_order pixels on a side)",
133 dtype=int,
134 default=9,
135 )
136 warp = pexConfig.ConfigField(
137 dtype=afwMath.Warper.ConfigClass,
138 doc="Warper configuration",
139 )
141 def setDefaults(self):
142 self.warp.warpingKernelName = "lanczos5"
145class HipsTaskNameDescriptor:
146 """Descriptor used create a DefaultName that matches the order of
147 the defined dimensions in the connections class.
149 Parameters
150 ----------
151 prefix : `str`
152 The prefix of the Default name, to which the order will be
153 appended.
154 """
155 def __init__(self, prefix):
156 # create a defaultName template
157 self._defaultName = f"{prefix}{{}}"
158 self._order = None
160 def __get__(self, obj, klass=None):
161 if klass is None:
162 raise RuntimeError(
163 "HipsTaskDescriptor was used in an unexpected context"
164 )
165 if self._order is None:
166 klassDimensions = klass.ConfigClass.ConnectionsClass.dimensions
167 for dim in klassDimensions:
168 if (match := re.match(r"^healpix(\d*)$", dim)) is not None:
169 self._order = int(
170 break
171 else:
172 raise RuntimeError(
173 "Could not find healpix dimension in connections class"
174 )
175 return self._defaultName.format(self._order)
178class HighResolutionHipsTask(pipeBase.PipelineTask):
179 """Task for making high resolution HiPS images."""
180 ConfigClass = HighResolutionHipsConfig
181 _DefaultName = HipsTaskNameDescriptor("highResolutionHips")
183 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
184 super().__init__(**kwargs)
185 self.warper = afwMath.Warper.fromConfig(self.config.warp)
187 @timeMethod
188 def runQuantum(self, butlerQC, inputRefs, outputRefs):
189 inputs = butlerQC.get(inputRefs)
191 healpix_dim = f"healpix{self.config.hips_order}"
193 pixels = [hips_exposure.dataId[healpix_dim]
194 for hips_exposure in outputRefs.hips_exposures]
196 outputs =, coadd_exposure_handles=inputs["coadd_exposure_handles"])
198 hips_exposure_ref_dict = {hips_exposure_ref.dataId[healpix_dim]:
199 hips_exposure_ref for hips_exposure_ref in outputRefs.hips_exposures}
200 for pixel, hips_exposure in outputs.hips_exposures.items():
201 butlerQC.put(hips_exposure, hips_exposure_ref_dict[pixel])
203 def run(self, pixels, coadd_exposure_handles):
204 """Run the HighResolutionHipsTask.
206 Parameters
207 ----------
208 pixels : `Iterable` [ `int` ]
209 Iterable of healpix pixels (nest ordering) to warp to.
210 coadd_exposure_handles : `list` [`lsst.daf.butler.DeferredDatasetHandle`]
211 Handles for the coadd exposures.
213 Returns
214 -------
215 outputs : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
216 ``hips_exposures`` is a dict with pixel (key) and hips_exposure (value)
217 """
218"Generating HIPS images for %d pixels at order %d", len(pixels), self.config.hips_order)
220 npix = 2**self.config.shift_order
221 bbox_hpx = geom.Box2I(corner=geom.Point2I(0, 0),
222 dimensions=geom.Extent2I(npix, npix))
224 # For each healpix pixel we will create an empty exposure with the
225 # correct HPX WCS. We furthermore create a dict to hold each of
226 # the warps that will go into each HPX exposure.
227 exp_hpx_dict = {}
228 warp_dict = {}
229 for pixel in pixels:
230 wcs_hpx = afwGeom.makeHpxWcs(self.config.hips_order, pixel, shift_order=self.config.shift_order)
231 exp_hpx = afwImage.ExposureF(bbox_hpx, wcs_hpx)
232 exp_hpx_dict[pixel] = exp_hpx
233 warp_dict[pixel] = []
235 first_handle = True
236 # Loop over input coadd exposures to minimize i/o (this speeds things
237 # up by ~8x to batch together pixels that overlap a given coadd).
