LSSTApplications  18.1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- LSST-C++ -*-
2 /*
3  * This file is part of jointcal.
4  *
5  * Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
6  * This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
7  * (
8  * See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
9  * for details of code ownership.
10  *
11  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14  * (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  * GNU General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
23  */
25 #include <iostream>
26 #include <cmath>
28 #include "lsst/log/Log.h"
32 #include "lsst/jointcal/CcdImage.h"
35 namespace lsst {
36 namespace jointcal {
38 Eigen::Index SimplePhotometryModel::assignIndices(std::string const &whatToFit, Eigen::Index firstIndex) {
39  Eigen::Index ipar = firstIndex;
40  for (auto const &i : _myMap) {
41  auto mapping = i.second.get();
42  mapping->setIndex(ipar);
43  ipar += mapping->getNpar();
44  }
45  return ipar;
46 }
48 void SimplePhotometryModel::offsetParams(Eigen::VectorXd const &delta) {
49  for (auto &i : _myMap) {
50  auto mapping = i.second.get();
51  mapping->offsetParams(delta.segment(mapping->getIndex(), mapping->getNpar()));
52  }
53 }
56  for (auto &i : _myMap) {
57  i.second->freezeErrorTransform();
58  }
59 }
62  std::vector<Eigen::Index> &indices) const {
63  auto mapping = findMapping(ccdImage);
64  if (indices.size() < mapping->getNpar()) indices.resize(mapping->getNpar());
65  indices[0] = mapping->getIndex();
66 }
69  std::size_t total = 0;
70  for (auto &i : _myMap) {
71  total += i.second->getNpar();
72  }
73  return total;
74 }
77  CcdImage const &ccdImage,
78  Eigen::VectorXd &derivatives) const {
79  auto mapping = findMapping(ccdImage);
80  mapping->computeParameterDerivatives(measuredStar, measuredStar.getInstFlux(), derivatives);
81 }
84  for (auto &i : _myMap) {
85  stream << i.first << ": ";
86  i.second->dump(stream);
87  stream << ", ";
88  }
89 }
92  auto i = _myMap.find(ccdImage.getHashKey());
93  if (i == _myMap.end())
95  "SimplePhotometryModel cannot find CcdImage " + ccdImage.getName());
96  return i->second.get();
97 }
99 SimpleFluxModel::SimpleFluxModel(CcdImageList const &ccdImageList, double errorPedestal_)
100  : SimplePhotometryModel(ccdImageList, LOG_GET("jointcal.SimpleFluxModel"), errorPedestal_) {
101  for (auto const &ccdImage : ccdImageList) {
102  auto photoCalib = ccdImage->getPhotoCalib();
103  // Use the single-frame processing calibration from the PhotoCalib as the initial value.
104  auto transform = std::make_shared<FluxTransformSpatiallyInvariant>(photoCalib->getCalibrationMean());
105  _myMap.emplace(ccdImage->getHashKey(), std::make_unique<PhotometryMapping>(transform));
106  }
107  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "SimpleFluxModel got " << _myMap.size() << " ccdImage mappings.");
108 }
110 double SimpleFluxModel::computeResidual(CcdImage const &ccdImage, MeasuredStar const &measuredStar) const {
111  return transform(ccdImage, measuredStar) - measuredStar.getFittedStar()->getFlux();
112 }
114 double SimpleFluxModel::transform(CcdImage const &ccdImage, MeasuredStar const &star) const {
115  auto mapping = findMapping(ccdImage);
116  return mapping->transform(star, star.getInstFlux());
117 }
120  auto mapping = findMapping(ccdImage);
121  double tempErr = tweakFluxError(star);
122  return mapping->transformError(star, star.getInstFlux(), tempErr);
123 }
126  double calibration = (findMapping(ccdImage)->getParameters()[0]);
127  auto oldPhotoCalib = ccdImage.getPhotoCalib();
128  return std::make_unique<afw::image::PhotoCalib>(calibration, oldPhotoCalib->getCalibrationErr());
129 }
131 SimpleMagnitudeModel::SimpleMagnitudeModel(CcdImageList const &ccdImageList, double errorPedestal_)
132  : SimplePhotometryModel(ccdImageList, LOG_GET("jointcal.SimpleMagnitudeModel"), errorPedestal_) {
133  for (auto const &ccdImage : ccdImageList) {
134  auto photoCalib = ccdImage->getPhotoCalib();
135  // Use the single-frame processing calibration from the PhotoCalib as the default.
136  double calib = utils::nanojanskyToABMagnitude(photoCalib->getCalibrationMean());
137  auto transform = std::make_shared<MagnitudeTransformSpatiallyInvariant>(calib);
138  _myMap.emplace(ccdImage->getHashKey(), std::make_unique<PhotometryMapping>(transform));
139  }
140  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "SimpleMagnitudeModel got " << _myMap.size() << " ccdImage mappings.");
141 }
144  MeasuredStar const &measuredStar) const {
145  return transform(ccdImage, measuredStar) - measuredStar.getFittedStar()->getMag();
146 }
149  auto mapping = findMapping(ccdImage);
150  return mapping->transform(star, star.getInstMag());
151 }
154  auto mapping = findMapping(ccdImage);
155  double tempErr = tweakMagnitudeError(star);
156  return mapping->transformError(star, star.getInstMag(), tempErr);
157 }
160  // NOTE: photocalib is defined as `instFlux * calibration = flux`,
161  // so we have to convert the transform from magnitude space.
