LSSTApplications  17.0+11,17.0+34,17.0+56,17.0+57,17.0+59,17.0+7,17.0-1-g377950a+33,17.0.1-1-g114240f+2,17.0.1-1-g4d4fbc4+28,17.0.1-1-g55520dc+49,17.0.1-1-g5f4ed7e+52,17.0.1-1-g6dd7d69+17,17.0.1-1-g8de6c91+11,17.0.1-1-gb9095d2+7,17.0.1-1-ge9fec5e+5,17.0.1-1-gf4e0155+55,17.0.1-1-gfc65f5f+50,17.0.1-1-gfc6fb1f+20,17.0.1-10-g87f9f3f+1,17.0.1-11-ge9de802+16,17.0.1-16-ga14f7d5c+4,17.0.1-17-gc79d625+1,17.0.1-17-gdae4c4a+8,17.0.1-2-g26618f5+29,17.0.1-2-g54f2ebc+9,17.0.1-2-gf403422+1,17.0.1-20-g2ca2f74+6,17.0.1-23-gf3eadeb7+1,17.0.1-3-g7e86b59+39,17.0.1-3-gb5ca14a,17.0.1-3-gd08d533+40,17.0.1-30-g596af8797,17.0.1-4-g59d126d+4,17.0.1-4-gc69c472+5,17.0.1-6-g5afd9b9+4,17.0.1-7-g35889ee+1,17.0.1-7-gc7c8782+18,17.0.1-9-gc4bbfb2+3,w.2019.22
Classes | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter Class Reference

A fitter class for scaled polynomial transforms. More...

#include <ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter.h>


class  Keys

Public Member Functions

void fit (int order=-1)
 Perform a linear least-squares fit of the polynomial coefficients. More...
void updateModel ()
 Update the 'model' field in the data catalog using the current best- fit transform. More...
double updateIntrinsicScatter ()
 Infer the intrinsic scatter in the offset between the data points and the best-fit model, and update the uncertainties accordingly. More...
double getIntrinsicScatter () const
 Return the current estimate of the intrinsic scatter. More...
std::pair< double, size_t > rejectOutliers (OutlierRejectionControl const &ctrl)
 Mark outliers in the data catalog using sigma clipping. More...
afw::table::BaseCatalog const & getData () const
 Return a catalog of data points and model values for diagnostic purposes. More...
ScaledPolynomialTransform const & getTransform () const
 Return the best-fit transform. More...
PolynomialTransform const & getPoly () const
 Return the polynomial part of the best-fit transform. More...
geom::AffineTransform const & getInputScaling () const
 Return the input scaling transform that maps input data points to [-1, 1]. More...
geom::AffineTransform const & getOutputScaling () const
 Return the output scaling transform that maps output data points to [-1, 1]. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter fromMatches (int maxOrder, afw::table::ReferenceMatchVector const &matches, afw::geom::SkyWcs const &initialWcs, double intrinsicScatter)
 Initialize a fit from intermediate world coordinates to pixels using source/reference matches. More...
static ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter fromGrid (int maxOrder, geom::Box2D const &bbox, int nGridX, int nGridY, ScaledPolynomialTransform const &toInvert)
 Initialize a fit that inverts an existing transform by evaluating and fitting to points on a grid. More...

Detailed Description

A fitter class for scaled polynomial transforms.

This class allows for iteration between actual fitting, outlier rejection, and estimation of intrinsic scatter. It also provides access to the current model for debugging via an afw::table::BaseCatalog that contains the input values, output values, and the best-fit-transformed input values.

ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter has two public construction methods:

In either case, the fitter creates affine transforms that map the input and output data points onto [-1, 1]. It then fits a polynomial transform that, when composed with the input scaling transform and the inverse of the output scaling transform, maps the input data points to the output data points.

The fitter can be used in an outlier-rejection loop with the following pattern (with user-defined convergence criteria):

while (true) {;
if (converged) break;

This pattern fits a model, uses that model to transform the input points, estimates intrinsic scatter from the differences between model-transformed points and output data points, and finally rejects outliers by sigma-clipping those differences before repeating.

ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter instances should be confined to a single thread.

Definition at line 101 of file ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ fit()

void lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::fit ( int  order = -1)

Perform a linear least-squares fit of the polynomial coefficients.

[in]orderThe maximum order of the polynomial transform. If negative (the default) the maxOrder from construction is used.

After fitting, updateModel() should be called to apply the model transform to the input points if the user wants to make use of the data catalog for diagnostics. Calling fit() alone is sufficient if the user is only interested in getting the model transform itself.