238 for handle in coadd_exposure_handles:
239 coadd_exp = handle.get()
241 # For each pixel, warp the coadd to the HPX WCS for the pixel.
242 for pixel in pixels:
243 warped = self.warper.warpExposure(exp_hpx_dict[pixel].getWcs(), coadd_exp, maxBBox=bbox_hpx)
245 exp = afwImage.ExposureF(exp_hpx_dict[pixel].getBBox(), exp_hpx_dict[pixel].getWcs())
246 exp.maskedImage.set(np.nan, afwImage.Mask.getPlaneBitMask("NO_DATA"), np.nan)
248 if first_handle:
249 # Make sure the mask planes, filter, and photocalib of the output
250 # exposure match the (first) input exposure.
251 exp_hpx_dict[pixel].mask.conformMaskPlanes(coadd_exp.mask.getMaskPlaneDict())
252 exp_hpx_dict[pixel].setFilter(coadd_exp.getFilter())
253 exp_hpx_dict[pixel].setPhotoCalib(coadd_exp.getPhotoCalib())
255 if warped.getBBox().getArea() == 0 or not np.any(np.isfinite(warped.image.array)):
256 # There is no overlap, skip.
257 self.log.debug(
258 "No overlap between output HPX %d and input exposure %s",
259 pixel,
260 handle.dataId
261 )
262 continue
264 exp.maskedImage.assign(warped.maskedImage, warped.getBBox())
265 warp_dict[pixel].append(exp.maskedImage)
267 first_handle = False
269 stats_flags = afwMath.stringToStatisticsProperty('MEAN')
270 stats_ctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
271 stats_ctrl.setNanSafe(True)
272 stats_ctrl.setWeighted(True)
273 stats_ctrl.setCalcErrorFromInputVariance(True)
275 # Loop over pixels and combine the warps for each pixel.
276 # The combination is done with a simple mean for pixels that
277 # overlap in neighboring patches.
278 for pixel in pixels:
279 exp_hpx_dict[pixel].maskedImage.set(np.nan, afwImage.Mask.getPlaneBitMask("NO_DATA"), np.nan)
281 if not warp_dict[pixel]:
282 # Nothing in this pixel
283 self.log.debug("No data in HPX pixel %d", pixel)
284 # Remove the pixel from the output, no need to persist an
285 # empty exposure.
286 exp_hpx_dict.pop(pixel)
287 continue
289 exp_hpx_dict[pixel].maskedImage = afwMath.statisticsStack(
290 warp_dict[pixel],
291 stats_flags,
292 stats_ctrl,
293 [1.0]*len(warp_dict[pixel]),
294 clipped=0,
295 maskMap=[]
296 )
298 return pipeBase.Struct(hips_exposures=exp_hpx_dict)
300 @classmethod
301 def build_quantum_graph_cli(cls, argv):
302 """A command-line interface entry point to `build_quantum_graph`.
303 This method provides the implementation for the
304 ``build-high-resolution-hips-qg`` script.
306 Parameters
307 ----------
308 argv : `Sequence` [ `str` ]
309 Command-line arguments (e.g. ``sys.argv[1:]``).
310 """
311 parser = cls._make_cli_parser()
313 args = parser.parse_args(argv)
315 if args.subparser_name is None:
316 parser.print_help()
317 sys.exit(1)
319 pipeline = pipeBase.Pipeline.from_uri(args.pipeline)
320 expanded_pipeline = list(pipeline.toExpandedPipeline())
322 if len(expanded_pipeline) != 1:
323 raise RuntimeError(f"Pipeline file {args.pipeline} may only contain one task.")
325 (task_def,) = expanded_pipeline
327 butler = Butler(args.butler_config, collections=args.input)
329 if args.subparser_name == 'segment':
330 # Do the segmentation
331 hpix_pixelization = HealpixPixelization(level=args.hpix_build_order)
332 dataset =
333 data_ids = set(butler.registry.queryDataIds("tract", datasets=dataset).expanded())
334 region_pixels = []
335 for data_id in data_ids:
336 region = data_id.region
337 pixel_range = hpix_pixelization.envelope(region)
338 for r in pixel_range.ranges():
339 region_pixels.extend(range(r[0], r[1]))
340 indices = np.unique(region_pixels)
342 print(f"Pixels to run at HEALPix order --hpix_build_order {args.hpix_build_order}:")
343 for pixel in indices:
344 print(pixel)
346 elif args.subparser_name == 'build':
347 # Build the quantum graph.
