23#ifndef AFW_TABLE_Exposure_h_INCLUDED
24#define AFW_TABLE_Exposure_h_INCLUDED
66template <
typename RecordT>
132 bool includeValidPolygon =
155 return _transmissionCurve;
158 _transmissionCurve =
217 Schema r = getMinimalSchema().schema;
218 r.disconnectAliases();
279 struct MinimalSchema {
288 static MinimalSchema& getMinimalSchema();
292 template <
typename RecordT>
309template <
typename RecordT>
341 template <
typename InputIterator>
352 template <
typename OtherRecordT>
372 writer->write(*
470 bool includeValidPolygon =
481 bool includeValidPolygon =
A representation of a detector in a mosaic camera.
A polymorphic base class for representing an image's Point Spread Function.
A simple struct that combines the two arguments that must be passed to most cfitsio routines and cont...
Lifetime-management for memory that goes into FITS memory files.
A 2-dimensional celestial WCS that transform pixels to ICRS RA/Dec, using the LSST standard for pixel...
A thin wrapper around std::map to allow aperture corrections to be attached to Exposures.
The photometric calibration of an exposure.
A spatially-varying transmission curve as a function of wavelength.
Information about a single exposure of an imaging camera.
Field< T >::Value get(Key< T > const &key) const
Return the value of a field for the given key.
std::shared_ptr< BaseTable const > getTable() const
Return the table this record is associated with.
BaseRecord(ConstructionToken const &, detail::RecordData &&data)
Construct a record with uninitialized data.
void set(Key< T > const &key, U const &value)
Set value of a field for the given key.
std::shared_ptr< BaseRecord > copyRecord(BaseRecord const &input)
Deep-copy a record, requiring that it have the same schema as this table.
BaseTable(Schema const &schema, std::shared_ptr< daf::base::PropertyList > metadata=nullptr)
Construct from a schema.
std::shared_ptr< Table > getTable() const
Return the table associated with the catalog.
void writeFits(std::string const &filename, std::string const &mode="w", int flags=0) const
Write a FITS binary table to a regular file.
Custom catalog class for ExposureRecord/Table.
ExposureCatalogT & operator=(ExposureCatalogT &&)=default
ExposureCatalogT(ExposureCatalogT &&)=default
static ExposureCatalogT readFits(std::string const &filename, int hdu=fits::DEFAULT_HDU, int flags=0)
Read a FITS binary table from a regular file.
static ExposureCatalogT readFits(fits::MemFileManager &manager, int hdu=fits::DEFAULT_HDU, int flags=0)
Read a FITS binary table from a RAM file.
ExposureCatalogT(Base const &other)
ExposureCatalogT(ExposureCatalogT const &)=default
ExposureCatalogT(std::shared_ptr< Table > const &table, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, bool deep=false)
Construct a vector from a table and an iterator range.
typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator
ExposureCatalogT subsetContaining(lsst::geom::Point2D const &point, geom::SkyWcs const &wcs, bool includeValidPolygon=false) const
Return a shallow subset of the catalog with only those records that contain the given point.
typename Record::Table Table
static ExposureCatalogT readFromArchive(io::InputArchive const &archive, BaseCatalog const &catalog)
Convenience input function for Persistables that contain an ExposureCatalog.
void writeToArchive(io::OutputArchiveHandle &handle, bool ignoreUnpersistable=true) const
Convenience output function for Persistables that contain an ExposureCatalog.
static ExposureCatalogT readFits(fits::Fits &fitsfile, int flags=0)
Read a FITS binary table from a file object already at the correct extension.
ExposureCatalogT & operator=(ExposureCatalogT const &)=default
ExposureCatalogT(Schema const &schema)
Construct a vector from a schema, creating a table with Table::make(schema).
static ExposureCatalogT readFits(fits::Fits &fitsfile, std::shared_ptr< io::InputArchive > archive, int flags=0)
Read a FITS binary table from a file object already at the correct extension.
void writeFits(fits::Fits &fitsfile, std::shared_ptr< io::OutputArchive > archive, int flags=0) const
Write a FITS binary table to an open file object.
typename Base::iterator iterator
ExposureCatalogT subsetContaining(lsst::geom::SpherePoint const &coord, bool includeValidPolygon=false) const
Return a shallow subset of the catalog with only those records that contain the given point.
ExposureCatalogT< RecordT > subset(ndarray::Array< bool const, 1 > const &mask) const
Return the subset of a catalog corresponding to the True values of the given mask array.
ExposureCatalogT subset(std::ptrdiff_t startd, std::ptrdiff_t stopd, std::ptrdiff_t step) const
Shallow copy a subset of another ExposureCatalog.
ExposureCatalogT(std::shared_ptr< Table > const &table=std::shared_ptr< Table >())
Construct a vector from a table (or nothing).
ExposureCatalogT(ExposureCatalogT< OtherRecordT > const &other)
Shallow copy constructor from a container containing a related record type.
Record class used to store exposure metadata.
bool contains(lsst::geom::SpherePoint const &coord, bool includeValidPolygon=false) const
Return true if the bounding box contains the given celestial coordinate point, taking into account th...