Definition at line 204 of file

204  {
205  int maxOrder = _transform.getPoly().getOrder();
206  if (order < 0) {
207  order = maxOrder;
208  }
209  if (order > maxOrder) {
210  throw LSST_EXCEPT(
211  pex::exceptions::LengthError,
212  (boost::format("Order (%d) exceeded maximum order for the fitter (%d)") % order % maxOrder)
213  .str());
214  }
216  int const packedSize = detail::computePackedSize(order);
217  std::size_t nGood = 0;
218  if (_keys.rejected.isValid()) {
219  for (auto const &record : _data) {
220  if (!record.get(_keys.rejected)) {
221  ++nGood;
222  }
223  }
224  } else {
225  nGood = _data.size();
226  }
227  // One block of the block-diagonal (2x2) unweighted design matrix M;
228  // m[i,j] = u_i^{p(j)} v_i^{q(j)}. The two nonzero blocks are the same,
229  // because we're using the same polynomial basis for x and y.
230  Eigen::MatrixXd m = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(nGood, packedSize);
231  // vx, vy: (2x1) blocks of the unweighted data vector v
232  Eigen::VectorXd vx = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(nGood);
233  Eigen::VectorXd vy = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(nGood);
234  // sxx, syy, sxy: (2x2) blocks of the covariance matrix S, each of which is
235  // individually diagonal.
236  Eigen::ArrayXd sxx(nGood);
237  Eigen::ArrayXd syy(nGood);
238  Eigen::ArrayXd sxy(nGood);
239  Eigen::Matrix2d outS = _outputScaling.getLinear().getMatrix();
240  for (std::size_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0; i1 < _data.size(); ++i1) {
241  // check that the 'rejected' field (== 'not outlier-rejected') is both
242  // present in the schema and not rejected.
243  if (!_keys.rejected.isValid() || !_data[i1].get(_keys.rejected)) {
244  geom::Point2D output = _outputScaling(_data[i1].get(_keys.output));
245  vx[i2] = output.getX();
246  vy[i2] = output.getY();
247  m.row(i2) = _vandermonde.row(i1).head(packedSize);
248  if (_keys.outputErr.isValid()) {
249  Eigen::Matrix2d modelErr =
250  outS * _data[i1].get(_keys.outputErr).cast<double>() * outS.adjoint();
251  sxx[i2] = modelErr(0, 0);
252  sxy[i2] = modelErr(0, 1);
253  syy[i2] = modelErr(1, 1);
254  } else {
255  sxx[i2] = 1.0;
256  sxy[i2] = 0.0;
257  syy[i2] = 1.0;
258  }
259  ++i2;
260  }
261  }
262  // Do a blockwise inverse of S. Note that the result F is still symmetric
263  Eigen::ArrayXd fxx = 1.0 / (sxx - sxy.square() / syy);
264  Eigen::ArrayXd fyy = 1.0 / (syy - sxy.square() / sxx);
265  Eigen::ArrayXd fxy = -(sxy / sxx) * fyy;
266 #ifdef LSST_ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter_TEST_IN_PLACE
267  assert((sxx * fxx + sxy * fxy).isApproxToConstant(1.0));
268  assert((syy * fyy + sxy * fxy).isApproxToConstant(1.0));
269  assert((sxx * fxy).isApprox(-sxy * fyy));
270  assert((sxy * fxx).isApprox(-syy * fxy));
271 #endif
272  // Now that we've got all the block quantities, we'll form the full normal equations matrix.
273  // That's H = M^T F M:
274  Eigen::MatrixXd h(2 * packedSize, 2 * packedSize);
275  h.topLeftCorner(packedSize, packedSize) = m.adjoint() * fxx.matrix().asDiagonal() * m;
276  h.topRightCorner(packedSize, packedSize) = m.adjoint() * fxy.matrix().asDiagonal() * m;
277  h.bottomLeftCorner(packedSize, packedSize) = h.topRightCorner(packedSize, packedSize).adjoint();
278  h.bottomRightCorner(packedSize, packedSize) = m.adjoint() * fyy.matrix().asDiagonal() * m;
279  // And here's the corresponding RHS vector, g = M^T F v
280  Eigen::VectorXd g(2 * packedSize);
281  g.head(packedSize) = m.adjoint() * (fxx.matrix().asDiagonal() * vx + fxy.matrix().asDiagonal() * vy);
282  g.tail(packedSize) = m.adjoint() * (fxy.matrix().asDiagonal() * vx + fyy.matrix().asDiagonal() * vy);
283  // Solve the normal equations.
285  auto solution = lstsq.getSolution();
286  // Unpack the solution vector back into the polynomial coefficient matrices.
287  for (int n = 0, j = 0; n <= order; ++n) {
288  for (int p = 0, q = n; p <= n; ++p, --q, ++j) {
289  _transform._poly._xCoeffs(p, q) = solution[j];
290  _transform._poly._yCoeffs(p, q) = solution[j + packedSize];
291  }
292  }
293 }
Matrix const & getMatrix() const noexcept
static LeastSquares fromNormalEquations(ndarray::Array< T1, 2, C1 > const &fisher, ndarray::Array< T2, 1, C2 > const &rhs, Factorization factorization=NORMAL_EIGENSYSTEM)
Initialize from the terms in the normal equations, given as ndarrays.
Definition: LeastSquares.h:154
PolynomialTransform const & getPoly() const
Return the polynomial transform applied after the input scaling.
bool isValid() const noexcept
Return true if the key was initialized to valid offset.
Definition: Key.h:97
Point< double, 2 > Point2D
Definition: Point.h:324
int computePackedSize(int order)
Compute this size of a packed 2-d polynomial coefficient array.
def format(config, name=None, writeSourceLine=True, prefix="", verbose=False)
LinearTransform const & getLinear() const noexcept
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48
int m
bool isValid() const noexcept
Return True if all the constituent error Keys are valid.
int getOrder() const
Return the order of the polynomials.

