►Nast | AST wrapper classes and functions |
CChannel | Channel provides input/output of AST objects |
CChebyDomain | The domain over which a Chebyshev polynomial is defined; returned by ChebyMap.getDomain |
CChebyMap | A ChebyMap is a form of Mapping which performs a Chebyshev polynomial transformation |
CCmpFrame | A CmpFrame is a compound Frame which allows two component Frames (of any class) to be merged together to form a more complex Frame |
CCmpMap | Abstract base class for SeriesMap and ParallelMap |
CDirectionPoint | Struct returned by Frame::offset2 containing a direction and a point |
CFileStream | File-based source or sink (not both) for channels |
CFitsChan | A specialized form of Channel which reads and writes FITS header cards |
CFitsTable | |
CFoundValue | A value and associated validity flag |
CFrame | Frame is used to represent a coordinate system |
CFrameDict | A FrameSet whose frames can be referenced by domain name |
CFrameMapping | Struct returned by Frame::pickAxes containing a frame and a mapping |
CFrameSet | A FrameSet consists of a set of one or more Frames (which describe coordinate systems), connected together by Mappings (which describe how the coordinate systems are inter-related) |
CKeyMap | KeyMap is used to store a set of values with associated keys which identify the values |
CLutMap | LutMap is a specialised form of Mapping which transforms 1-dimensional coordinates by using linear interpolation in a lookup table |
CMapBox | Object to compute the bounding box which just encloses another box after it has been transformed by a mapping |
CMapping | An abstract base class for objects which transform one set of coordinates to another |
CMapSplit | A Mapping split off as a subset of another Mapping |
CMathMap | A MathMap is a Mapping which allows you to specify a set of forward and/or inverse transformation functions using arithmetic operations and mathematical functions similar to those available in C |
CMatrixMap | MatrixMap is a form of Mapping which performs a general linear transformation |
CNormMap | A Mapping which normalises coordinate values using the norm method of the supplied Frame |
CNReadValue | Struct returned by Frame::unformat containing the number of characters read and corresponding value |
CObject | Abstract base class for all AST objects |
CParallelMap | A parallel compound mapping where the first Mapping is used to transform the lower numbered coordinates of each point and the second Mapping is used to transform the remaining coordinates |
CPcdMap | A PcdMap is a non-linear Mapping which transforms 2-dimensional positions to correct for the radial distortion introduced by some cameras and telescopes |
CPermMap | A Mapping which permutes the order of coordinates, and possibly also changes the number of coordinates, between its input and output |
CPolyMap | PolyMap is a Mapping which performs a general polynomial transformation |
CQuadApprox | A quadratic approximation to a 2D Mapping |
CRateMap | RateMap is a Mapping which represents a single element of the Jacobian matrix of another Mapping |
CResolvedPoint | Struct returned by Frame::resolve containing a point and the resolved vector components |
CSeriesMap | A series compound mapping where the first Mapping is used to transform the coordinates of each point and the second Mapping is then applied to the result |
CShiftMap | ShiftMap is a linear Mapping which shifts each axis by a specified constant value |
CSkyFrame | SkyFrame is a specialised form of Frame which describes celestial longitude/latitude coordinate systems |
CSlaMap | SlaMap is a specialised form of Mapping which can be used to represent a sequence of conversions between standard celestial (longitude, latitude) coordinate systems |
CSpecFrame | A specialised form of one-dimensional Frame which represents various coordinate systems used to describe positions within an electro-magnetic spectrum |
CSphMap | A SphMap is a Mapping which transforms points from a 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system into a 2-dimensional spherical coordinate system (longitude and latitude on a unit sphere centred at the origin) |
CStream | A stream for ast::Channel |
CStringStream | String-based source and sink for channels |
CTable | |
CTimeFrame | A TimeFrame is a specialised form of one-dimensional Frame which represents various coordinate systems used to describe positions in time |
CTimeMap | A TimeMap is a specialised form of 1-dimensional Mapping which can be used to represent a sequence of conversions between standard time coordinate systems |
CTranMap | TranMap is a Mapping which combines the forward transformation of a supplied Mapping with the inverse transformation of another supplied Mapping, ignoring the un-used transformation in each Mapping (indeed the un-used transformation need not exist) |
CUnitMap | A UnitMap is a unit (null) Mapping that has no effect on the coordinates supplied to it |
CUnitNormMap | The forward transformation of a UnitNormMap subtracts the specified centre and then transforms the resulting vector to a unit vector and the vector norm |
CWcsMap | Map from a spherical system to a cartesian system using standard FITS sky coordinate projections |
CWinMap | A WinMap is a linear Mapping which transforms a rectangular window in one coordinate system into a similar window in another coordinate system by scaling and shifting each axis (the window edges being parallel to the coordinate axes) |
CXmlChan | XmlChan provides input/output of AST objects |
CZoomMap | A Mapping which "zooms" a set of points about the origin by multiplying all coordinate values by the same scale factor |
►Nastshim | |
►NkeyMap | |
►Ntest | |
CMappingTestCase | |
CObjectTestCase | |
►Nbase | |
►Npackages | |
CPackages | |
►Nboost | |
►Ngeometry | |
►Ntraits | |
Caccess< LsstPoint, dim > | |
Ccoordinate_system< LsstPoint > | |
Ccoordinate_type< LsstPoint > | |
Cdimension< LsstPoint > | |
Cindexed_access< LsstBox, 0, 0 > | |
Cindexed_access< LsstBox, 0, 1 > | |
Cindexed_access< LsstBox, 1, 0 > | |
Cindexed_access< LsstBox, 1, 1 > | |
Cpoint_type< LsstBox > | |
Ctag< LsstBox > | |
Ctag< LsstPoint > | |
Ctag< LsstRing > | |
►Nbutler_cmd_test | |
CButlerCmdTestBase | |
►NbutlerCmdDocGen | |
CButlerCmdDocGen | |
►Ncmd | |
►Nellipses | |
►NEllipse | |
CConvolution | A temporary-only expression object for ellipse convolution |
►Nlsst | A base class for image defects |
►Nafw | |
►NcameraGeom | |
►Namplifier | |
►Ncamera | |
►NcameraContinued | |
CCamera | |
►NcameraConfig | |
CCameraConfig | |
CDetectorConfig | |
►Ndetector | |
►NdetectorContinued | |
CDetectorBase | |
►NdetectorCollection | |
►NdetectorCollectionContinued | |
CDetectorCollectionBase | |
►Npupil | |
CPupil | |
CPupilFactory | |
►NtestUtils | |
CCameraWrapper | |
CDetectorWrapper | |
►NtransformConfig | |
CTransformMapConfig | |
►Nutils | |
CButlerImage | |
CFakeImageDataSource | |
►CAmplifier | Geometry and electronic information about raw amplifier images |
CBuilder | A mutable Amplifier subclass class that can be used to incrementally construct or modify Amplifiers |
CFields | |
►CCamera | An immutable representation of a camera |
CBuilder | A helper class for creating and modifying cameras |
CFactory | |
CCameraSys | Camera coordinate system; used as a key in in TransformMap |
CCameraSysPrefix | Camera coordinate system prefix |
►CDetector | A representation of a detector in a mosaic camera |
CBuilder | A helper class for Detector that allows amplifiers and most fields to be modified |
CFactory | |
CInCameraBuilder | A helper class that allows the properties of a detector to be modified in the course of modifying a full camera |
CPartialRebuilder | A helper class that allows the properties of a single detector to be modified in isolation |
►CDetectorBase | An abstract base class that provides common accessors for Detector and Detector::Builder |
CFields | |
►CDetectorCollection | An immutable collection of Detectors that can be accessed by name or ID |
CFactory | |
CDetectorCollectionBase | An abstract base class for collections of Detectors and specific subclasses thereof |
COrientation | Describe a detector's orientation in the focal plane |
►CTransformMap | A registry of 2-dimensional coordinate transforms for a specific camera |
CConnection | Representation of a single edge in the graph defined by a TransformMap |
CFactory | |
►Ncoord | |
CObservatory | Hold the location of an observatory |
CWeather | Basic weather information sufficient for a simple model for air mass or refraction |
►Ndetection | |
►N_footprintMerge | |
CFootprintMergeList | |
►Ndetail | |
CPsfCacheKey | |
►Nmultiband | |
CMultibandFootprint | |
CFootprint | Class to describe the properties of a detected object from an image |
CFootprintControl | A Control Object for Footprints, controlling e.g |
CFootprintFactory | |
CFootprintMerge | |
CFootprintMergeList | List of Merged Footprints |
CFootprintSet | A set of Footprints, associated with a MaskedImage |
CGaussianPsf | A circularly symmetric Gaussian Psf class with no spatial variation, intended mostly for testing purposes |
►CHeavyFootprint | A set of pixels in an Image, including those pixels' actual values |
CFactory | |
CHeavyFootprintCtrl | A control object for HeavyFootprints |
CIdSpan | Run-length code for part of object |
CIdSpanCompar | Comparison functor; sort by ID, then by row (y), then by column range start (x0) |
CPeakRecord | Record class that represents a peak in a Footprint |
CPeakTable | Table class for Peaks in Footprints |
CPsf | A polymorphic base class for representing an image's Point Spread Function |
CThreshold | A Threshold is used to pass a threshold value to detection algorithms |
►Ndisplay | |
►Nds9 | |
C_RaiseException | |
CDisplayImpl | |
►Ninterface | |
►CDisplay | |
C_Buffering | |
CEvent | |
►Nrgb | |
►NrgbContinued | |
C_RgbImageF | |
CAsinhMapping | |
CasinhMappingF | |
CAsinhZScaleMapping | |
CLinearMapping | |
CMapping | |
CZScaleMapping | |
►Nutils | |
CMosaic | |
►NvirtualDevice | |
CDisplayImpl | |
►Nfits | |
►Ndetail | |
CBitpix | FITS BITPIX header value by C++ type |
CBitpix< double > | |
CBitpix< float > | |
CBitpix< std::int16_t > | |
CBitpix< std::int32_t > | |
CBitpix< std::int64_t > | |
CBitpix< std::uint16_t > | |
CBitpix< std::uint32_t > | |
CBitpix< std::uint64_t > | |
CBitpix< std::uint8_t > | |
CPixelArray | Typed array of pixel values |
CPixelArrayBase | Abstract base class for an array of pixel values |
►NfitsContinued | |
CFits | |
CImageCompressionOptions | |
CImageScalingOptions | |
CImageWriteOptions | |
CBzero | Scaling zero-point, set according to pixel type |
CBzero< std::uint64_t > | |
CBzero< T, typename std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_integer &&!std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed >::type > | |
CFits | A simple struct that combines the two arguments that must be passed to most cfitsio routines and contains thin and/or templated wrappers around common cfitsio routines |
CFitsError | An exception thrown when problems are found when reading or writing FITS files |
CFitsTypeError | An exception thrown when a FITS file has the wrong type |
CHduMoveGuard | RAII scoped guard for moving the HDU in a Fits object |
CHeaderIterationFunctor | Base class for polymorphic functors used to iterator over FITS key headers |
CImageCompressionOptions | Options for tile compression of image pixels |
CImageScale | Scale to apply to image |
CImageScalingOptions | Options for scaling image pixels |
CImageWriteOptions | Options for writing an image to FITS |
CMemFileManager | Lifetime-management for memory that goes into FITS memory files |
►Ngeom | |
►Ndetails | |
CAnyBitSetFunctor | |
CConstantGetter | |
CFlatNdGetter | |
CImageNdGetter | |
Cis_iterator | |
Cis_iterator< T, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type, void >::value >::type > | |
CIterGetter | |
►Nellipses | |
►Naxes | |
►NaxesContinued | |
CAxes | |
►Ndetail | |
CEllipticityBase | EllipticityBase is a base class for complex ellipticity types |
►Nellipse | |
►NellipseContinued | |
CEllipse | |
►Nquadrupole | |
►NquadrupoleContinued | |
CQuadrupole | |
CAxes | An ellipse core for the semimajor/semiminor axis and position angle parametrization (a,b,theta) |
►CBaseCore | A base class for parametrizations of the "core" of an ellipse - the ellipticity and size |
CConverter | |
CConvolution | A temporary-only expression object for ellipse core convolution |
CGridTransform | A temporary-only expression object representing an lsst::geom::LinearTransform that maps the ellipse core to a unit circle |
CRegistrar | |
CTransformer | A temporary-only expression object for ellipse core transformations |
CConformalShear | A logarithmic complex ellipticity with magnitude \(|e| = \ln (a/b) \) |
CDeterminantRadius | The radius defined as the 4th root of the determinant of the quadrupole matrix |
CDistortion | A complex ellipticity with magnitude \(|e| = \frac{a^2 - b^2}{a^2 + b^2}\) |
►CEllipse | An ellipse defined by an arbitrary BaseCore and a center point |
CGridTransform | A temporary-only expression object representing an lsst::geom::AffineTransform that maps the Ellipse to a unit circle at the origin |
CTransformer | A temporary-only expression object for ellipse transformations |
