LSSTApplications  18.1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- LSST-C++ -*-
2 /*
3  * This file is part of jointcal.
4  *
5  * Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
6  * This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
7  * (
8  * See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
9  * for details of code ownership.
10  *
11  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14  * (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  * GNU General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
23  */
25 #include <cmath>
26 #include <iostream>
27 #include <limits>
28 #include <sstream>
30 #include "lsst/log/Log.h"
32 #include "lsst/jointcal/CcdImage.h"
35 #include "lsst/jointcal/Frame.h"
36 #include "lsst/jointcal/FatPoint.h"
40 #include "lsst/afw/image/Image.h"
44 #include "lsst/pex/exceptions.h"
45 #include "lsst/afw/geom/Box.h"
46 #include "lsst/afw/geom/Point.h"
47 #include "lsst/afw/image/Calib.h"
49 #include "lsst/sphgeom/LonLat.h"
50 #include "lsst/sphgeom/Circle.h"
53 namespace jointcal = lsst::jointcal;
55 namespace {
56 LOG_LOGGER _log = LOG_GET("jointcal.Associations");
57 }
59 namespace lsst {
60 namespace jointcal {
68  lsst::jointcal::JointcalControl const &control) {
69  auto ccdImage = std::make_shared<CcdImage>(catalog, wcs, visitInfo, bbox, filter, photoCalib, detector,
70  visit, ccd, control.sourceFluxField);
71  ccdImageList.push_back(ccdImage);
72  LOGLS_DEBUG(_log, "Catalog " << ccdImage->getName() << " has " << ccdImage->getWholeCatalog().size()
73  << " objects.");
74 }
78  centers.reserve(ccdImageList.size());
79  for (auto const &ccdImage : ccdImageList) {
80  centers.push_back(ccdImage->getBoresightRaDec());
81  }
82  auto commonTangentPoint = afw::geom::averageSpherePoint(centers);
83  LOGLS_DEBUG(_log, "Using common tangent point: " << commonTangentPoint.getPosition(afw::geom::degrees));
84  setCommonTangentPoint(commonTangentPoint.getPosition(afw::geom::degrees));
85 }
88  _commonTangentPoint = Point(commonTangentPoint.getX(), commonTangentPoint.getY()); // a jointcal::Point
89  for (auto &ccdImage : ccdImageList) ccdImage->setCommonTangentPoint(_commonTangentPoint);
90 }
93  // Compute the frame on the common tangent plane that contains all input images.
94  Frame tangentPlaneFrame;
96  for (auto const &ccdImage : ccdImageList) {
97  Frame CTPFrame = ccdImage->getPixelToCommonTangentPlane()->apply(ccdImage->getImageFrame(), false);
98  if (tangentPlaneFrame.getArea() == 0)
99  tangentPlaneFrame = CTPFrame;
100  else
101  tangentPlaneFrame += CTPFrame;
102  }
104  // Convert tangent plane coordinates to RaDec.
105  AstrometryTransformLinear identity;
106  TanPixelToRaDec commonTangentPlaneToRaDec(identity, _commonTangentPoint);
107  Frame raDecFrame = commonTangentPlaneToRaDec.apply(tangentPlaneFrame, false);
110  points.reserve(4);
111  // raDecFrame is in on-sky (RA,Dec) degrees stored as an x/y box:
112  // the on-sky bounding box it represents is given by the corners of that box.
113  points.emplace_back(sphgeom::LonLat::fromDegrees(raDecFrame.xMin, raDecFrame.yMin));
114  points.emplace_back(sphgeom::LonLat::fromDegrees(raDecFrame.xMax, raDecFrame.yMin));
115  points.emplace_back(sphgeom::LonLat::fromDegrees(raDecFrame.xMin, raDecFrame.yMax));
116  points.emplace_back(sphgeom::LonLat::fromDegrees(raDecFrame.xMax, raDecFrame.yMax));
118  return sphgeom::ConvexPolygon::convexHull(points).getBoundingCircle();
119 }
121 void Associations::associateCatalogs(const double matchCutInArcSec, const bool useFittedList,
122  const bool enlargeFittedList) {
123  // clear reference stars
124  refStarList.clear();
126  // clear measurement counts and associations to refstars, but keep fittedStars themselves.