◆ fromGrid()

ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::fromGrid ( int  maxOrder,
geom::Box2D const &  bbox,
int  nGridX,
int  nGridY,
ScaledPolynomialTransform const &  toInvert 

Initialize a fit that inverts an existing transform by evaluating and fitting to points on a grid.

[in]maxOrderMaximum polynomial order for the fit.
[in]bboxBounding box for the grid in the input coordinates of the toInvert transform (or equivalently the output coordinates of the transform to be fit).
[in]nGridXNumber of grid points in the X direction.
[in]nGridYNumber of grid points in the Y direction.
[in]toInvertTransform to invert

This initializes the data catalog with the following fields:

  • output: grid positions passed as input to the toInvert transform, treated as output data points when fitting its inverse.
  • input: grid positions generated as the output of the toInvert transform, treated as input data points when fitting its inverse.
  • model: best-fit-transformed input points.

The updateIntrinsicScatter and rejectOutliers methods cannot be used on fitters initialized using this method.

Definition at line 154 of file

156  {
157  Keys const &keys = Keys::forGrid();
158  afw::table::BaseCatalog catalog(keys.schema);
159  catalog.reserve(nGridX * nGridY);
160  geom::Extent2D dx(bbox.getWidth() / nGridX, 0.0);
161  geom::Extent2D dy(0.0, bbox.getHeight() / nGridY);
162  for (int iy = 0; iy < nGridY; ++iy) {
163  for (int ix = 0; ix < nGridX; ++ix) {
164  geom::Point2D point = bbox.getMin() + dx * ix + dy * iy;
165  auto record = catalog.addNew();
166  record->set(keys.output, point);
167  record->set(keys.input, toInvert(point));
168  }
169  }
170  return ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter(catalog, keys, maxOrder, 0.0, computeScaling(catalog, keys.input),
171  computeScaling(catalog, keys.output));
172 }
CatalogT< BaseRecord > BaseCatalog
Definition: fwd.h:71
Point< double, 2 > Point2D
Definition: Point.h:324
table::Box2IKey bbox
Extent< double, 2 > Extent2D
Definition: Extent.h:400

◆ fromMatches()

ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::fromMatches ( int  maxOrder,
afw::table::ReferenceMatchVector const &  matches,
afw::geom::SkyWcs const &  initialWcs,
double  intrinsicScatter 

Initialize a fit from intermediate world coordinates to pixels using source/reference matches.

[in]maxOrderMaximum polynomial order for the fit.
[in]matchesVector of source-reference matches. The centroids and centroid errors from the sources are used, along with the coords from the reference objects.
[in]initialWcsInitial WCS, used to transform reference positions to intermediate world coordinates and populate the "ref" field in the data catalog.
[in]intrinsicScatterInitial intrinsic scatter to be added in quadrature with source measurement errors in setting the uncertainty on each match.