349 build_ranges = RangeSet(sorted(args.pixels))
351 qg = cls.build_quantum_graph(
352 task_def,
353 butler.registry,
354 args.hpix_build_order,
355 build_ranges,
356 where=args.where,
357 collections=args.input
358 )
359 qg.saveUri(args.save_qgraph)
361 @classmethod
362 def _make_cli_parser(cls):
363 """Make the command-line parser.
365 Returns
366 -------
367 parser : `argparse.ArgumentParser`
368 """
369 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
370 description=(
371 "Build a QuantumGraph that runs HighResolutionHipsTask on existing coadd datasets."
372 ),
373 )
374 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help', dest='subparser_name')
376 parser_segment = subparsers.add_parser('segment',
377 help='Determine survey segments for workflow.')
378 parser_build = subparsers.add_parser('build',
379 help='Build quantum graph for HighResolutionHipsTask')
381 for sub in [parser_segment, parser_build]:
382 # These arguments are in common.
383 sub.add_argument(
384 "-b",
385 "--butler-config",
386 type=str,
387 help="Path to data repository or butler configuration.",
388 required=True,
389 )
390 sub.add_argument(
391 "-p",
392 "--pipeline",
393 type=str,
394 help="Pipeline file, limited to one task.",
395 required=True,
396 )
397 sub.add_argument(
398 "-i",
399 "--input",
400 type=str,
401 nargs="+",
402 help="Input collection(s) to search for coadd exposures.",
403 required=True,
404 )
405 sub.add_argument(
406 "-o",
407 "--hpix_build_order",
408 type=int,
409 default=1,
410 help="HEALPix order to segment sky for building quantum graph files.",
411 )
412 sub.add_argument(
413 "-w",
414 "--where",
415 type=str,
416 default=None,
417 help="Data ID expression used when querying for input coadd datasets.",
418 )
420 parser_build.add_argument(
421 "-q",
422 "--save-qgraph",
423 type=str,
424 help="Output filename for QuantumGraph.",
425 required=True,
426 )
427 parser_build.add_argument(
428 "-P",
429 "--pixels",
430 type=int,
431 nargs="+",
432 help="Pixels at --hpix_build_order to generate quantum graph.",
433 required=True,
434 )
436 return parser
438 @classmethod
439 def build_quantum_graph(
440 cls,
441 task_def,
442 registry,
443 constraint_order,
444 constraint_ranges,
445 where=None,
446 collections=None,
447 ):
448 """Generate a `QuantumGraph` for running just this task.
450 This is a temporary workaround for incomplete butler query support for
451 HEALPix dimensions.
453 Parameters
454 ----------
455 task_def : `lsst.pipe.base.TaskDef`
456 Task definition.
457 registry : `lsst.daf.butler.Registry`
458 Client for the butler database. May be read-only.
459 constraint_order : `int`
460 HEALPix order used to contrain which quanta are generated, via
461 ``constraint_indices``. This should be a coarser grid (smaller
462 order) than the order used for the task's quantum and output data
463 IDs, and ideally something between the spatial scale of a patch or
464 the data repository's "common skypix" system (usually ``htm7``).
465 constraint_ranges : `lsst.sphgeom.RangeSet`
466 RangeSet which describes constraint pixels (HEALPix NEST, with order
467 constraint_order) to constrain generated quanta.
468 where : `str`, optional
469 A boolean `str` expression of the form accepted by
470 `Registry.queryDatasets` to constrain input datasets. This may
471 contain a constraint on tracts, patches, or bands, but not HEALPix
472 indices. Constraints on tracts and patches should usually be
473 unnecessary, however - existing coadds that overlap the given
474 HEALpix indices will be selected without such a constraint, and
475 providing one may reject some that should normally be included.