127  for (auto &item : fittedStarList) {
128  item->clearBeforeAssoc();
129  }
130  // clear fitted stars
131  if (!useFittedList) fittedStarList.clear();
133  for (auto &ccdImage : ccdImageList) {
134  std::shared_ptr<AstrometryTransform> toCommonTangentPlane = ccdImage->getPixelToCommonTangentPlane();
136  // Clear the catalog to fit and copy the whole catalog into it.
137  // This allows reassociating from scratch after a fit.
138  ccdImage->resetCatalogForFit();
139  MeasuredStarList &catalog = ccdImage->getCatalogForFit();
141  // Associate with previous lists.
142  /* To speed up the match (more precisely the contruction of the FastFinder), select in the
143  fittedStarList the objects that are within reach of the current ccdImage */
144  Frame ccdImageFrameCPT = toCommonTangentPlane->apply(ccdImage->getImageFrame(), false);
145  ccdImageFrameCPT = ccdImageFrameCPT.rescale(1.10); // add 10 % margin.
146  // We cannot use FittedStarList::ExtractInFrame, because it does an actual copy, which we don't want
147  // here: we want the pointers in the StarMatch to refer to fittedStarList elements.
148  FittedStarList toMatch;
150  for (auto const &fittedStar : fittedStarList) {
151  if (ccdImageFrameCPT.inFrame(*fittedStar)) {
152  toMatch.push_back(fittedStar);
153  }
154  }
156  // divide by 3600 because coordinates in CTP are in degrees.
157  auto starMatchList = listMatchCollect(Measured2Base(catalog), Fitted2Base(toMatch),
158  toCommonTangentPlane.get(), matchCutInArcSec / 3600.);
160  /* should check what this removeAmbiguities does... */
161  LOGLS_DEBUG(_log, "Measured-to-Fitted matches before removing ambiguities " << starMatchList->size());
162  starMatchList->removeAmbiguities(*toCommonTangentPlane);
163  LOGLS_DEBUG(_log, "Measured-to-Fitted matches after removing ambiguities " << starMatchList->size());
165  // Associate MeasuredStar -> FittedStar using the surviving matches.
167  int matchedCount = 0;
168  for (auto const &starMatch : *starMatchList) {
169  auto bs = starMatch.s1;
170  auto ms_const = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const MeasuredStar>(bs);
171  auto ms = std::const_pointer_cast<MeasuredStar>(ms_const);
172  auto bs2 = starMatch.s2;
173  auto fs_const = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const FittedStar>(bs2);
174  auto fs = std::const_pointer_cast<FittedStar>(fs_const);
175  ms->setFittedStar(fs);
176  matchedCount++;
177  }
178  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "Matched " << matchedCount << " objects in " << ccdImage->getName());
180  // add unmatched objets to FittedStarList
181  int unMatchedCount = 0;
182  for (auto const &mstar : catalog) {
183  // to check if it was matched, just check if it has a fittedStar Pointer assigned
184  if (mstar->getFittedStar()) continue;
185  if (enlargeFittedList) {
186  auto fs = std::make_shared<FittedStar>(*mstar);
187  // transform coordinates to CommonTangentPlane
188  toCommonTangentPlane->transformPosAndErrors(*fs, *fs);
189  fittedStarList.push_back(fs);
190  mstar->setFittedStar(fs);
191  }
192  unMatchedCount++;
193  }
194  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "Unmatched objects: " << unMatchedCount);
195  } // end of loop on CcdImages
197  // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
199  // Why do we need to do this, instead of directly computing them in normalizeFittedStars?
200  // What makes the magnitudes special here?
201  // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
202  // assignMags();
203 }
206  std::string const &fluxField, float refCoordinateErr,
207  bool rejectBadFluxes) {
208  if (refCat.size() == 0) {
210  " reference catalog is empty : stop here "));
211  }
213  afw::table::CoordKey coordKey = refCat.getSchema()["coord"];
214  // Handle reference catalogs that don't have position errors.
