►Ca | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►CABC | |
►Clsst.ip.isr.calibType.IsrCalib | |
Clsst.ip.isr.calibType.IsrProvenance | |
Clsst.ip.isr.linearize.Linearizer | |
►CABCMeta | |
Cbutler_cmd_test.ButlerCmdTestBase | |
►Clsst.ip.diffim.imageMapReduce.ImageMapper | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageDecorrelation.DecorrelateALKernelMapper | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.zogy.ZogyMapper | |
►Clsst.ip.isr.linearize.LinearizeBase | |
Clsst.ip.isr.linearize.LinearizeLookupTable | |
Clsst.ip.isr.linearize.LinearizeNone | |
Clsst.ip.isr.linearize.LinearizePolynomial | |
Clsst.ip.isr.linearize.LinearizeProportional | |
Clsst.ip.isr.linearize.LinearizeSquared | |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.loadReferenceObjects.LoadReferenceObjectsTask | Abstract base class to load objects from reference catalogs |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.loadIndexedReferenceObjects.LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsTask | |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.psfDeterminer.BasePsfDeterminerTask | Base class for PSF determiners |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.pcaPsfDeterminer.PcaPsfDeterminerTask | |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.BaseSourceSelectorTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.astrometrySourceSelector.AstrometrySourceSelectorTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.flaggedSourceSelector.FlaggedSourceSelectorTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.matcherSourceSelector.MatcherSourceSelectorTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.objectSizeStarSelector.ObjectSizeStarSelectorTask | A star selector that looks for a cluster of small objects in a size-magnitude plot |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.ReferenceSourceSelectorTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.ScienceSourceSelectorTask | |
Clsst.meas.extensions.psfex.psfexStarSelector.PsfexStarSelectorTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.starSelector.BaseStarSelectorTask | |
►Clsst.obs.base.butler_tests.ButlerGetTests | |
Clsst.obs.base.tests.ObsTests | |
►Clsst.obs.base.camera_tests.CameraTests | |
Clsst.obs.base.tests.ObsTests | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.convertTests.ConvertGen2To3TestCase | |
Clsst.obs.base.ingest_tests.IngestTestBase | |
Clsst.obs.base.instrument_tests.InstrumentTests | |
►Clsst.obs.base.mapper_tests.MapperTests | |
Clsst.obs.base.tests.ObsTests | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.DynamicDatasetType | |
Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ConfigDatasetType | |
Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.DatasetArgument | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.fakes.BaseFakeSourcesTask | |
Clsst.synpipe.positionGalSimFakes.PositionGalSimFakesTask | |
Clsst.synpipe.positionStarFakes.PositionStarFakesTask | |
Clsst.synpipe.randomGalSimFakes.RandomGalSimFakesTask | |
Clsst.synpipe.randomStarFakes.RandomStarFakeSourcesTask | |
►Cadd | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Cand | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CapplyApCorr | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Care | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
►CAction | |
Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ConfigFileAction | |
Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ConfigValueAction | |
Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.IdValueAction | |
Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.LogLevelAction | |
Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ReuseAction | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.CalibIdAction | |
►CArgumentParser | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.parallel.BatchArgumentParser | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ArgumentParser | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.InputOnlyArgumentParser | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingest.IngestArgumentParser | |
Clsst.obs.decam.ingest.DecamIngestArgumentParser | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCalibs.IngestCalibsArgumentParser | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCuratedCalibs.IngestCuratedCalibsArgumentParser | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.CalibArgumentParser | |
►CAssembleCoaddConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.CompareWarpAssembleCoaddConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.SafeClipAssembleCoaddConfig | |
Cast::ChebyDomain | The domain over which a Chebyshev polynomial is defined; returned by ChebyMap.getDomain |
Cast::DirectionPoint | Struct returned by Frame::offset2 containing a direction and a point |
Cast::FoundValue< T > | A value and associated validity flag |
Cast::FrameMapping | Struct returned by Frame::pickAxes containing a frame and a mapping |
Cast::MapBox | Object to compute the bounding box which just encloses another box after it has been transformed by a mapping |
Cast::MapSplit | A Mapping split off as a subset of another Mapping |
Cast::NReadValue | Struct returned by Frame::unformat containing the number of characters read and corresponding value |
►Cast::Object | Abstract base class for all AST objects |
►Cast::Channel | Channel provides input/output of AST objects |
Cast::FitsChan | A specialized form of Channel which reads and writes FITS header cards |
Cast::XmlChan | XmlChan provides input/output of AST objects |
►Cast::KeyMap | KeyMap is used to store a set of values with associated keys which identify the values |
►Cast::Table | |
Cast::FitsTable | |
►Cast::Mapping | An abstract base class for objects which transform one set of coordinates to another |
Cast::ChebyMap | A ChebyMap is a form of Mapping which performs a Chebyshev polynomial transformation |
►Cast::CmpMap | Abstract base class for SeriesMap and ParallelMap |
Cast::ParallelMap | A parallel compound mapping where the first Mapping is used to transform the lower numbered coordinates of each point and the second Mapping is used to transform the remaining coordinates |
Cast::SeriesMap | A series compound mapping where the first Mapping is used to transform the coordinates of each point and the second Mapping is then applied to the result |
►Cast::Frame | Frame is used to represent a coordinate system |
Cast::CmpFrame | A CmpFrame is a compound Frame which allows two component Frames (of any class) to be merged together to form a more complex Frame |
►Cast::FrameSet | A FrameSet consists of a set of one or more Frames (which describe coordinate systems), connected together by Mappings (which describe how the coordinate systems are inter-related) |
Cast::FrameDict | A FrameSet whose frames can be referenced by domain name |
Cast::SkyFrame | SkyFrame is a specialised form of Frame which describes celestial longitude/latitude coordinate systems |
Cast::SpecFrame | A specialised form of one-dimensional Frame which represents various coordinate systems used to describe positions within an electro-magnetic spectrum |
Cast::TimeFrame | A TimeFrame is a specialised form of one-dimensional Frame which represents various coordinate systems used to describe positions in time |
Cast::LutMap | LutMap is a specialised form of Mapping which transforms 1-dimensional coordinates by using linear interpolation in a lookup table |
Cast::MathMap | A MathMap is a Mapping which allows you to specify a set of forward and/or inverse transformation functions using arithmetic operations and mathematical functions similar to those available in C |
Cast::MatrixMap | MatrixMap is a form of Mapping which performs a general linear transformation |
Cast::NormMap | A Mapping which normalises coordinate values using the norm method of the supplied Frame |
Cast::PcdMap | A PcdMap is a non-linear Mapping which transforms 2-dimensional positions to correct for the radial distortion introduced by some cameras and telescopes |
Cast::PermMap | A Mapping which permutes the order of coordinates, and possibly also changes the number of coordinates, between its input and output |
Cast::PolyMap | PolyMap is a Mapping which performs a general polynomial transformation |
Cast::RateMap | RateMap is a Mapping which represents a single element of the Jacobian matrix of another Mapping |
Cast::ShiftMap | ShiftMap is a linear Mapping which shifts each axis by a specified constant value |
Cast::SlaMap | SlaMap is a specialised form of Mapping which can be used to represent a sequence of conversions between standard celestial (longitude, latitude) coordinate systems |
Cast::SphMap | A SphMap is a Mapping which transforms points from a 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system into a 2-dimensional spherical coordinate system (longitude and latitude on a unit sphere centred at the origin) |
Cast::TimeMap | A TimeMap is a specialised form of 1-dimensional Mapping which can be used to represent a sequence of conversions between standard time coordinate systems |
Cast::TranMap | TranMap is a Mapping which combines the forward transformation of a supplied Mapping with the inverse transformation of another supplied Mapping, ignoring the un-used transformation in each Mapping (indeed the un-used transformation need not exist) |
Cast::UnitMap | A UnitMap is a unit (null) Mapping that has no effect on the coordinates supplied to it |
Cast::UnitNormMap | The forward transformation of a UnitNormMap subtracts the specified centre and then transforms the resulting vector to a unit vector and the vector norm |
Cast::WcsMap | Map from a spherical system to a cartesian system using standard FITS sky coordinate projections |
Cast::WinMap | A WinMap is a linear Mapping which transforms a rectangular window in one coordinate system into a similar window in another coordinate system by scaling and shifting each axis (the window edges being parallel to the coordinate axes) |
Cast::ZoomMap | A Mapping which "zooms" a set of points about the origin by multiplying all coordinate values by the same scale factor |
Cast::QuadApprox | A quadratic approximation to a 2D Mapping |
Cast::ResolvedPoint | Struct returned by Frame::resolve containing a point and the resolved vector components |
►Cast::Stream | A stream for ast::Channel |
Cast::FileStream | File-based source or sink (not both) for channels |
Cast::StringStream | String-based source and sink for channels |
►CattachFootprints | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
Cbase.packages.Packages | |
►Clsst::afw::geom::BaseEndpoint< lsst::geom::Point2D, std::vector< lsst::geom::Point2D > > | |
►Clsst::afw::geom::BaseVectorEndpoint< lsst::geom::Point2D > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::Point2Endpoint | An endpoint for lsst::geom::Point2D |
►Clsst::afw::geom::BaseEndpoint< lsst::geom::SpherePoint, std::vector< lsst::geom::SpherePoint > > | |
►Clsst::afw::geom::BaseVectorEndpoint< lsst::geom::SpherePoint > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::SpherePointEndpoint | An endpoint for lsst::geom::SpherePoint |
►Clsst::afw::geom::BaseEndpoint< PointT, std::vector< PointT > > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::BaseVectorEndpoint< PointT > | Base class for endpoints with Array = std::vector<Point> where Point has 2 dimensions |
►Clsst::afw::geom::BaseEndpoint< std::vector< double >, ndarray::Array< double, 2, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::GenericEndpoint | A generic endpoint for data in the format used by ast::Mapping |
►CConfigClass | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.pcaPsfDeterminer.PcaPsfDeterminerConfig | |
►CConfigClass | |
Clsst.meas.base.references.CoaddSrcReferencesConfig | |
►CConfigClass | |
Clsst.skymap.dodecaSkyMap.DodecaSkyMapConfig | |
Clsst.skymap.equatSkyMap.EquatSkyMapConfig | |
►CConfigClass | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.flaggedSourceSelector.FlaggedSourceSelectorConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.objectSizeStarSelector.ObjectSizeStarSelectorConfig | |
Clsst.meas.extensions.psfex.psfexStarSelector.PsfexStarSelectorConfig | |
►Cstd::binary_function< const IdSpan::ConstPtr, const IdSpan::ConstPtr, bool > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::detection::IdSpanCompar | Comparison functor; sort by ID, then by row (y), then by column range start (x0) |
►Cstd::binary_function< T, T, IntRegion< T > > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::math::details::ConstantReg2< T > | |
►Cstd::binary_function< TF::secondof3_argument_type, TF::thirdof3_argument_type, TF::result_type > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::math::details::binder3_1< TF > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::access< LsstPoint, dim > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_system< LsstPoint > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_type< LsstPoint > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::indexed_access< LsstBox, 0, 0 > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::indexed_access< LsstBox, 0, 1 > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::indexed_access< LsstBox, 1, 0 > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::indexed_access< LsstBox, 1, 1 > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::point_type< LsstBox > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< LsstBox > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< LsstPoint > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< LsstRing > | |
►Citerator_adaptor | |
Clsst::afw::math::infinite_iterator< ValueT > | This iterator will never increment |
Clsst::afw::table::CatalogIterator< BaseT > | Iterator class for CatalogT |
►Citerator_facade | |
Clsst::afw::geom::SpanPixelIterator | An iterator that yields lsst::geom::Point2I and increases in the x direction |
►Cint_ | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::dimension< LsstPoint > | |
►Cstatic_visitor | |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::SchemaImpl::VisitorWrapper< F > | A functor-wrapper used in the implementation of Schema::forEach |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::SchemaMapperImpl::VisitorWrapper< F > | A functor-wrapper used in the implementation of SchemaMapper::forEach |
►CArithmeticError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.UnderflowError | |
►CException | |
►Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.Exception | |
►Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.LogicError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.DomainError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.InvalidParameterError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.LengthError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.OutOfRangeError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.TypeError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.NotFoundError | |
►Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.RuntimeError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.IoError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.OverflowError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.RangeError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.UnderflowError | |
►CIOError | |
Clsst.display.ds9.ds9.Ds9Error | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.IoError | |
►CLookupError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.NotFoundError | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.colorterms.ColortermNotFoundError | |
►COverflowError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.OverflowError | |
►CRuntimeError | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerExceptions.NoResults | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerExceptions.ParentsMismatch | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.safeFileIo.DoNotWrite | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.safeFileIo.FileForWriteOnceCompareSameFailure | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.RuntimeError | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingest.IngestError | |
►CTypeError | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.TypeError | |
►CConfigClass | |
Clsst.skymap.discreteSkyMap.DiscreteSkyMapConfig | |
Clsst.skymap.healpixSkyMap.HealpixSkyMapConfig | |
Clsst.skymap.ringsSkyMap.RingsSkyMapConfig | |
►Ccalexp | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CCamera | |
Clsst.obs.test.testCamera.TestCamera | |
►Ccatalog | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeMeasurements.variable | |
►CcatalogCalculation | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
Clsst::afw::table::CatalogT< BaseRecord > | |
Clsst::afw::table::CatalogT< PeakRecord > | |
►CMultiCommand | |
CbutlerCmdDocGen.ButlerCmdDocGen | |
►CCModelConfig | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.cmodel.cmodelContinued.CModelForcedConfig | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.cmodel.cmodelContinued.CModelSingleFrameConfig | |
►Ccoadd | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
►CCoadd_ | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeMeasurements.variable | |
►CConfigClass | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeCoaddTempExp.MakeCoaddTempExpConfig | |
►CConfigClass | |
Clsst.meas.base.references.MultiBandReferencesConfig | |
►CMapping | |
Clsst.afw.table.multiMatch.GroupView | |
►Cpex.config.configChoiceField.ConfigInstanceDict | |
Cpex.config.registry.RegistryInstanceDict | |
Cpex.config.registry.Registry | |
Cpex.config.registry.RegistryAdaptor | |
►CMutableMapping | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.densityPlot.DensityPlot.LayerDict | |
►Cpex.config.dictField.Dict | |
Cpex.config.configDictField.ConfigDict | |
►CMutableSequence | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.defects.Defects | |
Cpex.config.listField.List | |
►CMutableSet | |
Cpex.config.configChoiceField.SelectionSet | |
►CSequence | |
Clsst.obs.base.filters.FilterDefinitionCollection | |
►COrderedDict | |
Clsst.meas.base.pluginRegistry.PluginMap | |
►CUserDict | |
►Clsst.daf.persistence.policy._PolicyBase | |
►Clsst.daf.persistence.policy.Policy | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.access.AccessCfg | |
►Clsst.daf.persistence.policy._PolicyMeta | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.policy._PolicyBase | |
►Clsst::afw::table::ConstReferenceFunctorKey< ndarray::ArrayRef< double const, 1, 1 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::ArrayKey< double > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::ConstReferenceFunctorKey< ndarray::ArrayRef< T const, 1, 1 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::ArrayKey< T > | A FunctorKey used to get or set a ndarray::Array from a sequence of scalar Keys |
►Clsst::geom::CoordinateBase< CoordinateExpr< N >, bool, N > | |
Clsst::geom::CoordinateExpr< N > | A boolean coordinate |
►Clsst::geom::CoordinateBase< Extent< T, N >, T, N > | |
►Clsst::geom::ExtentBase< T, 2 > | |
Clsst::geom::Extent< T, 2 > | A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions (2-d specialization) |
►Clsst::geom::ExtentBase< T, 3 > | |
Clsst::geom::Extent< T, 3 > | A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions (3-d specialization) |
Clsst::geom::ExtentBase< T, N > | |
►Clsst::geom::CoordinateBase< Point< T, N >, T, N > | |
Clsst::geom::PointBase< T, N > | |
►Clsst::geom::PointBase< T, 2 > | |
Clsst::geom::Point< T, 2 > | A coordinate class intended to represent absolute positions (2-d specialization) |
►Clsst::geom::PointBase< T, 3 > | |
Clsst::geom::Point< T, 3 > | A coordinate class intended to represent absolute positions (3-d specialization) |
►Cdata | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CdataRef | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Cdatasets | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
►Cdeblend | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CdeblendBaseTemplates | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourceSingleConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesSingleConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesMultiConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesMultiConfig | |
►CdefaultTemplates | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.metrics.NumberSciSourcesMetricConnections | |
►Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.IsrTaskConnections | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.IsrTaskConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotCcd.ForcedPhotCcdConnections | |
►Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.ForcedPhotImageConnections | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotCoadd.ForcedPhotCoaddConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.AssembleCoaddConnections | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.CompareWarpAssembleCoaddConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.CompareWarpAssembleCoaddConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.SafeClipAssembleCoaddConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.dcrAssembleCoadd.DcrAssembleCoaddConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourceSingleConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesMultiConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.imageDifference.ImageDifferenceTaskConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.insertFakes.InsertFakesConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeCoaddTempExp.MakeWarpConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeDetections.MergeDetectionsConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeMeasurements.MergeMeasurementsConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.multiBand.DetectCoaddSourcesConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.ProcessCcdWithFakesConnections | |
►Cdetails | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
►Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::DetectorCollectionBase< Detector const > | |
►Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::DetectorCollection | An immutable collection of Detectors that can be accessed by name or ID |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Camera | An immutable representation of a camera |
►Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::DetectorCollectionBase< Detector::InCameraBuilder > | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Camera::Builder | A helper class for creating and modifying cameras |
►Cdimensions | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.IsrTaskConnections | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotCcd.ForcedPhotCcdConnections | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.ForcedPhotImageConnections | |
►Clsst.pipe.drivers.skyCorrection.SkyCorrectionConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.skyCorrection.SkyCorrectionConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.AssembleCoaddConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateConnections | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.characterizeImage.CharacterizeImageConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.characterizeImage.CharacterizeImageConfig | Config for CharacterizeImageTask |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.dcrAssembleCoadd.DcrAssembleCoaddConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourceSingleConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesMultiConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.imageDifference.ImageDifferenceTaskConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeCoaddTempExp.MakeWarpConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeDetections.MergeDetectionsConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeMeasurements.MergeMeasurementsConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.multiBand.DetectCoaddSourcesConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.ProcessCcdWithFakesConnections | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeBinExpConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeBinExpConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeMosaicExpConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeMosaicExpConfig | |
►Cdo | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
►Cdriver | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
►CCholmodBase | |
CCholmodSimplicialLDLT2< _MatrixType, _UpLo > | |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this< BaseTable > [external] | |
►Clsst::afw::table::BaseTable | Base class for all tables |
Clsst::afw::detection::PeakTable | Table class for Peaks in Footprints |
Clsst::afw::table::ExposureTable | Table class used to store exposure metadata |
►Clsst::afw::table::SimpleTable | Table class that must contain a unique ID field and a celestial coordinate field |
Clsst::afw::table::SourceTable | Table class that contains measurements made on a single exposure |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this< TransmissionCurve > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::image::TransmissionCurve | A spatially-varying transmission curve as a function of wavelength |
►CEnum | |
Clsst.daf.base.propertyContainer.propertyContainerContinued.ReturnStyle | |
►CException | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerExceptions.NoMapperException | |
Clsst.display.firefly.firefly.FireflyError | |
Clsst.obs.base.utils.InitialSkyWcsError | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder.GraphBuilderError | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder.OutputExistsError | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder.PrerequisiteMissingError | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipelineIR.ContractError | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipeTools.DuplicateOutputError | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipeTools.MissingTaskFactoryError | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipeTools.PipelineDataCycleError | |
Clsst.pipe.base.task.TaskError | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeCoaddTempExp.MissingExposureError | |
Clsst::afw::image::Exposure< float > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Exposure< Pixel > | |
►CexposureDataId | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::exprTraits< ExprT1 > | |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::exprTraits< ExprT2 > | |
Clsst::geom::Extent< double, 2 > | |
Clsst::geom::Extent< int, 2 > | |
►Cfake | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CfetchReferences | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►Cfilter | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeMeasurements.variable | |
►CFlag | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Cforced | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
►Cstd::function< LhsT(int, int, LhsT, RhsT)> [external] | |
Clsst::afw::image::pixelOp2XY< LhsT, RhsT > | A functor class equivalent to std::function<LhsT (int, int, LhsT, RhsT)>, but with a virtual operator() |
►Cstd::function< LhsT(LhsT, RhsT)> [external] | |
Clsst::afw::image::pixelOp2< LhsT, RhsT > | A functor class equivalent to std::function<LhsT (LhsT, RhsT)>, but with a virtual operator() |
►Cstd::function< ValT()> [external] | |
Clsst::afw::image::pixelOp0< ValT > | A functor class equivalent to std::function<ValT ()>, but with a virtual operator() |
►Cstd::function< ValT(int, int, ValT)> [external] | |
Clsst::afw::image::pixelOp1XY< ValT > | A functor class equivalent to std::function<ValT (int, int, ValT)>, but with a virtual operator() |
►Cstd::function< ValT(ValT)> [external] | |
Clsst::afw::image::pixelOp1< ValT > | A functor class equivalent to std::function<ValT (ValT)>, but with a virtual operator() |