CEllipseHorizontalLineIntersection | |
CEllipseMatplotlibInterface | |
CLogDeterminantRadius | The natural logarithm of the DeterminantRadius |
CLogTraceRadius | The natural logarithm of the TraceRadius |
CParametric | A functor that returns points on the boundary of the ellipse as a function of a parameter that runs between 0 and 2 pi (but is not angle) |
CPixelRegion | A pixelized region containing all pixels whose centers are within an Ellipse |
CQuadrupole | An ellipse core with quadrupole moments as parameters |
CReducedShear | A complex ellipticity with magnitude \(|e| = \frac{a-b}{a+b} \) |
CSeparable | An ellipse core with a complex ellipticity and radius parameterization |
CTraceRadius | The radius defined as \(\sqrt{0.5(I_{xx} + I_{yy})}\) |
►Npolygon | |
►NpolygonContinued | |
CPolygon | |
►CPolygon | Cartesian polygons |
CImpl | |
CSinglePolygonException | An exception that indicates the single-polygon assumption has been violated |
►Npython | |
►NskyWcs | |
►NtestUtils | |
CBoxGrid | |
CFrameSetInfo | |
CPermutedFrameSet | |
CTransformTestBaseClass | |
►Ntransform | |
►NtransformConfig | |
CAffineTransformConfig | |
CIdentityTransformConfig | |
CMultiTransformConfig | |
COneTransformConfig | |
CRadialTransformConfig | |
CTransformConfig | |
►NwcsUtils | |
CBaseEndpoint | Virtual base class for endpoints, which are helper classes for Transform |
CBaseVectorEndpoint | Base class for endpoints with Array = std::vector<Point> where Point has 2 dimensions |
CGenericEndpoint | A generic endpoint for data in the format used by ast::Mapping |
CPoint2Endpoint | An endpoint for lsst::geom::Point2D |
►CSipApproximation | A fitter and results class for approximating a general Transform in a form compatible with FITS WCS persistence |
CGrid | |
CSolution | |
CSkyWcs | A 2-dimensional celestial WCS that transform pixels to ICRS RA/Dec, using the LSST standard for pixels |
CSpan | A range of pixels within one row of an Image |
CSpanPixelIterator | An iterator that yields lsst::geom::Point2I and increases in the x direction |
CSpanSet | A compact representation of a collection of pixels |
CSpherePointEndpoint | An endpoint for lsst::geom::SpherePoint |
CTransform | Transform LSST spatial data, such as lsst::geom::Point2D and lsst::geom::SpherePoint, using an AST mapping |
►Nimage | Backwards-compatibility support for depersisting the old Calib (FluxMag0/FluxMag0Err) objects |
►NapCorrMap | |
►NapCorrMapContinued | |
CApCorrMap | |
►Ndetail | |
Cbasic_tag | Base image tag |
CImage_tag | Tag for an Image |
Cimage_traits | Traits class for image categories |
CMask_tag | Tag for a Mask |
►CMaskDict | |
CGlobalState | |
CMaskedImage_tag | A traits class for MaskedImage |
CMaskedImagePixel_tag | A class used to identify classes that represent MaskedImage pixels |
CStorableMap | A map of Storable supporting strongly-typed access |
►Ndetails | |
CDiv | |
CMinus | |
CMult | |
CPlus | |
►Nexposure | |
►NexposureContinued | |
CExposure | |
►Nmultiband | |
CMultibandExposure | |
►Nimage | |
►NimageContinued | |
CDecoratedImage | |
CImage | |
►NmaskContinued | |
CMask | |
►Nmultiband | |
CMultibandImage | |
CMultibandImageBase | |
CMultibandMask | |
CMultibandMaskedImage | |
CMultibandPixel | |
CMultibandTripleBase | |
►NmaskedImage | |
►NmaskedImageContinued | |
CMaskedImage | |
►Npixel | |
CBinaryExpr | Class for representing binary operations |
CBinaryExpr< ExprT1, double, ImageBinOp, MaskBinOp, VarianceBinOp > | Partial specialization of BinaryExpr when ExprT2 is a double (i.e no mask/variance part) |
Cbitwise_or | Bitwise_or doesn't seem to be in std:: |
CexprTraits | A traits class to return the types of the image/mask/variance |
CexprTraits< double > | A specialisation of exprTraits for double |
CexprTraits< float > | A specialisation of exprTraits for float |
CexprTraits< int > | A specialisation of exprTraits for int |
CexprTraits< unsigned short > | A specialisation of exprTraits for unsigned short |
Cnoop | A noop functor (useful for e.g. masks and variances when changing the sign of the image) |
CPixel | A pixel of a MaskedImage |
CPixelTypeTraits | Pixel type traits |
CPixelTypeTraits< SinglePixel< _ImagePixelT, _MaskPixelT, _VariancePixelT > > | Specialization for a pixel of a MaskedImage |
CSinglePixel | A single pixel of the same type as a MaskedImage |
CUnaryExpr | Class for representing Unary operations |
Cvariance_divides | Calculate the variance when we divide two Pixels |
Cvariance_multiplies | Calculate the variance when we multiply two Pixels |
Cvariance_plus | Calculate the variance when we add (or subtract) two Pixels |
Cvariance_plus_covar | The variance of the sum of a pair of correlated pixels |
►NreadMetadata | |
CApCorrMap | A thin wrapper around std::map to allow aperture corrections to be attached to Exposures |
CCheckIndices | A class used to request that array accesses be checked |
CCoaddInputs | A simple Persistable struct containing ExposureCatalogs that record the inputs to a coadd |
CColor | Describe the colour of a source |
CConstReference | Metafunction to extract const reference type from PixelT |
CDecoratedImage | A container for an Image and its associated metadata |
CDefectBase | Encapsulate information about a bad portion of a detector |
CExposure | A class to contain the data, WCS, and other information needed to describe an image of the sky |
►CExposureFitsReader | A FITS reader class for Exposures and their components |
CArchiveReader | |
CMetadataReader | |
CExposureInfo | A collection of all the things that make an Exposure different from a MaskedImage |
CFilter | Holds an integer identifier for an LSST filter |
CFilterProperty | Describe the properties of a Filter (e.g |
CGetImage | |
►CImage | A class to represent a 2-dimensional array of pixels |
CImageTypeFactory | A templated class to return this classes' type (present in Image/Mask/MaskedImage) |
CImageBase | The base class for all image classed (Image, Mask, MaskedImage, ...) |
CImageBaseFitsReader | Base class for image FITS readers |
CImageFitsReader | A FITS reader class for regular Images |
CimageIterator | An ImageBase iterator |
►CimageLocator | An ImageBase locator |
Cxy_x_iterator | An x_iterator created from an xy_locator |
Cxy_y_iterator | An y_iterator created from an xy_locator |
CImagePca | |
CImageSlice | A class to specify a slice of an image |
►CMask | Represent a 2-dimensional array of bitmask pixels |
CImageTypeFactory | A templated class to return this classes' type (present in Image/Mask/MaskedImage) |
►CMaskedImage | A class to manipulate images, masks, and variance as a single object |
Cconst_MaskedImageIterator | An const iterator to the MaskedImage |
Cconst_MaskedImageLocator | A const locator for the MaskedImage |
CImageTypeFactory | A templated class to return this classes' type (present in Image/Mask/MaskedImage) |
CMaskedImageIterator | An iterator to the MaskedImage |
CMaskedImageIteratorBase | The base class for MaskedImageIterators (const and non-const) |
CMaskedImageLocator | A locator for the MaskedImage |
►CMaskedImageLocatorBase | The base class for MaskedImageLocators (const and non-const) |
Ccached_location_t | A saved relative position, providing efficient access to neighbouring pixels |
CMaskedImageFitsReader | A FITS reader class for MaskedImages and their components |
CMaskFitsReader | A FITS reader class for Masks |
CMeasurement | A value and its error |
CPhotoCalib | The photometric calibration of an exposure |
CpixelOp0 | A functor class equivalent to std::function<ValT ()>, but with a virtual operator() |
CpixelOp1 | A functor class equivalent to std::function<ValT (ValT)>, but with a virtual operator() |
CpixelOp1XY | A functor class equivalent to std::function<ValT (int, int, ValT)>, but with a virtual operator() |
CpixelOp2 | A functor class equivalent to std::function<LhsT (LhsT, RhsT)>, but with a virtual operator() |
CpixelOp2XY | A functor class equivalent to std::function<LhsT (int, int, LhsT, RhsT)>, but with a virtual operator() |
CReference | Metafunction to extract reference type from PixelT |
CTransmissionCurve | A spatially-varying transmission curve as a function of wavelength |
CVisitInfo | Information about a single exposure of an imaging camera |
►Nmath | |
►Nbackground | |
►NbackgroundContinued | |
CBackground | |
►NbackgroundList | |
CBackgroundList | |
►NchebyshevBoundedFieldConfig | |
CChebyshevBoundedFieldConfig | |
►NchebyshevBoundedFieldContinued | |
CChebyshevBoundedField | |
►NconvolveImage | |
►Ndetail | |
CConvolveWithInterpolationWorkingImages | Kernel images used by convolveRegionWithInterpolation |
CKernelImagesForRegion | A collection of Kernel images for special locations on a rectangular region of an image |
CRowOfKernelImagesForRegion | A row of KernelImagesForRegion |
CSmoothedSpline | |
CSpline | |
CTautSpline | |
CTrapezoidalPacker | A helper class ChebyshevBoundedField, for mapping trapezoidal matrices to 1-d arrays |
CWarpAtOnePoint | A functor that computes one warped pixel |
►Ndetails | |
CAuxFunc1 | Auxiliary struct 1 |
CAuxFunc2 | |
Cbinder2_1 | |
Cbinder3_1 | |
CConstantReg1 | Helpers for constant regions for int2d, int3d: |
CConstantReg2 | |
CFunctionWrapper | Wrap an integrand in a call to a 1D integrator: romberg() |
CInt2DAuxType | |
CInt3DAuxType | |
►Nkernel | |
►NspatialCell | |
►Nwarper | |
CWarper | |
CWarperConfig | |
►CAnalyticKernel | A kernel described by a function |
CFactory | |
CApproximate | Approximate values for a MaskedImage |
CApproximateControl | Control how to make an approximation |
CBackground | A virtual base class to evaluate image background levels |
CBackgroundControl | Pass parameters to a Background object |
CBackgroundMI | A class to evaluate image background levels |
CBasePolynomialFunction2 | Base class for 2-dimensional polynomials of the form: |
►CBilinearWarpingKernel | Bilinear warping: fast; good for undersampled data |
CBilinearFunction1 | 1-dimensional bilinear interpolation function |
CBoundedField | An abstract base class for 2-d functions defined on an integer bounding boxes |
CCandidateVisitor | |
CChebyshev1Function1 | 1-dimensional weighted sum of Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind |
CChebyshev1Function2 | 2-dimensional weighted sum of Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind |
CChebyshevBoundedField | A BoundedField based on 2-d Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind |
CChebyshevBoundedFieldControl | A control object used when fitting ChebyshevBoundedField to data (see ChebyshevBoundedField::fit) |
CConvolutionControl | Parameters to control convolution |
CCovariogram | The parent class of covariogram functions for use in Gaussian Process interpolation |
Cdeltafunction_kernel_tag | Kernel has only one non-zero pixel |
►CDeltaFunctionKernel | A kernel that has only one non-zero pixel (of value 1) |
CFactory | |
CDoubleGaussianFunction2 | Double Guassian (sum of two Gaussians) |
CFitResults | Results from minimizing a function |
►CFixedKernel | A kernel created from an Image |
CFactory | |
CFunction | Basic Function class |
CFunction1 | A Function taking one argument |
CFunction2 | A Function taking two arguments |
CGaussianFunction1 | 1-dimensional Gaussian |
CGaussianFunction2 | 2-dimensional Gaussian |
CGaussianProcess | Stores values of a function sampled on an image and allows you to interpolate the function to unsampled points |
CGaussianProcessTimer | This is a structure for keeping track of how long the interpolation methods spend on different parts of the interpolation |
Cgeneric_kernel_tag | Tags carrying information about Kernels Kernel with no special properties |
CImageImposter | A vector wrapper to provide a vector with the necessary methods and typedefs to be processed by Statistics as though it were an Image |
Cinfinite_iterator | This iterator will never increment |
CIntegerDeltaFunction1 | 1-dimensional integer delta function |
CIntegerDeltaFunction2 | 2-dimensional integer delta function |
CInterpolate | |
CInterpolateConstant | |
CInterpolateGsl | |
CIntRegion | |
Cis_analyticKernel | Traits class to determine if a Kernel is represented as an analytic function |
Cis_analyticKernel< AnalyticKernel > | |
Cis_analyticKernel< KernelT * > | |
Cis_analyticKernel< std::shared_ptr< KernelT > > | |
CKdTree | The data for GaussianProcess is stored in a KD tree to facilitate nearest-neighbor searches |
►CKernel | Kernels are used for convolution with MaskedImages and (eventually) Images |
CPersistenceHelper | |
Ckernel_traits | Template trait class with information about Kernels |
CLanczosFunction1 | 1-dimensional Lanczos function |
CLanczosFunction2 | 2-dimensional separable Lanczos function |
CLanczosWarpingKernel | Lanczos warping: accurate but slow and can introduce ringing artifacts |
►CLeastSquares | Solver for linear least-squares problems |
CImpl | |
►CLinearCombinationKernel | A kernel that is a linear combination of fixed basis kernels |
CFactory | |
►CMaskedVector | |
Citerator | |
CMaskImposter | A Mask wrapper to provide an infinite_iterator for Mask::row_begin() |
►CNearestWarpingKernel | Nearest neighbor warping: fast; good for undersampled data |
CNearestFunction1 | 1-dimensional nearest neighbor interpolation function |
CNeuralNetCovariogram | Covariogram that recreates a neural network with one hidden layer and infinite units in that layer |