215  afw::table::Key<float> raErrKey;
216  afw::table::Key<float> decErrKey;
217  if (std::isnan(refCoordinateErr)) {
218  raErrKey = refCat.getSchema()["coord_raErr"];
219  decErrKey = refCat.getSchema()["coord_decErr"];
220  }
222  auto fluxKey = refCat.getSchema().find<double>(fluxField).key;
223  // Handle reference catalogs that don't have flux errors.
224  afw::table::Key<double> fluxErrKey;
225  try {
226  fluxErrKey = refCat.getSchema().find<double>(fluxField + "Err").key;
227  } catch (pex::exceptions::NotFoundError &) {
228  LOGLS_WARN(_log, "Flux error field ("
229  << fluxField << "Err"
230  << ") not found in reference catalog. Not using ref flux errors.");
231  }
233  refStarList.clear();
234  for (size_t i = 0; i < refCat.size(); i++) {
235  auto const &record = refCat.get(i);
237  auto coord = record->get(coordKey);
238  double flux = record->get(fluxKey);
239  double fluxErr;
240  if (fluxErrKey.isValid()) {
241  fluxErr = record->get(fluxErrKey);
242  } else {
244  }
245  double ra = lsst::afw::geom::radToDeg(coord.getLongitude());
246  double dec = lsst::afw::geom::radToDeg(coord.getLatitude());
247  auto star = std::make_shared<RefStar>(ra, dec, flux, fluxErr);
249  if (std::isnan(refCoordinateErr)) {
250  star->vx = record->get(raErrKey);
251  star->vy = record->get(decErrKey);
252  } else {
253  // Compute and use the fake errors
254  star->vx = std::pow(refCoordinateErr / 1000. / 3600. / std::cos(coord.getLatitude()), 2);
255  star->vy = std::pow(refCoordinateErr / 1000. / 3600., 2);
256  }
257  // TODO: cook up a covariance as none of our current refcats have it
258  star->vxy = 0.;
260  // Reject sources with non-finite fluxes and flux errors, and fluxErr=0 (which gives chi2=inf).
261  if (rejectBadFluxes && (!std::isfinite(flux) || !std::isfinite(fluxErr) || fluxErr <= 0)) continue;
262  refStarList.push_back(star);
263  }
265  // project on CTP (i.e. RaDec2CTP), in degrees
266  AstrometryTransformLinear identity;
267  TanRaDecToPixel raDecToCommonTangentPlane(identity, _commonTangentPoint);
269  associateRefStars(matchCut.asArcseconds(), &raDecToCommonTangentPlane);
270 }
272 void Associations::associateRefStars(double matchCutInArcSec, const AstrometryTransform *transform) {
273  // associate with FittedStars
274  // 3600 because coordinates are in degrees (in CTP).
275  auto starMatchList = listMatchCollect(Ref2Base(refStarList), Fitted2Base(fittedStarList), transform,
276  matchCutInArcSec / 3600.);
278  LOGLS_DEBUG(_log, "Refcat matches before removing ambiguities " << starMatchList->size());
279  starMatchList->removeAmbiguities(*transform);
280  LOGLS_DEBUG(_log, "Refcat matches after removing ambiguities " << starMatchList->size());
282  // actually associate things
283  for (auto const &starMatch : *starMatchList) {
284  const BaseStar &bs = *starMatch.s1;
285  const RefStar &rs_const = dynamic_cast<const RefStar &>(bs);
286  RefStar &rs = const_cast<RefStar &>(rs_const);
287  const BaseStar &bs2 = *starMatch.s2;
288  const FittedStar &fs_const = dynamic_cast<const FittedStar &>(bs2);
289  FittedStar &fs = const_cast<FittedStar &>(fs_const);
290  // rs->setFittedStar(*fs);
291  fs.setRefStar(&rs);
292  }
294  LOGLS_INFO(_log,
295  "Associated " << starMatchList->size() << " reference stars among " << refStarList.size());
296 }
298 void Associations::prepareFittedStars(int minMeasurements) {
299  selectFittedStars(minMeasurements);
300  normalizeFittedStars();
301 }
303 void Associations::selectFittedStars(int minMeasurements) {
304  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "Fitted stars before measurement # cut: " << fittedStarList.size());
306  int totalMeasured = 0, validMeasured = 0;
308  // first pass: remove objects that have less than a certain number of measurements.