162  double calibration = utils::ABMagnitudeToNanojansky(findMapping(ccdImage)->getParameters()[0]);
163  auto oldPhotoCalib = ccdImage.getPhotoCalib();
164  return std::make_unique<afw::image::PhotoCalib>(calibration, oldPhotoCalib->getCalibrationErr());
165 }
167 } // namespace jointcal
168 } // namespace lsst
double transform(CcdImage const &ccdImage, MeasuredStar const &measuredStar) const override
Return the on-sky transformed flux for measuredStar on ccdImage.
std::shared_ptr< afw::image::PhotoCalib > toPhotoCalib(CcdImage const &ccdImage) const override
Return the mapping of ccdImage represented as a PhotoCalib.
Relates transform(s) to their position in the fitting matrix and allows interaction with the transfor...
virtual Eigen::VectorXd getParameters()=0
std::string getName() const
Return the _name that identifies this ccdImage.
Definition: CcdImage.h:79
SimpleMagnitudeModel(CcdImageList const &ccdImageList, double errorPedestal_=0)
std::shared_ptr< afw::image::PhotoCalib > toPhotoCalib(CcdImage const &ccdImage) const override
Return the mapping of ccdImage represented as a PhotoCalib.
void getMappingIndices(CcdImage const &ccdImage, IndexVector &indices) const override
Get how this set of parameters (of length Npar()) map into the "grand" fit.
T end(T... args)
void computeParameterDerivatives(MeasuredStar const &measuredStar, CcdImage const &ccdImage, Eigen::VectorXd &derivatives) const override
Compute the parametric derivatives of this model.
PhotometryMappingBase * findMapping(CcdImage const &ccdImage) const override
Return the mapping associated with this ccdImage.
T resize(T... args)
STL class.
LSST DM logging module built on log4cxx.
std::size_t getTotalParameters() const override
Return the total number of parameters in this model.
std::shared_ptr< afw::image::PhotoCalib > getPhotoCalib() const
Return the exposure&#39;s photometric calibration.
Definition: CcdImage.h:161
A base class for image defects.
SimpleFluxModel(CcdImageList const &ccdImageList, double errorPedestal_=0)
double computeResidual(CcdImage const &ccdImage, MeasuredStar const &measuredStar) const override
Compute the residual between the model applied to a star and its associated fittedStar.
objects measured on actual images.
Definition: MeasuredStar.h:46
double transform(CcdImage const &ccdImage, MeasuredStar const &measuredStar) const override
Return the on-sky transformed flux for measuredStar on ccdImage.
#define LOGLS_INFO(logger, message)
Log a info-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:613
Key< int > calib
T find(T... args)
T size(T... args)
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48
double tweakFluxError(jointcal::MeasuredStar const &measuredStar) const
Add a fraction of the instrumental flux to the instrumental flux error, in quadrature.
double nanojanskyToABMagnitude(double flux)
Convert a flux in nanojansky to AB magnitude.
STL class.
lsst.logging instance, to be created by a subclass so that messages have consistent name...
Eigen::Index assignIndices(std::string const &whatToFit, Eigen::Index firstIndex) override
Assign indices in the full matrix to the parameters being fit in the mappings, starting at firstIndex...
void offsetParams(Eigen::VectorXd const &delta) override
Offset the parameters by the provided amounts (by -delta).
double tweakMagnitudeError(jointcal::MeasuredStar const &measuredStar) const
Add a small magnitude offset to the "instrumental magnitude" error, in quadrature.
double computeResidual(CcdImage const &ccdImage, MeasuredStar const &measuredStar) const override
Compute the residual between the model applied to a star and its associated fittedStar.
T emplace(T... args)
Reports invalid arguments.
Definition: Runtime.h:66
CcdImageKey getHashKey() const
Definition: CcdImage.h:152
void dump(std::ostream &stream=std::cout) const override
Dump the contents of the transforms, for debugging.
Handler of an actual image from a single CCD.
Definition: CcdImage.h:64
#define LOG_GET(logger)
Returns a Log object associated with logger.
Definition: Log.h:75
std::shared_ptr< FittedStar > getFittedStar() const
Definition: MeasuredStar.h:113
STL class.
double ABMagnitudeToNanojansky(double magnitude)
Convert an AB magnitude to a flux in nanojansky.
double transformError(CcdImage const &ccdImage, MeasuredStar const &measuredStar) const override
Return the on-sky transformed flux uncertainty for measuredStar on ccdImage.
Photometric response model which has a single photometric factor per CcdImage.
double transformError(CcdImage const &ccdImage, MeasuredStar const &measuredStar) const override
Return the on-sky transformed flux uncertainty for measuredStar on ccdImage.
void freezeErrorTransform() override
Once this routine has been called, the error transform is not modified by offsetParams().