476 collections : `str` or `Iterable` [ `str` ], optional
477 Collection or collections to search for input datasets, in order.
478 If not provided, ``registry.defaults.collections`` will be
479 searched.
480 """
481 config = task_def.config
483 dataset_types = pipeBase.PipelineDatasetTypes.fromPipeline(pipeline=[task_def], registry=registry)
484 # Since we know this is the only task in the pipeline, we know there
485 # is only one overall input and one overall output.
486 (input_dataset_type,) = dataset_types.inputs
488 # Extract the main output dataset type (which needs multiple
489 # DatasetRefs, and tells us the output HPX level), and make a set of
490 # what remains for more mechanical handling later.
491 output_dataset_type = dataset_types.outputs[]
492 incidental_output_dataset_types = dataset_types.outputs.copy()
493 incidental_output_dataset_types.remove(output_dataset_type)
494 (hpx_output_dimension,) = (d for d in output_dataset_type.dimensions
495 if isinstance(d, SkyPixDimension))
497 constraint_hpx_pixelization = registry.dimensions[f"healpix{constraint_order}"].pixelization
498 common_skypix_name =
499 common_skypix_pixelization = registry.dimensions.commonSkyPix.pixelization
501 # We will need all the pixels at the quantum resolution as well
502 task_dimensions = registry.dimensions.extract(task_def.connections.dimensions)
503 (hpx_dimension,) = (d for d in task_dimensions if != "band")
504 hpx_pixelization = hpx_dimension.pixelization
506 if hpx_pixelization.level < constraint_order:
507 raise ValueError(f"Quantum order {hpx_pixelization.level} must be < {constraint_order}")
508 hpx_ranges = constraint_ranges.scaled(4**(hpx_pixelization.level - constraint_order))
510 # We can be generous in looking for pixels here, because we constraint by actual
511 # patch regions below.
512 common_skypix_ranges = RangeSet()
513 for begin, end in constraint_ranges:
514 for hpx_index in range(begin, end):
515 constraint_hpx_region = constraint_hpx_pixelization.pixel(hpx_index)
516 common_skypix_ranges |= common_skypix_pixelization.envelope(constraint_hpx_region)
518 # To keep the query from getting out of hand (and breaking) we simplify until we have fewer
519 # than 100 ranges which seems to work fine.
520 for simp in range(1, 10):
521 if len(common_skypix_ranges) < 100:
522 break
523 common_skypix_ranges.simplify(simp)
525 # Use that RangeSet to assemble a WHERE constraint expression. This
526 # could definitely get too big if the "constraint healpix" order is too
527 # fine.
528 where_terms = []
529 bind = {}
530 for n, (begin, end) in enumerate(common_skypix_ranges):
531 stop = end - 1 # registry range syntax is inclusive
532 if begin == stop:
533 where_terms.append(f"{common_skypix_name} = cpx{n}")
534 bind[f"cpx{n}"] = begin
535 else:
536 where_terms.append(f"({common_skypix_name} >= cpx{n}a AND {common_skypix_name} <= cpx{n}b)")
537 bind[f"cpx{n}a"] = begin
538 bind[f"cpx{n}b"] = stop
539 if where is None:
540 where = " OR ".join(where_terms)
541 else:
542 where = f"({where}) AND ({' OR '.join(where_terms)})"
543 # Query for input datasets with this constraint, and ask for expanded
544 # data IDs because we want regions. Immediately group this by patch so
545 # we don't do later geometric stuff n_bands more times than we need to.
546 input_refs = registry.queryDatasets(
547 input_dataset_type,
548 where=where,
549 findFirst=True,
550 collections=collections,
551 bind=bind
552 ).expanded()
553 inputs_by_patch = defaultdict(set)
554 patch_dimensions = registry.dimensions.extract(["patch"])
555 for input_ref in input_refs:
556 inputs_by_patch[input_ref.dataId.subset(patch_dimensions)].add(input_ref)
557 if not inputs_by_patch:
558 message_body = '\n'.join(input_refs.explain_no_results())
559 raise RuntimeError(f"No inputs found:\n{message_body}")
561 # Iterate over patches and compute the set of output healpix pixels
562 # that overlap each one. Use that to associate inputs with output
563 # pixels, but only for the output pixels we've already identified.