►CCommand | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.PrintEigenCommand | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.PrintImageCommand | |
►CGen3 | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►CGenerate | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►CID | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< afw::image::VariancePixel > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Image< afw::image::VariancePixel > | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< EntryT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Image< EntryT > | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< float > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Image< float > | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< ImagePixelT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Image< ImagePixelT > | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< ImageT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Image< ImageT > | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< InternalPixelT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Image< InternalPixelT > | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< lsst::afw::image::MaskPixel > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Mask< MaskPixelT > | Represent a 2-dimensional array of bitmask pixels |
Clsst::afw::image::Mask< lsst::afw::image::MaskPixel > | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< lsst::afw::image::VariancePixel > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Image< lsst::afw::image::VariancePixel > | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< lsst::afw::math::Kernel::Pixel > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Image< lsst::afw::math::Kernel::Pixel > | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< Pixel > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Image< Pixel > | |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImagePca< lsst::afw::image::Image > | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::detail::KernelPca< lsst::afw::image::Image > | |
►CImplement | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►Cimplement | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►Cin | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< Box > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< Box > | |
Clsst::afw::table::BoxKey< Box > | A FunctorKey used to get or set a lsst::geom::Box2I or Box2D from a (min, max) pair of PointKeys |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< CentroidResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< CentroidResult > | |
Clsst::meas::base::CentroidResultKey | A FunctorKey for CentroidResult |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::CovarianceMatrixKey< double, 5 > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< ErrElement, N, N > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< ErrElement, N, N > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::CovarianceMatrixKey< ErrElement, 2 > | |
Clsst::afw::table::CovarianceMatrixKey< ErrElement, 3 > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< float, N, N > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< float, N, N > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::CovarianceMatrixKey< float, 2 > | |
Clsst::afw::table::CovarianceMatrixKey< float, 3 > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< T, N, N > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< T, N, N > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::CovarianceMatrixKey< T, N > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< FluxResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< FluxResult > | |
Clsst::meas::base::FluxResultKey | A FunctorKey for FluxResult |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< lsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Ellipse > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Ellipse > | |
Clsst::afw::table::EllipseKey | A FunctorKey used to get or set a geom::ellipses::Ellipse from an (xx,yy,xy,x,y) tuple of Keys |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< lsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole > | |
Clsst::afw::table::QuadrupoleKey | A FunctorKey used to get or set a geom::ellipses::Quadrupole from a tuple of constituent Keys |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Box2I > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Box2I > | |
Clsst::afw::table::BoxKey< lsst::geom::Box2I > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< CentroidElement, 2 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< CentroidElement, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::PointKey< CentroidElement > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< double, 2 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< double, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::PointKey< double > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< Element, 2 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< Element, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::PointKey< Element > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< int, 2 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< int, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::PointKey< int > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< T, 2 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< T, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::PointKey< T > | A FunctorKey used to get or set a lsst::geom::Point from an (x,y) pair of int or double Keys |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::SpherePoint > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::SpherePoint > | |
Clsst::afw::table::CoordKey | A FunctorKey used to get or set celestial coordinates from a pair of lsst::geom::Angle keys |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< MagResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< MagResult > | |
Clsst::meas::base::MagResultKey | A FunctorKey for MagResult |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< MultiShapeletFunction > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< MultiShapeletFunction > | |
Clsst::shapelet::MultiShapeletFunctionKey | Class that maps MultiShapeletFunction objects to fields in afw::table objects |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< ndarray::Array< double const, 1, 1 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< ndarray::Array< double const, 1, 1 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::ArrayKey< double > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< ndarray::Array< T const, 1, 1 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< ndarray::Array< T const, 1, 1 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::ArrayKey< T > | A FunctorKey used to get or set a ndarray::Array from a sequence of scalar Keys |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< SdssShapeResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< SdssShapeResult > | |
Clsst::meas::base::SdssShapeResultKey | A FunctorKey that maps SdssShapeResult to afw::table Records |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< ShapeletFunction > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< ShapeletFunction > | |
Clsst::shapelet::ShapeletFunctionKey | Class that maps ShapeletFunction objects to fields in afw::table objects |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< ShapeResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< ShapeResult > | |
Clsst::meas::base::ShapeResultKey | A FunctorKey for ShapeResult |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< SimpleShapeResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< SimpleShapeResult > | |
Clsst::meas::extensions::simpleShape::SimpleShapeResultKey | |
►CinsertFakes | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CEvent | |
Clsst.display.ds9.ds9.Ds9Event | |
►Clsst::sphgeom::Interval< AngleInterval, Angle > | |
Clsst::sphgeom::AngleInterval | AngleInterval represents closed intervals of arbitrary angles |
►Clsst::sphgeom::Interval< Interval1d, double > | |
Clsst::sphgeom::Interval1d | Interval1d represents closed intervals of ℝ |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< afw::table::Array< Scalar > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< afw::table::Flag > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< CentroidElement > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< double > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< Element > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< ErrElement > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< float > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< FluxErrElement > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< int > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< lsst::afw::table::Array< int > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< lsst::afw::table::Array< Scalar > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< lsst::geom::Angle > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< Mag > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< MagErrElement > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< meas::base::Flux > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< Scalar > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< std::int64_t > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< std::string > | |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::Key< std::string, std::shared_ptr< geom::SkyWcs const > > | |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::Key< std::string, std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::cameraGeom::Detector const > > | |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::Key< std::string, std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::detection::Psf const > > | |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::Key< std::string, std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::geom::polygon::Polygon const > > | |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::Key< std::string, std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::image::ApCorrMap const > > | |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::Key< std::string, std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::image::CoaddInputs const > > | |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::Key< std::string, std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::image::PhotoCalib const > > | |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::Key< std::string, std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::image::TransmissionCurve const > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< std::uint16_t > | |
►Ckeys | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
►Clist | |
Clsst.meas.base.noiseReplacer.NoiseReplacerList | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graph.QuantumGraph | |
►Cstd::list< Segment > [external] | |
Clsst::jointcal::SegmentList | |
►Cstd::list< StarMatch > [external] | |
Clsst::jointcal::StarMatchList | |
►Cstd::list< std::shared_ptr< FittedStar > > [external] | |
►Clsst::jointcal::StarList< FittedStar > | |
Clsst::jointcal::FittedStarList | A list of FittedStar s. Such a list is typically constructed by Associations |
►Cstd::list< std::shared_ptr< MeasuredStar > > [external] | |
►Clsst::jointcal::StarList< MeasuredStar > | |
Clsst::jointcal::MeasuredStarList | A list of MeasuredStar. They are usually filled in Associations::createCcdImage |
►Cstd::list< std::shared_ptr< RefStar > > [external] | |
►Clsst::jointcal::StarList< RefStar > | |
Clsst::jointcal::RefStarList | |
►Cstd::list< std::shared_ptr< Star > > [external] | |
Clsst::jointcal::StarList< Star > | Std::lists of Stars |
►CHandler | |
Clsst.log.log.logContinued.LogHandler | |
►Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Amplifier | Geometry and electronic information about raw amplifier images |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Amplifier::Builder | A mutable Amplifier subclass class that can be used to incrementally construct or modify Amplifiers |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Amplifier::Fields | |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.camera.cameraContinued.Camera | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::CameraSys | Camera coordinate system; used as a key in in TransformMap |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::CameraSysPrefix | Camera coordinate system prefix |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.detector.detectorContinued.DetectorBase | |
►Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::DetectorBase | An abstract base class that provides common accessors for Detector and Detector::Builder |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Detector | A representation of a detector in a mosaic camera |
►Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Detector::Builder | A helper class for Detector that allows amplifiers and most fields to be modified |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Detector::InCameraBuilder | A helper class that allows the properties of a detector to be modified in the course of modifying a full camera |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Detector::PartialRebuilder | A helper class that allows the properties of a single detector to be modified in isolation |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::DetectorBase::Fields | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::DetectorCollectionBase< T > | An abstract base class for collections of Detectors and specific subclasses thereof |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Orientation | Describe a detector's orientation in the focal plane |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.pupil.Pupil | |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.pupil.PupilFactory | |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.testUtils.CameraWrapper | |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.testUtils.DetectorWrapper | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::TransformMap::Connection | Representation of a single edge in the graph defined by a TransformMap |
►Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.utils.FakeImageDataSource | |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.utils.ButlerImage | |
Clsst::afw::coord::Observatory | Hold the location of an observatory |
Clsst::afw::coord::Weather | Basic weather information sufficient for a simple model for air mass or refraction |
Clsst.afw.detection._footprintMerge.FootprintMergeList | |
Clsst::afw::detection::detail::PsfCacheKey | |
Clsst::afw::detection::FootprintControl | A Control Object for Footprints, controlling e.g |
Clsst::afw::detection::FootprintMerge | |
Clsst::afw::detection::FootprintMergeList | List of Merged Footprints |
Clsst::afw::detection::FootprintSet | A set of Footprints, associated with a MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::detection::HeavyFootprintCtrl | A control object for HeavyFootprints |
Clsst::afw::detection::IdSpan | Run-length code for part of object |
Clsst::afw::detection::Threshold | A Threshold is used to pass a threshold value to detection algorithms |
Clsst.afw.display.ds9._RaiseException | |
Clsst.afw.display.ds9.DisplayImpl | |
Clsst.afw.display.interface.Display | |
Clsst.afw.display.interface.Display._Buffering | |
Clsst.afw.display.interface.Event | |
Clsst.afw.display.rgb.rgbContinued._RgbImageF | |
Clsst.afw.display.rgb.rgbContinued.asinhMappingF | |
►Clsst.afw.display.rgb.rgbContinued.Mapping | |
►Clsst.afw.display.rgb.rgbContinued.AsinhMapping | |
Clsst.afw.display.rgb.rgbContinued.AsinhZScaleMapping | |
►Clsst.afw.display.rgb.rgbContinued.LinearMapping | |
Clsst.afw.display.rgb.rgbContinued.ZScaleMapping | |
Clsst.afw.display.utils.Mosaic | |
Clsst.afw.display.virtualDevice.DisplayImpl | |
Clsst::afw::fits::Bzero< T, Enable > | Scaling zero-point, set according to pixel type |
Clsst::afw::fits::Bzero< std::uint64_t > | |
Clsst::afw::fits::Bzero< T, typename std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_integer &&!std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed >::type > | |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::Bitpix< T > | FITS BITPIX header value by C++ type |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::Bitpix< double > | |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::Bitpix< float > | |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::Bitpix< std::int16_t > | |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::Bitpix< std::int32_t > | |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::Bitpix< std::int64_t > | |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::Bitpix< std::uint16_t > | |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::Bitpix< std::uint32_t > | |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::Bitpix< std::uint64_t > | |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::Bitpix< std::uint8_t > | |
►Clsst::afw::fits::detail::PixelArrayBase | Abstract base class for an array of pixel values |
Clsst::afw::fits::detail::PixelArray< T > | Typed array of pixel values |
Clsst::afw::fits::Fits | A simple struct that combines the two arguments that must be passed to most cfitsio routines and contains thin and/or templated wrappers around common cfitsio routines |
Clsst.afw.fits.fitsContinued.Fits | |
Clsst.afw.fits.fitsContinued.ImageCompressionOptions | |
Clsst.afw.fits.fitsContinued.ImageScalingOptions | |
Clsst.afw.fits.fitsContinued.ImageWriteOptions | |
Clsst::afw::fits::HduMoveGuard | RAII scoped guard for moving the HDU in a Fits object |
Clsst::afw::fits::HeaderIterationFunctor | Base class for polymorphic functors used to iterator over FITS key headers |
Clsst::afw::fits::ImageCompressionOptions | Options for tile compression of image pixels |
Clsst::afw::fits::ImageScale | Scale to apply to image |
Clsst::afw::fits::ImageScalingOptions | Options for scaling image pixels |
Clsst::afw::fits::ImageWriteOptions | Options for writing an image to FITS |
Clsst::afw::fits::MemFileManager | Lifetime-management for memory that goes into FITS memory files |
Clsst::afw::geom::BaseEndpoint< PointT, ArrayT > | Virtual base class for endpoints, which are helper classes for Transform |
Clsst::afw::geom::details::AnyBitSetFunctor< T > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::details::ConstantGetter< T > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::details::FlatNdGetter< T, inA, inC > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::details::ImageNdGetter< T, N, C > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::details::IterGetter< T > | |
Clsst.afw.geom.ellipses.axes.axesContinued.Axes | |
►Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::BaseCore | A base class for parametrizations of the "core" of an ellipse - the ellipticity and size |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Axes | An ellipse core for the semimajor/semiminor axis and position angle parametrization (a,b,theta) |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole | An ellipse core with quadrupole moments as parameters |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::BaseCore::Converter< Output > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::BaseCore::Convolution | A temporary-only expression object for ellipse core convolution |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::BaseCore::GridTransform | A temporary-only expression object representing an lsst::geom::LinearTransform that maps the ellipse core to a unit circle |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::BaseCore::Registrar< T > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::BaseCore::Transformer | A temporary-only expression object for ellipse core transformations |
►Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::detail::EllipticityBase | EllipticityBase is a base class for complex ellipticity types |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::ConformalShear | A logarithmic complex ellipticity with magnitude \(|e| = \ln (a/b) \) |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Distortion | A complex ellipticity with magnitude \(|e| = \frac{a^2 - b^2}{a^2 + b^2}\) |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::ReducedShear | A complex ellipticity with magnitude \(|e| = \frac{a-b}{a+b} \) |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::DeterminantRadius | The radius defined as the 4th root of the determinant of the quadrupole matrix |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Ellipse | An ellipse defined by an arbitrary BaseCore and a center point |
Cellipses::Ellipse::Convolution | A temporary-only expression object for ellipse convolution |
Clsst.afw.geom.ellipses.ellipse.ellipseContinued.Ellipse | |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Ellipse::GridTransform | A temporary-only expression object representing an lsst::geom::AffineTransform that maps the Ellipse to a unit circle at the origin |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Ellipse::Transformer | A temporary-only expression object for ellipse transformations |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::EllipseHorizontalLineIntersection | |
Clsst.afw.geom.ellipses.EllipseMatplotlibInterface | |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::LogDeterminantRadius | The natural logarithm of the DeterminantRadius |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::LogTraceRadius | The natural logarithm of the TraceRadius |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Parametric | A functor that returns points on the boundary of the ellipse as a function of a parameter that runs between 0 and 2 pi (but is not angle) |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::PixelRegion | A pixelized region containing all pixels whose centers are within an Ellipse |
Clsst.afw.geom.ellipses.quadrupole.quadrupoleContinued.Quadrupole | |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Separable< Ellipticity_, Radius_ > | An ellipse core with a complex ellipticity and radius parameterization |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::TraceRadius | The radius defined as \(\sqrt{0.5(I_{xx} + I_{yy})}\) |
Clsst::afw::geom::polygon::Polygon::Impl | |
Clsst.afw.geom.polygon.polygonContinued.Polygon | |
Clsst::afw::geom::SipApproximation | A fitter and results class for approximating a general Transform in a form compatible with FITS WCS persistence |
Clsst::afw::geom::SipApproximation::Grid | |
Clsst::afw::geom::SipApproximation::Solution | |
Clsst::afw::geom::Span | A range of pixels within one row of an Image |
Clsst.afw.geom.testUtils.BoxGrid | |
Clsst.afw.geom.testUtils.FrameSetInfo | |
Clsst.afw.geom.testUtils.PermutedFrameSet | |
Clsst.afw.image.apCorrMap.apCorrMapContinued.ApCorrMap | |
Clsst::afw::image::CheckIndices | A class used to request that array accesses be checked |
Clsst::afw::image::Color | Describe the colour of a source |
Clsst::afw::image::ConstReference< PixelT > | Metafunction to extract const reference type from PixelT |
Clsst::afw::image::DecoratedImage< PixelT > | A container for an Image and its associated metadata |
►Clsst::afw::image::DefectBase | Encapsulate information about a bad portion of a detector |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::Defect | Encapsulate information about a bad portion of a detector |
►Clsst::afw::image::detail::basic_tag | Base image tag |
Clsst::afw::image::detail::Image_tag | Tag for an Image |
Clsst::afw::image::detail::Mask_tag | Tag for a Mask |
Clsst::afw::image::detail::MaskedImage_tag | A traits class for MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::image::detail::image_traits< ImageT > | Traits class for image categories |
Clsst::afw::image::detail::MaskDict | |
Clsst::afw::image::detail::MaskDict::GlobalState | |
►Clsst::afw::image::detail::MaskedImagePixel_tag | A class used to identify classes that represent MaskedImage pixels |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::Pixel< _ImagePixelT, _MaskPixelT, _VariancePixelT > | A pixel of a MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::SinglePixel< _ImagePixelT, _MaskPixelT, _VariancePixelT > | A single pixel of the same type as a MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::image::detail::StorableMap | A map of Storable supporting strongly-typed access |
Clsst::afw::image::details::Div< PixelT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::details::Minus< PixelT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::details::Mult< PixelT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::details::Plus< PixelT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Exposure< ImageT, MaskT, VarianceT > | A class to contain the data, WCS, and other information needed to describe an image of the sky |
Clsst::afw::image::ExposureFitsReader | A FITS reader class for Exposures and their components |
Clsst::afw::image::ExposureFitsReader::ArchiveReader | |
Clsst::afw::image::ExposureFitsReader::MetadataReader | |
Clsst::afw::image::ExposureInfo | A collection of all the things that make an Exposure different from a MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::image::FilterProperty | Describe the properties of a Filter (e.g |
Clsst::afw::image::GetImage< ImageT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Image< PixelT >::ImageTypeFactory< ImagePT > | A templated class to return this classes' type (present in Image/Mask/MaskedImage) |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBase< PixelT > | The base class for all image classed (Image, Mask, MaskedImage, ...) |
►Clsst::afw::image::Image< PixelT > | A class to represent a 2-dimensional array of pixels |
Clsst::afw::image::ImageSlice< PixelT > | A class to specify a slice of an image |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImageBaseFitsReader | Base class for image FITS readers |
Clsst::afw::image::ImageFitsReader | A FITS reader class for regular Images |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskFitsReader | A FITS reader class for Masks |
Clsst::afw::image::imageIterator | An ImageBase iterator |
Clsst::afw::image::imageLocator | An ImageBase locator |
Clsst::afw::image::imageLocator::xy_x_iterator | An x_iterator created from an xy_locator |
Clsst::afw::image::imageLocator::xy_y_iterator | An y_iterator created from an xy_locator |
►Clsst::afw::image::ImagePca< ImageT > | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::detail::KernelPca< ImageT > | Overrides the analyze method of base class afwImage::ImagePca |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::PsfImagePca< ImageT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::Mask< MaskPixelT >::ImageTypeFactory< MaskPT > | A templated class to return this classes' type (present in Image/Mask/MaskedImage) |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > | A class to manipulate images, masks, and variance as a single object |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT >::const_MaskedImageIterator< ImageIterator, MaskIterator, VarianceIterator > | An const iterator to the MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT >::const_MaskedImageLocator< ImageLocator, MaskLocator, VarianceLocator > | A const locator for the MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT >::ImageTypeFactory< ImagePT, MaskPT, VarPT > | A templated class to return this classes' type (present in Image/Mask/MaskedImage) |
►Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT >::MaskedImageIterator< ImageIterator, MaskIterator, VarianceIterator > | An iterator to the MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::math::MaskedVector< EntryT >::iterator | |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT >::MaskedImageIteratorBase< ImageIterator, MaskIterator, VarianceIterator, Ref > | The base class for MaskedImageIterators (const and non-const) |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT >::MaskedImageLocator< ImageLocator, MaskLocator, VarianceLocator > | A locator for the MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT >::MaskedImageLocatorBase< ImageLocator, MaskLocator, VarianceLocator, Ref > | The base class for MaskedImageLocators (const and non-const) |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT >::MaskedImageLocatorBase< ImageLocator, MaskLocator, VarianceLocator, Ref >::cached_location_t | A saved relative position, providing efficient access to neighbouring pixels |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImageFitsReader | A FITS reader class for MaskedImages and their components |
Clsst::afw::image::Measurement | A value and its error |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::BinaryExpr< ExprT1, ExprT2, ImageBinOp, MaskBinOp, VarianceBinOp > | Class for representing binary operations |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::BinaryExpr< ExprT1, double, ImageBinOp, MaskBinOp, VarianceBinOp > | Partial specialization of BinaryExpr when ExprT2 is a double (i.e no mask/variance part) |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::bitwise_or< T1 > | Bitwise_or doesn't seem to be in std:: |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::exprTraits< ExprT > | A traits class to return the types of the image/mask/variance |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::exprTraits< double > | A specialisation of exprTraits for double |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::exprTraits< float > | A specialisation of exprTraits for float |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::exprTraits< int > | A specialisation of exprTraits for int |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::exprTraits< unsigned short > | A specialisation of exprTraits for unsigned short |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::PixelTypeTraits< PixelT > | Pixel type traits |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::PixelTypeTraits< SinglePixel< _ImagePixelT, _MaskPixelT, _VariancePixelT > > | Specialization for a pixel of a MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::UnaryExpr< ExprT1, ImageBinOp, MaskBinOp, VarianceBinOp > | Class for representing Unary operations |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::variance_divides< T1 > | Calculate the variance when we divide two Pixels |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::variance_multiplies< T1 > | Calculate the variance when we multiply two Pixels |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::variance_plus< T1 > | Calculate the variance when we add (or subtract) two Pixels |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::variance_plus_covar< T1 > | The variance of the sum of a pair of correlated pixels |
Clsst::afw::image::Reference< PixelT > | Metafunction to extract reference type from PixelT |
Clsst::afw::math::Approximate< PixelT > | Approximate values for a MaskedImage |
Clsst::afw::math::ApproximateControl | Control how to make an approximation |
►Clsst::afw::math::Background | A virtual base class to evaluate image background levels |
Clsst::afw::math::BackgroundMI | A class to evaluate image background levels |
Clsst.afw.math.background.backgroundContinued.Background | |
Clsst::afw::math::BackgroundControl | Pass parameters to a Background object |
Clsst.afw.math.backgroundList.BackgroundList | |
►Clsst::afw::math::CandidateVisitor | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::detail::AssessSpatialKernelVisitor< PixelT > | Asseses the quality of a candidate given a spatial kernel and background model |
Clsst::ip::diffim::detail::BuildSingleKernelVisitor< PixelT > | Builds the convolution kernel for a given candidate |
Clsst::ip::diffim::detail::BuildSpatialKernelVisitor< PixelT > | Creates a spatial kernel and background from a list of candidates |
Clsst::ip::diffim::detail::KernelPcaVisitor< PixelT > | A class to run a PCA on all candidate kernels (represented as Images) |
Clsst::ip::diffim::detail::KernelSumVisitor< PixelT > | A class to accumulate kernel sums across SpatialCells |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::evalChi2Visitor< PixelT > | A class to pass around to all our PsfCandidates to evaluate the PSF fit's X^2 |
Clsst.afw.math.chebyshevBoundedFieldContinued.ChebyshevBoundedField | |
Clsst::afw::math::ChebyshevBoundedFieldControl | A control object used when fitting ChebyshevBoundedField to data (see ChebyshevBoundedField::fit) |
Clsst::afw::math::ConvolutionControl | Parameters to control convolution |
►Clsst::afw::math::Covariogram< T > | The parent class of covariogram functions for use in Gaussian Process interpolation |
Clsst::afw::math::NeuralNetCovariogram< T > | Covariogram that recreates a neural network with one hidden layer and infinite units in that layer |
Clsst::afw::math::SquaredExpCovariogram< T > | SquaredExpCovariogram |
Clsst::afw::math::detail::ConvolveWithInterpolationWorkingImages | Kernel images used by convolveRegionWithInterpolation |
Clsst::afw::math::detail::KernelImagesForRegion | A collection of Kernel images for special locations on a rectangular region of an image |
Clsst::afw::math::detail::RowOfKernelImagesForRegion | A row of KernelImagesForRegion |
►Clsst::afw::math::detail::Spline | |
Clsst::afw::math::detail::SmoothedSpline | |
Clsst::afw::math::detail::TautSpline | |
Clsst::afw::math::detail::TrapezoidalPacker | A helper class ChebyshevBoundedField, for mapping trapezoidal matrices to 1-d arrays |
Clsst::afw::math::detail::WarpAtOnePoint< DestImageT, SrcImageT > | A functor that computes one warped pixel |
Clsst::afw::math::FitResults | Results from minimizing a function |
Clsst::afw::math::GaussianProcess< T > | Stores values of a function sampled on an image and allows you to interpolate the function to unsampled points |
Clsst::afw::math::GaussianProcessTimer | This is a structure for keeping track of how long the interpolation methods spend on different parts of the interpolation |
►Clsst::afw::math::generic_kernel_tag | Tags carrying information about Kernels Kernel with no special properties |
Clsst::afw::math::deltafunction_kernel_tag | Kernel has only one non-zero pixel |
Clsst::afw::math::ImageImposter< ValueT > | A vector wrapper to provide a vector with the necessary methods and typedefs to be processed by Statistics as though it were an Image |
►Clsst::afw::math::Interpolate | |
Clsst::afw::math::InterpolateConstant | |
Clsst::afw::math::InterpolateGsl | |
Clsst::afw::math::IntRegion< T > | |
►Clsst::afw::math::is_analyticKernel< KernelT > | Traits class to determine if a Kernel is represented as an analytic function |
Clsst::afw::math::is_analyticKernel< KernelT * > | |
Clsst::afw::math::is_analyticKernel< std::shared_ptr< KernelT > > | |
Clsst::afw::math::is_analyticKernel< AnalyticKernel > | |
Clsst::afw::math::KdTree< T > | The data for GaussianProcess is stored in a KD tree to facilitate nearest-neighbor searches |
Clsst::afw::math::Kernel::PersistenceHelper | |
Clsst::afw::math::kernel_traits< KernelT > | Template trait class with information about Kernels |
Clsst::afw::math::LeastSquares | Solver for linear least-squares problems |
Clsst::afw::math::LeastSquares::Impl | |
Clsst::afw::math::MaskImposter< ValueT > | A Mask wrapper to provide an infinite_iterator for Mask::row_begin() |
Clsst::afw::math::Random | A class that can be used to generate sequences of random numbers according to a number of different algorithms |
Clsst::afw::math::SpatialCell | Class to ensure constraints for spatial modeling |
►Clsst::afw::math::SpatialCellCandidate | Base class for candidate objects in a SpatialCell |
►Clsst::afw::math::SpatialCellImageCandidate | Base class for candidate objects in a SpatialCell that are able to return an Image of some sort (e.g |
Clsst::ip::diffim::KernelCandidate< _PixelT > | Class stored in SpatialCells for spatial Kernel fitting |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::PsfCandidate< PixelT > | Class stored in SpatialCells for spatial Psf fitting |
Clsst::afw::math::SpatialCellCandidateIterator | An iterator that only returns usable members of the SpatialCell |
Clsst::afw::math::SpatialCellSet | A collection of SpatialCells covering an entire image |
Clsst::afw::math::Statistics | |
Clsst::afw::math::StatisticsControl | Pass parameters to a Statistics object |
Clsst.afw.math.warper.Warper | |
Clsst::afw::math::WarpingControl | Parameters to control convolution |
Clsst.afw.table._aliasMap.AliasMap | |
Clsst.afw.table._base.BaseRecord | |
Clsst.afw.table._baseColumnView._BaseColumnViewBase | |
Clsst.afw.table._schema.Schema | |
Clsst.afw.table._schemaMapper.SchemaMapper | |
Clsst.afw.table._source.SourceCatalog | |
Clsst::afw::table::AliasMap | Mapping class that holds aliases for a Schema |
Clsst::afw::table::Array< T > | Tag types used to declare specialized field types |
►Clsst::afw::table::BaseColumnView | Column-wise view into a sequence of records that have been allocated contiguously |
Clsst::afw::table::ColumnViewT< RecordT > | |
Clsst::afw::table::BaseColumnView::Impl | |
►Clsst::afw::table::BaseRecord | Base class for all records |
Clsst::afw::detection::PeakRecord | Record class that represents a peak in a Footprint |
Clsst::afw::table::ExposureRecord | Record class used to store exposure metadata |
►Clsst::afw::table::SimpleRecord | Record class that must contain a unique ID field and a celestial coordinate field |
Clsst::afw::table::SourceRecord | Record class that contains measurements made on a single exposure |
Clsst::afw::table::BaseRecord::ConstructionToken | |
Clsst::afw::table::BitsColumn | A packed representation of a collection of Flag field columns |
Clsst::afw::table::CatalogT< RecordT > | A custom container class for records, based on std::vector |
Clsst::afw::table::ConstReferenceFunctorKey< T > | Base class for objects that can return a const reference to part of a record, but are not a true Key |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::Access | |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::ComparisonAdaptor< RecordT, Adaptee > | |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::FlagExtractor | Functor to compute a flag bit, used to create an ndarray expression template for flag columns |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::KeyComparisonFunctor< RecordT, T > | |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::KeyExtractionFunctor< RecordT, T > | |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::RecordData | Helper struct that contains the information passed from BaseTable to BaseRecord at construction |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::SchemaImpl | A private implementation class to hide the messy details of Schema |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::SchemaImpl::MakeItem::apply< T > | |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::SchemaMapperImpl | A private implementation class to hide the messy details of SchemaMapper |
Clsst::afw::table::detail::SchemaMapperImpl::MakeKeyPair::apply< T > | |
Clsst::afw::table::ExposureCatalogT< RecordT > | Custom catalog class for ExposureRecord/Table |
►Clsst::afw::table::FieldBase< T > | Field base class default implementation (used for numeric scalars and lsst::geom::Angle) |
Clsst::afw::table::Field< T > | A description of a field in a table |
Clsst::afw::table::FieldBase< Array< U > > | Field base class specialization for arrays |
►Clsst::afw::table::FieldBase< Flag > | Specialization for Flag fields |
Clsst::afw::table::Field< Flag > | |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< Flag > | Key specialization for Flag |
Clsst::afw::table::FieldBase< std::string > | Field base class specialization for strings |
Clsst::afw::table::IdFactory | A polymorphic functor base class for generating record IDs for a table |
►Clsst::afw::table::InputFunctorKey< T > | Base class for objects that can set a value on a record, but are not a true Key themselves |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< T > | Convenience base class that combines the OutputFunctorKey and InputFunctorKey |
Clsst::afw::table::io::ArchiveIndexSchema | Schema for the index catalog that specifies where objects are stored in the data catalogs |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::FitsColumnReader | Polymorphic reader interface used to read different kinds of objects from one or more FITS binary table columns |
Clsst::afw::table::PersistableObjectColumnReader< T, Setter > | |
Clsst::afw::table::io::FitsReader | A utility class for reading FITS binary tables |
Clsst::afw::table::io::FitsSchemaInputMapper | A class that describes a mapping from a FITS binary table to an afw::table Schema |
Clsst::afw::table::io::FitsSchemaInputMapper::Impl | |
Clsst::afw::table::io::FitsSchemaItem | A structure that describes a field as a collection of related strings read from the FITS header |
Clsst::afw::table::io::FitsWriter | Writer object for FITS binary tables |
Clsst::afw::table::io::FitsWriter::ProcessRecords | |
Clsst::afw::table::io::InputArchive | A multi-catalog archive object used to load table::io::Persistable objects |
Clsst::afw::table::io::InputArchive::Impl | |
Clsst::afw::table::io::OutputArchive | A multi-catalog archive object used to save table::io::Persistable objects |
Clsst::afw::table::io::OutputArchive::Impl | |
Clsst::afw::table::io::OutputArchiveHandle | An object passed to Persistable::write to allow it to persist itself |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::Persistable | A base class for objects that can be persisted via afw::table::io Archive classes |
►Clsst::afw::math::Function< double > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function2< double > | |
►Clsst::afw::math::Function< Kernel::Pixel > | |
►Clsst::afw::math::Function1< Kernel::Pixel > | |
Clsst::afw::math::BilinearWarpingKernel::BilinearFunction1 | 1-dimensional bilinear interpolation function |
Clsst::afw::math::NearestWarpingKernel::NearestFunction1 | 1-dimensional nearest neighbor interpolation function |
►Clsst::afw::math::Function< Pixel > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function2< Pixel > | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::DetectorCollection | An immutable collection of Detectors that can be accessed by name or ID |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::TransformMap | A registry of 2-dimensional coordinate transforms for a specific camera |
►Clsst::afw::detection::Footprint | Class to describe the properties of a detected object from an image |
Clsst::afw::detection::HeavyFootprint< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > | A set of pixels in an Image, including those pixels' actual values |
Clsst::afw::geom::SpanSet | A compact representation of a collection of pixels |
Clsst::afw::geom::Transform< FromEndpoint, ToEndpoint > | Transform LSST spatial data, such as lsst::geom::Point2D and lsst::geom::SpherePoint, using an AST mapping |
►Clsst::afw::math::BoundedField | An abstract base class for 2-d functions defined on an integer bounding boxes |
Clsst::afw::math::ChebyshevBoundedField | A BoundedField based on 2-d Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind |
Clsst::afw::math::PixelAreaBoundedField | A BoundedField that evaluate the pixel area of a SkyWcs in angular units |
Clsst::afw::math::ProductBoundedField | A BoundedField that lazily multiplies a sequence of other BoundedFields |
Clsst::afw::math::TransformBoundedField | A BoundedField based on geom::Transform<Poin2Endpoint, GenericEndpoint<1>> |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::CoaddBoundedField | |
►Clsst::afw::math::Function< ReturnT > | Basic Function class |
►Clsst::afw::math::Function1< ReturnT > | A Function taking one argument |
Clsst::afw::math::Chebyshev1Function1< ReturnT > | 1-dimensional weighted sum of Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind |
Clsst::afw::math::GaussianFunction1< ReturnT > | 1-dimensional Gaussian |
Clsst::afw::math::IntegerDeltaFunction1< ReturnT > | 1-dimensional integer delta function |
Clsst::afw::math::LanczosFunction1< ReturnT > | 1-dimensional Lanczos function |
Clsst::afw::math::NullFunction1< ReturnT > | Class used in function calls to indicate that no Function1 is being provided |
Clsst::afw::math::PolynomialFunction1< ReturnT > | 1-dimensional polynomial function |
►Clsst::afw::math::Function2< ReturnT > | A Function taking two arguments |
►Clsst::afw::math::BasePolynomialFunction2< ReturnT > | Base class for 2-dimensional polynomials of the form: |
Clsst::afw::math::Chebyshev1Function2< ReturnT > | 2-dimensional weighted sum of Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind |
Clsst::afw::math::PolynomialFunction2< ReturnT > | 2-dimensional polynomial function with cross terms |
Clsst::afw::math::DoubleGaussianFunction2< ReturnT > | Double Guassian (sum of two Gaussians) |
Clsst::afw::math::GaussianFunction2< ReturnT > | 2-dimensional Gaussian |
Clsst::afw::math::IntegerDeltaFunction2< ReturnT > | 2-dimensional integer delta function |
Clsst::afw::math::LanczosFunction2< ReturnT > | 2-dimensional separable Lanczos function |
Clsst::afw::math::NullFunction2< ReturnT > | Class used in function calls to indicate that no Function2 is being provided |
►Clsst::afw::math::Kernel | Kernels are used for convolution with MaskedImages and (eventually) Images |
Clsst::afw::math::AnalyticKernel | A kernel described by a function |
Clsst::afw::math::DeltaFunctionKernel | A kernel that has only one non-zero pixel (of value 1) |
Clsst::afw::math::FixedKernel | A kernel created from an Image |
Clsst::afw::math::LinearCombinationKernel | A kernel that is a linear combination of fixed basis kernels |
►Clsst::afw::math::SeparableKernel | A kernel described by a pair of functions: func(x, y) = colFunc(x) * rowFunc(y) |
Clsst::afw::math::BilinearWarpingKernel | Bilinear warping: fast; good for undersampled data |
Clsst::afw::math::LanczosWarpingKernel | Lanczos warping: accurate but slow and can introduce ringing artifacts |
Clsst::afw::math::NearestWarpingKernel | Nearest neighbor warping: fast; good for undersampled data |
►Clsst::afw::typehandling::Storable | Interface supporting iteration over heterogenous containers |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Detector | A representation of a detector in a mosaic camera |
►Clsst::afw::detection::Psf | A polymorphic base class for representing an image's Point Spread Function |
Clsst::afw::detection::GaussianPsf | A circularly symmetric Gaussian Psf class with no spatial variation, intended mostly for testing purposes |
►Clsst::meas::algorithms::ImagePsf | An intermediate base class for Psfs that use an image representation |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::CoaddPsf | CoaddPsf is the Psf derived to be used for non-PSF-matched Coadd images |
►Clsst::meas::algorithms::KernelPsf | A Psf defined by a Kernel |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::DoubleGaussianPsf | Represent a Psf as a circularly symmetrical double Gaussian |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::PcaPsf | Represent a PSF as a linear combination of PCA (== Karhunen-Loeve) basis functions |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::SingleGaussianPsf | Represent a PSF as a circularly symmetrical Gaussian |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::WarpedPsf | A Psf class that maps an arbitrary Psf through a coordinate transformation |
Clsst::meas::extensions::psfex::PsfexPsf | Represent a PSF as a linear combination of PSFEX (== Karhunen-Loeve) basis functions |
Clsst::afw::geom::polygon::Polygon | Cartesian polygons |
Clsst::afw::geom::SkyWcs | A 2-dimensional celestial WCS that transform pixels to ICRS RA/Dec, using the LSST standard for pixels |
Clsst::afw::image::ApCorrMap | A thin wrapper around std::map to allow aperture corrections to be attached to Exposures |
Clsst::afw::image::CoaddInputs | A simple Persistable struct containing ExposureCatalogs that record the inputs to a coadd |
Clsst::afw::image::Filter | Holds an integer identifier for an LSST filter |
Clsst::afw::image::PhotoCalib | The photometric calibration of an exposure |
Clsst::afw::image::TransmissionCurve | A spatially-varying transmission curve as a function of wavelength |
Clsst::afw::image::VisitInfo | Information about a single exposure of an imaging camera |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::StorableHelper< Base > | "Trampoline" for Storable to let it be used as a base class in Python |
►Clsst.afw.typehandling.testUtils.GenericMapTestBaseClass.SimpleStorable | |
Clsst.afw.typehandling.testUtils.GenericMapTestBaseClass.ComplexStorable | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::Mixture | |
Clsst::afw::geom::Transform< afw::geom::Point2Endpoint, afw::geom::GenericEndpoint > | |
Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< T > | A CRTP facade class for subclasses of Persistable |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFactory | A base class for factory classes used to reconstruct objects from records |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Camera::Factory | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Detector::Factory | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::DetectorCollection::Factory | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::TransformMap::Factory | |
Clsst::afw::detection::FootprintFactory | |
Clsst::afw::detection::HeavyFootprint< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT >::Factory | |
Clsst::afw::math::AnalyticKernel::Factory | |
Clsst::afw::math::DeltaFunctionKernel::Factory | |
Clsst::afw::math::FixedKernel::Factory | |
Clsst::afw::math::LinearCombinationKernel::Factory | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::CoaddBoundedField::Factory | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::CoaddPsf::Factory | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::KernelPsfFactory< T, K > | A PersistableFactory for KernelPsf and its subclasses |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< T > | A class used as a handle to a particular field in a table |
Clsst::afw::table::KeyBase< T > | A base class for Key that allows subfield keys to be extracted for some field types |
Clsst::afw::table::KeyBase< Array< U > > | KeyBase specialization for Arrays |
►Clsst::afw::table::KeyBase< Flag > | A base class for Key that allows the underlying storage field to be extracted |
Clsst::afw::table::Key< Flag > | Key specialization for Flag |
Clsst::afw::table::Match< Record1, Record2 > | Lightweight representation of a geometric match between two records |
Clsst::afw::table::MatchControl | Pass parameters to algorithms that match list of sources |
Clsst.afw.table.multiMatch.MultiMatch | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< T > | Base class for objects that can extract a value from a record, but are not a true Key themselves |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< T > | Convenience base class that combines the OutputFunctorKey and InputFunctorKey |
Clsst::afw::table::ReferenceFunctorKey< T > | Base class for objects that can return a non-const reference to part of a record, but are not a true Key |
Clsst::afw::table::Schema | Defines the fields and offsets for a table |
Clsst::afw::table::SchemaItem< T > | A simple pair-like struct for mapping a Field (name and description) with a Key (used for actual data access) |
Clsst::afw::table::SchemaMapper | A mapping between the keys of two Schemas, used to copy data between them |
►Clsst::afw::table::SlotDefinition | Base class for helper classes that define slots on SourceTable/SourceRecord |
Clsst::afw::table::CentroidSlotDefinition | SlotDefinition specialization for centroids |
Clsst::afw::table::FluxSlotDefinition | SlotDefinition specialization for fluxes |
Clsst::afw::table::ShapeSlotDefinition | SlotDefinition specialization for shapes |
Clsst::afw::table::SlotSuite | An aggregate containing all of the current slots used in SourceTable |
Clsst::afw::table::SortedCatalogT< RecordT > | Custom catalog class for record/table subclasses that are guaranteed to have an ID, and should generally be sorted by that ID |
Clsst::afw::table::SourceColumnViewT< RecordT > | |
Clsst::afw::table::SubSchema | A proxy type for name lookups in a Schema |
Clsst.afw.typehandling._SimpleGenericMap.SimpleGenericMapS | |
►Clsst::afw::typehandling::GenericMap< K > | Interface for a heterogeneous map |
►Clsst::afw::typehandling::MutableGenericMap< K > | Interface for a GenericMap that allows element addition and removal |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::SimpleGenericMap< K > | A GenericMap that allows insertion and deletion of arbitrary values |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::Key< K, V > | Key for type-safe lookup in a GenericMap |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::PolymorphicValue | Container that passes Storable objects by value while preserving type |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::test::GenericFactory | Abstract factory that creates GenericMap and MutableGenericMap instances as needed |
Clsst.afw.typehandling.testUtils.GenericMapTestBaseClass.NotAStorable | |
►Clsst::base::ModuleImporter | Base class that defines an interface for importing Python modules |
Clsst::base::PythonModuleImporter | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.makeBrighterFatterKernel.BrighterFatterGain | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.makeBrighterFatterKernel.BrighterFatterKernel | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.ptc.LinearityResidualsAndLinearizersDataset | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.ptc.PhotonTransferCurveDataset | |
►Clsst.ctrl.pool.parallel.Batch | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.parallel.PbsBatch | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.parallel.SlurmBatch | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.parallel.SmpBatch | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.NoOp | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.PickleHolder | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Tags | |
Clsst::daf::base::DateTime | Class for handling dates/times, including MJD, UTC, and TAI |
Clsst.daf.base.dateTime.dateTimeContinued.DateTime | |
►Clsst::daf::base::Persistable | Base class for all persistable classes |
Clsst::pex::policy::Policy | Container for holding hierarchical configuration data in memory |
►Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyFile | Representation of a file containing Policy parameter data |
►Clsst::pex::policy::DefaultPolicyFile | Representation of a default Policy file that is stored as a file in the installation directory of an LSST product |
Clsst::pex::policy::UrnPolicyFile | A Policy file in the installation directory of an LSST product, referred to using a URN |
Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyString | Representation of a string containing Policy parameter data |
Clsst.daf.base.propertyContainer.propertyContainerContinued.PropertyList | |
Clsst.daf.base.propertyContainer.propertyContainerContinued.PropertySet | |
►Clsst::daf::base::PropertySet | Class for storing generic metadata |
Clsst::daf::base::PropertyList | Class for storing ordered metadata with comments |