CNullFunction1 | Class used in function calls to indicate that no Function1 is being provided |
CNullFunction2 | Class used in function calls to indicate that no Function2 is being provided |
CPixelAreaBoundedField | A BoundedField that evaluate the pixel area of a SkyWcs in angular units |
CPolynomialFunction1 | 1-dimensional polynomial function |
CPolynomialFunction2 | 2-dimensional polynomial function with cross terms |
CProductBoundedField | A BoundedField that lazily multiplies a sequence of other BoundedFields |
CRandom | A class that can be used to generate sequences of random numbers according to a number of different algorithms |
CSeparableKernel | A kernel described by a pair of functions: func(x, y) = colFunc(x) * rowFunc(y) |
CSpatialCell | Class to ensure constraints for spatial modeling |
CSpatialCellCandidate | Base class for candidate objects in a SpatialCell |
CSpatialCellCandidateIterator | An iterator that only returns usable members of the SpatialCell |
CSpatialCellImageCandidate | Base class for candidate objects in a SpatialCell that are able to return an Image of some sort (e.g |
CSpatialCellSet | A collection of SpatialCells covering an entire image |
CSquaredExpCovariogram | SquaredExpCovariogram |
CStatistics | |
CStatisticsControl | Pass parameters to a Statistics object |
CTransformBoundedField | A BoundedField based on geom::Transform<Poin2Endpoint, GenericEndpoint<1>> |
CWarpingControl | Parameters to control convolution |
►Nmultiband | |
CMultibandBase | |
►Ntable | |
►N_aggregates | |
CCovarianceMatrixKey | |
CPointKey | |
►N_aliasMap | |
CAliasMap | |
►N_arrays | |
CArrayKey | |
►N_base | |
CBaseRecord | |
CCatalog | |
►N_baseColumnView | |
C_BaseColumnViewBase | |
►N_schema | |
CField | |
CKey | |
CSchema | |
CSchemaItem | |
►N_schemaMapper | |
CSchemaMapper | |
►N_source | |
CSourceCatalog | |
►Ndetail | |
CAccess | |
CComparisonAdaptor | |
CFlagExtractor | Functor to compute a flag bit, used to create an ndarray expression template for flag columns |
CKeyComparisonFunctor | |
CKeyExtractionFunctor | |
CRecordData | Helper struct that contains the information passed from BaseTable to BaseRecord at construction |
►CSchemaImpl | A private implementation class to hide the messy details of Schema |
CVisitorWrapper | A functor-wrapper used in the implementation of Schema::forEach |
►CSchemaMapperImpl | A private implementation class to hide the messy details of SchemaMapper |
CVisitorWrapper | A functor-wrapper used in the implementation of SchemaMapper::forEach |
►Nio | |
CArchiveIndexSchema | Schema for the index catalog that specifies where objects are stored in the data catalogs |
CCatalogVector | A vector of catalogs used by Persistable |
CFitsColumnReader | Polymorphic reader interface used to read different kinds of objects from one or more FITS binary table columns |
CFitsReader | A utility class for reading FITS binary tables |
►CFitsSchemaInputMapper | A class that describes a mapping from a FITS binary table to an afw::table Schema |
CImpl | |
CFitsSchemaItem | A structure that describes a field as a collection of related strings read from the FITS header |
►CFitsWriter | Writer object for FITS binary tables |
CProcessRecords | |
►CInputArchive | A multi-catalog archive object used to load table::io::Persistable objects |
CImpl | |
CMalformedArchiveError | An exception thrown when an InputArchive's contents do not make sense |
►COutputArchive | A multi-catalog archive object used to save table::io::Persistable objects |
CImpl | |
COutputArchiveHandle | An object passed to Persistable::write to allow it to persist itself |
CPersistable | A base class for objects that can be persisted via afw::table::io Archive classes |
CPersistableFacade | A CRTP facade class for subclasses of Persistable |
CPersistableFactory | A base class for factory classes used to reconstruct objects from records |
CPersistenceError | An exception thrown when problems occur during persistence |
►NmultiMatch | |
CGroupView | |
CMultiMatch | |
CAliasMap | Mapping class that holds aliases for a Schema |
CArray | Tag types used to declare specialized field types |
CArrayKey | A FunctorKey used to get or set a ndarray::Array from a sequence of scalar Keys |
►CBaseColumnView | Column-wise view into a sequence of records that have been allocated contiguously |
CImpl | |
►CBaseRecord | Base class for all records |
CConstructionToken | |
CBaseTable | Base class for all tables |
CBitsColumn | A packed representation of a collection of Flag field columns |
CBoxKey | A FunctorKey used to get or set a lsst::geom::Box2I or Box2D from a (min, max) pair of PointKeys |
CCatalogIterator | Iterator class for CatalogT |
CCatalogT | A custom container class for records, based on std::vector |
CCentroidSlotDefinition | SlotDefinition specialization for centroids |
CColumnViewT | |
CConstReferenceFunctorKey | Base class for objects that can return a const reference to part of a record, but are not a true Key |
CCoordKey | A FunctorKey used to get or set celestial coordinates from a pair of lsst::geom::Angle keys |
CCovarianceMatrixKey | |
CEllipseKey | A FunctorKey used to get or set a geom::ellipses::Ellipse from an (xx,yy,xy,x,y) tuple of Keys |
CExposureCatalogT | Custom catalog class for ExposureRecord/Table |
CExposureRecord | Record class used to store exposure metadata |
CExposureTable | Table class used to store exposure metadata |
CField | A description of a field in a table |
CFieldBase | Field base class default implementation (used for numeric scalars and lsst::geom::Angle) |
CFieldBase< Array< U > > | Field base class specialization for arrays |
CFieldBase< Flag > | Specialization for Flag fields |
CFieldBase< std::string > | Field base class specialization for strings |
CFluxSlotDefinition | SlotDefinition specialization for fluxes |
CFunctorKey | Convenience base class that combines the OutputFunctorKey and InputFunctorKey |
CIdFactory | A polymorphic functor base class for generating record IDs for a table |
CInputFunctorKey | Base class for objects that can set a value on a record, but are not a true Key themselves |
CKey | A class used as a handle to a particular field in a table |
CKey< Flag > | Key specialization for Flag |
CKeyBase | A base class for Key that allows subfield keys to be extracted for some field types |
CKeyBase< Array< U > > | KeyBase specialization for Arrays |
CKeyBase< Flag > | A base class for Key that allows the underlying storage field to be extracted |
CMatch | Lightweight representation of a geometric match between two records |
CMatchControl | Pass parameters to algorithms that match list of sources |
COutputFunctorKey | Base class for objects that can extract a value from a record, but are not a true Key themselves |
CPersistableObjectColumnReader | |
CPointKey | A FunctorKey used to get or set a lsst::geom::Point from an (x,y) pair of int or double Keys |
CQuadrupoleKey | A FunctorKey used to get or set a geom::ellipses::Quadrupole from a tuple of constituent Keys |
CReferenceFunctorKey | Base class for objects that can return a non-const reference to part of a record, but are not a true Key |
CSchema | Defines the fields and offsets for a table |
CSchemaItem | A simple pair-like struct for mapping a Field (name and description) with a Key (used for actual data access) |
CSchemaMapper | A mapping between the keys of two Schemas, used to copy data between them |
CShapeSlotDefinition | SlotDefinition specialization for shapes |
CSimpleRecord | Record class that must contain a unique ID field and a celestial coordinate field |
CSimpleTable | Table class that must contain a unique ID field and a celestial coordinate field |
CSlotDefinition | Base class for helper classes that define slots on SourceTable/SourceRecord |
CSlotSuite | An aggregate containing all of the current slots used in SourceTable |
CSortedCatalogT | Custom catalog class for record/table subclasses that are guaranteed to have an ID, and should generally be sorted by that ID |
CSourceColumnViewT | |
CSourceRecord | Record class that contains measurements made on a single exposure |
CSourceTable | Table class that contains measurements made on a single exposure |
CSubSchema | A proxy type for name lookups in a Schema |
►Ntypehandling | |
►N_GenericMap | |
CAutoKeyMeta | |
CGenericMap | |
CMutableGenericMap | |
►N_SimpleGenericMap | |
CSimpleGenericMap | |
CSimpleGenericMapS | |
►Ntest | |
CGenericFactory | Abstract factory that creates GenericMap and MutableGenericMap instances as needed |
►NtestUtils | |
►CGenericMapTestBaseClass | |
CComplexStorable | |
CNotAStorable | |
CSimpleStorable | |
CMutableGenericMapTestBaseClass | |
CGenericMap | Interface for a heterogeneous map |
CKey | Key for type-safe lookup in a GenericMap |
CMutableGenericMap | Interface for a GenericMap that allows element addition and removal |
CPolymorphicValue | Container that passes Storable objects by value while preserving type |
CSimpleGenericMap | A GenericMap that allows insertion and deletion of arbitrary values |
CStorable | Interface supporting iteration over heterogenous containers |
CStorableHelper | "Trampoline" for Storable to let it be used as a base class in Python |
CUnsupportedOperationException | Exception thrown by Storable operations for unimplemented operations |
►Nbase | |
CLibraryException | Unable to load library |
CModuleImporter | Base class that defines an interface for importing Python modules |
CNoThreadsException | No threading library is available |
CPythonModuleImporter | |
►Ncoadd | |
►Nutils | |
►NcoaddDataIdContainer | |
CCoaddDataIdContainer | |
CExistingCoaddDataIdContainer | |
►Ncp | |
►Npipe | |
►Ndefects | |
CFindDefectsTask | |
CFindDefectsTaskConfig | |
►NmakeBrighterFatterKernel | |
CBrighterFatterGain | |
CBrighterFatterKernel | |
CBrighterFatterKernelTaskDataIdContainer | |
CMakeBrighterFatterKernelTask | |
CMakeBrighterFatterKernelTaskConfig | |
►Nptc | |
CLinearityResidualsAndLinearizersDataset | |
CMeasurePhotonTransferCurveTask | |
CMeasurePhotonTransferCurveTaskConfig | |
CPhotonTransferCurveDataset | |
►NrunEotestTask | |
CRunEotestConfig | |
CRunEotestTask | |
►Nutils | |
CNonexistentDatasetTaskDataIdContainer | |
CPairedVisitListTaskRunner | |
CSingleVisitListTaskRunner | |
►Nctrl | |
►Npool | |
►Nparallel | |
CBatch | |
CBatchArgumentParser | |
CBatchCmdLineTask | |
CBatchParallelTask | |
CBatchPoolTask | |
CBatchTaskRunner | |
CPbsBatch | |
CSlurmBatch | |
CSmpBatch | |
►Npool | |
CCache | |
CComm | |
CDebugger | |
CNoOp | |
CPickleHolder | |
CPool | |
CPoolMaster | |
CPoolNode | |
CPoolSlave | |
CPoolWrapper | |
CPoolWrapperMeta | |
CReductionThread | |
CSingletonMeta | Metaclass to produce a singleton |
CTags | |
►Ntest | |
►NdemoTask | |
CDemoTask | |
►Ndaf | |
►Nbase | |
►NdateTime | |
►NdateTimeContinued | |
CDateTime | |
►NpropertyContainer | |
►NpropertyContainerContinued | |
CPropertyList | |
CPropertySet | |
CReturnStyle | |
CDateTime | Class for handling dates/times, including MJD, UTC, and TAI |
CPersistable | Base class for all persistable classes |
CPropertyList | Class for storing ordered metadata with comments |
CPropertySet | Class for storing generic metadata |
►Npersistence | |
►Naccess | |
CAccess | |
CAccessCfg | |
►Nbutler | |
CButler | |
CButlerCfg | |
CRepoData | |
CRepoDataContainer | |
►NbutlerExceptions | |
CMultipleResults | |
CNoMapperException | |
CNoResults | |
CParentsMismatch | |
►NbutlerFactory | |
CButlerFactory | |
►NbutlerLocation | |
►CButlerComposite | |
CComponentInfo | |
CButlerLocation | |
►NbutlerSubset | |
CButlerDataRef | |
CButlerSubset | |
CButlerSubsetIterator | |
►NdataId | |
CDataId | |
►NfsScanner | |
CFsScanner | |
►Nmapper | |
CMapper | |
►Npolicy | |
C_PolicyBase | |
C_PolicyMeta | |
CPolicy | |
►NposixStorage | |
CPosixStorage | |
►Npython | |
CReadProxyBase | Base class for lazy-loading proxy |
►NreadProxy | |
CReadProxy | |
►Nregistries | |
CPgsqlRegistry | |
►CPosixRegistry | |
CLookupData | |
CRegistry | |
CSqliteRegistry | |
CSqlRegistry | |
►Nrepository | |
CRepository | |
CRepositoryArgs | |
►NrepositoryCfg | |
CRepositoryCfg | |
►NrepositoryMapper | |
CRepositoryMapper | |
►NsafeFileIo | |
CDoNotWrite | |
CFileForWriteOnceCompareSameFailure | |
CSafeLockedFileForWrite | |
►Nstorage | |
CStorage | |
►NstorageInterface | |
CNoRepositroyAtRoot | |
CStorageInterface | |
►Ntest | |
►NtestMapper | |
CEmptyTestMapper | |
CMapperForTestWriting | |
►NtestObject | |
CTestObject | |
CTestObjectCamelCaseSetter | |
CTestObjectPair | |
CTestObjectUnderscoreSetter | |
CDbAuth | Class for database authentication |
CLogicalLocation | Class for logical location of a persisted Persistable instance |
►Ndax | |
►Napdb | |
►Napdb | |
CApdb | |
CApdbConfig | |
CTimer | |
►NapdbSchema | |
CApdbSchema | |
►Ntimer | |
CTimer | |
►Ndisplay | |
►Nds9 | |
►Nds9 | |
CBuffer | |
CDisplayImpl | |
CDs9Error | |
CDs9Event | |
►Nfirefly | |
►Nfirefly | |
CDisplayImpl | |
CFireflyError | |
►Nmatplotlib | |
►Nmatplotlib | |
CAsinhNormalize | |
CAsinhZScaleNormalize | |
CBlockingKeyInput | |
CDisplayImpl | |
CLinearNormalize | |
CNormalize | |
CZScaleNormalize | |
►Nfgcmcal | |
►NfgcmBuildStars | |
CFgcmBuildStarsConfig | |
CFgcmBuildStarsRunner | |
CFgcmBuildStarsTask | |
►NfgcmCalibrateTract | |