309  for (auto const &ccdImage : ccdImageList) {
310  MeasuredStarList &catalog = ccdImage->getCatalogForFit();
311  // Iteration happens internal to the loop, as we may delete measuredStars from catalog.
312  for (MeasuredStarIterator mi = catalog.begin(); mi != catalog.end();) {
313  MeasuredStar &mstar = **mi;
314  ++totalMeasured;
316  auto fittedStar = mstar.getFittedStar();
317  // measuredStar has no fittedStar: move on.
318  if (fittedStar == nullptr) {
319  ++mi;
320  continue;
321  }
323  // keep FittedStars which either have a minimum number of
324  // measurements, or are matched to a RefStar
325  if (!fittedStar->getRefStar() && fittedStar->getMeasurementCount() < minMeasurements) {
326  fittedStar->getMeasurementCount()--;
327  mi = catalog.erase(mi); // mi now points to the next measuredStar.
328  } else {
329  ++validMeasured;
330  ++mi;
331  }
332  } // end loop on objects in catalog
333  } // end loop on catalogs
335  // now FittedStars with less than minMeasurements should have zero measurementCount.
336  for (FittedStarIterator fi = fittedStarList.begin(); fi != fittedStarList.end();) {
337  if ((*fi)->getMeasurementCount() == 0) {
338  fi = fittedStarList.erase(fi);
339  } else {
340  ++fi;
341  }
342  }
344  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "Fitted stars after measurement # cut: " << fittedStarList.size());
345  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "Total, valid number of Measured stars: " << totalMeasured << ", " << validMeasured);
346 }
348 void Associations::normalizeFittedStars() const {
349  // Clear positions in order to take the average of the measuredStars.
350  for (auto &fittedStar : fittedStarList) {
351  fittedStar->x = 0.0;
352  fittedStar->y = 0.0;
353  fittedStar->setFlux(0.0);
354  fittedStar->getMag() = 0.0;
355  }
357  // Iterate over measuredStars to add their values into their fittedStars
358  for (auto const &ccdImage : ccdImageList) {
359  std::shared_ptr<AstrometryTransform> toCommonTangentPlane = ccdImage->getPixelToCommonTangentPlane();
360  MeasuredStarList &catalog = ccdImage->getCatalogForFit();
361  for (auto &mi : catalog) {
362  auto fittedStar = mi->getFittedStar();
363  if (fittedStar == nullptr)
364  throw(LSST_EXCEPT(
366  "All measuredStars must have a fittedStar: did you call selectFittedStars()?"));
367  auto point = toCommonTangentPlane->apply(*mi);
368  fittedStar->x += point.x;
369  fittedStar->y += point.y;
370  fittedStar->getFlux() += mi->getFlux();
371  }
372  }
374  for (auto &fi : fittedStarList) {
375  auto measurementCount = fi->getMeasurementCount();
376  fi->x /= measurementCount;
377  fi->y /= measurementCount;
378  fi->getFlux() /= measurementCount;
379  fi->getMag() = utils::nanojanskyToABMagnitude(fi->getFlux());
380  }
381 }
383 void Associations::assignMags() {
384  for (auto const &ccdImage : ccdImageList) {
385  MeasuredStarList &catalog = ccdImage->getCatalogForFit();
386  for (auto const &mstar : catalog) {
387  auto fstar = mstar->getFittedStar();
388  if (!fstar) continue;
389  fstar->addMagMeasurement(mstar->getMag(), mstar->getMagWeight());
390  }
391  }
392 }
395  // By default, Associations::fittedStarList is expressed on the Associations::commonTangentPlane.
396  // For AstrometryFit, we need it on the sky.