Clsst.daf.persistence.access.Access | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butler.Butler | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butler.RepoData | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butler.RepoDataContainer | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerFactory.ButlerFactory | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerLocation.ButlerComposite | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerLocation.ButlerComposite.ComponentInfo | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerSubset.ButlerDataRef | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerSubset.ButlerSubset | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerSubset.ButlerSubsetIterator | |
Clsst::daf::persistence::DbAuth | Class for database authentication |
Clsst.daf.persistence.fsScanner.FsScanner | |
Clsst::daf::persistence::LogicalLocation | Class for logical location of a persisted Persistable instance |
►Clsst.daf.persistence.mapper.Mapper | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.repositoryMapper.RepositoryMapper | |
►Clsst.obs.base.cameraMapper.CameraMapper | |
Clsst.obs.base.test.baseMapper.BaseMapper | |
Clsst.obs.base.test.compositeMapper.CompositeMapper | |
Clsst.obs.decam.decamMapper.DecamMapper | |
Clsst.obs.test.testMapper.MapperForTestCalexpMetadataObjects | |
Clsst.obs.test.testMapper.TestMapper | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.SimpleMapper | |
Clsst::daf::persistence::python::ReadProxyBase | Base class for lazy-loading proxy |
Clsst.daf.persistence.registries.PosixRegistry.LookupData | |
►Clsst.daf.persistence.registries.Registry | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.registries.PosixRegistry | |
►Clsst.daf.persistence.registries.SqlRegistry | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.registries.PgsqlRegistry | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.registries.SqliteRegistry | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.repository.Repository | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.repository.RepositoryArgs | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.safeFileIo.SafeLockedFileForWrite | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.storage.Storage | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.storageInterface.StorageInterface | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.test.testObject.TestObject | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.test.testObject.TestObjectCamelCaseSetter | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.test.testObject.TestObjectPair | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.test.testObject.TestObjectUnderscoreSetter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.AxesPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.BackgroundControlPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.BackgroundPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.BaseSourceAttributesPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.Box2Printer | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.CoordinateBasePrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.DetectorPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.EigenMatrixPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.EigenVectorPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.FootprintPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.FootprintSetPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.GilPixelPrinter | |
►Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.ImagePrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.ExposurePrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.MaskedImagePrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.KernelPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.PeakPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.PsfPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.QuadrupolePrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.SharedPtrPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.SourcePrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.StatisticsControlPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.TablePrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser.TableSchemaPrinter | |
Clsst.gdb.meas.algorithms.printers.CRPixelPrinter | |
Clsst.geom._Angle.AngleUnit | |
Clsst.geom._Box.Box2I | |
Clsst.geom._Interval.IntervalI | |
Clsst.geom._SpherePoint.SpherePoint | |
Clsst::geom::AffineTransform | An affine coordinate transformation consisting of a linear transformation and an offset |
Clsst::geom::Angle | A class representing an angle |
Clsst::geom::AngleUnit | A class used to convert scalar POD types such as double to Angle |
Clsst::geom::Box2D | A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry |
Clsst::geom::Box2I | An integer coordinate rectangle |
Clsst::geom::CoordinateBase< Derived, T, N > | A CRTP base class for coordinate objects |
Clsst::geom::CoordinateBase< Derived, T, 2 > | Specialization of CoordinateBase for 2 dimensions |
Clsst::geom::CoordinateBase< Derived, T, 3 > | Specialization of CoordinateBase for 3 dimensions |
Clsst::geom::detail::PointSpecialized< T > | |
Clsst::geom::detail::PointSpecialized< double > | |
Clsst::geom::detail::PointSpecialized< int > | |
Clsst::geom::Extent< T, N > | A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions |
Clsst::geom::IntervalD | A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry |
Clsst::geom::IntervalI | A 1-d integer coordinate range |
Clsst::geom::LinearTransform | A 2D linear coordinate transformation |
Clsst::geom::Point< T, N > | A coordinate class intended to represent absolute positions |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::Basis1d | A basis interface for 1-d series expansions |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::Basis2d< Basis1d > | A basis interface for 2-d series expansions |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::BinomialMatrix | A class that computes binomial coefficients up to a certain power |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::Chebyshev1Recurrence | A Recurrence for Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::detail::PackingOrderTraits< packing > | |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::detail::PackingOrderTraits< PackingOrder::XY > | |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::detail::PackingOrderTraits< PackingOrder::YX > | |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::Function1d< Basis_ > | A 1-d function defined by a series expansion and its coefficients |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::Function2d< Basis_ > | A 2-d function defined by a series expansion and its coefficients |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::Index2d | A custom tuple that relates the indices of two 1-d functions for x and y to the flattened index for the 2-d function they form |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::PackedBasis2d< Basis1d, packing > | A Basis2d formed from the product of a Basis1d for each of x and y, truncated at the sum of their orders |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::PackedBasisWorkspace2d | A workspace object that can be used to avoid extra memory allocations in repeated calls to PackedBasis2d methods |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::PackedIndexIterator< packing > | An iterator for traversing "packed" triangular 2-d series expansions, in which two 1-d expansions are truncated according to the sum of their orders and all values for one order are stored before any values of the subsequent order |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::PackedIndexRange< packing > | A specialized iterator range class for PackedIndexIterator, providing size calculation, comparison, and range-based for support |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::PolynomialRecurrence | A Recurrence for standard polynomials |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::Recurrence | A recurrence relation concept for RecurrenceBasis1d |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::RecurrenceBasis1d< Recurrence > | A basis for 1-d series expansions defined by a recurrence relation |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::SafeSum< T > | A numerically stable summation algorithm for floating-point numbers |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::ScaledBasis1d< Nested > | A 1-d basis that transforms all input points before evaluating nested basis |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::ScaledBasis2d< Nested > | A 2-d basis that transforms all input points before evaluating nested basis |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::Scaling1d | A 1-d affine transform that can be used to map one interval to another |
Clsst::geom::polynomials::Scaling2d | A 2-d separable affine transform that can be used to map one interval to another |
Clsst::geom::SpherePoint | Point in an unspecified spherical coordinate system |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dcrModel.DcrModel | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::DipoleCentroidControl | |
►Clsst::ip::diffim::DipoleFluxControl | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::PsfDipoleFluxControl | C++ control object for PSF dipole fluxes |
Clsst::ip::diffim::FindSetBits< MaskT > | Class to accumulate Mask bits |
Clsst::ip::diffim::ImageStatistics< PixelT > | Class to calculate difference image statistics |
Clsst::ip::diffim::KernelCandidateDetection< PixelT > | Search through images for Footprints with no masked pixels |
►Clsst::ip::diffim::KernelSolution | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::SpatialKernelSolution | |
►Clsst::ip::diffim::StaticKernelSolution< InputT > | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::MaskedKernelSolution< InputT > | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::RegularizedKernelSolution< InputT > | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::StaticKernelSolution< PixelT > | |
Clsst::ip::isr::CountMaskedPixels< ImageT, MaskT > | |
Clsst::jointcal::Associations | The class that implements the relations between MeasuredStar and FittedStar |
►Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryMapping | Virtual class needed in the abstraction of the distortion model |
Clsst::jointcal::ChipVisitAstrometryMapping | The mapping with two transforms in a row |
►Clsst::jointcal::SimpleAstrometryMapping | |
Clsst::jointcal::SimplePolyMapping | Mapping implementation for a polynomial transformation |
►Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryModel | Interface between AstrometryFit and the combinations of Mappings from pixels to some tangent plane (aka distortions) |
Clsst::jointcal::ConstrainedAstrometryModel | A multi-component model, fitting mappings for sensors and visits simultaneously |
Clsst::jointcal::SimpleAstrometryModel | A model where there is one independent transform per CcdImage |
►Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransform | Virtual (interface) class for geometric transformations |
Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransformComposition | Private class to handle AstrometryTransform compositions (i.e |
Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransformIdentity | A do-nothing transformation. It anyway has dummy routines to mimick a AstrometryTransform |
Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransformInverse | |
►Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransformPolynomial | Polynomial transformation class |
►Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransformLinear | Implements the linear transformations (6 real coefficients) |
Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransformLinearRot | Just here to provide a specialized constructor, and fit |
Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransformLinearScale | Just here to provide specialized constructors. AstrometryTransformLinear fit routine |
Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransformLinearShift | Just here to provide a specialized constructor, and fit |
Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransformSkyWcs | A AstrometryTransform that holds a SkyWcs |
►Clsst::jointcal::BaseTanWcs | |
Clsst::jointcal::TanPixelToRaDec | The transformation that handles pixels to sideral transformations (Gnomonic, possibly with polynomial distortions) |
Clsst::jointcal::TanSipPixelToRaDec | Implements the (forward) SIP distorsion scheme |
Clsst::jointcal::TanRaDecToPixel | This one is the Tangent Plane (called gnomonic) projection (from celestial sphere to tangent plane) |
Clsst::jointcal::UserTransform | A run-time transform that allows users to define a AstrometryTransform with minimal coding (just the apply routine) |
Clsst::jointcal::CcdImage | Handler of an actual image from a single CCD |
Clsst::jointcal::CcdImageKey | For hashing a ccdImage: the pair of (visit, ccd) IDs should be unique to each ccdImage |
►Clsst::jointcal::Chi2Accumulator | Base class for Chi2Statistic and Chi2List, to allow addEntry inside Fitter for either class |
Clsst::jointcal::Chi2List | Structure to accumulate the chi2 contributions per each star (to help find outliers) |
Clsst::jointcal::Chi2Statistic | Simple structure to accumulate chi2 and ndof |
Clsst::jointcal::Chi2Star | |
Clsst::jointcal::ConstrainedPhotometryModel::PrepPhotoCalib | To hold the return of prepPhotoCalib |
Clsst::jointcal::FastFinder | This is an auxillary class for matching objects from starlists |
Clsst::jointcal::FastFinder::Iterator | Iterator meant to traverse objects within some limiting distance |
►Clsst::jointcal::FitterBase | Base class for fitters |
Clsst::jointcal::AstrometryFit | Class that handles the astrometric least squares problem |
Clsst::jointcal::PhotometryFit | Class that handles the photometric least squares problem |
Clsst::jointcal::Frame | Rectangle with sides parallel to axes |
Clsst::jointcal::Histo2d | |
Clsst::jointcal::JointcalControl | |
Clsst::jointcal::MatchConditions | Parameters to be provided to combinatorial searches |
►Clsst::jointcal::PhotometryMappingBase | Relates transform(s) to their position in the fitting matrix and allows interaction with the transform(s) |
►Clsst::jointcal::ChipVisitPhotometryMapping | A two-level photometric transform: one for the ccd and one for the visit |
Clsst::jointcal::ChipVisitFluxMapping | |
Clsst::jointcal::ChipVisitMagnitudeMapping | |
Clsst::jointcal::PhotometryMapping | A mapping containing a single photometryTransform |
►Clsst::jointcal::PhotometryModel | |
►Clsst::jointcal::ConstrainedPhotometryModel | Photometry model with constraints, \(M(x,y) = M_CCD(x,y)*M_visit(u,v)\) |
Clsst::jointcal::ConstrainedFluxModel | |
Clsst::jointcal::ConstrainedMagnitudeModel | |
►Clsst::jointcal::SimplePhotometryModel | Photometric response model which has a single photometric factor per CcdImage |
Clsst::jointcal::SimpleFluxModel | |
Clsst::jointcal::SimpleMagnitudeModel | |
►Clsst::jointcal::PhotometryTransform | A photometric transform, defined in terms of the input flux or magnitude |
►Clsst::jointcal::PhotometryTransformChebyshev | Nth-order 2d Chebyshev photometry transform |
Clsst::jointcal::FluxTransformChebyshev | Nth-order 2d Chebyshev photometry transform, times the input flux |
Clsst::jointcal::MagnitudeTransformChebyshev | Nth-order 2d Chebyshev photometry transform, plus the input flux |
►Clsst::jointcal::PhotometryTransformSpatiallyInvariant | Photometry offset independent of position |
Clsst::jointcal::FluxTransformSpatiallyInvariant | Photometric offset independent of position, defined as (fluxMag0)^-1 |
Clsst::jointcal::MagnitudeTransformSpatiallyInvariant | Photometric offset independent of position, defined as -2.5 * log(flux / fluxMag0) |
►Clsst::jointcal::PmBlock | Objects whose position is going to be fitted. Coordinates in Common Tangent Plane |
Clsst::jointcal::FittedStar | The objects which have been measured several times |
►Clsst::jointcal::Point | A point in a plane |
►Clsst::jointcal::FatPoint | A Point with uncertainties |
►Clsst::jointcal::BaseStar | The base class for handling stars. Used by all matching routines |
Clsst::jointcal::FittedStar | The objects which have been measured several times |
Clsst::jointcal::MeasuredStar | Objects measured on actual images |
Clsst::jointcal::RefStar | Objects used as position anchors, typically USNO stars |
Clsst::jointcal::PolyXY | |
►Clsst::jointcal::ProjectionHandler | This is a virtual class that allows a lot of freedom in the choice of the projection from "Sky" (where coodinates are reported) to tangent plane (where they are compared to transformed measurements) |
Clsst::jointcal::IdentityProjectionHandler | The simplest implementation of ProjectionHandler |
Clsst::jointcal::OneTPPerVisitHandler | A projection handler in which all CCDs from the same visit have the same tangent point |
Clsst::jointcal::Segment | |
Clsst::jointcal::SparseHisto4d | A class to histogram in 4 dimensions |
Clsst::jointcal::StarMatch | A hanger for star associations |
Clsst.jointcal.utils.JointcalStatistics | |
Clsst::log::callable_wrapper | |
Clsst::log::Log | This static class includes a variety of methods for interacting with the the logging module |
Clsst.log.log.logContinued.LevelTranslator | |
Clsst.log.log.logContinued.Log | |
Clsst.log.log.logContinued.UsePythonLogging | |
Clsst::log::LogMDCScope | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::CoaddBoundedFieldElement | Struct used to hold one Exposure's data in a CoaddBoundedField |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::CoaddPsfControl | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::ExposurePatch< ExposureT > | A convenience container for the exposure, peak and footprint that will be measured |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.htmIndexer.HtmIndexer | |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.ingestIndexManager.IngestIndexManager | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.ingestIndexManager.IngestGaiaManager | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::KernelPsfPersistenceHelper | A read-only singleton struct containing the schema and key used in persistence for KernelPsf |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.loadReferenceObjects._FilterCatalog | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.loadReferenceObjects.ReferenceObjectLoader | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.measureApCorr.FluxKeys | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.objectSizeStarSelector.EventHandler | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.psfCandidate.psfCandidateContinued.PsfCandidateF | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.approximateWcs._MockTestCase | |
Clsst::meas::astrom::detail::BinomialMatrix | A class that computes binomial coefficients up to a certain power |
Clsst.meas.astrom.fitAffineWcs.TransformedSkyWcsMaker | |
Clsst::meas::astrom::MatchOptimisticBControl | |
►Clsst.meas.astrom.matchOptimisticBTask.MatchTolerance | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.matchPessimisticB.MatchTolerancePessimistic | |
Clsst::meas::astrom::OutlierRejectionControl | Control object for outlier rejection in ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter |
Clsst.meas.astrom.pessimistic_pattern_matcher_b_3D.PessimisticPatternMatcherB | |
Clsst::meas::astrom::PolynomialTransform | A 2-d coordinate transform represented by a pair of standard polynomials (one for each coordinate) |
Clsst::meas::astrom::ProxyPair | |
Clsst::meas::astrom::RecordProxy | A wrapper around a SimpleRecord or SourceRecord that allows us to record a pixel position in a way that is independent of the record type |
Clsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransform | A 2-d coordinate transform represented by a lazy composition of an AffineTransform, a PolynomialTransform, and another AffineTransform |
Clsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter | A fitter class for scaled polynomial transforms |
Clsst::meas::astrom::ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter::Keys | |
Clsst::meas::astrom::sip::CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT > | Measure the distortions in an image plane and express them a SIP polynomials |
Clsst::meas::astrom::sip::LeastSqFitter1d< FittingFunc > | Fit an lsst::afw::math::Function1 object to a set of data points in one dimension |
Clsst::meas::astrom::sip::LeastSqFitter2d< FittingFunc > | Fit an lsst::afw::math::Function1 object to a set of data points in two dimensions |
Clsst::meas::astrom::sip::MatchSrcToCatalogue | Match a SourceSet of objects with known ra/dec with a SourceSet of objects with known xy positions Take a catalogue of objects with known positions, a catalogue of objects with known xy, and a wcs to convert one xy <--> ra/dec |
►Clsst::meas::astrom::SipTransformBase | Base class for SIP transform objects |
Clsst::meas::astrom::SipForwardTransform | A transform that maps pixel coordinates to intermediate world coordinates according to the SIP convention |
Clsst::meas::astrom::SipReverseTransform | A transform that maps intermediate world coordinates to pixel coordinates according to the SIP convention |
Clsst::meas::base::ApertureFluxControl | Configuration object for multiple-aperture flux algorithms |
Clsst.meas.base.applyApCorr.ApCorrInfo | |
►Clsst::meas::base::BaseAlgorithm | Ultimate abstract base class for all C++ measurement algorithms |
►Clsst::meas::base::ForcedAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that measure the properties of sources on one image, using previous measurements on another image to hold certain quantities fixed |
►Clsst::meas::base::SimpleAlgorithm | An abstract base classes for which the same implementation can be used for both SingleFrameAlgorithm and ForcedAlgorithm |
►Clsst::ip::diffim::DipoleCentroidAlgorithm | Intermediate base class for algorithms that compute a centroid |
Clsst::ip::diffim::NaiveDipoleCentroid | Intermediate base class for algorithms that compute a centroid |
►Clsst::ip::diffim::DipoleFluxAlgorithm | Intermediate base class for algorithms that compute a flux |
Clsst::ip::diffim::NaiveDipoleFlux | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::PsfDipoleFlux | Implementation of Psf dipole flux |
►Clsst::meas::base::ApertureFluxAlgorithm | Base class for multiple-aperture photometry algorithms |
Clsst::meas::base::CircularApertureFluxAlgorithm | |
Clsst::meas::base::BlendednessAlgorithm | Compute metrics that measure how blended objects are |
Clsst::meas::base::GaussianFluxAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that estimates instFlux using an elliptical Gaussian weight |
Clsst::meas::base::LocalBackgroundAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that estimates the local background value per pixel |
Clsst::meas::base::NaiveCentroidAlgorithm | A class that calculates a centroid as a simple unweighted first moment of the 3x3 region around a pixel |
Clsst::meas::base::PeakLikelihoodFluxAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that estimates the peak instrument flux, using a filtered image which has been convolved with its own PSF |
Clsst::meas::base::PixelFlagsAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that gets mask bits from the exposure and sets flag bits to summarize which bits are set within a source's footprint |
Clsst::meas::base::PsfFluxAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that estimates instFlux using a linear least-squares fit with the Psf model |
Clsst::meas::base::ScaledApertureFluxAlgorithm | Measure the instFlux in an aperture scaled to the PSF |
Clsst::meas::base::SdssCentroidAlgorithm | The Sdss Centroid Algorithm |
Clsst::meas::base::SdssShapeAlgorithm | Measure the image moments of source using adaptive Gaussian weights |
Clsst::meas::extensions::photometryKron::KronFluxAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that estimates flux using Kron photometry |
Clsst::meas::extensions::simpleShape::SimpleShape | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::DoubleShapeletPsfApproxAlgorithm | An algorithm that fits a 2-component shapelet approximation to the PSF model |
►Clsst::meas::base::SingleFrameAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that measure the properties of sources on single image |
Clsst::meas::base::SimpleAlgorithm | An abstract base classes for which the same implementation can be used for both SingleFrameAlgorithm and ForcedAlgorithm |
►Clsst::meas::base::BaseTransform | Abstract base class for all C++ measurement transformations |
Clsst::meas::base::ApertureFluxTransform | Measurement transformation for aperture fluxes |
►Clsst::meas::base::CentroidTransform | Base for centroid measurement transformations |
Clsst::meas::base::NaiveCentroidTransform | |
Clsst::meas::base::SdssCentroidTransform | |
►Clsst::meas::base::FluxTransform | Base for instFlux measurement transformations |
Clsst::meas::base::GaussianFluxTransform | |
Clsst::meas::base::LocalBackgroundTransform | |
Clsst::meas::base::PeakLikelihoodFluxTransform | |
Clsst::meas::base::PsfFluxTransform | |
Clsst::meas::base::ScaledApertureFluxTransform | |
Clsst::meas::base::SdssShapeTransform | Transformation for SdssShape measurements |
Clsst::meas::base::BlendednessControl | |
Clsst.meas.base.catalogCalculation.CCContext | |
Clsst::meas::base::CentroidChecker | |
►Clsst::meas::base::CentroidResult | A reusable struct for centroid measurements |
Clsst::meas::base::SdssShapeResult | Result object SdssShapeAlgorithm |
Clsst::meas::base::FlagDefinition | Simple class used to define and document flags The name and doc constitute the identity of the FlagDefinition The number is used for indexing, but is assigned arbitrarily |
Clsst::meas::base::FlagDefinitionList | Vector-type utility class to build a collection of FlagDefinitions |
Clsst::meas::base::FlagHandler | Utility class for handling flag fields that indicate the failure modes of an algorithm |
►Clsst::meas::base::FluxResult | A reusable result struct for instFlux measurements |
Clsst::meas::base::ApertureFluxResult | A Result struct for running an aperture flux algorithm with a single radius |
Clsst::meas::base::SdssShapeResult | Result object SdssShapeAlgorithm |
Clsst::meas::base::GaussianFluxControl | A C++ control class to handle GaussianFluxAlgorithm's configuration |
Clsst::meas::base::LocalBackgroundControl | Configuration of LocalBackgroundAlgorithm |
Clsst::meas::base::MagResult | A reusable result struct for magnitudes |
Clsst::meas::base::NaiveCentroidControl | A C++ control class to handle NaiveCentroidAlgorithm's configuration |
Clsst.meas.base.noiseReplacer.DummyNoiseReplacer | |
►Clsst.meas.base.noiseReplacer.NoiseGenerator | |
►Clsst.meas.base.noiseReplacer.GaussianNoiseGenerator | |
Clsst.meas.base.noiseReplacer.FixedGaussianNoiseGenerator | |
Clsst.meas.base.noiseReplacer.VariancePlaneNoiseGenerator | |
Clsst.meas.base.noiseReplacer.ImageNoiseGenerator | |
Clsst.meas.base.noiseReplacer.NoiseReplacer | |
Clsst::meas::base::PeakLikelihoodFluxControl | C++ control object for peak likelihood instrument flux |
Clsst::meas::base::PixelFlagsControl | A C++ control class to handle PixelFlagsAlgorithm's configuration |
Clsst.meas.base.pluginRegistry.PluginRegistry.Configurable | |
►Clsst.meas.base.pluginsBase.BasePlugin | |
►Clsst.meas.base.baseMeasurement.BaseMeasurementPlugin | |
►Clsst.meas.base.forcedMeasurement.ForcedPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.ForcedPeakCentroidPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.ForcedTransformedCentroidPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.ForcedTransformedShapePlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.wrappers.WrappedForcedPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.cmodel.cmodelContinued.CModelForcedPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.psf.psfContinued.GeneralShapeletPsfApproxForcedPlugin | |
►Clsst.meas.base.sfm.SingleFramePlugin | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleMeasurement.ClassificationDipolePlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.SingleFrameFPPositionPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.SingleFrameJacobianPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.SingleFramePeakCentroidPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.SingleFrameSkyCoordPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.wrappers.WrappedSingleFramePlugin | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.cmodel.cmodelContinued.CModelSingleFramePlugin | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.psf.psfContinued.GeneralShapeletPsfApproxSingleFramePlugin | |
►Clsst.meas.base.catalogCalculation.CatalogCalculationPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.classification.CatalogCalculationClassificationPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.footprintArea.CatalogCalculationFootprintAreaPlugin | |
►Clsst.meas.base.wrappers.GenericPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.EvaluateLocalPhotoCalibPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.EvaluateLocalWcsPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.InputCountPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.VariancePlugin | |
Clsst::meas::base::PsfFluxControl | A C++ control class to handle PsfFluxAlgorithm's configuration |
Clsst::meas::base::SafeCentroidExtractor | Utility class for measurement algorithms that extracts a position from the Centroid slot and handles errors in a safe and consistent way |
Clsst::meas::base::SafeShapeExtractor | Utility class for measurement algorithms that extracts an ellipse from the Shape slot and handles errors in a safe and consistent way |
Clsst::meas::base::ScaledApertureFluxControl | |
Clsst::meas::base::SdssCentroidControl | A C++ control class to handle SdssCentroidAlgorithm's configuration |
Clsst::meas::base::SdssShapeControl | A C++ control class to handle SdssShapeAlgorithm's configuration |
►Clsst::meas::base::ShapeResult | A reusable struct for moments-based shape measurements |
Clsst::meas::base::SdssShapeResult | Result object SdssShapeAlgorithm |
Clsst::meas::base::SincCoeffs< PixelT > | A singleton to calculate and cache the coefficients for sinc photometry |
Clsst.meas.base.tests.AlgorithmTestCase | |
Clsst.meas.base.tests.BlendContext | |
Clsst.meas.base.tests.ForcedPluginTransformSetupHelper | |
Clsst.meas.base.tests.SingleFramePluginTransformSetupHelper | |
Clsst.meas.base.tests.TestDataset | |
►Clsst.meas.base.tests.TransformTestCase | |
Clsst.meas.base.tests.CentroidTransformTestCase | |
Clsst.meas.base.tests.FluxTransformTestCase | |
►Clsst.meas.base.transforms.MeasurementTransform | |
Clsst.meas.base.transforms.NullTransform | |
Clsst.meas.base.transforms.PassThroughTransform | |
Clsst.meas.base.transforms.SimpleCentroidTransform | |
Clsst.meas.deblender.baseline.CachingPsf | |
Clsst.meas.deblender.baseline.DeblendedParent | |
Clsst.meas.deblender.baseline.DeblendedPeak | |
Clsst.meas.deblender.baseline.DeblenderResult | |
Clsst.meas.deblender.baseline.MultiColorPeak | |
Clsst::meas::deblender::BaselineUtils< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > | |
Clsst.meas.deblender.plugins.DeblenderPlugin | |
Clsst::meas::extensions::photometryKron::KronAperture | |
Clsst::meas::extensions::photometryKron::KronFluxControl | C++ control object for Kron flux |
Clsst.meas.extensions.psfex.psfex._LSST | |
Clsst.meas.extensions.psfex.psfex._SExtractor | |
Clsst.meas.extensions.psfex.psfexStarSelector.EventHandler | |
Clsst::meas::extensions::simpleShape::SimpleShapeControl | A C++ control class to handle SdssShapeAlgorithm's configuration |
Clsst::meas::extensions::simpleShape::SimpleShapeResult | Struct to hold the results of SimpleShape when we don't run it as a plugin |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::CModelAlgorithm | Main public interface class for CModel algorithm |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::CModelControl | The main control object for CModel, containing parameters for the final linear fit and aggregating the other control objects |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::CModelResult | Master result object for CModel, containing results for the final linear fit and three nested CModelStageResult objects for the results of the previous stages |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::CModelStageControl | Nested control object for CModel that configures one of the three ("initial", "exp", "dev") nonlinear fitting stages |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::CModelStageResult | Result object for a single nonlinear fitting stage of the CModel algorithm |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::detail::Vandermonde< N > | Class that computes rows of the Vandermonde matrix and related matrices; the dot product of these row vectors with the polynomial coefficient vectors evaluates the polynomial (or computes a derivative) |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.densityPlot.CrossPointsLayer | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.densityPlot.DensityPlot | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.densityPlot.ExampleData | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.densityPlot.HistogramLayer | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.densityPlot.ScatterLayer | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.densityPlot.SurfaceLayer | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.interactive.Interactive | |
►Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.modelFitAdapters.ModelFitDataAdapter | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.modelFitAdapters.OptimizerDataAdapter | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.modelFitAdapters.SamplingDataAdapter | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.modelFitAdapters.OptimizerTrackLayer | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.optimizerDisplay.OptimizerDisplay | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.optimizerDisplay.OptimizerDisplayFigure | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.display.optimizerDisplay.OptimizerIterationDisplay | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::DoubleShapeletPsfApproxControl | Control object used to configure a 2-shapelet fit to a PSF model; see DoubleShapeletPsfApproxAlgorithm |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::EpochFootprint | An image at one epoch of a galaxy, plus associated info |
►Clsst::meas::modelfit::GeneralPsfFitter | Class for fitting multishapelet models to PSF images |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::GeneralPsfFitterAlgorithm | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::GeneralPsfFitterComponentControl | Control object used to define one piece of multishapelet fit to a PSF model; see GeneralPsfFitterControl |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::GeneralPsfFitterControl | Control object used to configure a multishapelet fit to a PSF model; see GeneralPsfFitter |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::ImportanceSamplerControl | Control object for one iteration of adaptive importance sampling |
►Clsst::meas::modelfit::Likelihood | Base class for optimizer/sampler likelihood functions that compute likelihood at a point |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::MultiShapeletPsfLikelihood | Likelihood object used to fit multishapelet models to PSF model images; mostly for internal use by GeneralPsfFitter |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::UnitTransformedLikelihood | A concrete Likelihood class that does not require its parameters and data to be in the same UnitSystem |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::LocalUnitTransform | A local mapping between two UnitSystems |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::MixtureComponent | A weighted Student's T or Gaussian distribution used as a component in a Mixture |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::MixtureUpdateRestriction | Helper class used to define restrictions to the form of the component parameters in Mixture::updateEM |
►Clsst::meas::modelfit::Model | Abstract base class and concrete factories that define multi-shapelet galaxy models |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::MultiModel | A concrete Model class that simply concatenates several other Models |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::Optimizer | A numerical optimizer customized for least-squares problems with Bayesian priors |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.optimizer.optimizerContinued.Optimizer | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.optimizer.optimizerContinued.OptimizerControl | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::OptimizerControl | Configuration object for Optimizer |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::OptimizerHistoryRecorder | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::OptimizerObjective | Base class for objective functions for Optimizer |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::PixelFitRegion | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::PixelFitRegionControl | |
►Clsst::meas::modelfit::Prior | Base class for Bayesian priors |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::MixturePrior | A prior that's flat in amplitude parameters, and uses a Mixture for nonlinear parameters |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::SemiEmpiricalPrior | A piecewise prior motivated by both real distributions and practical considerations |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::SoftenedLinearPrior | A prior that's linear in radius and flat in ellipticity, with a cubic roll-off at the edges |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.priors.priorsContinued.SemiEmpiricalPrior | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.priors.priorsContinued.SoftenedLinearPrior | |
►Clsst.meas.modelfit.psf.psfContinued.GeneralShapeletPsfApproxMixin | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.psf.psfContinued.GeneralShapeletPsfApproxForcedPlugin | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.psf.psfContinued.GeneralShapeletPsfApproxSingleFramePlugin | |
►Clsst::meas::modelfit::Sampler | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::AdaptiveImportanceSampler | Sampler class that performs Monte Carlo sampling, while iteratively updating the analytic distribution from which points are drawn |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::SamplingObjective | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::SemiEmpiricalPriorControl | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::SoftenedLinearPriorControl | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::TruncatedGaussian | Represents a multidimensional Gaussian function truncated at zero |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::TruncatedGaussianEvaluator | Helper class for evaluating the -log of a TruncatedGaussian |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::TruncatedGaussianLogEvaluator | Helper class for evaluating the -log of a TruncatedGaussian |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::TruncatedGaussianSampler | Helper class for drawing samples from a TruncatedGaussian |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::UnitSystem | A simple struct that combines a Wcs and a PhotoCalib |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::UnitTransformedLikelihoodControl | Control object used to initialize a UnitTransformedLikelihood |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._VisitRecords | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.VisitDefinitionData | |
Clsst.obs.base.filters.FilterDefinition | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.convertRepo.ConfiguredSkyMap | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.convertRepo.Rerun | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoConverter.ConversionSubset | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.parser.PathElementParser | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.parser.SubstitutableRegEx | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.scanner.DirectoryScanner | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.walker.RepoWalker | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.standardRepoConverter.FoundSkyMap | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.Translator | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.TranslatorFactory | |
Clsst.obs.base.ingest.RawExposureData | |
Clsst.obs.base.ingest.RawFileData | |
Clsst.obs.base.ingest.RawFileDatasetInfo | |
Clsst.obs.base.instrument_tests.InstrumentTestData | |
►CConfig | |
Clsst.afw.math.chebyshevBoundedFieldConfig.ChebyshevBoundedFieldConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.measureApCorr.MeasureApCorrConfig | Configuration for MeasureApCorrTask |
Clsst.meas.astrom.fitSipDistortion.FitSipDistortionConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.applyApCorr.ApplyApCorrConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.base.baseMeasurement.BaseMeasurementConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedMeasurement.ForcedMeasurementConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.base.sfm.SingleFrameMeasurementConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleMeasurement.DipoleMeasurementConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.baseMeasurement.SourceSlotConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.catalogCalculation.CatalogCalculationConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.noiseReplacer.NoiseReplacerConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.base.pluginsBase.BasePluginConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.base.baseMeasurement.BaseMeasurementPluginConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.base.forcedMeasurement.ForcedPluginConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.ForcedPeakCentroidConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.ForcedTransformedCentroidConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.ForcedTransformedShapeConfig | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.cmodel.cmodelContinued.CModelForcedConfig | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.psf.psfContinued.GeneralShapeletPsfApproxForcedConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.EvaluateLocalPhotoCalibPluginConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.EvaluateLocalWcsPluginConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.InputCountConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.VarianceConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.base.sfm.SingleFramePluginConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleMeasurement.ClassificationDipoleConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.SingleFrameFPPositionConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.SingleFrameJacobianConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.SingleFramePeakCentroidConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.plugins.SingleFrameSkyCoordConfig | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.cmodel.cmodelContinued.CModelSingleFrameConfig | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.psf.psfContinued.GeneralShapeletPsfApproxSingleFrameConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.base.catalogCalculation.CatalogCalculationPluginConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.classification.CatalogCalculationClassificationConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.footprintArea.CatalogCalculationFootprintAreaConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.references.BaseReferencesConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.modelfit.psf.psfContinued.GeneralShapeletPsfApproxConfig | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.psf.psfContinued.GeneralShapeletPsfApproxForcedConfig | |
Clsst.meas.modelfit.psf.psfContinued.GeneralShapeletPsfApproxSingleFrameConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.fakes.BaseFakeSourcesConfig | |
Clsst.synpipe.positionGalSimFakes.PositionGalSimFakesConfig | |
Clsst.synpipe.positionStarFakes.PositionStarFakesConfig | |
Clsst.synpipe.randomGalSimFakes.RandomGalSimFakesConfig | |
Clsst.synpipe.randomStarFakes.RandomStarFakeSourcesConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.mockCoadd.MockCoaddConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.mockObject.MockObjectConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.mockObservation.MockObservationConfig | |
►CRegistry | |
Clsst.meas.base.pluginRegistry.PluginRegistry | |
Clsst::pex::exceptions::Tracepoint | One point in the Traceback vector held by Exception |
Clsst.pex.policy.policy.policyContinued.Policy | |
Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyConfigured | Interface to indicate that a class is configured with a Policy |
►Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyDestination | Class representing a destination to serialize Policy parameter data to |
►Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyStreamDestination | Generic stream destination for policy data |
Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyStringDestination | Generic stream destination for policy data |
►Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyParser | Abstract class for parsing serialized Policy data and loading it into a Policy object |
Clsst::pex::policy::paf::PAFParser | Parser for reading PAF-formatted data into a Policy object |
►Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyParserFactory | Abstract factory class for creating PolicyParser instances |
Clsst::pex::policy::paf::PAFParserFactory | Class for creating PAFParser objects |
►Clsst::pex::policy::PolicySource | Abstract class representing a source of serialized Policy parameter data |
Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyFile | Representation of a file containing Policy parameter data |
Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyString | Representation of a string containing Policy parameter data |
►Clsst::pex::policy::PolicyWriter | An abstract interface for writing policy data to streams |
Clsst::pex::policy::paf::PAFWriter | An abstract interface for writing policy data to streams |
Clsst::pex::policy::SupportedFormats | List of supported Policy formats |
Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.DataIdArgument | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.DataIdContainer | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotCcd.PerTractCcdDataIdContainer | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.VisitDataIdContainer | |
Clsst.pipe.base.butlerQuantumContext.ButlerQuantumContext | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.cmdLineTask.TaskRunner | |
►Clsst.ctrl.pool.parallel.BatchTaskRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.processCcdWithFakesDriver.ProcessCcdWithFakesTaskRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.singleFrameDriver.SingleFrameTaskRunner | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.cmdLineTask.ButlerInitializedTaskRunner | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotCoadd.ForcedPhotCoaddRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.singleFrameDriver.SingleFrameTaskRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.base.cmdLineTask.LegacyTaskRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.CalibTaskRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.multiBandDriver.MultiBandDriverTaskRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.utils.ButlerTaskRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.multiBandUtils.MergeSourcesRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.base.configOverrides.ConfigOverrides | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.BaseConnection | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.DimensionedConnection | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.BaseInput | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.Input | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.PrerequisiteInput | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.Output | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.InitInput | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.InitOutput | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graph.QuantumGraphTaskNodes | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graph.QuantumIterData | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder._PipelineScaffolding | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder._QuantumScaffolding | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder._TaskScaffolding | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipeline.Pipeline | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipeline.PipelineDatasetTypes | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipeline.TaskDatasetTypes | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipeline.TaskDef | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipelineIR.ConfigIR | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipelineIR.ContractIR | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipelineIR.InheritIR | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipelineIR.PipelineIR | |
Clsst.pipe.base.pipelineIR.TaskIR | |
Clsst.pipe.base.shims.ShimButler | |
Clsst.pipe.base.shims.ShimButlerSubset | |
Clsst.pipe.base.shims.ShimDataRef | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.struct.Struct | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Cache | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.task.Task | |
►Clsst.ip.isr.crosstalk.CrosstalkTask | |
Clsst.ip.isr.crosstalk.NullCrosstalkTask | |
Clsst.obs.decam.crosstalk.DecamCrosstalkTask | |
Clsst.ip.isr.fringe.FringeTask | |
Clsst.ip.isr.masking.MaskingTask | |
Clsst.ip.isr.straylight.StrayLightTask | |
Clsst.ip.isr.vignette.VignetteTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.measureApCorr.MeasureApCorrTask | Task to measure aperture correction |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.reserveSourcesTask.ReserveSourcesTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.skyObjects.SkyObjectsTask | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.directMatch.DirectMatchTask | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.fitSipDistortion.FitSipDistortionTask | |
Clsst.meas.base.applyApCorr.ApplyApCorrTask | |
►Clsst.meas.base.baseMeasurement.BaseMeasurementTask | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedMeasurement.ForcedMeasurementTask | |
►Clsst.meas.base.sfm.SingleFrameMeasurementTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleMeasurement.DipoleMeasurementTask | |
Clsst.meas.base.catalogCalculation.CatalogCalculationTask | |
►Clsst.meas.base.references.BaseReferencesTask | |
►Clsst.meas.base.references.CoaddSrcReferencesTask | |
Clsst.meas.base.references.MultiBandReferencesTask | |
►Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.ComputeVisitRegionsTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._ComputeVisitRegionsFromSingleRawWcsTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.DefineVisitsTask | |
►Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.GroupExposuresTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._GroupExposuresByGroupMetadataTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._GroupExposuresOneToOneTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.convertRepo.ConvertRepoTask | |
►Clsst.obs.base.ingest.RawIngestTask | |
Clsst.obs.decam.ingest.DecamRawIngestTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.cmdLineTask.CmdLineTask | |
►Clsst.ctrl.pool.parallel.BatchCmdLineTask | |
►Clsst.ctrl.pool.parallel.BatchParallelTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.processCcdWithFakesDriver.ProcessCcdWithFakesDriverTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.singleFrameDriver.SingleFrameDriverTask | |
►Clsst.ctrl.pool.parallel.BatchPoolTask | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.test.demoTask.DemoTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.coaddDriver.CoaddDriverTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.CalibTask | Base class for constructing calibs |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.BiasTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.DarkTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.FlatTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.FringeTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.SkyTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.multiBandDriver.MultiBandDriverTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.skyCorrection.SkyCorrectionTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.visualizeVisit.VisualizeVisitTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.ingestDriver.PoolIngestTask | |
Clsst.ip.isr.measureCrosstalk.MeasureCrosstalkTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.mockCoadd.MockCoaddTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.ConsolidateObjectTableTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.ConsolidateSourceTableTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.TransformCatalogBaseTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.TransformObjectCatalogTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.TransformSourceTableTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.WriteObjectTableTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.WriteSourceTableTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.pipelineTask.PipelineTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesBaseTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesMultiTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesSingleTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.background.MaskObjectsTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.background.SkyMeasurementTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.CalibCombineTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.CalibStatsTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.fakes.BaseFakeSourcesTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingest.IngestTask | |
Clsst.obs.decam.ingest.DecamIngestTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.ingestDriver.PoolIngestTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCalibs.IngestCalibsTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCuratedCalibs.IngestCuratedCalibsTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestPgsql.PgsqlIngestTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingest.ParseTask | |
Clsst.obs.decam.ingest.DecamParseTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCalibs.CalibsParseTask | |
Clsst.obs.decam.ingestCalibs.DecamCalibsParseTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingest.RegisterTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCalibs.CalibsRegisterTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestPgsql.PgsqlRegisterTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.mockObject.MockObjectTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.mockObservation.MockObservationTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.mockSelect.MockSelectImagesTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.propagateVisitFlags.PropagateVisitFlagsTask | Task to propagate flags from single-frame measurements to coadd measurements |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.registerImage.RegisterTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.scaleVariance.ScaleVarianceTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.setPrimaryFlags.SetPrimaryFlagsTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.background.FocalPlaneBackground | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.coaddInputRecorder.CoaddTempExpInputRecorder | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingest.RegistryContext | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestPgsql.PgsqlRegistryContext | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.DataRefMatcher | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.PersistenceType | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.BypassPersistenceType | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.CatalogPersistenceType | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.ExposureCatalogPersistenceType | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.PeakCatalogPersistenceType | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.SimpleCatalogPersistenceType | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.SourceCatalogPersistenceType | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.ExposurePersistenceType | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.SkyMapPersistenceType | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.SimpleMapping | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.RawMapping | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.ForcedSrcMapping | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.SkyMapping | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.TempExpMapping | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.objectMasks.ObjectMaskCatalog | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.repositoryIterator.RepositoryInfo | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.repositoryIterator.RepositoryIterator | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.repositoryIterator.SourceData | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.scaleZeroPoint.ImageScaler | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.scaleZeroPoint.SpatialImageScaler | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.ImageSource | |
Clsst::shapelet::BasisEvaluator | Evaluates a standard shapelet Basis |
Clsst.shapelet.constants.constantsContinued.BasisTypeEnum | |
Clsst::shapelet::ConversionMatrix | Conversions between shapelet basis types |
Clsst::shapelet::GaussHermiteConvolution | A parametrized matrix that performs a convolution in shapelet space |
Clsst::shapelet::GaussHermiteEvaluator | A class to evaluate HERMITE shapelet-related quantities |
Clsst::shapelet::GaussHermiteProjection | |
►Clsst.shapelet.generator.IndexGenerator | |
Clsst.shapelet.generator.HermiteIndexGenerator | |
Clsst.shapelet.generator.LaguerreIndexGenerator | |
Clsst::shapelet::HermiteTransformMatrix | A class that computes a matrix that applies a linear transform to a 2-d Hermite polynomial expansion |
Clsst::shapelet::MatrixBuilder< T > | Class that evaluates a (multi-)shapelet basis at predefined points |
Clsst::shapelet::MatrixBuilderFactory< T > | A factory class for MatrixBuilder, providing more control over workspace memory |
Clsst::shapelet::MatrixBuilderWorkspace< T > | Reusable, shareable workspace for MatrixBuilder |
Clsst::shapelet::MultiShapeletBasis | A basis formed from a linear combination of shapelet bases that differ only in radius |
Clsst::shapelet::MultiShapeletBasisComponent | Simple struct that represents one shapelet expansion in a MultiShapeletBasis |
Clsst::shapelet::MultiShapeletFunction | A multi-scale shapelet function |
Clsst.shapelet.multiShapeletFunction.multiShapeletFunctionContinued.MultiShapeletFunction | |
Clsst::shapelet::MultiShapeletFunctionEvaluator | Evaluates a MultiShapeletFunction |
Clsst::shapelet::PackedIndex | An iterator-like object to help in traversing "packed" shapelet or Hermite polynomial matrix or vector dimensions |
Clsst::shapelet::RadialProfile | Registry and utility class for multi-Gaussian approximations to radial profiles |
Clsst.shapelet.radialProfile.radialProfileContinued.RadialProfile | |
Clsst::shapelet::ShapeletFunction | A 2-d function defined by an expansion onto a Gauss-Laguerre or Gauss-Hermite basis |
Clsst.shapelet.shapeletFunction.shapeletFunctionContinued.ShapeletFunction | |
Clsst::shapelet::ShapeletFunctionEvaluator | Evaluates a ShapeletFunction |
►Clsst.skymap.baseSkyMap.BaseSkyMap | |
►Clsst.skymap.cachingSkyMap.CachingSkyMap | |
Clsst.skymap.discreteSkyMap.DiscreteSkyMap | |
Clsst.skymap.healpixSkyMap.HealpixSkyMap | |
Clsst.skymap.ringsSkyMap.RingsSkyMap | |
Clsst.skymap.dodecaSkyMap.DodecaSkyMap | |
Clsst.skymap.equatSkyMap.EquatSkyMap | |
Clsst.skymap.detail.dodecahedron.Dodecahedron | |
Clsst.skymap.detail.wcsFactory.WcsFactory | |
Clsst.skymap.healpixSkyMap.DummyHealpy | |
Clsst.skymap.patchInfo.PatchInfo | |
►Clsst.skymap.tractInfo.TractInfo | |
Clsst.skymap.healpixSkyMap.HealpixTractInfo | |
Clsst.skymap.tractInfo.ExplicitTractInfo | |
Clsst::sphgeom::Angle | Angle represents an angle in radians |
Clsst::sphgeom::BigInteger | BigInteger is an arbitrary precision signed integer class |
Clsst::sphgeom::Box3d | Box3d represents a box in ℝ³ |
Clsst::sphgeom::Chunker | Chunker subdivides the unit sphere into longitude-latitude boxes |
Clsst::sphgeom::detail::PixelFinder< Derived, RegionType, InteriorOnly, NumVertices > | |
Clsst::sphgeom::Interval< Derived, Scalar > | Interval represents a closed interval of the real numbers by its upper and lower bounds |
Clsst::sphgeom::LonLat | LonLat represents a spherical coordinate (longitude/latitude angle) pair |
Clsst::sphgeom::Matrix3d | A 3x3 matrix with real entries stored in double precision |
Clsst::sphgeom::NormalizedAngle | NormalizedAngle is an angle that lies in the range [0, 2π), with one exception - a NormalizedAngle can be NaN |
Clsst::sphgeom::NormalizedAngleInterval | NormalizedAngleInterval represents closed intervals of normalized angles, i.e |
►Clsst::sphgeom::Pixelization | A Pixelization (or partitioning) of the sphere is a mapping between points on the sphere and a set of pixels (a.k.a |
Clsst::sphgeom::HtmPixelization | HtmPixelization provides HTM indexing of points and regions |
Clsst::sphgeom::Mq3cPixelization | Mq3cPixelization provides modified Q3C indexing of points and regions |
Clsst::sphgeom::Q3cPixelization | Q3cPixelization provides Q3C indexing of points and regions |
Clsst::sphgeom::RangeSet | A RangeSet is a set of unsigned 64 bit integers |
Clsst::sphgeom::RangeSet::Iterator | A constant iterator over the ranges (represented as 2-tuples) in a RangeSet |
►Clsst::sphgeom::Region | Region is a minimal interface for 2-dimensional regions on the unit sphere |
Clsst::sphgeom::Box | Box represents a rectangle in spherical coordinate space that contains its boundary |
Clsst::sphgeom::Circle | Circle is a circular region on the unit sphere that contains its boundary |
Clsst::sphgeom::ConvexPolygon | ConvexPolygon is a closed convex polygon on the unit sphere |
Clsst::sphgeom::Ellipse | Ellipse is an elliptical region on the sphere |
Clsst::sphgeom::SubChunks | SubChunks represents a set of sub-chunks of a particular chunk |
Clsst::sphgeom::UnitVector3d | UnitVector3d is a unit vector in ℝ³ with components stored in double precision |
Clsst::sphgeom::Vector3d | Vector3d is a vector in ℝ³ with components stored in double precision |
Clsst::utils::Backtrace | Singleton, enables automatic backtraces on the following signals: |
Clsst::utils::Cache< Key, Value, KeyHash, KeyPred > | Cache of most recently used values |
Clsst::utils::key | |
Clsst::utils::n | |
Clsst::utils::python::PySharedPtr< T > | A shared pointer that tracks both a C++ object and its associated PyObject |
Clsst::utils::python::TemplateInvoker | A helper class for wrapping C++ template functions as Python functions with dtype arguments |
Clsst::utils::python::TemplateInvoker::Tag< Types > | A simple tag type used to pass one or more types as a function argument |
Clsst::utils::python::WrapperCollection | A helper class for subdividing pybind11 module across multiple translation units (i.e |
Clsst::utils::Symbol | |
ClsstDebug.Info | |
►CmakeIdFactory | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< EntryT > | |
Clsst::afw::math::MaskedVector< EntryT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< float, lsst::afw::image::MaskPixel, lsst::afw::image::VariancePixel > | |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< ImageT, lsst::afw::image::MaskPixel, lsst::afw::image::VariancePixel > | |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< InternalPixelT > | |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< Pixel, lsst::afw::image::MaskPixel, lsst::afw::image::VariancePixel > | |
Clsst::afw::image::MaskedImage< PixelT > | |
►CMeasureMergedCoaddSourcesTask | |
Clsst.synpipe.mergeOnlyFakes.OnlyFakesMergeTask | |
►CConfigClass | |
Clsst.synpipe.mergeOnlyFakes.OnlyFakesMergeConfig | |
►CBasePsfDeterminerConfig | |
Clsst.meas.extensions.psfex.psfexPsfDeterminer.PsfexPsfDeterminerConfig | |
►CBasePsfDeterminerTask | |
Clsst.meas.extensions.psfex.psfexPsfDeterminer.PsfexPsfDeterminerTask | |
►CBaseSourceSelectorTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.diaCatalogSourceSelector.DiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask | |
►CBaseStarSelectorConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.diaCatalogSourceSelector.DiaCatalogSourceSelectorConfig | |
►CSourceDetectionTask | |
Clsst.synpipe.detectOnlyFakes.OnlyFakesDetectionTask | |
►CConfigClass | |
Clsst.synpipe.detectOnlyFakes.OnlyFakesDetectionConfig | |
►CSingleFrameMeasurementConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleFitTask.DipoleFitTaskConfig | |
►CSingleFrameMeasurementTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleFitTask.DipoleFitTask | |
►CSingleFramePlugin | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleFitTask.DipoleFitPlugin | |
►CSingleFramePluginConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleFitTask.DipoleFitPluginConfig | |
►Cmeasurement | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Cmerged | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeMeasurements.variable | |
►Cmetaclass | |
Cbutler_cmd_test.ButlerCmdTestBase | |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.detectorCollection.detectorCollectionContinued.DetectorCollectionBase | |
Clsst.afw.image.exposure.exposureContinued.Exposure | |
Clsst.afw.image.image.imageContinued.DecoratedImage | |
Clsst.afw.image.image.imageContinued.Image | |
Clsst.afw.image.image.maskContinued.Mask | |
Clsst.afw.image.maskedImage.maskedImageContinued.MaskedImage | |
Clsst.afw.table._aggregates.CovarianceMatrixKey | |
Clsst.afw.table._aggregates.PointKey | |
Clsst.afw.table._arrays.ArrayKey | |
Clsst.afw.table._base.Catalog | |
Clsst.afw.table._schema.Field | |
Clsst.afw.table._schema.Key | |
Clsst.afw.table._schema.SchemaItem | |
►Clsst.afw.typehandling._GenericMap.GenericMap | |
►Clsst.afw.typehandling._GenericMap.MutableGenericMap | |
Clsst.afw.typehandling._SimpleGenericMap.SimpleGenericMap | |
Clsst.afw.typehandling._SimpleGenericMap.SimpleGenericMap | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Debugger | |
►Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.PoolNode | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.PoolMaster | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.PoolSlave | |
►Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.PoolWrapper | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Pool | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.policy._PolicyBase | |
Clsst.geom._coordinates.CoordinateExpr | |
Clsst.geom._coordinates.Extent | |
Clsst.geom._coordinates.Point | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageMapReduce.ImageMapper | |
Clsst.ip.isr.linearize.LinearizeBase | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.loadReferenceObjects.LoadReferenceObjectsTask | Abstract base class to load objects from reference catalogs |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.psfDeterminer.BasePsfDeterminerTask | Base class for PSF determiners |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.BaseSourceSelectorTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.starSelector.BaseStarSelectorTask | |
►Clsst.obs.base._instrument.Instrument | |
Clsst.obs.decam._instrument.DarkEnergyCamera | |
Clsst.obs.base.butler_tests.ButlerGetTests | |
Clsst.obs.base.camera_tests.CameraTests | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._GroupExposuresByGroupMetadataTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._GroupExposuresOneToOneTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.ComputeVisitRegionsTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.GroupExposuresTask | |
►Clsst.obs.base.fitsRawFormatterBase.FitsRawFormatterBase | |
►Clsst.obs.decam.rawFormatter.DarkEnergyCameraRawFormatter | |
Clsst.obs.decam.rawFormatter.DarkEnergyCameraCPCalibFormatter | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.convertTests.ConvertGen2To3TestCase | |
►Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.KeyHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.AbstractToPhysicalFilterKeyHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.CalibKeyHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.ConstantKeyHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.CopyKeyHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.PatchKeyHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.PhysicalToAbstractFilterKeyHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.SkyMapKeyHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.ingest_tests.IngestTestBase | |
Clsst.obs.base.instrument_tests.InstrumentTests | |
Clsst.obs.base.mapper_tests.MapperTests | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.Exception | |
Clsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.DynamicDatasetType | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.config.PipelineTaskConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesMultiConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesSingleConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.connections.PipelineTaskConnections | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotCcd.ForcedPhotCcdConnections | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.ForcedPhotImageConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourceSingleConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesMultiConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.insertFakes.InsertFakesConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeDetections.MergeDetectionsConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeMeasurements.MergeMeasurementsConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.multiBand.DetectCoaddSourcesConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.ProcessCcdWithFakesConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.base.taskFactory.TaskFactory | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.fakes.BaseFakeSourcesTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.SimpleMapper | |
Cpex.config.config.Config | |
►CNormalize | |
►Clsst.display.matplotlib.matplotlib.Normalize | |
►Clsst.display.matplotlib.matplotlib.AsinhNormalize | |
Clsst.display.matplotlib.matplotlib.AsinhZScaleNormalize | |
Clsst.display.matplotlib.matplotlib.LinearNormalize | |
Clsst.display.matplotlib.matplotlib.ZScaleNormalize | |
►CIntracomm | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Comm | |
►Cname | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
►Cobject | |
Clsst.dax.apdb.apdb.Apdb | |
Clsst.dax.apdb.apdb.Timer | |
Clsst.dax.apdb.apdbSchema.ApdbSchema | |
Clsst.dax.apdb.timer.Timer | |
Clsst.display.ds9.ds9.Buffer | |
Clsst.gdb.ip.diffim.printers.CRPixelPrinter | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.diaCatalogSourceSelector.CheckSource | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.diaSourceAnalysis.DiaSourceAnalyst | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.diffimTools.NbasisEvaluator | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleFitTask.DipoleFitAlgorithm | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleFitTask.DipoleModel | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleMeasurement.DipoleAnalysis | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleMeasurement.DipoleDeblender | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.dipoleMeasurement.SourceFlagChecker | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.kernelCandidateQa.KernelCandidateQa | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.utils.DipoleTestImage | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.DataRefMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.FringeDataRefMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.FakeAmp | |
Clsst.obs.base.exposureIdInfo.ExposureIdInfo | |
►Clsst.obs.base.makeRawVisitInfo.MakeRawVisitInfo | |
Clsst.obs.test.makeTestRawVisitInfo.MakeTestRawVisitInfo | |
►Clsst.obs.base.makeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo.MakeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo | |
Clsst.obs.decam.makeDecamRawVisitInfo.MakeDecamRawVisitInfo | |
►Clsst.obs.base.mapping.Mapping | |
Clsst.obs.base.mapping.CalibrationMapping | |
Clsst.obs.base.mapping.DatasetMapping | |
Clsst.obs.base.mapping.ExposureMapping | |
Clsst.obs.base.mapping.ImageMapping | |
Clsst.obs.test.dualRawImage.RawAndFlatContainer | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder.GraphBuilder | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.Functor | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.Color | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.Column | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.CoordColumn | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.DecColumn | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.RAColumn | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.FootprintNPix | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.IDColumn | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.CompositeFunctor | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.CustomFunctor | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.DeconvolvedMoments | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.E1 | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.E2 | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.HsmFwhm | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.HsmTraceSize | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.Index | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.Labeller | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.NumStarLabeller | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.StarGalaxyLabeller | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.LocalPhotometry | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.LocalMagnitude | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.LocalMagnitudeErr | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.LocalNanojansky | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.LocalNanojanskyErr | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.LocalWcs | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.ComputePixelScale | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.ConvertPixelToArcseconds | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.Mag | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.MagErr | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.NanoMaggie | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.MagDiff | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.Photometry | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.Magnitude | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.MagnitudeErr | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.NanoJansky | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.NanoJanskyErr | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.PsfHsmTraceSizeDiff | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.PsfSdssTraceSizeDiff | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.RadiusFromQuadrupole | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.ReferenceBand | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.functors.SdssTraceSize | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.parquetTable.ParquetTable | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.parquetTable.MultilevelParquetTable | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.PostprocessAnalysis | |
►Cobjects | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Cof | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
Copt.instrument.instrument_option | |
Copt.transfer.transfer_option | |
►COptionally | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►COptionParser | |
Clsst.gdb.afw.printers.GdbOptionParser | |
►Cout | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< Box > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< Box > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< CentroidResult > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< CentroidResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< ErrElement, N, N > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< ErrElement, N, N > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< float, N, N > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< float, N, N > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< T, N, N > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< Eigen::Matrix< T, N, N > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< FluxResult > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< FluxResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< lsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Ellipse > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Ellipse > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< lsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Box2I > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Box2I > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< CentroidElement, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< CentroidElement, 2 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< double, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< double, 2 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< Element, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< Element, 2 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< int, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< int, 2 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< T, 2 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::Point< T, 2 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< lsst::geom::SpherePoint > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< lsst::geom::SpherePoint > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< MagResult > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< MagResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< MultiShapeletFunction > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< MultiShapeletFunction > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< ndarray::Array< double const, 1, 1 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< ndarray::Array< double const, 1, 1 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< ndarray::Array< T const, 1, 1 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< ndarray::Array< T const, 1, 1 > > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< SdssShapeResult > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< SdssShapeResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< ShapeletFunction > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< ShapeletFunction > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< ShapeResult > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< ShapeResult > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::OutputFunctorKey< SimpleShapeResult > | |
Clsst::afw::table::FunctorKey< SimpleShapeResult > | |
►Cstd::pair< Segment *, Segment * > [external] | |
Clsst::jointcal::SegmentPair | |
►CParameters | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< AnalyticKernel > | |
Clsst::afw::math::AnalyticKernel | A kernel described by a function |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< ApCorrMap > | |
Clsst::afw::image::ApCorrMap | A thin wrapper around std::map to allow aperture corrections to be attached to Exposures |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< BoundedField > | |
Clsst::afw::math::BoundedField | An abstract base class for 2-d functions defined on an integer bounding boxes |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Camera > | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Camera | An immutable representation of a camera |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< ChebyshevBoundedField > | |
Clsst::afw::math::ChebyshevBoundedField | A BoundedField based on 2-d Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< CoaddBoundedField > | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::CoaddBoundedField | |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< CoaddInputs > | |
Clsst::afw::image::CoaddInputs | A simple Persistable struct containing ExposureCatalogs that record the inputs to a coadd |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< CoaddPsf > | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::CoaddPsf | CoaddPsf is the Psf derived to be used for non-PSF-matched Coadd images |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< DeltaFunctionKernel > | |
Clsst::afw::math::DeltaFunctionKernel | A kernel that has only one non-zero pixel (of value 1) |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Detector > | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::Detector | A representation of a detector in a mosaic camera |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< DetectorCollection > | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::DetectorCollection | An immutable collection of Detectors that can be accessed by name or ID |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< DoubleGaussianPsf > | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::DoubleGaussianPsf | Represent a Psf as a circularly symmetrical double Gaussian |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< FixedKernel > | |
Clsst::afw::math::FixedKernel | A kernel created from an Image |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Function1< Kernel::Pixel > > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function1< Kernel::Pixel > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Function1< ReturnT > > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function1< ReturnT > | A Function taking one argument |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Function2< double > > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function2< double > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Function2< Pixel > > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function2< Pixel > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Function2< ReturnT > > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function2< ReturnT > | A Function taking two arguments |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Function< double > > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function< double > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Function< Kernel::Pixel > > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function< Kernel::Pixel > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Function< Pixel > > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function< Pixel > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Function< ReturnT > > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Function< ReturnT > | Basic Function class |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< GaussianPsf > | |