CFgcmCalibrateTractConfig | |
CFgcmCalibrateTractRunner | |
CFgcmCalibrateTractTask | |
►NfgcmFitCycle | |
CFgcmFitCycleConfig | |
CFgcmFitCycleRunner | |
CFgcmFitCycleTask | |
►NfgcmLoadReferenceCatalog | |
CFgcmLoadReferenceCatalogConfig | |
CFgcmLoadReferenceCatalogTask | |
►NfgcmMakeLut | |
CFgcmMakeLutConfig | |
CFgcmMakeLutParametersConfig | |
CFgcmMakeLutRunner | |
CFgcmMakeLutTask | |
►NfgcmOutputProducts | |
CFgcmOutputProductsConfig | |
CFgcmOutputProductsRunner | |
CFgcmOutputProductsTask | |
►Nsedterms | |
CSedboundaryterm | |
CSedboundarytermDict | |
CSedterm | |
CSedtermDict | |
►Ngdb | |
►Nafw | |
►Nprinters | |
►CGdbOptionParser | |
CAxesPrinter | |
CBackgroundControlPrinter | |
CBackgroundPrinter | |
CBaseSourceAttributesPrinter | |
CBox2Printer | |
CCoordinateBasePrinter | |
CDetectorPrinter | |
CEigenMatrixPrinter | |
CEigenVectorPrinter | |
CExposurePrinter | |
CFootprintPrinter | |
CFootprintSetPrinter | |
CGilPixelPrinter | |
CImagePrinter | |
CKernelPrinter | |
CMaskedImagePrinter | |
CPeakPrinter | |
CPrintEigenCommand | |
CPrintImageCommand | |
CPsfPrinter | |
CQuadrupolePrinter | |
CSharedPtrPrinter | |
CSourcePrinter | |
CStatisticsControlPrinter | |
CTablePrinter | |
CTableSchemaPrinter | |
►Nip | |
►Ndiffim | |
►Nprinters | |
CCRPixelPrinter | |
►Nmeas | |
►Nalgorithms | |
►Nprinters | |
CCRPixelPrinter | |
►Ngeom | |
►N_Angle | |
CAngleUnit | |
►N_Box | |
CBox2I | |
►N_coordinates | |
CCoordinateExpr | |
CExtent | |
CPoint | |
►N_Interval | |
CIntervalI | |
►N_SpherePoint | |
CSpherePoint | |
►Ndetail | |
CPointSpecialized | |
CPointSpecialized< double > | |
CPointSpecialized< int > | |
►Npolynomials | |
►Ndetail | |
CPackingOrderTraits | |
CPackingOrderTraits< PackingOrder::XY > | |
CPackingOrderTraits< PackingOrder::YX > | |
CBasis1d | A basis interface for 1-d series expansions |
CBasis2d | A basis interface for 2-d series expansions |
CBinomialMatrix | A class that computes binomial coefficients up to a certain power |
CChebyshev1Recurrence | A Recurrence for Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind |
CFunction1d | A 1-d function defined by a series expansion and its coefficients |
CFunction2d | A 2-d function defined by a series expansion and its coefficients |
CIndex2d | A custom tuple that relates the indices of two 1-d functions for x and y to the flattened index for the 2-d function they form |
CPackedBasis2d | A Basis2d formed from the product of a Basis1d for each of x and y, truncated at the sum of their orders |
CPackedBasisWorkspace2d | A workspace object that can be used to avoid extra memory allocations in repeated calls to PackedBasis2d methods |
CPackedIndexIterator | An iterator for traversing "packed" triangular 2-d series expansions, in which two 1-d expansions are truncated according to the sum of their orders and all values for one order are stored before any values of the subsequent order |
CPackedIndexRange | A specialized iterator range class for PackedIndexIterator, providing size calculation, comparison, and range-based for support |
CPolynomialRecurrence | A Recurrence for standard polynomials |
CRecurrence | A recurrence relation concept for RecurrenceBasis1d |
CRecurrenceBasis1d | A basis for 1-d series expansions defined by a recurrence relation |
CSafeSum | A numerically stable summation algorithm for floating-point numbers |
CScaledBasis1d | A 1-d basis that transforms all input points before evaluating nested basis |
CScaledBasis2d | A 2-d basis that transforms all input points before evaluating nested basis |
CScaling1d | A 1-d affine transform that can be used to map one interval to another |
CScaling2d | A 2-d separable affine transform that can be used to map one interval to another |
CAffineTransform | An affine coordinate transformation consisting of a linear transformation and an offset |
CAngle | A class representing an angle |
CAngleUnit | A class used to convert scalar POD types such as double to Angle |
CBox2D | A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry |
CBox2I | An integer coordinate rectangle |
CCoordinateBase | A CRTP base class for coordinate objects |
CCoordinateBase< Derived, T, 2 > | Specialization of CoordinateBase for 2 dimensions |
CCoordinateBase< Derived, T, 3 > | Specialization of CoordinateBase for 3 dimensions |
CCoordinateExpr | A boolean coordinate |
CExtent | A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions |
CExtent< T, 2 > | A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions (2-d specialization) |
CExtent< T, 3 > | A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions (3-d specialization) |
CExtentBase | |
CIntervalD | A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry |
CIntervalI | A 1-d integer coordinate range |
CLinearTransform | A 2D linear coordinate transformation |
CPoint | A coordinate class intended to represent absolute positions |
CPoint< T, 2 > | A coordinate class intended to represent absolute positions (2-d specialization) |
CPoint< T, 3 > | A coordinate class intended to represent absolute positions (3-d specialization) |
CPointBase | |
CSingularTransformException | |
CSpherePoint | Point in an unspecified spherical coordinate system |
►Nip | |
►Ndiffim | |
►NdcrModel | |
CDcrModel | |
►Ndetail | |
CAssessSpatialKernelVisitor | Asseses the quality of a candidate given a spatial kernel and background model |
CBuildSingleKernelVisitor | Builds the convolution kernel for a given candidate |
CBuildSpatialKernelVisitor | Creates a spatial kernel and background from a list of candidates |
CKernelPca | Overrides the analyze method of base class afwImage::ImagePca |
CKernelPcaVisitor | A class to run a PCA on all candidate kernels (represented as Images) |
CKernelSumVisitor | A class to accumulate kernel sums across SpatialCells |
►NdiaCatalogSourceSelector | |
CCheckSource | |
CDiaCatalogSourceSelectorConfig | |
CDiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask | |
►NdiaSourceAnalysis | |
CDiaSourceAnalyst | |
CDiaSourceAnalystConfig | |
►NdiffimTools | |
CNbasisEvaluator | |
►NdipoleFitTask | |
CDipoleFitAlgorithm | |
CDipoleFitPlugin | |
CDipoleFitPluginConfig | |
CDipoleFitTask | |
CDipoleFitTaskConfig | |
CDipoleModel | |
►NdipoleMeasurement | |
CClassificationDipoleConfig | |
CClassificationDipolePlugin | |
CDipoleAnalysis | |
CDipoleDeblender | |
CDipoleMeasurementConfig | |
CDipoleMeasurementTask | |
CSourceFlagChecker | |
►NgetTemplate | |
CGetCalexpAsTemplateConfig | |
CGetCalexpAsTemplateTask | |
CGetCoaddAsTemplateConfig | |
CGetCoaddAsTemplateTask | |
►NimageDecorrelation | |
CDecorrelateALKernelConfig | |
CDecorrelateALKernelMapper | |
CDecorrelateALKernelMapReduceConfig | |
CDecorrelateALKernelSpatialConfig | |
CDecorrelateALKernelSpatialTask | |
CDecorrelateALKernelTask | |
►NimageMapReduce | |
CImageMapper | |
CImageMapperConfig | |
CImageMapReduceConfig | |
CImageMapReduceTask | |
CImageReducer | |
CImageReducerConfig | |
►NimagePsfMatch | |
CImagePsfMatchConfig | |
CImagePsfMatchTask | |
►NkernelCandidateQa | |
CKernelCandidateQa | |
►Nmetrics | |
CNumberSciSourcesMetricConnections | |
►NmodelPsfMatch | |
CModelPsfMatchConfig | |
CModelPsfMatchTask | |
►NpsfMatch | |
CDetectionConfig | |
CPsfMatchConfig | |
CPsfMatchConfigAL | |
CPsfMatchConfigDF | |
CPsfMatchTask | |
►NsnapPsfMatch | |
CSnapPsfMatchConfig | |
CSnapPsfMatchConfigAL | |
CSnapPsfMatchConfigDF | |
CSnapPsfMatchTask | |
►Nutils | |
CDipoleTestImage | |
►Nzogy | |
CZogyConfig | |
CZogyImagePsfMatchConfig | |
CZogyImagePsfMatchTask | |
CZogyMapper | |
CZogyMapReduceConfig | |
CZogyTask | |
CDipoleCentroidAlgorithm | Intermediate base class for algorithms that compute a centroid |
CDipoleCentroidControl | |
CDipoleFluxAlgorithm | Intermediate base class for algorithms that compute a flux |
CDipoleFluxControl | |
CFindSetBits | Class to accumulate Mask bits |
CImageStatistics | Class to calculate difference image statistics |
CKernelCandidate | Class stored in SpatialCells for spatial Kernel fitting |
CKernelCandidateDetection | Search through images for Footprints with no masked pixels |
CKernelSolution | |
CMaskedKernelSolution | |
CMinimizeDipoleChi2 | Class to minimize PsfDipoleFlux; this is the object that Minuit minimizes |
CNaiveDipoleCentroid | Intermediate base class for algorithms that compute a centroid |
CNaiveDipoleFlux | |
CPsfDipoleFlux | Implementation of Psf dipole flux |
CPsfDipoleFluxControl | C++ control object for PSF dipole fluxes |
CRegularizedKernelSolution | |
CSpatialKernelSolution | |
CStaticKernelSolution | |
►Nisr | |
►NassembleCcdTask | |
CAssembleCcdConfig | |
CAssembleCcdTask | Assemble a set of amplifier images into a full detector size set of pixels |
►NcalibType | |
CIsrCalib | |
CIsrProvenance | |
►Ncrosstalk | |
CCrosstalkConfig | |
CCrosstalkTask | |
CNullCrosstalkTask | |
►Nfringe | |
CFringeConfig | |
CFringeStatisticsConfig | |
CFringeTask | |
►NisrMock | |
CBfKernelMock | |
CBiasMock | |
CCalibratedRawMock | |
CCrosstalkCoeffMock | |
CDarkMock | |
CDataRefMock | |
CDefectMock | |
CFlatMock | |
CFringeDataRefMock | |
CFringeMock | |
CIsrMock | |
CIsrMockConfig | |
CMasterMock | |
CRawDictMock | |
CRawMock | |
CTransmissionMock | |
CTrimmedRawMock | |
CUntrimmedFringeMock | |
►NisrQa | |
CIsrQaConfig | |
CIsrQaFlatnessConfig | |
►NisrTask | |
CFakeAmp | |
CIsrTask | |
CIsrTaskConfig | |
CIsrTaskConnections | |
CRunIsrConfig | |
CRunIsrTask | |
►Nlinearize | |
CLinearizeBase | |
CLinearizeLookupTable | |
CLinearizeNone | |
CLinearizePolynomial | |
CLinearizeProportional | |
CLinearizer | |
CLinearizeSquared | |
►Nmasking | |
CMaskingConfig | |
CMaskingTask | |
►NmeasureCrosstalk | |
CMeasureCrosstalkConfig | |
CMeasureCrosstalkTask | |
►Noverscan | |
COverscanCorrectionTask | |
COverscanCorrectionTaskConfig | |
►Nstraylight | |
CStrayLightConfig | |
CStrayLightData | |
CStrayLightTask | |
►Nvignette | |
CVignetteConfig | |
CVignetteTask | |
CCountMaskedPixels | |
►Njointcal | |
►NdataIds | |
CPerTractCcdDataIdContainer | |
►Njointcal | |
CJointcalConfig | |
CJointcalRunner | |
CJointcalTask | |
►Nutils | |
CJointcalStatistics | |
CAssociations | The class that implements the relations between MeasuredStar and FittedStar |
CAstrometryFit | Class that handles the astrometric least squares problem |
CAstrometryMapping | Virtual class needed in the abstraction of the distortion model |
CAstrometryModel | Interface between AstrometryFit and the combinations of Mappings from pixels to some tangent plane (aka distortions) |
CAstrometryTransform | Virtual (interface) class for geometric transformations |
CAstrometryTransformComposition | Private class to handle AstrometryTransform compositions (i.e |
CAstrometryTransformIdentity | A do-nothing transformation. It anyway has dummy routines to mimick a AstrometryTransform |
CAstrometryTransformInverse | |
CAstrometryTransformLinear | Implements the linear transformations (6 real coefficients) |
CAstrometryTransformLinearRot | Just here to provide a specialized constructor, and fit |
CAstrometryTransformLinearScale | Just here to provide specialized constructors. AstrometryTransformLinear fit routine |
CAstrometryTransformLinearShift | Just here to provide a specialized constructor, and fit |
CAstrometryTransformPolynomial | Polynomial transformation class |
CAstrometryTransformSkyWcs | A AstrometryTransform that holds a SkyWcs |
CBaseStar | The base class for handling stars. Used by all matching routines |
CBaseTanWcs | |
CCcdImage | Handler of an actual image from a single CCD |
CCcdImageKey | For hashing a ccdImage: the pair of (visit, ccd) IDs should be unique to each ccdImage |
CChi2Accumulator | Base class for Chi2Statistic and Chi2List, to allow addEntry inside Fitter for either class |
CChi2List | Structure to accumulate the chi2 contributions per each star (to help find outliers) |
CChi2Star | |
CChi2Statistic | Simple structure to accumulate chi2 and ndof |
CChipVisitAstrometryMapping | The mapping with two transforms in a row |
CChipVisitFluxMapping | |
CChipVisitMagnitudeMapping | |
CChipVisitPhotometryMapping | A two-level photometric transform: one for the ccd and one for the visit |
CConstrainedAstrometryModel | A multi-component model, fitting mappings for sensors and visits simultaneously |
CConstrainedFluxModel | |
CConstrainedMagnitudeModel | |
►CConstrainedPhotometryModel | Photometry model with constraints, \(M(x,y) = M_CCD(x,y)*M_visit(u,v)\) |
CPrepPhotoCalib | To hold the return of prepPhotoCalib |
►CFastFinder | This is an auxillary class for matching objects from starlists |
CIterator | Iterator meant to traverse objects within some limiting distance |
CFatPoint | A Point with uncertainties |
CFittedStar | The objects which have been measured several times |
CFittedStarList | A list of FittedStar s. Such a list is typically constructed by Associations |
CFitterBase | Base class for fitters |
CFluxTransformChebyshev | Nth-order 2d Chebyshev photometry transform, times the input flux |
CFluxTransformSpatiallyInvariant | Photometric offset independent of position, defined as (fluxMag0)^-1 |
CFrame | Rectangle with sides parallel to axes |
CHisto2d | |
CIdentityProjectionHandler | The simplest implementation of ProjectionHandler |
CJointcalControl | |
CMagnitudeTransformChebyshev | Nth-order 2d Chebyshev photometry transform, plus the input flux |