This initializes the data catalog with the following fields:

  • ref_id: reference object ID
  • src_id: source ID from the match
  • src_{x,y}: source position in pixels
  • src_{xErr,yErr,x_y_Cov}: uncertainty on source positions, including measurement errors and the inferred intrinsic scatter.
  • intermediate_{x,y}: reference positions in intermediate world coordinates.
  • initial_{x,y}: reference positions transformed by initialWcs.
  • model_{x,y}: reference positions transformed by current best-fit distortion.
  • rejected Flag that is set for objects that have been rejected as outliers.

Definition at line 131 of file

133  {
134  Keys const &keys = Keys::forMatches();
135  afw::table::BaseCatalog catalog(keys.schema);
136  catalog.reserve(matches.size());
137  float var2 = intrinsicScatter * intrinsicScatter;
138  auto initialIwcToSky = getIntermediateWorldCoordsToSky(initialWcs);
139  for (auto const &match : matches) {
140  auto record = catalog.addNew();
141  record->set(keys.refId, match.first->getId());
142  record->set(keys.srcId, match.second->getId());
143  record->set(keys.input, initialIwcToSky->applyInverse(match.first->getCoord()));
144  record->set(keys.initial, initialWcs.skyToPixel(match.first->getCoord()));
145  record->set(keys.output, match.second->getCentroid());
146  record->set(keys.outputErr, match.second->getCentroidErr() + var2 * Eigen::Matrix2f::Identity());
147  record->set(keys.rejected, false);
148  }
149  return ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter(catalog, keys, maxOrder, intrinsicScatter,
150  computeScaling(catalog, keys.input),
151  computeScaling(catalog, keys.output));
152 }
CatalogT< BaseRecord > BaseCatalog
Definition: fwd.h:71
std::shared_ptr< TransformPoint2ToSpherePoint > getIntermediateWorldCoordsToSky(SkyWcs const &wcs, bool simplify=true)
Return a transform from intermediate world coordinates to sky.

◆ getData()

afw::table::BaseCatalog const& lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::getData ( ) const

Return a catalog of data points and model values for diagnostic purposes.

The values in the returned catalog should not be modified by the user.

For information about the schema, either introspect it programmatically or see fromMatches and fromGrid.

Definition at line 249 of file ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter.h.

249 { return _data; }

◆ getInputScaling()

geom::AffineTransform const& lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::getInputScaling ( ) const

Return the input scaling transform that maps input data points to [-1, 1].

Definition at line 270 of file ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter.h.

270 { return _transform.getInputScaling(); }
geom::AffineTransform const & getInputScaling() const
Return the first affine transform applied to input points.

◆ getIntrinsicScatter()

double lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::getIntrinsicScatter ( ) const

Return the current estimate of the intrinsic scatter.

Because the intrinsic scatter is included in the uncertainty used in both the fit and outlier rejection, this may be called either before updateIntrinsicScatter() to obtain the scatter used in the last such operation or after updateIntrinsicScatter() to obtain the scatter to be used in the next operation.

Definition at line 219 of file ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter.h.

219 { return _intrinsicScatter; }

◆ getOutputScaling()

geom::AffineTransform const& lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::getOutputScaling ( ) const

Return the output scaling transform that maps output data points to [-1, 1].

Definition at line 275 of file ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter.h.

275 { return _outputScaling; }

◆ getPoly()

PolynomialTransform const& lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::getPoly ( ) const

Return the polynomial part of the best-fit transform.

Definition at line 265 of file ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter.h.

265 { return _transform.getPoly(); }
PolynomialTransform const & getPoly() const
Return the polynomial transform applied after the input scaling.

◆ getTransform()

ScaledPolynomialTransform const& lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::getTransform ( ) const

Return the best-fit transform.

If f is an instance of this class, then for an arbitrary point p:

f.getTransform()(p) == f.getOutputScaling().inverted()(f.getPoly()(f.getInputScaling()(p)))

Definition at line 260 of file ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter.h.

260 { return _transform; }

◆ rejectOutliers()

std::pair< double, std::size_t > lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::rejectOutliers ( OutlierRejectionControl const &  ctrl)

Mark outliers in the data catalog using sigma clipping.

A data point is declare an outlier if:

  • the offset between the model prediction and the data position, weighted by the uncertainty (including inferred intrinsic scatter) of that point exceeds ctrl.nSigma
  • the number of points already with larger weighted offsets is less than ctrl.nClipMax. In addition, the worst (in weighted offset) ctrl.nClipMin data points are always rejected.
A pair of the smallest rejected weighted offset (units of sigma) and the number of point rejected.