564 inputs_by_hpx = defaultdict(set)
565 for patch_data_id, input_refs_for_patch in inputs_by_patch.items():
566 patch_hpx_ranges = hpx_pixelization.envelope(patch_data_id.region)
567 for begin, end in patch_hpx_ranges & hpx_ranges:
568 for hpx_index in range(begin, end):
569 inputs_by_hpx[hpx_index].update(input_refs_for_patch)
570 # Iterate over the dict we just created and create the actual quanta.
571 quanta = []
572 for hpx_index, input_refs_for_hpx_index in inputs_by_hpx.items():
573 # Group inputs by band.
574 input_refs_by_band = defaultdict(list)
575 for input_ref in input_refs_for_hpx_index:
576 input_refs_by_band[input_ref.dataId["band"]].append(input_ref)
577 # Iterate over bands to make quanta.
578 for band, input_refs_for_band in input_refs_by_band.items():
579 data_id = registry.expandDataId({hpx_dimension: hpx_index, "band": band})
581 hpx_pixel_ranges = RangeSet(hpx_index)
582 hpx_output_ranges = hpx_pixel_ranges.scaled(4**(config.hips_order - hpx_pixelization.level))
583 output_data_ids = []
584 for begin, end in hpx_output_ranges:
585 for hpx_output_index in range(begin, end):
586 output_data_ids.append(
587 registry.expandDataId({hpx_output_dimension: hpx_output_index, "band": band})
588 )
589 outputs = {dt: [DatasetRef(dt, data_id)] for dt in incidental_output_dataset_types}
590 outputs[output_dataset_type] = [DatasetRef(output_dataset_type, data_id)
591 for data_id in output_data_ids]
592 quanta.append(
593 Quantum(
594 taskName=task_def.taskName,
595 taskClass=task_def.taskClass,
596 dataId=data_id,
597 initInputs={},
598 inputs={input_dataset_type: input_refs_for_band},
599 outputs=outputs,
600 )
601 )
603 if len(quanta) == 0:
604 raise RuntimeError("Given constraints yielded empty quantum graph.")
606 return pipeBase.QuantumGraph(quanta={task_def: quanta})
Pass parameters to a Statistics object.
Definition: Statistics.h:92
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Definition: Box.h:55
A RangeSet is a set of unsigned 64 bit integers.
Definition: RangeSet.h:99
daf::base::PropertyList * list
daf::base::PropertySet * set
std::shared_ptr< FrameSet > append(FrameSet const &first, FrameSet const &second)
Construct a FrameSet that performs two transformations in series.
Backwards-compatibility support for depersisting the old Calib (FluxMag0/FluxMag0Err) objects.
std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::image::Image< PixelT > > statisticsStack(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::image::Image< PixelT > > > &images, Property flags, StatisticsControl const &sctrl=StatisticsControl(), std::vector< lsst::afw::image::VariancePixel > const &wvector=std::vector< lsst::afw::image::VariancePixel >(0))
A function to compute some statistics of a stack of Images.
Property stringToStatisticsProperty(std::string const property)
Conversion function to switch a string to a Property (see Statistics.h)
int warpExposure(DestExposureT &destExposure, SrcExposureT const &srcExposure, WarpingControl const &control, typename DestExposureT::MaskedImageT::SinglePixel padValue=lsst::afw::math::edgePixel< typename DestExposureT::MaskedImageT >(typename lsst::afw::image::detail::image_traits< typename DestExposureT::MaskedImageT >::image_category()))
Warp (remap) one exposure to another.
def run(self, coaddExposures, bbox, wcs, dataIds, **kwargs)
def format(config, name=None, writeSourceLine=True, prefix="", verbose=False)