Clsst::afw::detection::GaussianPsf | A circularly symmetric Gaussian Psf class with no spatial variation, intended mostly for testing purposes |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< HeavyFootprint< ImagePixelT, lsst::afw::image::MaskPixel, lsst::afw::image::VariancePixel > > | |
Clsst::afw::detection::HeavyFootprint< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > | A set of pixels in an Image, including those pixels' actual values |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< ImagePsf > | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::ImagePsf | An intermediate base class for Psfs that use an image representation |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Kernel > | |
Clsst::afw::math::Kernel | Kernels are used for convolution with MaskedImages and (eventually) Images |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< KernelPsf > | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::KernelPsf | A Psf defined by a Kernel |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< LinearCombinationKernel > | |
Clsst::afw::math::LinearCombinationKernel | A kernel that is a linear combination of fixed basis kernels |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< lsst::afw::detection::Footprint > | |
Clsst::afw::detection::Footprint | Class to describe the properties of a detected object from an image |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< lsst::afw::geom::SpanSet > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::SpanSet | A compact representation of a collection of pixels |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Mixture > | |
Clsst::meas::modelfit::Mixture | |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< PcaPsf > | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::PcaPsf | Represent a PSF as a linear combination of PCA (== Karhunen-Loeve) basis functions |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< PhotoCalib > | |
Clsst::afw::image::PhotoCalib | The photometric calibration of an exposure |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Polygon > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::polygon::Polygon | Cartesian polygons |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< ProductBoundedField > | |
Clsst::afw::math::ProductBoundedField | A BoundedField that lazily multiplies a sequence of other BoundedFields |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Psf > | |
Clsst::afw::detection::Psf | A polymorphic base class for representing an image's Point Spread Function |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< PsfexPsf > | |
Clsst::meas::extensions::psfex::PsfexPsf | Represent a PSF as a linear combination of PSFEX (== Karhunen-Loeve) basis functions |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< SeparableKernel > | |
Clsst::afw::math::SeparableKernel | A kernel described by a pair of functions: func(x, y) = colFunc(x) * rowFunc(y) |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< SingleGaussianPsf > | |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::SingleGaussianPsf | Represent a PSF as a circularly symmetrical Gaussian |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< SkyWcs > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::SkyWcs | A 2-dimensional celestial WCS that transform pixels to ICRS RA/Dec, using the LSST standard for pixels |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Transform< afw::geom::Point2Endpoint, afw::geom::GenericEndpoint > > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::Transform< afw::geom::Point2Endpoint, afw::geom::GenericEndpoint > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< Transform< FromEndpoint, ToEndpoint > > | |
Clsst::afw::geom::Transform< FromEndpoint, ToEndpoint > | Transform LSST spatial data, such as lsst::geom::Point2D and lsst::geom::SpherePoint, using an AST mapping |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< TransformBoundedField > | |
Clsst::afw::math::TransformBoundedField | A BoundedField based on geom::Transform<Poin2Endpoint, GenericEndpoint<1>> |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< TransformMap > | |
Clsst::afw::cameraGeom::TransformMap | A registry of 2-dimensional coordinate transforms for a specific camera |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< TransmissionCurve > | |
Clsst::afw::image::TransmissionCurve | A spatially-varying transmission curve as a function of wavelength |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistableFacade< VisitInfo > | |
Clsst::afw::image::VisitInfo | Information about a single exposure of an imaging camera |
Cpex.config.callStack.StackFrame | |
►Cpex.config.config.Field | |
Cpex.config.choiceField.ChoiceField | |
►Cpex.config.configChoiceField.ConfigChoiceField | |
Cpex.config.registry.RegistryField | |
Cpex.config.configField.ConfigField | |
Cpex.config.configurableField.ConfigurableField | |
►Cpex.config.dictField.DictField | |
Cpex.config.configDictField.ConfigDictField | |
Cpex.config.listField.ListField | |
Cpex.config.rangeField.RangeField | |
Cpex.config.config.RecordingImporter | |
Cpex.config.configurableField.ConfigurableInstance | |
Cpex.config.history.Color | |
Cpex.config.registry.ConfigurableWrapper | |
►CConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.photoCal.PhotoCalConfig | |
►CConfig | |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.cameraConfig.CameraConfig | |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.cameraConfig.DetectorConfig | |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.transformConfig.TransformMapConfig | |
Clsst.afw.math.warper.WarperConfig | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.defects.FindDefectsTaskConfig | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.makeBrighterFatterKernel.MakeBrighterFatterKernelTaskConfig | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.ptc.MeasurePhotonTransferCurveTaskConfig | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.runEotestTask.RunEotestConfig | |
Clsst.dax.apdb.apdb.ApdbConfig | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmBuildStars.FgcmBuildStarsConfig | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmCalibrateTract.FgcmCalibrateTractConfig | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmFitCycle.FgcmFitCycleConfig | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmLoadReferenceCatalog.FgcmLoadReferenceCatalogConfig | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmMakeLut.FgcmMakeLutConfig | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmMakeLut.FgcmMakeLutParametersConfig | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmOutputProducts.FgcmOutputProductsConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.diaSourceAnalysis.DiaSourceAnalystConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.getTemplate.GetCalexpAsTemplateConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.getTemplate.GetCoaddAsTemplateConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageDecorrelation.DecorrelateALKernelConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageDecorrelation.DecorrelateALKernelSpatialConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageMapReduce.ImageMapperConfig | |
►Clsst.ip.diffim.imageMapReduce.ImageMapReduceConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageDecorrelation.DecorrelateALKernelMapReduceConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.zogy.ZogyMapReduceConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageMapReduce.ImageReducerConfig | |
►Clsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.snapPsfMatch.SnapPsfMatchConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.zogy.ZogyImagePsfMatchConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.modelPsfMatch.ModelPsfMatchConfig | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.psfMatch.DetectionConfig | |
►Clsst.ip.diffim.psfMatch.PsfMatchConfig | |
►Clsst.ip.diffim.psfMatch.PsfMatchConfigAL | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.snapPsfMatch.SnapPsfMatchConfigAL | |
►Clsst.ip.diffim.psfMatch.PsfMatchConfigDF | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.snapPsfMatch.SnapPsfMatchConfigDF | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.zogy.ZogyConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.assembleCcdTask.AssembleCcdConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.IsrMockConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrQa.IsrQaConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrQa.IsrQaFlatnessConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.RunIsrConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.overscan.OverscanCorrectionTaskConfig | |
Clsst.jointcal.jointcal.JointcalConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.detection.SourceDetectionConfig | Configuration parameters for the SourceDetectionTask |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.dynamicDetection.DynamicDetectionConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.findCosmicRaysConfig.FindCosmicRaysConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.ingestIndexReferenceTask.DatasetConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.ingestIndexReferenceTask.IngestIndexedReferenceConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.installGaussianPsf.InstallGaussianPsfConfig | Config for InstallGaussianPsfTask |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.loadReferenceObjects.LoadReferenceObjectsConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.loadIndexedReferenceObjects.LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.makePsfCandidates.MakePsfCandidatesConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.psfDeterminer.BasePsfDeterminerConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.readFitsCatalogTask.ReadFitsCatalogConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.readTextCatalogTask.ReadTextCatalogConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.BaseLimit | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.ColorLimit | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.FluxLimit | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.MagnitudeErrorLimit | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.MagnitudeLimit | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.RequireUnresolved | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.SignalToNoiseLimit | |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.BaseSourceSelectorConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.astrometrySourceSelector.AstrometrySourceSelectorConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.matcherSourceSelector.MatcherSourceSelectorConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.ReferenceSourceSelectorConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.RequireFlags | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.RequireIsolated | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.ScienceSourceSelectorConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.starSelector.BaseStarSelectorConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.subtractBackground.SubtractBackgroundConfig | Config for SubtractBackgroundTask |
Clsst.meas.astrom.fitAffineWcs.FitAffineWcsConfig | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.fitTanSipWcs.FitTanSipWcsConfig | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.matchOptimisticBTask.MatchOptimisticBConfig | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.matchPessimisticB.MatchPessimisticBConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.astrom.ref_match.RefMatchConfig | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.astrometry.AstrometryConfig | |
Clsst.meas.deblender.deblend.SourceDeblendConfig | |
Clsst.obs.decam.decamNullIsr.DecamNullIsrConfig | |
Clsst.obs.test.testConfig.TestConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.base.config.PipelineTaskConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.base.config.ResourceConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase.CoaddBaseConfig | Configuration parameters for CoaddBaseTask |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.coaddInputRecorder.CoaddInputRecorderConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.exampleCmdLineTask.ExampleCmdLineConfig | Configuration for ExampleCmdLineTask |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.exampleStatsTasks.ExampleSigmaClippedStatsConfig | Configuration for ExampleSigmaClippedStatsTask |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.interpImage.InterpImageConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeDiscreteSkyMap.MakeDiscreteSkyMapConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeGen3DcrSubfilters.MakeGen3DcrSubfiltersConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeGen3SkyMap.MakeGen3SkyMapConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeSkyMap.MakeSkyMapConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.measurePsf.MeasurePsfConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.ConsolidateObjectTableConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.ConsolidateSourceTableConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.TransformCatalogBaseConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.TransformObjectCatalogConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.TransformSourceTableConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.WriteObjectTableConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.WriteSourceTableConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.repair.RepairConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.scaleZeroPoint.ScaleZeroPointConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.scaleZeroPoint.SpatialScaleZeroPointConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages.DatabaseSelectImagesConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages.PsfWcsSelectImagesConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.snapCombine.InitialPsfConfig | Describes the initial PSF used for detection and measurement before we do PSF determination |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.snapCombine.SnapCombineConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.transformMeasurement.RunTransformConfig | Configuration for RunTransformTaskBase derivatives |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.transformMeasurement.TransformConfig | Configuration for TransformTask |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.warpAndPsfMatch.WarpAndPsfMatchConfig | |
Clsst.skymap.baseSkyMap.BaseSkyMapConfig | |
►CConfigMeta | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.config.PipelineTaskConfigMeta | |
Clsst.pipe.base.config.PipelineTaskConfig | |
►CButlerInitializedTaskRunner | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmBuildStars.FgcmBuildStarsRunner | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmCalibrateTract.FgcmCalibrateTractRunner | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmFitCycle.FgcmFitCycleRunner | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmMakeLut.FgcmMakeLutRunner | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmOutputProducts.FgcmOutputProductsRunner | |
Clsst.jointcal.jointcal.JointcalRunner | |
►CCmdLineTask | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.defects.FindDefectsTask | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.makeBrighterFatterKernel.MakeBrighterFatterKernelTask | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.ptc.MeasurePhotonTransferCurveTask | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.runEotestTask.RunEotestTask | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmBuildStars.FgcmBuildStarsTask | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmCalibrateTract.FgcmCalibrateTractTask | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmFitCycle.FgcmFitCycleTask | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmMakeLut.FgcmMakeLutTask | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmOutputProducts.FgcmOutputProductsTask | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.IsrTask | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.RunIsrTask | |
Clsst.jointcal.jointcal.JointcalTask | |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.ingestIndexReferenceTask.IngestIndexedReferenceTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.ingestIndexReferenceTask.IngestGaiaReferenceTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateTask | Calibrate an exposure: measure sources and perform astrometric and photometric calibration |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.characterizeImage.CharacterizeImageTask | Measure bright sources and use this to estimate background and PSF of an exposure |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase.CoaddBaseTask | Base class for coaddition |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeCoaddTempExp.MakeCoaddTempExpTask | Warp and optionally PSF-Match calexps onto an a common projection |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.exampleCmdLineTask.ExampleCmdLineTask | Example command-line task that computes simple statistics on an image |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.getRepositoryData.GetRepositoryDataTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeDiscreteSkyMap.MakeDiscreteSkyMapTask | Make a DiscreteSkyMap in a repository, using the bounding box of a set of calexps |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeSkyMap.MakeSkyMapTask | Make a sky map in a repository |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask | Assemble raw data, fit the PSF, detect and measure, and fit WCS and zero-point |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.transformMeasurement.RunTransformTaskBase | Command line interface for TransformTask |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.transformMeasurement.CoaddSrcTransformTask | Transform measuremenents made on coadds to calibrated form |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.transformMeasurement.ForcedSrcTransformTask | Transform forced_src measuremenents to calibrated form |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.transformMeasurement.SrcTransformTask | Transform src measuremenents to calibrated form |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeBinExpTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeMosaicExpTask | |
►CDataIdContainer | |
►Clsst.coadd.utils.coaddDataIdContainer.CoaddDataIdContainer | |
Clsst.coadd.utils.coaddDataIdContainer.ExistingCoaddDataIdContainer | |
Clsst.jointcal.dataIds.PerTractCcdDataIdContainer | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess.TractObjectDataIdContainer | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.makeBrighterFatterKernel.BrighterFatterKernelTaskDataIdContainer | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.utils.NonexistentDatasetTaskDataIdContainer | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.AssembleCoaddDataIdContainer | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase.SelectDataIdContainer | A dataId container for inputs to be selected |
Clsst.synpipe.FakeSourceLib.SkyMapIdContainer | |
►CPipelineTask | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.IsrTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.skyCorrection.SkyCorrectionTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateTask | Calibrate an exposure: measure sources and perform astrometric and photometric calibration |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.characterizeImage.CharacterizeImageTask | Measure bright sources and use this to estimate background and PSF of an exposure |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeBinExpTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeMosaicExpTask | |
►CPipelineTaskConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.IsrTaskConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.skyCorrection.SkyCorrectionConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.characterizeImage.CharacterizeImageConfig | Config for CharacterizeImageTask |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeBinExpConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeMosaicExpConfig | |
►CPipelineTaskConnections | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.IsrTaskConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.skyCorrection.SkyCorrectionConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.AssembleCoaddConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.characterizeImage.CharacterizeImageConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.dcrAssembleCoadd.DcrAssembleCoaddConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.imageDifference.ImageDifferenceTaskConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeCoaddTempExp.MakeWarpConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeBinExpConnections | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeMosaicExpConnections | |
►CStruct | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages.BaseExposureInfo | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages.SelectStruct | |
►CTask | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.fgcmLoadReferenceCatalog.FgcmLoadReferenceCatalogTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.getTemplate.GetCalexpAsTemplateTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.getTemplate.GetCoaddAsTemplateTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageDecorrelation.DecorrelateALKernelSpatialTask | |
►Clsst.ip.diffim.imageDecorrelation.DecorrelateALKernelTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageDecorrelation.DecorrelateALKernelMapper | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageMapReduce.ImageMapper | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageMapReduce.ImageMapReduceTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.imageMapReduce.ImageReducer | |
►Clsst.ip.diffim.psfMatch.PsfMatchTask | |
►Clsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.snapPsfMatch.SnapPsfMatchTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.zogy.ZogyImagePsfMatchTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.modelPsfMatch.ModelPsfMatchTask | |
►Clsst.ip.diffim.zogy.ZogyTask | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.zogy.ZogyMapper | |
Clsst.ip.isr.assembleCcdTask.AssembleCcdTask | Assemble a set of amplifier images into a full detector size set of pixels |
►Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.IsrMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.BfKernelMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.CrosstalkCoeffMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.DefectMock | |
►Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.MasterMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.BiasMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.DarkMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.FlatMock | |
►Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.FringeMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.UntrimmedFringeMock | |
►Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.RawMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.CalibratedRawMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.RawDictMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.TrimmedRawMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrMock.TransmissionMock | |
Clsst.ip.isr.overscan.OverscanCorrectionTask | |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.detection.SourceDetectionTask | Detect positive and negative sources on an exposure and return a new table.SourceCatalog |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.dynamicDetection.DynamicDetectionTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.installGaussianPsf.InstallGaussianPsfTask | Install a Gaussian PSF model in an exposure |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.loadReferenceObjects.LoadReferenceObjectsTask | Abstract base class to load objects from reference catalogs |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.makePsfCandidates.MakePsfCandidatesTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.psfDeterminer.BasePsfDeterminerTask | Base class for PSF determiners |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.readFitsCatalogTask.ReadFitsCatalogTask | Read an object catalog from a FITS table |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.readTextCatalogTask.ReadTextCatalogTask | Read an object catalog from a text file |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.BaseSourceSelectorTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.starSelector.BaseStarSelectorTask | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.subtractBackground.SubtractBackgroundTask | Subtract the background from an exposure |
Clsst.meas.astrom.fitAffineWcs.FitAffineWcsTask | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.fitTanSipWcs.FitTanSipWcsTask | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.matchOptimisticBTask.MatchOptimisticBTask | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.matchPessimisticB.MatchPessimisticBTask | |
►Clsst.meas.astrom.ref_match.RefMatchTask | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.astrometry.AstrometryTask | |
Clsst.meas.deblender.deblend.SourceDeblendTask | Split blended sources into individual sources |
Clsst.obs.decam.crosstalk.DecamCrosstalkIO | |
Clsst.obs.decam.decamNullIsr.DecamNullIsrTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.coaddInputRecorder.CoaddInputRecorderTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.exampleStatsTasks.ExampleSigmaClippedStatsTask | Example task to compute sigma-clipped mean and standard deviation of an image |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.exampleStatsTasks.ExampleSimpleStatsTask | Example task to compute mean and standard deviation of an image |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.interpImage.InterpImageTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeGen3DcrSubfilters.MakeGen3DcrSubfiltersTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeGen3SkyMap.MakeGen3SkyMapTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.measurePsf.MeasurePsfTask | Measure the PSF |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.photoCal.PhotoCalTask | Calculate the zero point of an exposure given a lsst.afw.table.ReferenceMatchVector |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.repair.RepairTask | Interpolate over defects in an exposure and handle cosmic rays |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.scaleZeroPoint.ScaleZeroPointTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.scaleZeroPoint.SpatialScaleZeroPointTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages.BaseSelectImagesTask | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.utils.NullSelectImagesTask | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages.WcsSelectImagesTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages.BestSeeingWcsSelectImagesTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages.PsfWcsSelectImagesTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.snapCombine.SnapCombineTask | Combine snaps |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.transformMeasurement.TransformTask | Transform a SourceCatalog containing raw measurements to calibrated form |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.warpAndPsfMatch.WarpAndPsfMatchTask | |
►CTaskRunner | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.utils.PairedVisitListTaskRunner | |
Clsst.cp.pipe.utils.SingleVisitListTaskRunner | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.ingestIndexReferenceTask.IngestReferenceRunner | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase.CoaddTaskRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.coaddDriver.CoaddDriverTaskRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.getRepositoryData.DataRefListRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeDiscreteSkyMap.MakeDiscreteSkyMapRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.makeSkyMap.MakeSkyMapRunner | |
►CpipelineConnections | |
Clsst.ip.isr.isrTask.IsrTaskConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotCoadd.ForcedPhotCoaddConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.skyCorrection.SkyCorrectionConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.CompareWarpAssembleCoaddConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.SafeClipAssembleCoaddConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.characterizeImage.CharacterizeImageConfig | Config for CharacterizeImageTask |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesMultiConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.deblendCoaddSourcesPipeline.DeblendCoaddSourcesSingleConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeBinExpConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.visualizeVisit.VisualizeMosaicExpConfig | |
Clsst::geom::Point< double, 2 > | |
Clsst::geom::Point< int, 2 > | |
►CprocessImageForcedTask | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►Cproducts | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CpsfCache | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< lsst::sphgeom::Relationship > | This struct is a partial specialization of type_caster for for lsst::sphgeom::Relationship |
Cpybind11::detail::visit_helper< boost::variant > | |
►CRead | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Creference | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
►Clsst::afw::table::ReferenceFunctorKey< ndarray::ArrayRef< double, 1, 1 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::ArrayKey< double > | |
►Clsst::afw::table::ReferenceFunctorKey< ndarray::ArrayRef< T, 1, 1 > > | |
Clsst::afw::table::ArrayKey< T > | A FunctorKey used to get or set a ndarray::Array from a sequence of scalar Keys |
►Creferences | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
Clsst::afw::geom::ellipses::BaseCore::Registrar< lsst::afw::geom::ellipses::Separable > | |
CRelativeSpanIterator | This is a convenience class used in symmetrizeFootprint, wrapping the idea of iterating through a SpanList either forward or backward, and looking at dx,dy coordinates relative to a center cx,cy coordinate |
►Crequired | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Cretrieve | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
►CFCNBase | |
Clsst::ip::diffim::MinimizeDipoleChi2 | Class to minimize PsfDipoleFlux; this is the object that Minuit minimizes |
Clsst::meas::algorithms::MinimizeChi2< PixelT > | |
►CRuntimeError | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerExceptions.MultipleResults | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.storageInterface.NoRepositroyAtRoot | |
Clsst::afw::table::SchemaItem< Flag > | |
►CSky | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Csky_source | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CskySources | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Csource | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
►Csources | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Cstd::exception [external] | STL class |
►Clsst::pex::exceptions::Exception | Provides consistent interface for LSST exceptions |
►Clsst::pex::exceptions::LogicError | Reports errors in the logical structure of the program |
►Clsst::pex::exceptions::DomainError | Reports arguments outside the domain of an operation |
Clsst::meas::base::PixelValueError | Exception to be thrown when a measurement algorithm encounters a NaN or infinite pixel |
Clsst::pex::policy::DictionaryError | There is a problem with a dictionary |
Clsst::pex::policy::TypeError | Exception indicating that a policy parameter with a given name has a type different from the one that was requested |
Clsst::pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError | Reports invalid arguments |
Clsst::pex::exceptions::LengthError | Reports attempts to exceed implementation-defined length limits for some classes |
Clsst::pex::exceptions::OutOfRangeError | Reports attempts to access elements outside a valid range of indices |
Clsst::pex::exceptions::TypeError | Reports errors from accepting an object of an unexpected or inappropriate type |
►Clsst::pex::exceptions::NotFoundError | Reports attempts to access elements using an invalid key |
Clsst::pex::policy::NameNotFound | Exception indicating that a policy parameter of a given name can not be found in a Policy object |
►Clsst::pex::exceptions::RuntimeError | Reports errors that are due to events beyond the control of the program |
Clsst::afw::geom::polygon::SinglePolygonException | An exception that indicates the single-polygon assumption has been violated |
Clsst::afw::typehandling::UnsupportedOperationException | Exception thrown by Storable operations for unimplemented operations |
Clsst::geom::SingularTransformException | |
Clsst::meas::base::FatalAlgorithmError | Exception to be thrown when a measurement algorithm experiences a fatal error |
Clsst::meas::base::MeasurementError | Exception to be thrown when a measurement algorithm experiences a known failure mode |
Clsst::meas::extensions::photometryKron::BadKronException | |
►Clsst::pex::exceptions::IoError | Reports errors in external input/output operations |
►Clsst::afw::fits::FitsError | An exception thrown when problems are found when reading or writing FITS files |
Clsst::afw::fits::FitsTypeError | An exception thrown when a FITS file has the wrong type |
►Clsst::afw::table::io::PersistenceError | An exception thrown when problems occur during persistence |
Clsst::afw::table::io::MalformedArchiveError | An exception thrown when an InputArchive's contents do not make sense |
Clsst::pex::exceptions::OverflowError | Reports when the result of an arithmetic operation is too large for the destination type |
Clsst::pex::exceptions::RangeError | Reports when the result of an operation cannot be represented by the destination type |
Clsst::pex::exceptions::UnderflowError | Reports when the result of an arithmetic operation is too small for the destination type |
Clsst::pex::policy::BadNameError | Exception thrown when Policy parameter name has an illegal form |
►Clsst::pex::policy::ParserError | Parent exception for errors that occur during the parsing of policy files |
Clsst::pex::policy::EOFError | Exception indicated that the stream being parsed ended prematurely |
►Clsst::pex::policy::SyntaxError | Exception thrown because a general syntax error was encountered |
Clsst::pex::policy::FormatSyntaxError | Exception thrown because a syntax error specific to the format being parsed was encountered |
Clsst::pex::policy::UnsupportedSyntax | Exception thrown because syntax was encountered that is legal for the format being parsed but which is not supported for encoding Policies |
►Cstd::false_type [external] | |
Clsst::afw::geom::details::is_iterator< T, typename > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::cameraGeom::CameraSys > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::cameraGeom::CameraSysPrefix > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::coord::Observatory > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::coord::Weather > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::detection::detail::PsfCacheKey > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::geom::polygon::Polygon > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::geom::Span > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::image::Color > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::image::Filter > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::image::FilterProperty > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::image::pixel::Pixel< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::image::pixel::SinglePixel< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::image::VisitInfo > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::AliasMap > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::ArrayKey< T > > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::BoxKey< T > > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::CoordKey > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::CovarianceMatrixKey< T, N > > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::EllipseKey > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::Key< lsst::afw::table::Flag > > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::Key< T > > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::PointKey< T > > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::QuadrupoleKey > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::table::Schema > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::typehandling::PolymorphicValue > | Hash specialization for PolymorphicValue |
Cstd::hash< lsst::afw::typehandling::Storable > | Generic hash to allow polymorphic access to Storable |
Cstd::hash< lsst::daf::base::DateTime > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::geom::Angle > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::geom::AngleUnit > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::geom::Box2D > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::geom::Box2I > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::geom::Extent< T, N > > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::geom::IntervalD > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::geom::IntervalI > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::geom::Point< T, N > > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::geom::SpherePoint > | |
Cstd::hash< lsst::jointcal::CcdImageKey > | Hash a ccdImage by its visit and ccd IDs |
Cstd::hash< typename lsst::afw::typehandling::Key< K, V > > | |
►Cstd::runtime_error [external] | STL class |
Clsst::base::LibraryException | Unable to load library |
Clsst::base::NoThreadsException | No threading library is available |
►Cstd::true_type [external] | |
Clsst::afw::geom::details::is_iterator< T, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type, void >::value >::type > | |
►Csubtask | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
►CPersistableFactory | |
Clsst::meas::extensions::psfex::detail::PsfexPsfFactory | |
►Ctask | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
►Cthe | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CThread | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.ReductionThread | |
►Cto | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.for | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►Ctract_patch | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.attribute | |
►Ctype | |
►Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.PoolWrapperMeta | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.PoolWrapper | |
►Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.SingletonMeta | Metaclass to produce a singleton |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.Debugger | |
Clsst.ctrl.pool.pool.PoolNode | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.policy._PolicyMeta | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.policy._PolicyMeta | |
►Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.ExceptionMeta | |
Clsst.pex.exceptions.wrappers.Exception | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.connections.PipelineTaskConnectionsMetaclass | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connections.PipelineTaskConnections | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.MapperMeta | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.simpleMapper.SimpleMapper | |
►Clsst.utils.wrappers.TemplateMeta | |
Clsst.afw.cameraGeom.detectorCollection.detectorCollectionContinued.DetectorCollectionBase | |
Clsst.afw.image.exposure.exposureContinued.Exposure | |
Clsst.afw.image.image.imageContinued.DecoratedImage | |
Clsst.afw.image.image.imageContinued.Image | |
Clsst.afw.image.image.maskContinued.Mask | |
Clsst.afw.image.maskedImage.maskedImageContinued.MaskedImage | |
Clsst.afw.table._aggregates.CovarianceMatrixKey | |
Clsst.afw.table._aggregates.PointKey | |
Clsst.afw.table._arrays.ArrayKey | |
Clsst.afw.table._base.Catalog | |
Clsst.afw.table._schema.Field | |
Clsst.afw.table._schema.Key | |
Clsst.afw.table._schema.SchemaItem | |
►Clsst.afw.typehandling._GenericMap.AutoKeyMeta | |
Clsst.afw.typehandling._SimpleGenericMap.SimpleGenericMap | |
Clsst.afw.typehandling._GenericMap.GenericMap | |
Clsst.geom._coordinates.CoordinateExpr | |
Clsst.geom._coordinates.Extent | |
Clsst.geom._coordinates.Point | |
►Cpex.config.config.ConfigMeta | |
Cpex.config.config.Config | |
►CTypeError | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connections.ScalarError | |
►Cstd::unary_function< BF::first_argument_type, BF::result_type > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::math::details::Int2DAuxType< BF, YREG > | |
►Cstd::unary_function< BF::second_argument_type, BF::result_type > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::math::details::binder2_1< BF > | |
►Cstd::unary_function< BinaryFunctionT::second_argument_type, BinaryFunctionT::result_type > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::math::details::FunctionWrapper< BinaryFunctionT > | Wrap an integrand in a call to a 1D integrator: romberg() |
►Cstd::unary_function< T, IntRegion< T > > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::math::details::ConstantReg1< T > | Helpers for constant regions for int2d, int3d: |
►Cstd::unary_function< T1, T1 > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::image::pixel::noop< T1 > | A noop functor (useful for e.g. masks and variances when changing the sign of the image) |
►Cstd::unary_function< TF::firstof3_argument_type, TF::result_type > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::math::details::Int3DAuxType< TF, YREG, ZREG > | |
►Cstd::unary_function< UF::argument_type, UF::result_type > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::math::details::AuxFunc1< UF > | Auxiliary struct 1 |
Clsst::afw::math::details::AuxFunc2< UF > | |
►CTestCase | |
►Castshim.test.ObjectTestCase | |
Castshim.test.MappingTestCase | |
Clsst.utils.tests.ExecutablesTestCase | |
Clsst.utils.tests.MemoryTestCase | |
►Clsst.utils.tests.TestCase | |
Clsst.afw.geom.testUtils.TransformTestBaseClass | |
►Clsst.afw.typehandling.testUtils.GenericMapTestBaseClass | |
Clsst.afw.typehandling.testUtils.MutableGenericMapTestBaseClass | |
Clsst.shapelet.tests.ShapeletTestCase | |
►Cused | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
►CValueError | |
Cpex.config.config.FieldValidationError | |
►Cvariant_caster | |
Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< boost::variant< Ts... > > | |
►Cstd::vector< BaseCatalog > [external] | |
Clsst::afw::table::io::CatalogVector | A vector of catalogs used by Persistable |
►Cstd::vector< Chi2Star > [external] | |
Clsst::jointcal::Chi2List | Structure to accumulate the chi2 contributions per each star (to help find outliers) |
►Cstd::vector< Trip > [external] | |
Clsst::jointcal::TripletList | |
►CDisplayImpl | |
Clsst.display.ds9.ds9.DisplayImpl | |
Clsst.display.firefly.firefly.DisplayImpl | |
Clsst.display.matplotlib.matplotlib.DisplayImpl | |
►CConfigClass | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages.BestSeeingWcsSelectImageConfig | |
►Cwhich | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotImage.documentation | |
►Cwrite | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CWrote | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.mergeMeasurements.variable | |
►CYAMLObject | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.access.AccessCfg | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butler.ButlerCfg | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butlerLocation.ButlerLocation | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.policy._PolicyBase | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.policy._PolicyMeta | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.repositoryCfg.RepositoryCfg | |
►CABC | |
►Clsst.afw.multiband.MultibandBase | |
Clsst.afw.detection.multiband.MultibandFootprint | |
►Clsst.afw.image.image.multiband.MultibandImageBase | |
Clsst.afw.image.image.multiband.MultibandImage | |
Clsst.afw.image.image.multiband.MultibandMask | |
Clsst.afw.image.image.multiband.MultibandPixel | |
►Clsst.afw.image.image.multiband.MultibandTripleBase | |
Clsst.afw.image.exposure.multiband.MultibandExposure | |
Clsst.afw.image.image.multiband.MultibandMaskedImage | |
Clsst.ip.isr.straylight.StrayLightData | |
►Clsst.meas.algorithms.simple_curve.Curve | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.simple_curve.AmpCurve | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.simple_curve.DetectorCurve | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.simple_curve.ImageCurve | |
►Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoConverter.RepoConverter | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.calibRepoConverter.CalibRepoConverter | |
►Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.standardRepoConverter.StandardRepoConverter | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.rootRepoConverter.RootRepoConverter | |
►Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.builders.BuilderNode | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.builders.BuilderDuplicateInputs | |
►Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.builders.BuilderInput | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.builders.BuilderSkipInput | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.builders.BuilderTargetInput | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.builders.BuilderPrunedTree | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.builders.BuilderTree | |
►Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.parser.FormattableRegEx | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.parser.FixedRegEx | |
►Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.scanner.PathElementHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.handlers.IgnoreHandler | |
►Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.handlers.ParsedPathElementHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.handlers.SkipHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.handlers.SubdirectoryHandler | |
►Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.handlers.TargetFileHandler | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.repoWalker.handlers.MultiExtensionFileHandler | |
►CABCMeta | |
Clsst.obs.base._instrument.Instrument | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._GroupExposuresByGroupMetadataTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._GroupExposuresOneToOneTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.ComputeVisitRegionsTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.GroupExposuresTask | |
Clsst.obs.base.fitsRawFormatterBase.FitsRawFormatterBase | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.translators.KeyHandler | |
Clsst.pipe.base.taskFactory.TaskFactory | |
►CAssembleCoaddTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.CompareWarpAssembleCoaddTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.SafeClipAssembleCoaddTask | |
►Cnamedtuple | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connections.DeferredDatasetRef | |
►CUserDict | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.dataId.DataId | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connections.PipelineTaskConnectionDict | |
►CForcedPhotImageConfig | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotCoadd.ForcedPhotCoaddConfig | |
►CForcedPhotImageTask | |
Clsst.meas.base.forcedPhotCoadd.ForcedPhotCoaddTask | |
►Cdetection | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.processCcdWithFakes.docstring | |
►CCompositeAssembler | |
Clsst.obs.base.exposureAssembler.ExposureAssembler | |
►CDataCoordinate | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder._DatasetDict | |
►CDatasetRef | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder._DatasetDict | |
►CDatasetType | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder._DatasetDict | |
►CDimensionPacker | |
Clsst.skymap.packers.SkyMapDimensionPacker | |
►CFormatter | |
►Clsst.obs.base.fitsExposureFormatter.FitsExposureFormatter | |
Clsst.obs.base.fitsRawFormatterBase.FitsRawFormatterBase | |
►CFileFormatter | |
Clsst.obs.base.fitsGenericFormatter.FitsGenericFormatter | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.objectMasks.RegionFileFormatter | |
►CNamedKeyDict | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder._DatasetDict | |
►CPolicy | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.butler.ButlerCfg | |
►CConfig | |
Clsst.afw.geom.transformConfig.AffineTransformConfig | |
Clsst.afw.geom.transformConfig.IdentityTransformConfig | |
Clsst.afw.geom.transformConfig.MultiTransformConfig | |
Clsst.afw.geom.transformConfig.OneTransformConfig | |
Clsst.afw.geom.transformConfig.RadialTransformConfig | |
Clsst.afw.geom.transformConfig.TransformConfig | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.sedterms.Sedboundaryterm | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.sedterms.SedboundarytermDict | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.sedterms.Sedterm | |
Clsst.fgcmcal.sedterms.SedtermDict | |
►Clsst.ip.isr.crosstalk.CrosstalkConfig | |
Clsst.obs.decam.crosstalk.DecamCrosstalkConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.fringe.FringeConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.fringe.FringeStatisticsConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.masking.MaskingConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.measureCrosstalk.MeasureCrosstalkConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.straylight.StrayLightConfig | |
Clsst.ip.isr.vignette.VignetteConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.gaussianPsfFactory.GaussianPsfFactory | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.indexerRegistry.HtmIndexerConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.reserveSourcesTask.ReserveSourcesConfig | |
Clsst.meas.algorithms.skyObjects.SkyObjectsConfig | |
►Clsst.meas.astrom.directMatch.DirectMatchConfigWithoutLoader | |
Clsst.meas.astrom.directMatch.DirectMatchConfig | |
►Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.ComputeVisitRegionsConfig | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._ComputeVisitRegionsFromSingleRawWcsConfig | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.DefineVisitsConfig | |
►Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits.GroupExposuresConfig | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._GroupExposuresByGroupMetadataConfig | |
Clsst.obs.base.defineVisits._GroupExposuresOneToOneConfig | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.convertRepo.ConvertRepoConfig | |
Clsst.obs.base.gen2to3.convertRepo.ConvertRepoSkyMapConfig | |
Clsst.obs.base.ingest.RawIngestConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.background.BackgroundConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.background.FocalPlaneBackgroundConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.background.MaskObjectsConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.background.SkyMeasurementConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.background.SkyStatsConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.coaddDriver.CoaddDriverConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.CalibCombineConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.CalibConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.BiasConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.DarkConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.FlatConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.FringeConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.SkyConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.constructCalibs.CalibStatsConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.multiBandDriver.MultiBandDriverConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.processCcdWithFakesDriver.ProcessCcdWithFakesDriverConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.singleFrameDriver.SingleFrameDriverConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.visualizeVisit.VisualizeVisitConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.colorterms.Colorterm | Colorterm correction for one pair of filters |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.colorterms.ColortermDict | A mapping of filterName to Colorterm |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.colorterms.ColortermLibrary | A mapping of photometric reference catalog name or glob to ColortermDict |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingest.IngestConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestPgsql.PgsqlIngestConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingest.ParseConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingest.RegisterConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCalibs.CalibsRegisterConfig | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCalibs.IngestCalibsConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCuratedCalibs.IngestCuratedCalibsConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.multiBandUtils.CullPeaksConfig | Configuration for culling garbage peaks after merging footprints |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.propagateVisitFlags.PropagateVisitFlagsConfig | Configuration for propagating flags to coadd |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.registerImage.RegisterConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.scaleVariance.ScaleVarianceConfig | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.setPrimaryFlags.SetPrimaryFlagsConfig | |
►CCoaddDataIdContainer | |
Clsst.pipe.drivers.utils.TractDataIdContainer | |
►CDeblendCoaddSourcesTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.dcrMultiBand.DeblendDcrCoaddSourcesTask | |
►CDetectCoaddSourcesTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.dcrMultiBand.DetectDcrCoaddSources | |
►CMeasureMergedCoaddSourcesTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.dcrMultiBand.MeasureMergedDcrCoaddSourcesTask | |
►CMergeDetectionsTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.dcrMultiBand.MergeDcrDetectionsTask | |
►CMergeMeasurementsTask | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.dcrMultiBand.MergeDcrMeasurementsTask | |
►CMergeSourcesRunner | |
►Clsst.pipe.tasks.dcrMultiBand.MergeDcrSourcesRunner | |
Clsst.pipe.tasks.dcrMultiBand.DeblendDcrCoaddSourcesRunner | |
►CMetricConnections | |
Clsst.ip.diffim.metrics.NumberSciSourcesMetricConnections | |
►CBlockingInput | |
Clsst.display.matplotlib.matplotlib.BlockingKeyInput | |
►CReadProxyBase | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.readProxy.ReadProxy | |
►CMapper | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.test.testMapper.EmptyTestMapper | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.test.testMapper.MapperForTestWriting | |
►CSimpleNamespace | |
►Clsst.pipe.base.connections.QuantizedConnection | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connections.InputQuantizedConnection | |
Clsst.pipe.base.connections.OutputQuantizedConnection | |
►CDict | |
Clsst.pipe.base.graphBuilder._DatasetDict | |
►CStorageInterface | |
Clsst.daf.persistence.posixStorage.PosixStorage | |