CMagnitudeTransformSpatiallyInvariant | Photometric offset independent of position, defined as -2.5 * log(flux / fluxMag0) |
CMatchConditions | Parameters to be provided to combinatorial searches |
CMeasuredStar | Objects measured on actual images |
CMeasuredStarList | A list of MeasuredStar. They are usually filled in Associations::createCcdImage |
COneTPPerVisitHandler | A projection handler in which all CCDs from the same visit have the same tangent point |
CPhotometryFit | Class that handles the photometric least squares problem |
CPhotometryMapping | A mapping containing a single photometryTransform |
CPhotometryMappingBase | Relates transform(s) to their position in the fitting matrix and allows interaction with the transform(s) |
CPhotometryModel | |
CPhotometryTransform | A photometric transform, defined in terms of the input flux or magnitude |
CPhotometryTransformChebyshev | Nth-order 2d Chebyshev photometry transform |
CPhotometryTransformSpatiallyInvariant | Photometry offset independent of position |
CPmBlock | Objects whose position is going to be fitted. Coordinates in Common Tangent Plane |
CPoint | A point in a plane |
CPolyXY | |
CProjectionHandler | This is a virtual class that allows a lot of freedom in the choice of the projection from "Sky" (where coodinates are reported) to tangent plane (where they are compared to transformed measurements) |
CRefStar | Objects used as position anchors, typically USNO stars |
CRefStarList | |
CSegment | |
CSegmentList | |
CSegmentPair | |
CSimpleAstrometryMapping | |
CSimpleAstrometryModel | A model where there is one independent transform per CcdImage |
CSimpleFluxModel | |
CSimpleMagnitudeModel | |
CSimplePhotometryModel | Photometric response model which has a single photometric factor per CcdImage |
CSimplePolyMapping | Mapping implementation for a polynomial transformation |
CSparseHisto4d | A class to histogram in 4 dimensions |
CStarList | Std::lists of Stars |
CStarMatch | A hanger for star associations |
CStarMatchList | |
CTanPixelToRaDec | The transformation that handles pixels to sideral transformations (Gnomonic, possibly with polynomial distortions) |
CTanRaDecToPixel | This one is the Tangent Plane (called gnomonic) projection (from celestial sphere to tangent plane) |
CTanSipPixelToRaDec | Implements the (forward) SIP distorsion scheme |
CTripletList | |
CUserTransform | A run-time transform that allows users to define a AstrometryTransform with minimal coding (just the apply routine) |
►Nlog | |
►Nlog | |
►NlogContinued | |
CLevelTranslator | |
CLog | |
CLogHandler | |
CUsePythonLogging | |
Ccallable_wrapper | |
CLog | This static class includes a variety of methods for interacting with the the logging module |
CLogMDCScope | |
►Nmeas | |
►Nalgorithms | Fit spatial kernel using approximate fluxes for candidates, and solving a linear system of equations |
►NastrometrySourceSelector | |
CAstrometrySourceSelectorConfig | |
CAstrometrySourceSelectorTask | |
►NcoaddPsf | |
►Ndefects | |
CDefects | |
►Ndetection | |
CSourceDetectionConfig | Configuration parameters for the SourceDetectionTask |
CSourceDetectionTask | Detect positive and negative sources on an exposure and return a new table.SourceCatalog |
►NdynamicDetection | |
CDynamicDetectionConfig | |
CDynamicDetectionTask | |
►NfindCosmicRaysConfig | |
CFindCosmicRaysConfig | |
►NflaggedSourceSelector | |
CFlaggedSourceSelectorConfig | |
CFlaggedSourceSelectorTask | |
►NgaussianPsfFactory | |
CGaussianPsfFactory | |
►NhtmIndexer | |
CHtmIndexer | |
►NindexerRegistry | |
CHtmIndexerConfig | |
►NingestIndexManager | |
CIngestGaiaManager | |
CIngestIndexManager | |
►NingestIndexReferenceTask | |
CDatasetConfig | |
CIngestGaiaReferenceTask | |
CIngestIndexedReferenceConfig | |
CIngestIndexedReferenceTask | |
CIngestReferenceRunner | |
►NinstallGaussianPsf | |
CInstallGaussianPsfConfig | Config for InstallGaussianPsfTask |
CInstallGaussianPsfTask | Install a Gaussian PSF model in an exposure |
►NloadIndexedReferenceObjects | |
CLoadIndexedReferenceObjectsConfig | |
CLoadIndexedReferenceObjectsTask | |
►NloadReferenceObjects | |
C_FilterCatalog | |
CLoadReferenceObjectsConfig | |
CLoadReferenceObjectsTask | Abstract base class to load objects from reference catalogs |
CReferenceObjectLoader | |
►NmakePsfCandidates | |
CMakePsfCandidatesConfig | |
CMakePsfCandidatesTask | |
►NmatcherSourceSelector | |
CMatcherSourceSelectorConfig | |
CMatcherSourceSelectorTask | |
►NmeasureApCorr | |
CFluxKeys | |
CMeasureApCorrConfig | Configuration for MeasureApCorrTask |
CMeasureApCorrTask | Task to measure aperture correction |
►NobjectSizeStarSelector | |
CEventHandler | |
CObjectSizeStarSelectorConfig | |
CObjectSizeStarSelectorTask | A star selector that looks for a cluster of small objects in a size-magnitude plot |
►NpcaPsfDeterminer | |
CPcaPsfDeterminerConfig | |
CPcaPsfDeterminerTask | |
►NpsfCandidate | |
►NpsfCandidateContinued | |
CPsfCandidateF | |
►NpsfDeterminer | |
CBasePsfDeterminerConfig | |
CBasePsfDeterminerTask | Base class for PSF determiners |
►NreadFitsCatalogTask | |
CReadFitsCatalogConfig | |
CReadFitsCatalogTask | Read an object catalog from a FITS table |
►NreadTextCatalogTask | |
CReadTextCatalogConfig | |
CReadTextCatalogTask | Read an object catalog from a text file |
►NreserveSourcesTask | |
CReserveSourcesConfig | |
CReserveSourcesTask | |
►Nsimple_curve | |
CAmpCurve | |
CCurve | |
CDetectorCurve | |
CImageCurve | |
►NskyObjects | |
CSkyObjectsConfig | |
CSkyObjectsTask | |
►NsourceSelector | |
CBaseLimit | |
CBaseSourceSelectorConfig | |
CBaseSourceSelectorTask | |
CColorLimit | |
CFluxLimit | |
CMagnitudeErrorLimit | |
CMagnitudeLimit | |
CReferenceSourceSelectorConfig | |
CReferenceSourceSelectorTask | |
CRequireFlags | |
CRequireIsolated | |
CRequireUnresolved | |
CScienceSourceSelectorConfig | |
CScienceSourceSelectorTask | |
CSignalToNoiseLimit | |
►NstarSelector | |
CBaseStarSelectorConfig | |
CBaseStarSelectorTask | |
►NsubtractBackground | |
CSubtractBackgroundConfig | Config for SubtractBackgroundTask |
CSubtractBackgroundTask | Subtract the background from an exposure |
►CCoaddBoundedField | |
CFactory | |
CCoaddBoundedFieldElement | Struct used to hold one Exposure's data in a CoaddBoundedField |
►CCoaddPsf | CoaddPsf is the Psf derived to be used for non-PSF-matched Coadd images |
CFactory | |
CCoaddPsfControl | |
CDefect | Encapsulate information about a bad portion of a detector |
CDoubleGaussianPsf | Represent a Psf as a circularly symmetrical double Gaussian |
CevalChi2Visitor | A class to pass around to all our PsfCandidates to evaluate the PSF fit's X^2 |
CExposurePatch | A convenience container for the exposure, peak and footprint that will be measured |
CImagePsf | An intermediate base class for Psfs that use an image representation |
CKernelPsf | A Psf defined by a Kernel |
CKernelPsfFactory | A PersistableFactory for KernelPsf and its subclasses |
CKernelPsfPersistenceHelper | A read-only singleton struct containing the schema and key used in persistence for KernelPsf |
CMinimizeChi2 | |
CPcaPsf | Represent a PSF as a linear combination of PCA (== Karhunen-Loeve) basis functions |
CPsfCandidate | Class stored in SpatialCells for spatial Psf fitting |
CPsfImagePca | |
CSingleGaussianPsf | Represent a PSF as a circularly symmetrical Gaussian |
CWarpedPsf | A Psf class that maps an arbitrary Psf through a coordinate transformation |
►Nastrom | |
►NapproximateWcs | |
C_MockTestCase | |
►Nastrometry | |
CAstrometryConfig | |
CAstrometryTask | |
►Ndetail | |
CBinomialMatrix | A class that computes binomial coefficients up to a certain power |
►NdirectMatch | |
CDirectMatchConfig | |
CDirectMatchConfigWithoutLoader | |
CDirectMatchTask | |
►NfitAffineWcs | |
CFitAffineWcsConfig | |
CFitAffineWcsTask | |
CTransformedSkyWcsMaker | |
►NfitSipDistortion | |
CFitSipDistortionConfig | |
CFitSipDistortionTask | |
►NfitTanSipWcs | |
CFitTanSipWcsConfig | |
CFitTanSipWcsTask | |
►NmatchOptimisticBTask | |
CMatchOptimisticBConfig | |
CMatchOptimisticBTask | |
CMatchTolerance | |
►NmatchPessimisticB | |
CMatchPessimisticBConfig | |
CMatchPessimisticBTask | |
CMatchTolerancePessimistic | |
►Npessimistic_pattern_matcher_b_3D | |
CPessimisticPatternMatcherB | |
►Nref_match | |
CRefMatchConfig | |
CRefMatchTask | |
►Nsip | |
CCreateWcsWithSip | Measure the distortions in an image plane and express them a SIP polynomials |
CLeastSqFitter1d | Fit an lsst::afw::math::Function1 object to a set of data points in one dimension |
CLeastSqFitter2d | Fit an lsst::afw::math::Function1 object to a set of data points in two dimensions |
CMatchSrcToCatalogue | Match a SourceSet of objects with known ra/dec with a SourceSet of objects with known xy positions Take a catalogue of objects with known positions, a catalogue of objects with known xy, and a wcs to convert one xy <--> ra/dec |
CMatchOptimisticBControl | |
COutlierRejectionControl | Control object for outlier rejection in ScaledPolynomialTransformFitter |
CPolynomialTransform | A 2-d coordinate transform represented by a pair of standard polynomials (one for each coordinate) |
CProxyPair | |
CRecordProxy | A wrapper around a SimpleRecord or SourceRecord that allows us to record a pixel position in a way that is independent of the record type |
CScaledPolynomialTransform | A 2-d coordinate transform represented by a lazy composition of an AffineTransform, a PolynomialTransform, and another AffineTransform |
►CScaledPolynomialTransformFitter | A fitter class for scaled polynomial transforms |
CKeys | |
CSipForwardTransform | A transform that maps pixel coordinates to intermediate world coordinates according to the SIP convention |
CSipReverseTransform | A transform that maps intermediate world coordinates to pixel coordinates according to the SIP convention |
CSipTransformBase | Base class for SIP transform objects |
►Nbase | |
►NapplyApCorr | |
CApCorrInfo | |
CApplyApCorrConfig | |
CApplyApCorrTask | |
►NbaseMeasurement | |
CBaseMeasurementConfig | |
CBaseMeasurementPlugin | |
CBaseMeasurementPluginConfig | |
CBaseMeasurementTask | |
CSourceSlotConfig | |
►NcatalogCalculation | |
CCatalogCalculationConfig | |
CCatalogCalculationPlugin | |
CCatalogCalculationPluginConfig | |
CCatalogCalculationTask | |
CCCContext | |
►Nclassification | |
CCatalogCalculationClassificationConfig | |
CCatalogCalculationClassificationPlugin | |
►NfootprintArea | |
CCatalogCalculationFootprintAreaConfig | |
CCatalogCalculationFootprintAreaPlugin | |
►NforcedMeasurement | |
CForcedMeasurementConfig | |
CForcedMeasurementTask | |
CForcedPlugin | |
CForcedPluginConfig | |
►NforcedPhotCcd | |
CForcedPhotCcdConnections | |
CPerTractCcdDataIdContainer | |
►NforcedPhotCoadd | |
CForcedPhotCoaddConfig | |
CForcedPhotCoaddRunner | |
CForcedPhotCoaddTask | |
►NforcedPhotImage | |
Cattribute | |
Cdocumentation | |
Cfor | |
CForcedPhotImageConnections | |
►NnoiseReplacer | |
CDummyNoiseReplacer | |
CFixedGaussianNoiseGenerator | |
CGaussianNoiseGenerator | |
CImageNoiseGenerator | |
CNoiseGenerator | |
CNoiseReplacer | |
CNoiseReplacerConfig | |
CNoiseReplacerList | |
CVariancePlaneNoiseGenerator | |
►NpluginRegistry | |
CPluginMap | |
►CPluginRegistry | |
CConfigurable | |
►Nplugins | |
CEvaluateLocalPhotoCalibPlugin | |
CEvaluateLocalPhotoCalibPluginConfig | |
CEvaluateLocalWcsPlugin | |
CEvaluateLocalWcsPluginConfig | |
CForcedPeakCentroidConfig | |
CForcedPeakCentroidPlugin | |
CForcedTransformedCentroidConfig | |
CForcedTransformedCentroidPlugin | |
CForcedTransformedShapeConfig | |
CForcedTransformedShapePlugin | |
CInputCountConfig | |
CInputCountPlugin | |
CSingleFrameFPPositionConfig | |
CSingleFrameFPPositionPlugin | |
CSingleFrameJacobianConfig | |
CSingleFrameJacobianPlugin | |
CSingleFramePeakCentroidConfig | |
CSingleFramePeakCentroidPlugin | |
CSingleFrameSkyCoordConfig | |
CSingleFrameSkyCoordPlugin | |
CVarianceConfig | |
CVariancePlugin | |
►NpluginsBase | |
CBasePlugin | |
CBasePluginConfig | |
►Nreferences | |
CBaseReferencesConfig | |
CBaseReferencesTask | |
CCoaddSrcReferencesConfig | |
CCoaddSrcReferencesTask | |
CMultiBandReferencesConfig | |
CMultiBandReferencesTask | |
►Nsfm | |
CSingleFrameMeasurementConfig | |
CSingleFrameMeasurementTask | |
CSingleFramePlugin | |
CSingleFramePluginConfig | |
►Ntests | |
CAlgorithmTestCase | |
CBlendContext | |
CCentroidTransformTestCase | |
CFluxTransformTestCase | |
CForcedPluginTransformSetupHelper | |
CSingleFramePluginTransformSetupHelper | |
CTestDataset | |
CTransformTestCase | |
►Ntransforms | |
CMeasurementTransform | |
CNullTransform | |
CPassThroughTransform | |
CSimpleCentroidTransform | |
►Nwrappers | |
CGenericPlugin | |
CWrappedForcedPlugin | |
CWrappedSingleFramePlugin | |
CApertureFluxAlgorithm | Base class for multiple-aperture photometry algorithms |
CApertureFluxControl | Configuration object for multiple-aperture flux algorithms |
CApertureFluxResult | A Result struct for running an aperture flux algorithm with a single radius |
CApertureFluxTransform | Measurement transformation for aperture fluxes |
CBaseAlgorithm | Ultimate abstract base class for all C++ measurement algorithms |
CBaseTransform | Abstract base class for all C++ measurement transformations |
CBlendednessAlgorithm | Compute metrics that measure how blended objects are |
CBlendednessControl | |
CCentroidChecker | |
CCentroidResult | A reusable struct for centroid measurements |
CCentroidResultKey | A FunctorKey for CentroidResult |
CCentroidTransform | Base for centroid measurement transformations |
CCircularApertureFluxAlgorithm | |
CFatalAlgorithmError | Exception to be thrown when a measurement algorithm experiences a fatal error |
CFlagDefinition | Simple class used to define and document flags The name and doc constitute the identity of the FlagDefinition The number is used for indexing, but is assigned arbitrarily |
CFlagDefinitionList | Vector-type utility class to build a collection of FlagDefinitions |
CFlagHandler | Utility class for handling flag fields that indicate the failure modes of an algorithm |
CFluxResult | A reusable result struct for instFlux measurements |
CFluxResultKey | A FunctorKey for FluxResult |
CFluxTransform | Base for instFlux measurement transformations |
CForcedAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that measure the properties of sources on one image, using previous measurements on another image to hold certain quantities fixed |
CGaussianFluxAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that estimates instFlux using an elliptical Gaussian weight |
CGaussianFluxControl | A C++ control class to handle GaussianFluxAlgorithm's configuration |
CGaussianFluxTransform | |
CLocalBackgroundAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that estimates the local background value per pixel |
CLocalBackgroundControl | Configuration of LocalBackgroundAlgorithm |
CLocalBackgroundTransform | |
CMagResult | A reusable result struct for magnitudes |
CMagResultKey | A FunctorKey for MagResult |
CMeasurementError | Exception to be thrown when a measurement algorithm experiences a known failure mode |
CNaiveCentroidAlgorithm | A class that calculates a centroid as a simple unweighted first moment of the 3x3 region around a pixel |
CNaiveCentroidControl | A C++ control class to handle NaiveCentroidAlgorithm's configuration |
CNaiveCentroidTransform | |
CPeakLikelihoodFluxAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that estimates the peak instrument flux, using a filtered image which has been convolved with its own PSF |
CPeakLikelihoodFluxControl | C++ control object for peak likelihood instrument flux |
CPeakLikelihoodFluxTransform | |
CPixelFlagsAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that gets mask bits from the exposure and sets flag bits to summarize which bits are set within a source's footprint |
CPixelFlagsControl | A C++ control class to handle PixelFlagsAlgorithm's configuration |
CPixelValueError | Exception to be thrown when a measurement algorithm encounters a NaN or infinite pixel |
CPsfFluxAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that estimates instFlux using a linear least-squares fit with the Psf model |
CPsfFluxControl | A C++ control class to handle PsfFluxAlgorithm's configuration |
CPsfFluxTransform | |
CSafeCentroidExtractor | Utility class for measurement algorithms that extracts a position from the Centroid slot and handles errors in a safe and consistent way |
CSafeShapeExtractor | Utility class for measurement algorithms that extracts an ellipse from the Shape slot and handles errors in a safe and consistent way |
CScaledApertureFluxAlgorithm | Measure the instFlux in an aperture scaled to the PSF |
CScaledApertureFluxControl | |
CScaledApertureFluxTransform | |
CSdssCentroidAlgorithm | The Sdss Centroid Algorithm |
CSdssCentroidControl | A C++ control class to handle SdssCentroidAlgorithm's configuration |
CSdssCentroidTransform | |
CSdssShapeAlgorithm | Measure the image moments of source using adaptive Gaussian weights |
CSdssShapeControl | A C++ control class to handle SdssShapeAlgorithm's configuration |
CSdssShapeResult | Result object SdssShapeAlgorithm |
CSdssShapeResultKey | A FunctorKey that maps SdssShapeResult to afw::table Records |
CSdssShapeTransform | Transformation for SdssShape measurements |
CShapeResult | A reusable struct for moments-based shape measurements |
CShapeResultKey | A FunctorKey for ShapeResult |
CSimpleAlgorithm | An abstract base classes for which the same implementation can be used for both SingleFrameAlgorithm and ForcedAlgorithm |
CSincCoeffs | A singleton to calculate and cache the coefficients for sinc photometry |
CSingleFrameAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that measure the properties of sources on single image |
►Ndeblender | |
►Nbaseline | |
CCachingPsf | |
CDeblendedParent | |
CDeblendedPeak | |
CDeblenderResult | |
CMultiColorPeak | |
►Ndeblend | |
CSourceDeblendConfig | |
CSourceDeblendTask | Split blended sources into individual sources |
►Nplugins | |
CDeblenderPlugin | |
CBaselineUtils | |
►Nextensions | |
►NphotometryKron | |
CBadKronException | |
CKronAperture | |
CKronFluxAlgorithm | A measurement algorithm that estimates flux using Kron photometry |
CKronFluxControl | C++ control object for Kron flux |
►Npsfex | |
►Ndetail | |
CPsfexPsfFactory | |
►Npsfex | |
C_LSST | |
C_SExtractor | |
►NpsfexPsfDeterminer | |
CPsfexPsfDeterminerConfig | |
CPsfexPsfDeterminerTask | |
►NpsfexStarSelector | |
CEventHandler | |
CPsfexStarSelectorConfig | |
CPsfexStarSelectorTask | |
CPsfexPsf | Represent a PSF as a linear combination of PSFEX (== Karhunen-Loeve) basis functions |
►NsimpleShape | |
CSimpleShape | |
CSimpleShapeControl | A C++ control class to handle SdssShapeAlgorithm's configuration |
CSimpleShapeResult | Struct to hold the results of SimpleShape when we don't run it as a plugin |
CSimpleShapeResultKey | |
►Nmodelfit | |
►Ncmodel | |
►NcmodelContinued | |
CCModelForcedConfig | |
CCModelForcedPlugin | |
CCModelSingleFrameConfig | |
CCModelSingleFramePlugin | |
►Ndetail | |
CVandermonde | Class that computes rows of the Vandermonde matrix and related matrices; the dot product of these row vectors with the polynomial coefficient vectors evaluates the polynomial (or computes a derivative) |
►Ndisplay | |
►NdensityPlot | |
CCrossPointsLayer | |
►CDensityPlot | |
CLayerDict | |
CExampleData | |
CHistogramLayer | |
CScatterLayer | |
CSurfaceLayer | |
►Ninteractive | |
CInteractive | |
►NmodelFitAdapters | |
CModelFitDataAdapter | |
COptimizerDataAdapter | |
COptimizerTrackLayer | |
CSamplingDataAdapter | |
►NoptimizerDisplay | |
COptimizerDisplay | |
COptimizerDisplayFigure | |
COptimizerIterationDisplay | |
►Noptimizer | |
►NoptimizerContinued | |
COptimizer | |
COptimizerControl | |
►NpixelFitRegion | |
►Npriors | |
►NpriorsContinued | |
CSemiEmpiricalPrior | |
CSoftenedLinearPrior | |
►Npsf | |
►NpsfContinued | |
CGeneralShapeletPsfApproxConfig | |
CGeneralShapeletPsfApproxForcedConfig | |
CGeneralShapeletPsfApproxForcedPlugin | |
CGeneralShapeletPsfApproxMixin | |
CGeneralShapeletPsfApproxSingleFrameConfig | |
CGeneralShapeletPsfApproxSingleFramePlugin | |
CAdaptiveImportanceSampler | Sampler class that performs Monte Carlo sampling, while iteratively updating the analytic distribution from which points are drawn |
CCModelAlgorithm | Main public interface class for CModel algorithm |
CCModelControl | The main control object for CModel, containing parameters for the final linear fit and aggregating the other control objects |
CCModelResult | Master result object for CModel, containing results for the final linear fit and three nested CModelStageResult objects for the results of the previous stages |
CCModelStageControl | Nested control object for CModel that configures one of the three ("initial", "exp", "dev") nonlinear fitting stages |
CCModelStageResult | Result object for a single nonlinear fitting stage of the CModel algorithm |
CDoubleShapeletPsfApproxAlgorithm | An algorithm that fits a 2-component shapelet approximation to the PSF model |
CDoubleShapeletPsfApproxControl | Control object used to configure a 2-shapelet fit to a PSF model; see DoubleShapeletPsfApproxAlgorithm |
CEpochFootprint | An image at one epoch of a galaxy, plus associated info |
CGeneralPsfFitter | Class for fitting multishapelet models to PSF images |
CGeneralPsfFitterAlgorithm | |
CGeneralPsfFitterComponentControl | Control object used to define one piece of multishapelet fit to a PSF model; see GeneralPsfFitterControl |
CGeneralPsfFitterControl | Control object used to configure a multishapelet fit to a PSF model; see GeneralPsfFitter |
CImportanceSamplerControl | Control object for one iteration of adaptive importance sampling |
CLikelihood | Base class for optimizer/sampler likelihood functions that compute likelihood at a point |
CLocalUnitTransform | A local mapping between two UnitSystems |
CMixture | |
CMixtureComponent | A weighted Student's T or Gaussian distribution used as a component in a Mixture |
CMixturePrior | A prior that's flat in amplitude parameters, and uses a Mixture for nonlinear parameters |
CMixtureUpdateRestriction | Helper class used to define restrictions to the form of the component parameters in Mixture::updateEM |
CModel | Abstract base class and concrete factories that define multi-shapelet galaxy models |
CMultiModel | A concrete Model class that simply concatenates several other Models |
CMultiShapeletPsfLikelihood | Likelihood object used to fit multishapelet models to PSF model images; mostly for internal use by GeneralPsfFitter |
COptimizer | A numerical optimizer customized for least-squares problems with Bayesian priors |
COptimizerControl | Configuration object for Optimizer |
COptimizerHistoryRecorder | |
COptimizerObjective | Base class for objective functions for Optimizer |
CPixelFitRegion | |
CPixelFitRegionControl | |
CPrior | Base class for Bayesian priors |
CSampler | |
CSamplingObjective | |
CSemiEmpiricalPrior | A piecewise prior motivated by both real distributions and practical considerations |
CSemiEmpiricalPriorControl | |
CSoftenedLinearPrior | A prior that's linear in radius and flat in ellipticity, with a cubic roll-off at the edges |
CSoftenedLinearPriorControl | |
CTruncatedGaussian | Represents a multidimensional Gaussian function truncated at zero |
CTruncatedGaussianEvaluator | Helper class for evaluating the -log of a TruncatedGaussian |
CTruncatedGaussianLogEvaluator | Helper class for evaluating the -log of a TruncatedGaussian |
CTruncatedGaussianSampler | Helper class for drawing samples from a TruncatedGaussian |
CUnitSystem | A simple struct that combines a Wcs and a PhotoCalib |
CUnitTransformedLikelihood | A concrete Likelihood class that does not require its parameters and data to be in the same UnitSystem |
CUnitTransformedLikelihoodControl | Control object used to initialize a UnitTransformedLikelihood |
►Nobs | |
►Nbase | |
►N_instrument | |
CInstrument | |
►Nbutler_tests | |
CButlerGetTests | |
►Ncamera_tests | |
CCameraTests | |
►NcameraMapper | |
CCameraMapper | |
►NdefineVisits | |
C_ComputeVisitRegionsFromSingleRawWcsConfig | |
C_ComputeVisitRegionsFromSingleRawWcsTask | |
C_GroupExposuresByGroupMetadataConfig | |
C_GroupExposuresByGroupMetadataTask | |
C_GroupExposuresOneToOneConfig | |
C_GroupExposuresOneToOneTask | |
C_VisitRecords | |
CComputeVisitRegionsConfig | |
CComputeVisitRegionsTask | |
CDefineVisitsConfig | |
CDefineVisitsTask | |
CGroupExposuresConfig | |
CGroupExposuresTask | |
CVisitDefinitionData | |
►NexposureAssembler | |
CExposureAssembler | |
►NexposureIdInfo | |
CExposureIdInfo | |
►Nfilters | |
CFilterDefinition | |
CFilterDefinitionCollection | |
►NfitsExposureFormatter | |
CFitsExposureFormatter | |
►NfitsGenericFormatter | |
CFitsGenericFormatter | |
►NfitsRawFormatterBase | |
CFitsRawFormatterBase | |
►Ngen2to3 | |
►NcalibRepoConverter | |
CCalibRepoConverter | |
►NconvertRepo | |
CConfiguredSkyMap | |
CConvertRepoConfig | |
CConvertRepoSkyMapConfig | |
CConvertRepoTask | |
CRerun | |
►NconvertTests | |
CConvertGen2To3TestCase | |
►NrepoConverter | |
CConversionSubset | |
CRepoConverter | |
►NrepoWalker | |
►Nbuilders | |
CBuilderDuplicateInputs | |
CBuilderInput | |
CBuilderNode | |
CBuilderPrunedTree | |
CBuilderSkipInput | |
CBuilderTargetInput | |
CBuilderTree | |
►Nhandlers | |
CIgnoreHandler | |
CMultiExtensionFileHandler | |
CParsedPathElementHandler | |
CSkipHandler | |
CSubdirectoryHandler | |
CTargetFileHandler | |
►Nparser | |
CFixedRegEx | |
CFormattableRegEx | |
CPathElementParser | |
CSubstitutableRegEx | |
►Nscanner | |
CDirectoryScanner | |
CPathElementHandler | |
►Nwalker | |
CRepoWalker | |
►NrootRepoConverter | |
CRootRepoConverter | |
►NstandardRepoConverter | |
CFoundSkyMap | |
CStandardRepoConverter | |
►Ntranslators | |
CAbstractToPhysicalFilterKeyHandler | |
CCalibKeyHandler | |
CConstantKeyHandler | |
CCopyKeyHandler | |
CKeyHandler | |
CPatchKeyHandler | |
CPhysicalToAbstractFilterKeyHandler | |
CSkyMapKeyHandler | |
CTranslator | |
CTranslatorFactory | |
►Ningest | |
CRawExposureData | |
CRawFileData | |
CRawFileDatasetInfo | |
CRawIngestConfig | |
CRawIngestTask | |
►Ningest_tests | |
CIngestTestBase | |
►Ninstrument_tests | |
CInstrumentTestData | |
CInstrumentTests | |
►NmakeRawVisitInfo | |
CMakeRawVisitInfo | |
►NmakeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo | |
CMakeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo | |
►Nmapper_tests | |
CMapperTests | |
►Nmapping | |
CCalibrationMapping | |
CDatasetMapping | |
CExposureMapping | |
CImageMapping | |
CMapping | |
►Nscript | |
►Ntest | |
►NbaseMapper | |
CBaseMapper | |
►NcompositeMapper | |
CCompositeMapper | |
►Ntests | |
CObsTests | |
►Nutils | |
CInitialSkyWcsError | |
►Ndecam | |
►N_instrument | |
CDarkEnergyCamera | |
►Ncrosstalk | |
CDecamCrosstalkConfig | |
CDecamCrosstalkIO | |
CDecamCrosstalkTask | |
►NdecamMapper | |
CDecamMapper | |
►NdecamNullIsr | |
CDecamNullIsrConfig | |
CDecamNullIsrTask | |
►Ningest | |
CDecamIngestArgumentParser | |
CDecamIngestTask | |
CDecamParseTask | |
CDecamRawIngestTask | |
►NingestCalibs | |
CDecamCalibsParseTask | |
►NmakeDecamRawVisitInfo | |
CMakeDecamRawVisitInfo | |
►NrawFormatter | |
CDarkEnergyCameraCPCalibFormatter | |
CDarkEnergyCameraRawFormatter | |
►Ntest | |
►NdualRawImage | |
CRawAndFlatContainer | |
►NmakeTestRawVisitInfo | |
CMakeTestRawVisitInfo | |
►NtestCamera | |
CTestCamera | |
►NtestConfig | |
CTestConfig | |
►NtestMapper | |
CMapperForTestCalexpMetadataObjects | |
CTestMapper | |
►Npex | |
►Nexceptions | |
►Nwrappers | |
CDomainError | |
CException | |
CExceptionMeta | |
CInvalidParameterError | |
CIoError | |
CLengthError | |
CLogicError | |
CNotFoundError | |
COutOfRangeError | |
COverflowError | |
CRangeError | |
CRuntimeError | |
CTypeError | |
CUnderflowError | |
CDomainError | Reports arguments outside the domain of an operation |
CException | Provides consistent interface for LSST exceptions |
CInvalidParameterError | Reports invalid arguments |
CIoError | Reports errors in external input/output operations |
CLengthError | Reports attempts to exceed implementation-defined length limits for some classes |
CLogicError | Reports errors in the logical structure of the program |
CNotFoundError | Reports attempts to access elements using an invalid key |
COutOfRangeError | Reports attempts to access elements outside a valid range of indices |
COverflowError | Reports when the result of an arithmetic operation is too large for the destination type |
CRangeError | Reports when the result of an operation cannot be represented by the destination type |
CRuntimeError | Reports errors that are due to events beyond the control of the program |
CTracepoint | One point in the Traceback vector held by Exception |
CTypeError | Reports errors from accepting an object of an unexpected or inappropriate type |
CUnderflowError | Reports when the result of an arithmetic operation is too small for the destination type |
►Npolicy | |
►Npaf | |
CPAFParser | Parser for reading PAF-formatted data into a Policy object |
CPAFParserFactory | Class for creating PAFParser objects |
CPAFWriter | An abstract interface for writing policy data to streams |
►Npolicy | |
►NpolicyContinued | |
CPolicy | |
CBadNameError | Exception thrown when Policy parameter name has an illegal form |
CDefaultPolicyFile | Representation of a default Policy file that is stored as a file in the installation directory of an LSST product |
CDictionaryError | There is a problem with a dictionary |
CEOFError | Exception indicated that the stream being parsed ended prematurely |
CFormatSyntaxError | Exception thrown because a syntax error specific to the format being parsed was encountered |
CNameNotFound | Exception indicating that a policy parameter of a given name can not be found in a Policy object |
CParserError | Parent exception for errors that occur during the parsing of policy files |
CPolicy | Container for holding hierarchical configuration data in memory |
CPolicyConfigured | Interface to indicate that a class is configured with a Policy |
CPolicyDestination | Class representing a destination to serialize Policy parameter data to |
CPolicyFile | Representation of a file containing Policy parameter data |
CPolicyParser | Abstract class for parsing serialized Policy data and loading it into a Policy object |
CPolicyParserFactory | Abstract factory class for creating PolicyParser instances |
CPolicySource | Abstract class representing a source of serialized Policy parameter data |
CPolicyStreamDestination | Generic stream destination for policy data |
CPolicyString | Representation of a string containing Policy parameter data |
CPolicyStringDestination | Generic stream destination for policy data |
CPolicyWriter | An abstract interface for writing policy data to streams |
CSupportedFormats | List of supported Policy formats |
CSyntaxError | Exception thrown because a general syntax error was encountered |
CTypeError | Exception indicating that a policy parameter with a given name has a type different from the one that was requested |
CUnsupportedSyntax | Exception thrown because syntax was encountered that is legal for the format being parsed but which is not supported for encoding Policies |
CUrnPolicyFile | A Policy file in the installation directory of an LSST product, referred to using a URN |
►Npipe | |
►Nbase | |
►NargumentParser | |
CArgumentParser | |
CConfigDatasetType | |
CConfigFileAction | |
CConfigValueAction | |
CDataIdArgument | |
CDataIdContainer | |
CDatasetArgument | |
CDynamicDatasetType | |
CIdValueAction | |
CInputOnlyArgumentParser | |
CLogLevelAction | |
CReuseAction | |
►NbutlerQuantumContext | |
CButlerQuantumContext | |
►NcmdLineTask | |
CButlerInitializedTaskRunner | |
CCmdLineTask | |
CLegacyTaskRunner | |
CTaskRunner | |
►Nconfig | |
CPipelineTaskConfig | |
CPipelineTaskConfigMeta | |
CResourceConfig | |
►NconfigOverrides | |
CConfigOverrides | |
►Nconnections | |
CDeferredDatasetRef | |
CInputQuantizedConnection | |
COutputQuantizedConnection | |
CPipelineTaskConnectionDict | |
CPipelineTaskConnections | |
CPipelineTaskConnectionsMetaclass | |
CQuantizedConnection | |
CScalarError | |
►NconnectionTypes | |
CBaseConnection | |
CBaseInput | |
CDimensionedConnection | |
CInitInput | |
CInitOutput | |
CInput | |
COutput | |
CPrerequisiteInput | |
►Ngraph | |
CQuantumGraph | |
CQuantumGraphTaskNodes | |
CQuantumIterData | |
►NgraphBuilder | |
C_DatasetDict | |
C_PipelineScaffolding | |
C_QuantumScaffolding | |
C_TaskScaffolding | |
CGraphBuilder | |
CGraphBuilderError | |
COutputExistsError | |
CPrerequisiteMissingError | |
►Npipeline | |
CPipeline | |
CPipelineDatasetTypes | |
CTaskDatasetTypes | |
CTaskDef | |
►NpipelineIR | |
CConfigIR | |
CContractError | |
CContractIR | |
CInheritIR | |
CPipelineIR | |
CTaskIR | |
►NpipelineTask | |
CPipelineTask | |
►NpipeTools | |
CDuplicateOutputError | |
CMissingTaskFactoryError | |
CPipelineDataCycleError | |
►Nshims | |
CShimButler | |
CShimButlerSubset | |
CShimDataRef | |
►Nstruct | |
CStruct | |
►Ntask | |
CTask | |
CTaskError | |
►NtaskFactory | |
CTaskFactory | |
►Ndrivers | |
►Nbackground | |
CBackgroundConfig | |
CFocalPlaneBackground | |
CFocalPlaneBackgroundConfig | |
CMaskObjectsConfig | |
CMaskObjectsTask | |
CSkyMeasurementConfig | |
CSkyMeasurementTask | |
CSkyStatsConfig | |
►NcoaddDriver | |
CCoaddDriverConfig | |
CCoaddDriverTask | |
CCoaddDriverTaskRunner | |
►NconstructCalibs | |
CBiasConfig | |
CBiasTask | |
CCalibArgumentParser | |
CCalibCombineConfig | |
CCalibCombineTask | |
CCalibConfig | |
CCalibIdAction | |
CCalibStatsConfig | |
CCalibStatsTask | |
CCalibTask | Base class for constructing calibs |
CCalibTaskRunner | |
CDarkConfig | |
CDarkTask | |
CFlatConfig | |
CFlatTask | |
CFringeConfig | |
CFringeTask | |
CSkyConfig | |
CSkyTask | |
►NingestDriver | |
CPoolIngestTask | |
►NmultiBandDriver | |
CMultiBandDriverConfig | |
CMultiBandDriverTask | |
CMultiBandDriverTaskRunner | |
►NprocessCcdWithFakesDriver | |
CProcessCcdWithFakesDriverConfig | |
CProcessCcdWithFakesDriverTask | |
CProcessCcdWithFakesTaskRunner | |
►NsingleFrameDriver | |
CSingleFrameDriverConfig | |
CSingleFrameDriverTask | |
CSingleFrameTaskRunner | |
►NskyCorrection | |
CSkyCorrectionConfig | |
CSkyCorrectionConnections | |
CSkyCorrectionTask | |
►Nutils | |
CButlerTaskRunner | |
CNullSelectImagesTask | |
CTractDataIdContainer | |
►NvisualizeVisit | |
CVisualizeVisitConfig | |
CVisualizeVisitTask | |
►Ntasks | |
►NassembleCoadd | |
CAssembleCoaddConnections | |
CAssembleCoaddDataIdContainer | |
CCompareWarpAssembleCoaddConfig | |
CCompareWarpAssembleCoaddConnections | |
CCompareWarpAssembleCoaddTask | |
CSafeClipAssembleCoaddConfig | |
CSafeClipAssembleCoaddTask | |
►Ncalibrate | |
CCalibrateConfig | |
CCalibrateConnections | |
CCalibrateTask | Calibrate an exposure: measure sources and perform astrometric and photometric calibration |
►NcharacterizeImage | |
CCharacterizeImageConfig | Config for CharacterizeImageTask |
CCharacterizeImageConnections | |
CCharacterizeImageTask | Measure bright sources and use this to estimate background and PSF of an exposure |
►NcoaddBase | |
CCoaddBaseConfig | Configuration parameters for CoaddBaseTask |
CCoaddBaseTask | Base class for coaddition |
CCoaddTaskRunner | |
CSelectDataIdContainer | A dataId container for inputs to be selected |
►NcoaddInputRecorder | |
CCoaddInputRecorderConfig | |
CCoaddInputRecorderTask | |
CCoaddTempExpInputRecorder | |
►Ncolorterms | |
CColorterm | Colorterm correction for one pair of filters |
CColortermDict | A mapping of filterName to Colorterm |
CColortermLibrary | A mapping of photometric reference catalog name or glob to ColortermDict |
CColortermNotFoundError | |
►NdcrAssembleCoadd | |
CDcrAssembleCoaddConnections | |
►NdcrMultiBand | |
CDeblendDcrCoaddSourcesRunner | |
CDeblendDcrCoaddSourcesTask | |
CDetectDcrCoaddSources | |
CMeasureMergedDcrCoaddSourcesTask | |
CMergeDcrDetectionsTask | |
CMergeDcrMeasurementsTask | |
CMergeDcrSourcesRunner | |
►NdeblendCoaddSourcesPipeline | |
CDeblendCoaddSourcesBaseTask | |
CDeblendCoaddSourceSingleConnections | |
CDeblendCoaddSourcesMultiConfig | |
CDeblendCoaddSourcesMultiConnections | |
CDeblendCoaddSourcesMultiTask | |
CDeblendCoaddSourcesSingleConfig | |
CDeblendCoaddSourcesSingleTask | |
►NexampleCmdLineTask | |
CExampleCmdLineConfig | Configuration for ExampleCmdLineTask |
CExampleCmdLineTask | Example command-line task that computes simple statistics on an image |
►NexampleStatsTasks | |
CExampleSigmaClippedStatsConfig | Configuration for ExampleSigmaClippedStatsTask |
CExampleSigmaClippedStatsTask | Example task to compute sigma-clipped mean and standard deviation of an image |
CExampleSimpleStatsTask | Example task to compute mean and standard deviation of an image |
►Nfakes | |
CBaseFakeSourcesConfig | |
CBaseFakeSourcesTask | |
►Nfunctors | |
CColor | |
CColumn | |
CCompositeFunctor | |
CComputePixelScale | |
CConvertPixelToArcseconds | |
CCoordColumn | |
CCustomFunctor | |
CDecColumn | |
CDeconvolvedMoments | |
CE1 | |
CE2 | |
CFootprintNPix | |
CFunctor | |
CHsmFwhm | |
CHsmTraceSize | |
CIDColumn | |
CIndex | |
CLabeller | |
CLocalMagnitude | |
CLocalMagnitudeErr | |
CLocalNanojansky | |
CLocalNanojanskyErr | |
CLocalPhotometry | |
CLocalWcs | |
CMag | |
CMagDiff | |
CMagErr | |
CMagnitude | |
CMagnitudeErr | |
CNanoJansky | |
CNanoJanskyErr | |
CNanoMaggie | |
CNumStarLabeller | |
CPhotometry | |
CPsfHsmTraceSizeDiff | |
CPsfSdssTraceSizeDiff | |
CRAColumn | |
CRadiusFromQuadrupole | |
CReferenceBand | |
CSdssTraceSize | |
CStarGalaxyLabeller | |
►NgetRepositoryData | |
CDataRefListRunner | |
CGetRepositoryDataTask | |
►NimageDifference | |
CImageDifferenceTaskConnections | |
►Ningest | |
CIngestArgumentParser | |
CIngestConfig | |
CIngestError | |
CIngestTask | |
CParseConfig | |
CParseTask | |
CRegisterConfig | |
CRegisterTask | |
CRegistryContext | |
►NingestCalibs | |
CCalibsParseTask | |
CCalibsRegisterConfig | |
CCalibsRegisterTask | |
CIngestCalibsArgumentParser | |
CIngestCalibsConfig | |
CIngestCalibsTask | |
►NingestCuratedCalibs | |
CIngestCuratedCalibsArgumentParser | |
CIngestCuratedCalibsConfig | |
CIngestCuratedCalibsTask | |
►NingestPgsql | |
CPgsqlIngestConfig | |
CPgsqlIngestTask | |
CPgsqlRegisterTask | |
CPgsqlRegistryContext | |
►NinsertFakes | |
CInsertFakesConnections | |
►NinterpImage | |
CInterpImageConfig | |
CInterpImageTask | |
►NmakeCoaddTempExp | |
CMakeCoaddTempExpConfig | |
CMakeCoaddTempExpTask | Warp and optionally PSF-Match calexps onto an a common projection |
CMakeWarpConnections | |
CMissingExposureError | |
►NmakeDiscreteSkyMap | |
CMakeDiscreteSkyMapConfig | |
CMakeDiscreteSkyMapRunner | |
CMakeDiscreteSkyMapTask | Make a DiscreteSkyMap in a repository, using the bounding box of a set of calexps |
►NmakeGen3DcrSubfilters | |
CMakeGen3DcrSubfiltersConfig | |
CMakeGen3DcrSubfiltersTask | |
►NmakeGen3SkyMap | |
CMakeGen3SkyMapConfig | |
CMakeGen3SkyMapTask | |
►NmakeSkyMap | |
CMakeSkyMapConfig | |
CMakeSkyMapRunner | |
CMakeSkyMapTask | Make a sky map in a repository |
►NmatchBackgrounds | |
CDataRefMatcher | |
CMatchBackgroundsConfig | |
CMatchBackgroundsTask | |
►NmeasurePsf | |
CMeasurePsfConfig | |
CMeasurePsfTask | Measure the PSF |
►NmergeDetections | |
CMergeDetectionsConnections | |
►NmergeMeasurements | |
CMergeMeasurementsConnections | |
Cvariable | |
►Nmocks | |
►NmockCoadd | |
CMockCoaddConfig | |
CMockCoaddTask | |
►NmockObject | |
CMockObjectConfig | |
CMockObjectTask | |
►NmockObservation | |
CMockObservationConfig | |
CMockObservationTask | |
►NmockSelect | |
CMockSelectImagesTask | |
►NsimpleMapper | |
CBypassPersistenceType | |
CCatalogPersistenceType | |
CExposureCatalogPersistenceType | |
CExposurePersistenceType | |
CForcedSrcMapping | |
CMapperMeta | |
CPeakCatalogPersistenceType | |
CPersistenceType | |
CRawMapping | |
CSimpleCatalogPersistenceType | |
CSimpleMapper | |
CSimpleMapping | |
CSkyMapPersistenceType | |
CSkyMapping | |
CSourceCatalogPersistenceType | |
CTempExpMapping | |
►NmultiBand | |
CDetectCoaddSourcesConnections | |
►NmultiBandUtils | |
CCullPeaksConfig | Configuration for culling garbage peaks after merging footprints |
CMergeSourcesRunner | |
►NobjectMasks | |
CObjectMaskCatalog | |
CRegionFileFormatter | |
►NparquetTable | |
CMultilevelParquetTable | |
CParquetTable | |
►NphotoCal | |
CPhotoCalConfig | |
CPhotoCalTask | Calculate the zero point of an exposure given a lsst.afw.table.ReferenceMatchVector |
►Npostprocess | |
CConsolidateObjectTableConfig | |
CConsolidateObjectTableTask | |
CConsolidateSourceTableConfig | |
CConsolidateSourceTableTask | |
CPostprocessAnalysis | |
CTractObjectDataIdContainer | |
CTransformCatalogBaseConfig | |
CTransformCatalogBaseTask | |
CTransformObjectCatalogConfig | |
CTransformObjectCatalogTask | |
CTransformSourceTableConfig | |
CTransformSourceTableTask | |
CVisitDataIdContainer | |
CWriteObjectTableConfig | |
CWriteObjectTableTask | |
CWriteSourceTableConfig | |
CWriteSourceTableTask | |
►NprocessCcd | |
CProcessCcdConfig | |
CProcessCcdTask | Assemble raw data, fit the PSF, detect and measure, and fit WCS and zero-point |
►NprocessCcdWithFakes | |
Cdocstring | |
CProcessCcdWithFakesConnections | |
►NpropagateVisitFlags | |
CPropagateVisitFlagsConfig | Configuration for propagating flags to coadd |
CPropagateVisitFlagsTask | Task to propagate flags from single-frame measurements to coadd measurements |
►NregisterImage | |
CRegisterConfig | |
CRegisterTask | |
►Nrepair | |
CRepairConfig | |
CRepairTask | Interpolate over defects in an exposure and handle cosmic rays |
►NrepositoryIterator | |
CRepositoryInfo | |
CRepositoryIterator | |
CSourceData | |
►NscaleVariance | |
CScaleVarianceConfig | |
CScaleVarianceTask | |
►NscaleZeroPoint | |
CImageScaler | |
CScaleZeroPointConfig | |
CScaleZeroPointTask | |
CSpatialImageScaler | |
CSpatialScaleZeroPointConfig | |
CSpatialScaleZeroPointTask | |
►NselectImages | |
CBaseExposureInfo | |
CBaseSelectImagesTask | |
CBestSeeingWcsSelectImageConfig | |
CBestSeeingWcsSelectImagesTask | |
CDatabaseSelectImagesConfig | |
CPsfWcsSelectImagesConfig | |
CPsfWcsSelectImagesTask | |
CSelectStruct | |
CWcsSelectImagesTask | |
►NsetPrimaryFlags | |
CSetPrimaryFlagsConfig | |
CSetPrimaryFlagsTask | |
►NsnapCombine | |
CInitialPsfConfig | Describes the initial PSF used for detection and measurement before we do PSF determination |
CSnapCombineConfig | |
CSnapCombineTask | Combine snaps |
►NtransformMeasurement | |
CCoaddSrcTransformTask | Transform measuremenents made on coadds to calibrated form |
CForcedSrcTransformTask | Transform forced_src measuremenents to calibrated form |
CRunTransformConfig | Configuration for RunTransformTaskBase derivatives |
CRunTransformTaskBase | Command line interface for TransformTask |
CSrcTransformTask | Transform src measuremenents to calibrated form |
CTransformConfig | Configuration for TransformTask |
CTransformTask | Transform a SourceCatalog containing raw measurements to calibrated form |
►NvisualizeVisit | |
CImageSource | |
CVisualizeBinExpConfig | |
CVisualizeBinExpConnections | |
CVisualizeBinExpTask | |
CVisualizeMosaicExpConfig | |
CVisualizeMosaicExpConnections | |
CVisualizeMosaicExpTask | |
►NwarpAndPsfMatch | |
CWarpAndPsfMatchConfig | |
CWarpAndPsfMatchTask | |
►Nshapelet | |
►Nconstants | |
►NconstantsContinued | |
CBasisTypeEnum | |
►Ngenerator | |
CHermiteIndexGenerator | |
CIndexGenerator | |
CLaguerreIndexGenerator | |
►NmultiShapeletFunction | |
►NmultiShapeletFunctionContinued | |
CMultiShapeletFunction | |
►NradialProfile | |
►NradialProfileContinued | |
CRadialProfile | |
►NshapeletFunction | |
►NshapeletFunctionContinued | |
CShapeletFunction | |
►Ntests | |
CShapeletTestCase | |
CBasisEvaluator | Evaluates a standard shapelet Basis |
CConversionMatrix | Conversions between shapelet basis types |
CGaussHermiteConvolution | A parametrized matrix that performs a convolution in shapelet space |
CGaussHermiteEvaluator | A class to evaluate HERMITE shapelet-related quantities |
CGaussHermiteProjection | |
CHermiteTransformMatrix | A class that computes a matrix that applies a linear transform to a 2-d Hermite polynomial expansion |
CMatrixBuilder | Class that evaluates a (multi-)shapelet basis at predefined points |
CMatrixBuilderFactory | A factory class for MatrixBuilder, providing more control over workspace memory |
CMatrixBuilderWorkspace | Reusable, shareable workspace for MatrixBuilder |
CMultiShapeletBasis | A basis formed from a linear combination of shapelet bases that differ only in radius |
CMultiShapeletBasisComponent | Simple struct that represents one shapelet expansion in a MultiShapeletBasis |
CMultiShapeletFunction | A multi-scale shapelet function |
CMultiShapeletFunctionEvaluator | Evaluates a MultiShapeletFunction |
CMultiShapeletFunctionKey | Class that maps MultiShapeletFunction objects to fields in afw::table objects |
CPackedIndex | An iterator-like object to help in traversing "packed" shapelet or Hermite polynomial matrix or vector dimensions |
CRadialProfile | Registry and utility class for multi-Gaussian approximations to radial profiles |
CShapeletFunction | A 2-d function defined by an expansion onto a Gauss-Laguerre or Gauss-Hermite basis |
CShapeletFunctionEvaluator | Evaluates a ShapeletFunction |
CShapeletFunctionKey | Class that maps ShapeletFunction objects to fields in afw::table objects |
►Nskymap | |
►NbaseSkyMap | |
CBaseSkyMap | |
CBaseSkyMapConfig | |
►NcachingSkyMap | |
CCachingSkyMap | |
►Ndetail | |
►Ndodecahedron | |
CDodecahedron | |
►NwcsFactory | |
CWcsFactory | |
►NdiscreteSkyMap | |
CDiscreteSkyMap | |
CDiscreteSkyMapConfig | |
►NdodecaSkyMap | |
CDodecaSkyMap | |
CDodecaSkyMapConfig | |
►NequatSkyMap | |
CEquatSkyMap | |
CEquatSkyMapConfig | |
►NhealpixSkyMap | |
CDummyHealpy | |
CHealpixSkyMap | |
CHealpixSkyMapConfig | |
CHealpixTractInfo | |
►Npackers | |
CSkyMapDimensionPacker | |
►NpatchInfo | |
CPatchInfo | |
►NringsSkyMap | |
CRingsSkyMap | |
CRingsSkyMapConfig | |
►NtractInfo | |
CExplicitTractInfo | |
CTractInfo | |
►Nsphgeom | |
►Ndetail | |
CPixelFinder | |
CAngle | Angle represents an angle in radians |
CAngleInterval | AngleInterval represents closed intervals of arbitrary angles |
CBigInteger | BigInteger is an arbitrary precision signed integer class |
CBox | Box represents a rectangle in spherical coordinate space that contains its boundary |
CBox3d | Box3d represents a box in ℝ³ |
CChunker | Chunker subdivides the unit sphere into longitude-latitude boxes |
CCircle | Circle is a circular region on the unit sphere that contains its boundary |
CConvexPolygon | ConvexPolygon is a closed convex polygon on the unit sphere |
CEllipse | Ellipse is an elliptical region on the sphere |
CHtmPixelization | HtmPixelization provides HTM indexing of points and regions |
CInterval | Interval represents a closed interval of the real numbers by its upper and lower bounds |
CInterval1d | Interval1d represents closed intervals of ℝ |
CLonLat | LonLat represents a spherical coordinate (longitude/latitude angle) pair |
CMatrix3d | A 3x3 matrix with real entries stored in double precision |
CMq3cPixelization | Mq3cPixelization provides modified Q3C indexing of points and regions |
CNormalizedAngle | NormalizedAngle is an angle that lies in the range [0, 2π), with one exception - a NormalizedAngle can be NaN |
CNormalizedAngleInterval | NormalizedAngleInterval represents closed intervals of normalized angles, i.e |
CPixelization | A Pixelization (or partitioning) of the sphere is a mapping between points on the sphere and a set of pixels (a.k.a |
CQ3cPixelization | Q3cPixelization provides Q3C indexing of points and regions |
►CRangeSet | A RangeSet is a set of unsigned 64 bit integers |
CIterator | A constant iterator over the ranges (represented as 2-tuples) in a RangeSet |
CRegion | Region is a minimal interface for 2-dimensional regions on the unit sphere |
CSubChunks | SubChunks represents a set of sub-chunks of a particular chunk |
CUnitVector3d | UnitVector3d is a unit vector in ℝ³ with components stored in double precision |
CVector3d | Vector3d is a vector in ℝ³ with components stored in double precision |
►Nsynpipe | |
►NdetectOnlyFakes | |
COnlyFakesDetectionConfig | |
COnlyFakesDetectionTask | |
►NFakeSourceLib | |
CSkyMapIdContainer | |
►NmergeOnlyFakes | |
COnlyFakesMergeConfig | |
COnlyFakesMergeTask | |
►NpositionGalSimFakes | |
CPositionGalSimFakesConfig | |
CPositionGalSimFakesTask | |
►NpositionStarFakes | |
CPositionStarFakesConfig | |
CPositionStarFakesTask | |
►NrandomGalSimFakes | |
CRandomGalSimFakesConfig | |
CRandomGalSimFakesTask | |
►NrandomStarFakes | |
CRandomStarFakeSourcesConfig | |
CRandomStarFakeSourcesTask | |
►Nutils | |
►Npython | |
CPySharedPtr | A shared pointer that tracks both a C++ object and its associated PyObject |
►CTemplateInvoker | A helper class for wrapping C++ template functions as Python functions with dtype arguments |
CTag | A simple tag type used to pass one or more types as a function argument |
CWrapperCollection | A helper class for subdividing pybind11 module across multiple translation units (i.e |
►Ntests | |
CExecutablesTestCase | |
CMemoryTestCase | |
CTestCase | |
►Nwrappers | |
CTemplateMeta | |
CBacktrace | Singleton, enables automatic backtraces on the following signals: |
CCache | Cache of most recently used values |
Ckey | |
Cn | |
CSymbol | |
►NlsstDebug | |
CInfo | |
►Nopt | |
►Ninstrument | |
Cinstrument_option | |
►Ntransfer | |
Ctransfer_option | |
►Npex | |
►Nconfig | |
►NcallStack | |
CStackFrame | |
►NchoiceField | |
CChoiceField | |
►Nconfig | |
CConfig | |
CConfigMeta | |
CField | |
CFieldValidationError | |
CRecordingImporter | |
►NconfigChoiceField | |
CConfigChoiceField | |
CConfigInstanceDict | |
CSelectionSet | |
►NconfigDictField | |
CConfigDict | |
CConfigDictField | |
►NconfigField | |
CConfigField | |
►NconfigurableField | |
CConfigurableField | |
CConfigurableInstance | |
►NdictField | |
CDict | |
CDictField | |
►Nhistory | |
CColor | |
►NlistField | |
CList | |
CListField | |
►NrangeField | |
CRangeField | |
►Nregistry | |
CConfigurableWrapper | |
CRegistry | |
CRegistryAdaptor | |
CRegistryField | |
CRegistryInstanceDict | |
►Npybind11 | |
►Ndetail | |
Ctype_caster< boost::variant< Ts... > > | |
Ctype_caster< lsst::sphgeom::Relationship > | This struct is a partial specialization of type_caster for for lsst::sphgeom::Relationship |
Cvisit_helper< boost::variant > | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< lsst::afw::cameraGeom::CameraSys > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::cameraGeom::CameraSysPrefix > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::coord::Observatory > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::coord::Weather > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::detection::detail::PsfCacheKey > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::geom::polygon::Polygon > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::geom::Span > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::image::Color > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::image::Filter > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::image::FilterProperty > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::image::pixel::Pixel< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::image::pixel::SinglePixel< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::image::VisitInfo > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::AliasMap > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::ArrayKey< T > > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::BoxKey< T > > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::CoordKey > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::CovarianceMatrixKey< T, N > > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::EllipseKey > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::Key< lsst::afw::table::Flag > > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::Key< T > > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::PointKey< T > > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::QuadrupoleKey > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::table::Schema > | |
Chash< lsst::afw::typehandling::PolymorphicValue > | Hash specialization for PolymorphicValue |
Chash< lsst::afw::typehandling::Storable > | Generic hash to allow polymorphic access to Storable |
Chash< lsst::daf::base::DateTime > | |
Chash< lsst::geom::Angle > | |
Chash< lsst::geom::AngleUnit > | |
Chash< lsst::geom::Box2D > | |
Chash< lsst::geom::Box2I > | |
Chash< lsst::geom::Extent< T, N > > | |
Chash< lsst::geom::IntervalD > | |
Chash< lsst::geom::IntervalI > | |
Chash< lsst::geom::Point< T, N > > | |
Chash< lsst::geom::SpherePoint > | |
Chash< lsst::jointcal::CcdImageKey > | Hash a ccdImage by its visit and ccd IDs |
Chash< typename lsst::afw::typehandling::Key< K, V > > | |
CCholmodSimplicialLDLT2 | |
CRelativeSpanIterator | This is a convenience class used in symmetrizeFootprint, wrapping the idea of iterating through a SpanList either forward or backward, and looking at dx,dy coordinates relative to a center cx,cy coordinate |