397  if (!fittedStarList.inTangentPlaneCoordinates) {
398  LOGLS_WARN(_log,
399  "DeprojectFittedStars: Fitted stars are already in sidereal coordinates, nothing done ");
400  return;
401  }
403  TanPixelToRaDec ctp2Sky(AstrometryTransformLinear(), getCommonTangentPoint());
404  fittedStarList.applyTransform(ctp2Sky);
405  fittedStarList.inTangentPlaneCoordinates = false;
406 }
409  return std::count_if(ccdImageList.begin(), ccdImageList.end(), [](std::shared_ptr<CcdImage> const &item) {
410  return item->getCatalogForFit().size() > 0;
411  });
412 }
415  size_t count = 0;
416  for (auto const &fittedStar : fittedStarList) {
417  if ((fittedStar != nullptr) & (fittedStar->getRefStar() != nullptr)) count++;
418  }
419  return count;
420 }
422 #ifdef TODO
423 void Associations::collectMCStars(int realization) {
424  CcdImageIterator I;
425  StarMatchIterator smI;
427  for (I = ccdImageList.begin(); I != ccdImageList.end(); I++) {
428  CcdImage &ccdImage = **I;
429  string dbimdir = ccdImage.Dir();
430  string mctruth = dbimdir + "/mc/mctruth.list";
432  if (realization >= 0) {
433  stringstream sstrm;
434  sstrm << dbimdir << "/mc/mctruth_" << realization << ".list";
435  mctruth = sstrm.str();
436  }
439  MeasuredStarList &catalog = ccdImage.getCatalogForFit();
441  // BaseStarWithErrorList mctruthlist(mctruth);
442  DicStarList mctruthlist(mctruth);
443  auto starMatchList =
444  listMatchCollect(Measured2Base(catalog), Dic2Base(mctruthlist), &gti, 1. /* pixel ? */);
445  if (starMatchList)
446  for (smI = starMatchList->begin(); smI != starMatchList->end(); smI++) {
447  StarMatch &sm = *smI;
448  BaseStar *bs = sm.s1;
449  MeasuredStar *mstar = dynamic_cast<MeasuredStar *>(bs);
450  bs = sm.s2;
451  DicStar *dstar = dynamic_cast<DicStar *>(bs);
452  std::unique_ptr<BaseStarWithError> mcstar(new BaseStarWithError(*bs));
453  mcstar->GetMCInfo().iflux = dstar->getval("iflux");
454  mcstar->GetMCInfo().tflux = dstar->getval("sflux");
455  /*
456  mstar->SetMCTruth(mcstar);
457  mstar->SetMCMeas(mcstar);
458  */
459  }
460  else
461  LOGLS_FATAL(_log, "CollectMCStars Unable to match MCTruth w/ catalog!");
462  }
463 }
465 void Associations::setFittedStarColors(std::string dicStarListName, std::string color,
466  double matchCutArcSec) {
467  // decode color string in case it is x-y
468  size_t pos_minus = color.find('-');
469  bool compute_diff = (pos_minus != string::npos);
470  std::string c1, c2;
471  c1 = color.substr(0, pos_minus); // if pos_minus == npos, means "up to the end"
472  if (compute_diff) c2 = color.substr(pos_minus + 1, string::npos);
473  DicStarList cList(dicStarListName);
474  if (!cList.HasKey(c1))
475  throw(GastroException("Associations::SetFittedstarColors : " + dicStarListName +
476  " misses a key named \"" + c1 + "\""));
477  if (compute_diff && !cList.HasKey(c2))
478  throw(GastroException("Associations::SetFittedstarColors : " + dicStarListName +
479  " misses a key named \"" + c2 + "\""));
480  // we associate in some tangent plane. The reference catalog is expressed on the sky,
481  // but FittedStar's may be still in this tangent plane.
482  BaseStarList &l1 = (BaseStarList &)fittedStarList;
484  TanRaDecToPixel proj(AstrometryTransformLinear(), getCommonTangentPoint());
485  // project or not ?
486  AstrometryTransform *id_or_proj = &proj;
487  if (fittedStarList.inTangentPlaneCoordinates) id_or_proj = &id;
488  // The color List is to be projected:
489  TStarList projected_cList((BaseStarList &)cList, proj);
490  // Associate
491  auto starMatchList = listMatchCollect(Fitted2Base(fittedStarList), (const BaseStarList &)projected_cList,
492  id_or_proj, matchCutArcSec / 3600);
494  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "Matched " << starMatchList->size() << '/' << fittedStarList.size()
495  << " FittedStars to color catalog");
496  // Evaluate and assign colors.
497  for (auto i = starMatchList->begin(); i != starMatchList->end(); ++i) {
498  BaseStar *s1 = i->s1;
499  FittedStar *fs = dynamic_cast<FittedStar *>(s1);
500  BaseStar *s2 = i->s2;
501  const TStar *ts = dynamic_cast<const TStar *>(s2);
502  const DicStar *ds = dynamic_cast<const DicStar *>(ts->get_original());
503  fs->color = ds->getval(c1);
504  if (compute_diff) fs->color -= ds->getval(c2);
505  }
506 }
508 #endif /* TODO */
509 } // namespace jointcal
510 } // namespace lsst
#define LOGLS_WARN(logger, message)
Log a warn-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:633
This file declares a class for representing circular regions on the unit sphere.
Objects used as position anchors, typically USNO stars.
Definition: RefStar.h:39
The transformation that handles pixels to sideral transformations (Gnomonic, possibly with polynomial...
int nCcdImagesValidForFit() const
return the number of CcdImages with non-empty catalogs to-be-fit.
#define LOG_LOGGER
Definition: Log.h:688
Key< int > visitInfo
MeasuredStarList::iterator MeasuredStarIterator
Definition: MeasuredStar.h:154
A hanger for star associations.
Definition: StarMatch.h:54
implements the linear transformations (6 real coefficients).
A point in a plane.
Definition: Point.h:36
double getArea() const
constexpr double radToDeg(double x) noexcept
Definition: Angle.h:52
void apply(const double xIn, const double yIn, double &xOut, double &yOut) const
Transform pixels to ICRS RA, Dec in degrees.
void collectRefStars(afw::table::SimpleCatalog &refCat, afw::geom::Angle matchCut, std::string const &fluxField, float refCoordinateErr, bool rejectBadFluxes=false)
Collect stars from an external reference catalog and associate them with fittedStars.
double xMin
coordinate of boundary.
Definition: Frame.h:41
T end(T... args)
Key< int > photoCalib
table::Key< int > id
Schema getSchema() const
Return the schema associated with the catalog&#39;s table.
Definition: Catalog.h:117
std::unique_ptr< StarMatchList > listMatchCollect(const BaseStarList &list1, const BaseStarList &list2, const AstrometryTransform *guess, const double maxDist)
assembles star matches.
double dec
A class representing an angle.
Definition: Angle.h:127
void associateCatalogs(const double matchCutInArcsec=0, const bool useFittedList=false, const bool enlargeFittedList=true)
incrementaly builds a merged catalog of all image catalogs
A list of MeasuredStar. They are usually filled in Associations::createCcdImage.
Definition: MeasuredStar.h:146
table::Key< table::Array< std::uint8_t > > wcs
Frame rescale(const double factor) const
rescale it. The center does not move.
STL class.
LSST DM logging module built on log4cxx.
pairs of points
The base class for handling stars. Used by all matching routines.
Definition: BaseStar.h:50
void prepareFittedStars(int minMeasurements)
Set the color field of FittedStar &#39;s from a colored catalog.
size_t nFittedStarsWithAssociatedRefStar() const
Return the number of fittedStars that have an associated refStar.
Reports attempts to access elements using an invalid key.
Definition: Runtime.h:151
T push_back(T... args)
std::lists of Stars.
Definition: StarList.h:58
rectangle with sides parallel to axes.
Definition: Frame.h:38
#define LOGLS_DEBUG(logger, message)
Log a debug-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:593
SchemaItem< T > find(std::string const &name) const
Find a SchemaItem in the Schema by name.
AngleUnit constexpr degrees
constant with units of degrees
Definition: Angle.h:109
A base class for image defects.
void setRefStar(const RefStar *_refStar)
Set the astrometric reference star associated with this star.
Custom catalog class for record/table subclasses that are guaranteed to have an ID, and should generally be sorted by that ID.
Definition: fwd.h:63
void computeCommonTangentPoint()
Sets a shared tangent point for all ccdImages, using the mean of the centers of all ccdImages...
FittedStarList::iterator FittedStarIterator
Definition: FittedStar.h:132
T erase(T... args)
A list of FittedStar s. Such a list is typically constructed by Associations.
Definition: FittedStar.h:123
T str(T... args)
This one is the Tangent Plane (called gnomonic) projection (from celestial sphere to tangent plane) ...
T isfinite(T... args)
T cos(T... args)
objects measured on actual images.
Definition: MeasuredStar.h:46
table::Key< int > detector
T dynamic_pointer_cast(T... args)
::std::list< StarMatch >::iterator StarMatchIterator
Definition: StarMatch.h:133
void deprojectFittedStars()
Sends back the fitted stars coordinates on the sky FittedStarsList::inTangentPlaneCoordinates keeps t...
table::Box2IKey bbox
constexpr double asArcseconds() const noexcept
Return an Angle&#39;s value in arcseconds.
Definition: Angle.h:178
T count_if(T... args)
Circle is a circular region on the unit sphere that contains its boundary.
Definition: Circle.h:46
#define LOGLS_INFO(logger, message)
Log a info-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:613
void setCommonTangentPoint(lsst::afw::geom::Point2D const &commonTangentPoint)
Sets a shared tangent point for all ccdImages.
A do-nothing transformation. It anyway has dummy routines to mimick a AstrometryTransform.
T get(T... args)
bool inFrame(double x, double y) const
T find(T... args)
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48
double nanojanskyToABMagnitude(double flux)
Convert a flux in nanojansky to AB magnitude.
void createCcdImage(afw::table::SourceCatalog &catalog, std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::geom::SkyWcs > wcs, std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::image::VisitInfo > visitInfo, lsst::afw::geom::Box2I const &bbox, std::string const &filter, std::shared_ptr< afw::image::PhotoCalib > photoCalib, std::shared_ptr< afw::cameraGeom::Detector > detector, int visit, int ccd, lsst::jointcal::JointcalControl const &control)
Create a ccdImage from an exposure catalog and metadata, and add it to the list.
STL class.
STL class.
a virtual (interface) class for geometric transformations.
T begin(T... args)
Key< U > key
T pow(T... args)
MeasuredStarList const & getCatalogForFit() const
Gets the catalog to be used for fitting, which may have been cleaned-up.
Definition: CcdImage.h:94
Combinatorial searches for linear transformations to go from list1 to list2.
BaseStarList & Fitted2Base(FittedStarList &This)
std::shared_ptr< const BaseStar > s2
Definition: StarMatch.h:62
BaseStarList & Measured2Base(MeasuredStarList &This)
std::shared_ptr< RecordT > const get(size_type i) const
Return a pointer to the record at index i.
Definition: Catalog.h:459
std::shared_ptr< const BaseStar > s1
Definition: StarMatch.h:62
Reports invalid arguments.
Definition: Runtime.h:66
T isnan(T... args)
T substr(T... args)
size_type size() const
Return the number of elements in the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:408
std::string sourceFluxField
"name of flux field in source catalog" ;
lsst::sphgeom::Circle computeBoundingCircle() const
Return the bounding circle in on-sky (RA, Dec) coordinates containing all CcdImages.
T quiet_NaN(T... args)
#define LOGLS_FATAL(logger, message)
Log a fatal-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:673
Handler of an actual image from a single CCD.
Definition: CcdImage.h:64
#define LOG_GET(logger)
Returns a Log object associated with logger.
Definition: Log.h:75
std::shared_ptr< FittedStar > getFittedStar() const
Definition: MeasuredStar.h:113
This file declares a class for representing convex polygons with great circle edges on the unit spher...
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Definition: Box.h:54
This file contains a class representing spherical coordinates.
The objects which have been measured several times.
Definition: FittedStar.h:61
SpherePoint averageSpherePoint(std::vector< SpherePoint > const &coords)
Return the average of a list of coordinates.
T reserve(T... args)
A FunctorKey used to get or set celestial coordinates from a pair of lsst::geom::Angle keys...
Definition: aggregates.h:210
Reports errors that are due to events beyond the control of the program.
Definition: Runtime.h:104
BaseStarList & Ref2Base(RefStarList &This)
T emplace_back(T... args)