ColumnViewT< ExposureRecord > ColumnView
std::shared_ptr< image::PhotoCalib const > getPhotoCalib() const
std::shared_ptr< detection::Psf const > getPsf() const
void setVisitInfo(std::shared_ptr< image::VisitInfo const > visitInfo)
std::shared_ptr< image::VisitInfo const > getVisitInfo() const
lsst::geom::Box2I getBBox() const
std::shared_ptr< image::TransmissionCurve const > getTransmissionCurve() const
ExposureCatalogT< const ExposureRecord > ConstCatalog
~ExposureRecord() override
std::shared_ptr< geom::polygon::Polygon const > getValidPolygon() const
void setTransmissionCurve(std::shared_ptr< image::TransmissionCurve const > transmissionCurve)
std::shared_ptr< geom::SkyWcs const > getWcs() const
Get/Set the the attached Wcs, Psf, PhotoCalib, or ApCorrMap. No copies are made.
ExposureRecord(ExposureRecord &&)=delete
void setValidPolygon(std::shared_ptr< geom::polygon::Polygon const > polygon)
ExposureRecord(ConstructionToken const &token, detail::RecordData &&data)
Constructor used by ExposureTable.
void setApCorrMap(std::shared_ptr< image::ApCorrMap const > apCorrMap)
friend class ExposureTable
void setWcs(std::shared_ptr< geom::SkyWcs const > wcs)
ExposureRecord(ExposureRecord const &)=delete
ExposureRecord & operator=(ExposureRecord &&)=delete
ExposureCatalogT< ExposureRecord > Catalog
void setBBox(lsst::geom::Box2I const &bbox)
std::shared_ptr< ExposureTable const > getTable() const
void setPsf(std::shared_ptr< detection::Psf const > psf)
ExposureRecord & operator=(ExposureRecord const &)=delete
std::shared_ptr< cameraGeom::Detector const > getDetector() const
void _assign(BaseRecord const &other) override
Called by assign() after transferring fields to allow subclass data members to be copied.
void setPhotoCalib(std::shared_ptr< image::PhotoCalib const > photoCalib)
std::shared_ptr< image::ApCorrMap const > getApCorrMap() const
void setDetector(std::shared_ptr< cameraGeom::Detector const > detector)
Table class used to store exposure metadata.
std::shared_ptr< ExposureRecord > makeRecord()
Default-construct an associated record.
ExposureCatalogT< const Record > ConstCatalog
friend class ExposureCatalogT
static PointKey< int > getBBoxMinKey()
Key for the minimum point of the bbox.
std::shared_ptr< ExposureRecord > copyRecord(BaseRecord const &other)
Deep-copy a record, requiring that it have the same schema as this table.
std::shared_ptr< BaseRecord > _makeRecord() override
Default-construct an associated record (protected implementation).
std::shared_ptr< ExposureTable > clone() const
Return a polymorphic deep copy of the table.
std::shared_ptr< io::FitsWriter > makeFitsWriter(fits::Fits *fitsfile, int flags) const override
static Box2IKey getBBoxKey()
Key for the full bbox.
ColumnViewT< ExposureRecord > ColumnView
static Key< RecordId > getIdKey()
Get keys for standard fields shared by all references.
~ExposureTable() override
ExposureTable & operator=(ExposureTable &&)=delete
static bool checkSchema(Schema const &other)
Return true if the given schema is a valid ExposureTable schema.
ExposureCatalogT< Record > Catalog
static Schema makeMinimalSchema()
Return a minimal schema for Exposure tables and records.
ExposureTable(Schema const &schema)
static PointKey< int > getBBoxMaxKey()
Key for the maximum point of the bbox.
std::shared_ptr< BaseTable > _clone() const override
Clone implementation with noncovariant return types.
ExposureTable(ExposureTable const &other)
std::shared_ptr< ExposureRecord > copyRecord(BaseRecord const &other, SchemaMapper const &mapper)
Deep-copy a record, requiring that it have the same schema as this table.
static std::shared_ptr< ExposureTable > make(Schema const &schema)
Construct a new table.
ExposureTable & operator=(ExposureTable const &)=delete
A class used as a handle to a particular field in a table.
A FunctorKey used to get or set a lsst::geom::Point from an (x,y) pair of int or double Keys.
Defines the fields and offsets for a table.
int contains(Schema const &other, int flags=EQUAL_KEYS) const
Test whether the given schema is a subset of this.
A mapping between the keys of two Schemas, used to copy data between them.
typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator
typename Base::iterator iterator
SortedCatalogT(SortedCatalogT const &)=default
SortedCatalogT< RecordT > subset(ndarray::Array< bool const, 1 > const &mask) const
Return the subset of a catalog corresponding to the True values of the given mask array.
static ContainerT apply(afw::fits::Fits &fits, int ioFlags, std::shared_ptr< InputArchive > archive=std::shared_ptr< InputArchive >())
Create a new Catalog by reading a FITS binary table.
Writer object for FITS binary tables.
An object passed to Persistable::write to allow it to persist itself.
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Point in an unspecified spherical coordinate system.
const int DEFAULT_HDU
Specify that the default HDU should be read.
ColumnViewT< ExposureRecord > ExposureColumnView
ExposureCatalogT< ExposureRecord > ExposureCatalog
ExposureCatalogT< const ExposureRecord > ConstExposureCatalog
CatalogT< BaseRecord > BaseCatalog
BoxKey< lsst::geom::Box2I > Box2IKey
std::int64_t RecordId
Type used for unique IDs for records.
Point< double, 2 > Point2D
T static_pointer_cast(T... args)
Helper struct that contains the information passed from BaseTable to BaseRecord at construction.