Should be called after updateIntrinsicScatter() and before fit() if the fitter is being used in an outlier rejection loop.

Definition at line 371 of file

372  {
373  // If the 'rejected' field isn't present in the schema (because the fitter
374  // was constructed with fromGrid), we can't do outlier rejection.
375  if (!_keys.rejected.isValid()) {
376  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::LogicError,
377  "Cannot reject outliers on fitter initialized with fromGrid.");
378  }
379  if (static_cast<std::size_t>(ctrl.nClipMin) >= _data.size()) {
380  throw LSST_EXCEPT(
381  pex::exceptions::LogicError,
382  (boost::format("Not enough values (%d) to clip %d.") % _data.size() % ctrl.nClipMin).str());
383  }
385  for (auto &record : _data) {
386  Eigen::Matrix2d cov = record.get(_keys.outputErr).cast<double>();
387  Eigen::Vector2d d = (record.get(_keys.output) - record.get(_keys.model)).asEigen();
388  double r2 = * d);
389  rankings.insert(std::make_pair(r2, &record));
390  }
391  auto cutoff = rankings.upper_bound(ctrl.nSigma * ctrl.nSigma);
392  int nClip = 0, nGood = 0;
393  for (auto iter = rankings.begin(); iter != cutoff; ++iter) {
394  iter->second->set(_keys.rejected, false);
395  ++nGood;
396  }
397  for (auto iter = cutoff; iter != rankings.end(); ++iter) {
398  iter->second->set(_keys.rejected, true);
399  ++nClip;
400  }
401  assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(nGood + nClip) == _data.size());
402  while (nClip < ctrl.nClipMin) {
403  --cutoff;
404  cutoff->second->set(_keys.rejected, true);
405  ++nClip;
406  }
407  while (nClip > ctrl.nClipMax && cutoff != rankings.end()) {
408  cutoff->second->set(_keys.rejected, false);
409  ++cutoff;
410  --nClip;
411  }
412  std::pair<double, std::size_t> result(ctrl.nSigma, nClip);
413  if (cutoff != rankings.end()) {
414  result.first = std::sqrt(cutoff->first);
415  }
416  return result;
417 }
py::object result
STL class.
bool isValid() const noexcept
Return true if the key was initialized to valid offset.
Definition: Key.h:97
def format(config, name=None, writeSourceLine=True, prefix="", verbose=False)
T make_pair(T... args)
Eigen::Vector3d asEigen(sphgeom::Vector3d const &vector) noexcept
Definition: sphgeomUtils.h:36
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48
size_type size() const
Return the number of elements in the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:408
T sqrt(T... args)

◆ updateIntrinsicScatter()

double lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::updateIntrinsicScatter ( )

Infer the intrinsic scatter in the offset between the data points and the best-fit model, and update the uncertainties accordingly.

The scatter is calculated as the RMS scatter that maximizes the likelihood of the current positional offsets (assumed fixed) assuming the per-data-point uncertainties are the quadrature sum of the intrinsic scatter and that source's centroid measurement uncertainty.

Should be called after updateModel() and before rejectOutliers() if the fitter is being used in an outlier-rejection loop.

Definition at line 301 of file

301  {
302  if (!_keys.rejected.isValid()) {
303  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::LogicError,
304  "Cannot compute intrinsic scatter on fitter initialized with fromGrid.");
305  }
306  double newIntrinsicScatter = computeIntrinsicScatter();
307  float varDiff = newIntrinsicScatter * newIntrinsicScatter - _intrinsicScatter * _intrinsicScatter;
308  for (auto &record : _data) {
309  record.set(_keys.outputErr, record.get(_keys.outputErr) + varDiff * Eigen::Matrix2f::Identity());
310  }
311  _intrinsicScatter = newIntrinsicScatter;
312  return _intrinsicScatter;
313 }
bool isValid() const noexcept
Return true if the key was initialized to valid offset.
Definition: Key.h:97
Eigen::Matrix< T, N, N > get(BaseRecord const &record) const override
Get a covariance matrix from the given record.
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48

◆ updateModel()

void lsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::updateModel ( )

Update the 'model' field in the data catalog using the current best- fit transform.

Should be called after fit() and before updateIntrinsicScatter() if the fitter is being used in an outlier-rejection loop.

Definition at line 295 of file

295  {
296  for (auto &record : _data) {
297  record.set(_keys.model, _transform(record.get(_keys.input)));
298  }
299 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: