LSST Applications 28.0.0,g04a91732dc+39818242a5,g07dc498a13+fb7087bc2f,g1409bbee79+fb7087bc2f,g1a7e361dbc+fb7087bc2f,g1fd858c14a+9df69a7481,g2f761dc78e+ee57be4232,g33399d78f5+cf93122263,g35bb328faa+e55fef2c71,g3bd4b5ce2c+783699ab0a,g3dabb73f91+b2cce74dd5,g53246c7159+e55fef2c71,g579b87e3d2+0e3e70cf0c,g60b5630c4e+ee57be4232,g78460c75b0+8427c4cc8f,g786e29fd12+307f82e6af,g8534526c7b+8e1c6b434f,g89139ef638+fb7087bc2f,g8b49a6ea8e+ee57be4232,g9125e01d80+e55fef2c71,g989de1cb63+fb7087bc2f,g9f33ca652e+f0b312e6e5,gaaedd4e678+fb7087bc2f,gabe3b4be73+9c0c3c7524,gb1101e3267+d435cc4fc1,gb58c049af0+28045f66fd,gca43fec769+e55fef2c71,gce7788e931+45507d8af6,gcf25f946ba+cf93122263,gd6cbbdb0b4+f6e5445f66,gdd34b64689+253bbba413,gdd9490a0bf+839504dd15,gde0f65d7ad+7e65c638d5,ge278dab8ac+b4c2c8faf7,geab183fbe5+ee57be4232,gec3dcf77f0+e7bc33f3ea,gecb8035dfe+1f480bec5e,gf58bf46354+e55fef2c71,gfe7187db8c+b1624e96ed
LSST Data Management Base Package
Functions | |
canRunTests () | |
createTwoFakeCcdImages (num1=4, num2=4, seed=100, fakeDetectorId=12, photoCalibMean1=1e-2, photoCalibMean2=1.2e-2, fakeWcses=(None, None), fakeVisitInfos=(None, None)) | |
createFakeCcdImage (butler, visit, num, fluxFieldName, photoCalibMean=1e-2, photoCalibErr=1.0, fakeDetectorId=12, fakeWcs=None, fakeVisitInfo=None) | |
createFakeCatalog (num, bbox, fluxFieldName, skyWcs=None, refCat=False) | |
fillCatalog (schema, num, bbox, centroidKey, xErrKey, yErrKey, shapeKey, fluxFieldName, skyWcs=None, fluxErrFraction=0.05, refCat=False) | |
getMeasuredStarsFromCatalog (catalog, pixToFocal) | |
Functions to help create jointcal tests by generating fake data.
lsst.jointcal.testUtils.canRunTests | ( | ) |
Returns True if the necessary packages and files are available. We need ``obs_cfht`` to load the test/data/cfht_minimal dataset, which includes the metadata that is used to build the fake catalogs.
Definition at line 39 of file
lsst.jointcal.testUtils.createFakeCatalog | ( | num, | |
bbox, | |||
fluxFieldName, | |||
skyWcs = None, | |||
refCat = False ) |
Return a fake minimally-useful catalog for jointcal. Parameters ---------- num : `int` Number of sources to put in the catalogs. Should be a square, to have sqrt(num) centroids on a grid. bbox : `lsst.geom.Box2I` Bounding Box of the detector to populate. fluxFieldName : `str` Name of the flux field to populate in the catalog, without `_instFlux` (e.g. "slot_CalibFlux"). skyWcs : `lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs` or None, optional If supplied, use this to fill in coordinates from centroids. refCat : `bool`, optional Return a ``SimpleCatalog`` so that it behaves like a reference catalog? Returns ------- catalog : `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog` A populated source catalog.
Definition at line 191 of file
lsst.jointcal.testUtils.createFakeCcdImage | ( | butler, | |
visit, | |||
num, | |||
fluxFieldName, | |||
photoCalibMean = 1e-2, | |||
photoCalibErr = 1.0, | |||
fakeDetectorId = 12, | |||
fakeWcs = None, | |||
fakeVisitInfo = None ) |
Create a fake CcdImage by making a fake catalog. Parameters ---------- butler : `lsst.daf.butler.Butler` Butler to load metadata from. visit : `int` Visit identifier to build a butler dataId. num : `int` Number of sources to put in the catalogs. Should be a square, to have sqrt(num) centroids on a grid. fluxFieldName : `str` Name of the flux field to populate in the catalog, without `_instFlux` (e.g. "slot_CalibFlux"). photoCalibMean : `float`, optional Value to set for calibrationMean in the created PhotoCalib. Note: this value is 1/instFluxMag0, so it should be less than 1. photoCalibErr : `float`, optional Value to set for calibrationErr in the created PhotoCalib. fakeDetectorId : `int`, optional Use this as the detectorId in the returned CcdImage. fakeWcs : `lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs`, optional A SkyWcs to use instead of one read from disk. fakeVisitInfo : `lsst.afw.image.VisitInfo`, optional A VisitInfo to use instead of one read from disk. Returns ------- struct : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` Result struct with components: - `catalog` : Catalogs containing fake sources (`lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog`). - `ccdImage` : CcdImage containing the metadata and fake sources (`lsst.jointcal.CcdImage`). - `bbox` : Bounding Box of the image (`lsst.geom.Box2I`). - `skyWcs` : SkyWcs of the image (`lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs`).
Definition at line 133 of file
lsst.jointcal.testUtils.createTwoFakeCcdImages | ( | num1 = 4, | |
num2 = 4, | |||
seed = 100, | |||
fakeDetectorId = 12, | |||
photoCalibMean1 = 1e-2, | |||
photoCalibMean2 = 1.2e-2, | |||
fakeWcses = (None, None), | |||
fakeVisitInfos = (None, None) ) |
Return two fake ccdImages built on CFHT Megacam metadata. If ``num1 == num2``, the catalogs will align on-sky so each source will have a match in the other catalog. This uses the butler dataset stored in `tests/data/cfht_minimal` to bootstrap the metadata. Parameters ---------- num1, num2 : `int`, optional Number of sources to put in the first and second catalogs. Should be a square, to have sqrt(num) centroids on a grid. seed : `int`, optional Seed value for np.random. fakeDetectorId : `int`, optional Sensor identifier to use for both CcdImages. The wcs, bbox, photoCalib, etc. will still be drawn from the CFHT ccd=12 files, as that is the only testdata that is included in this simple test dataset. photoCalibMean1, photoCalibMean2: `float`, optional The mean photometric calibration to pass to each ccdImage construction. Note: this value is 1/instFluxMag0, so it should be less than 1. fakeWcses : `list` [`lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs`], optional The SkyWcses to use instead of the ones read from disk. fakeWcses : `list` [`lsst.afw.image.VisitInfo`], optional The VisitInfos to use instead of the ones read from disk. Returns ------- struct : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` Result struct with components: - `camera` : Camera representing these catalogs (`lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Camera`). - `catalogs` : Catalogs containing fake sources (`list` of `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog`). - `ccdImageList` : CcdImages containing the metadata and fake sources (`list` of `lsst.jointcal.CcdImage`). - `bbox` : Bounding Box of the image (`lsst.geom.Box2I`). - 'fluxFieldName' : name of the instFlux field in the catalogs ('str').
Definition at line 52 of file
lsst.jointcal.testUtils.fillCatalog | ( | schema, | |
num, | |||
bbox, | |||
centroidKey, | |||
xErrKey, | |||
yErrKey, | |||
shapeKey, | |||
fluxFieldName, | |||
skyWcs = None, | |||
fluxErrFraction = 0.05, | |||
refCat = False ) |
Return a catalog populated with fake, but reasonable, sources. Centroids are placed on a uniform grid, errors are normally distributed. Parameters ---------- schema : `lsst.afw.table.Schema` Pre-built schema to make the catalog from. num : `int` Number of sources to put in the catalog. bbox : `lsst.geom.Box2I` Bounding box of the ccd to put sources in. centroidKey : `lsst.afw.table.Key` Key for the centroid field to populate. xErrKey : `lsst.afw.table.Key` Key for the xErr field to populate. yErrKey : `lsst.afw.table.Key` Key for the yErr field to populate. shapeKey : `lsst.afw.table.Key` Key for the shape field to populate. fluxFieldName : `str` Name of the flux field to populate in the catalog, without `_instFlux` (e.g. "slot_CalibFlux"). skyWcs : `lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs` or None, optional If supplied, use this to fill in coordinates from centroids. fluxErrFraction : `float`, optional Fraction of instFlux to use for the instFluxErr. refCat : `bool`, optional Return a ``SimpleCatalog`` so that it behaves like a reference catalog? Returns ------- catalog : `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog` The filled catalog.
Definition at line 236 of file
lsst.jointcal.testUtils.getMeasuredStarsFromCatalog | ( | catalog, | |
pixToFocal ) |
Return a list of measuredStars built from a catalog. Parameters ---------- catalog : `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog` The table to get sources from. pixToFocal : `lsst.afw.geom.TransformPoint2ToPoint2` Transform that goes from pixel to focal plane coordinates, to set the MeasuredStar x/y focal points. Returns ------- stars : `list` of `lsst.jointcal.MeasuredStar` MeasuredStars built from the catalog sources.
Definition at line 313 of file